Prabarini Kartika
Abstrak :
Sebanyak 34,9% masyarakat Indonesia sudah memanfaatkan internet dengan 18% penggunanya adalah mahasiswa. Jurnalisme 2.0 saat ini membuat masyarakat dapat berinteraksi langsung dengan produsen berita. Praktik jurnalisme saat ini sudah mengedepankan penggunaan foto, audio, video, animasi, infografis, dan teks dan media online dapat menggabungkan semua aspek tersebut. Indonesia dibanjiri situs olahraga tetapi didominasi oleh situs olahraga sepakbola. Tidak ada situs yang khusus membahas olahraga seputar kampus. Padahal, menurut hasil wawancara mendalam, kegiatan olahraga kampus perlu diliput media sehingga atlet kampus merasa diapresiasi. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut, maka dikembangan prototype portal berita olahraga kampus bernama ?Sports & Beyond?. Target primer media ini adalah penggemar olahraga yang ada di universitas seluruh Indonesia dengan mempertimbangkan jangkauan internet di kota besar Indonesia, target sekundernya adalah masyarakat Indonesia. Segmentasi demografis berusia 16-23 tahun, berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan perempuan, dan memiliki SES A-B-C. Dari sisi anggaran, Sports & Beyond akan mencapai Break Even Point (BEP) pada tahun kedua bulan ke-tiga.
As much as 34,9% Indonesian uses internet on a daily basis with 18% of that sum being university students. Journalism 2.0 makes it possible for the pubic to have a direct interactions news producer. Journalism practice nowadays has encouraged the uses of photos, audios, videos, animation, infographics, and texts, with internet, all of those means can be combined. Indonesia is flooded with sports related sites which most of the contents are about Football. There are, however, no sport sites which focuses on college sports activities. Whereas, according to the result of our in-depth interviews, sports activities in college needs to be covered by the media in order for the athletes to be appreciated. To answer the problem, the prototype that are being developed is a type of news portal named Sports & Beyond. This news portal is chosen based on our research that has been spread to 50 respondents. The prime target of this media is sport fans in universities in Indonesia with the consideration of internet reach in big cities in Indonesia, the secondary target is the public in Indonesia. The segmented demography is male and female that has SES A-B-C at the age of 16-23 years. Looking from budgeting, Sports & Beyond will reach its Break Even Point (BEP) in the second year on the third month.
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library