ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu rancangan sistem kinerja lean services pada perusahaan jasa migas dengan mengintegrasikan Balanced Scorecard yang diadaptasi dan AHP serta memperoleh kriteria dan sub-kriteria indikator kinerja yang paling berpengaruh pada lean services perusahaan jasa migas. Keenam kriteria balanced scorecard yang diadaptasi tersebut adalah customer, financial, processes, people, supplier dan future.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua indikator kriteria kinerja yang paling berpengaruh dalam pengukuran kinerja lean services pada perusahaan jasa migas adalah kriteria customer dan financial sehingga perlu diprioritaskan dalam evaluasi kinerja pelaksanaan lean services di lapangan. Sub-kriteria indikator kinerja customer terdiri dari service quality, on time delivery, customer satisfaction index, Return rate of tools from location, number of customers complaints. Sub-kriteria indikator kinerja financial terdiri dari profits/employee, cost saving in lean project, ROI (Return on Investment) dan project cost in lean project.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to obtain a design of lean services performance by integrating adapted Balanced Scorecard and AHP and also to obtain criteria and sub-criteria of lean services performance indicator in oilfield service industry. The six criteria of adapted balanced scorecard are customer, financial, processes, people, supplier and future.
The results showed two indicators of the performance criteria of the most influential in the lean services performance measurement within oilfield service industry are customer and financial criteria that need to be prioritized in the performance evaluation of lean services implementation in the field. Sub-indicator criteria consisted of customer service quality, on time delivery, customer satisfaction index, return rate of tools from location, number of customers complaints. Sub-indicators of financial criteria consisted of profits / employee, cost saving in lean project, ROI (Return on Investment) and project cost in lean project."