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Rahma Nur Istiqomah
Abstrak :
Dislipidemia menyebabkan abnormalitas pada lemak darah seperti peningkatan Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-c). Pajanan SMF berpengaruh pada membran untuk memodulasi jumlah Ca2+ intraseluler melalui jalur calmodulin sehingga mempengaruhi ekspresi gen yang memodulasi degradasi LDL-c. Protein Sterol-regulatory element-binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) merupakan protein yang berperan dalam regulasi kolesterol dan sebagai faktor transkripsi dari gen Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) untuk berikatan dengan LDL-c yang ada di plasma darah, sehingga berkaitan dengan kadar LDL-c. Tujuan peneitian ini melihat efek pajanan SMF dengan Bmax=2mT selama 1 jam/hari dalam mempengaruhi efek biologis sel sehingga mempengaruhi kadar kalsium, Ekspresi SREBP-2 dan LDLR. Mencit C57BL/6J jantan dibagi menjadi kelompok pakan normal dan High Fat Diet (HFD). Kelompok HFD dibagi menjadi kelompok Obes (0,2,7,14,dan21) berdasarkan hari pajanan. Kemudian diambil plasma untuk untuk melihat Kolesterol dan LDL-c dan organ hati untuk analisis kalsium dan ekspresi SREBP-2 dan LDLR. Terdapat perubahan kadar kolesterol dan LDL-c pada plasma darah secara signifikan P<0.05 dan cenderung mengalami peningkatan kadar kalsium, ekspresi LDLR, dan SREBP-2, pada kelompok pajan dibandingkan dengan kontrol P>0.05. Oleh karena itu, pajanan SMF berpengaruh terhadap kadar total kolesterol dan LDL-c pada sirkulasi darah serta mempengaruhi kadar kalsium, ekspresi protein SREBP-2, dan ekspresi gen LDLR. Efek pajanan SMF terhadap total kolesterol, LDL-c, kadar kalsium, ekspresi SREBP-2 dan LDLR. Bergantug pada lama pajanan, dimana pada penelitian ini lama pajanan optimal adalah 7 har ......Dyslipidemia causes abnormalities in blood lipids, such as an increase in Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-c). SMF exposure affects the membrane to modulate the amount of intracellular Ca2+ through the calmodulin pathway, thereby affecting the expression of genes that modulate LDL-c degradation. Protein Sterol-regulatory element-binding protein-2 (SREBP-2) is a protein that plays a role in cholesterol regulation. As a transcription factor of the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor (LDLR) gene binds to LDL-c in blood plasma, it is related to LDL-c levels. This study aimed to look at the effect of exposure to SMF with Bmax=2mT for 1 hour/day in influencing the biological effects of cells, thereby affecting calcium levels, SREBP-2, and LDLR expression. Male C57BL/6J mice were divided into standard and high-fat diet (HFD) groups. The HFD group was divided into obese groups (0,2,7,14, and 21) based on the day of exposure. Then plasma was taken to see Cholesterol and LDL-c and liver for calcium analysis and SREBP-2 and LDLR expression. There were significant changes in blood plasma cholesterol and LDL-c levels P<0.05 and tended to have increased calcium levels, LDLR expression, and SREBP-2 in the exposure group compared to controls P>0.05. Therefore, SMF exposure affects total cholesterol and LDL-c levels in the blood circulation and affects calcium levels, SREBP-2 protein expression, and LDLR gene expression. Effect of SMF exposure on total cholesterol, LDL-c, calcium levels, SREBP-2, and LDLR expression. Depending on the length of exposure, in this study, the optimal exposure time was 7 days.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Nur Istiqomah
Abstrak :
Pemeriksaan di instalasi radiologi setiap tahun semakin bertambah jumlahnya yang menyebabkan meningkatnya resiko bahaya radiasi pada petugas yang bekerja di medan radiasi. Pemantauan dosis radiasi telah dilakukan pada setiap petugas menggunakan dosimeter analog akan tetapi alat yang digunakan hanya dapat dibaca dalam 3 bulan sekali dan memiliki efek fading atau hilangnya dosis selama pemakaian. Lamanya waktu pembacaan dosis pada alat dosimeter analog menyebabkan petugas tidak menerima hasil bacaan tepat waktu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat dosimeter secara digital yang mampu menampilkan hasil secara real-time dan memiliki penyimpanan yang baik pada website berbasis internet of things. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan sensor Geiger Muller M4011, rangkaian tegangan tinggi 350-400 Volt DC, rangkaian pembaca sinyal dan mikrokontroler ESP32. Pengujian kemampuan alat dilakukan dengan cara memberikan radiasi gamma pada alat prototipe dan dibandingkan hasilnya dengan alat standar Fluke 481. Analisis data dilihat rata-rata tiap pengujian dan standar deviasinya. Uji statistik menggunakan aplikasi Graphad Prism 9 untuk menyajikan statistik deskriptif dan uji beda menggunakan Mann Whitney test. Hasil perakitan sensor Geiger Muller M4011 dihubungkan dengan rangkaian tegangan tinggi 400 Volt dan mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP32 DevKit V1 berhasil dirancang. Hasil dosis radiasi yang telah diolah ditampilkan dalam display OLED 128×64 dan aplikasi ThingSpeak melalui jaringan Wi-Fi. Prototipe mampu menangkap radiasi dengan rata-rata dan standar deviasi 0,02±0,01, pada alat standar Fluke 481 yaitu 0,01±0,002 pada jarak 15cm, 0,01±0,01 dan 0,009±0,00 pada jarak 30cm dan 0,008±0,009 dan 0,009±0,00 pada jarak 45cm. Hasil uji beda menggunakan Mann Whitney test mendapat p-value 0,0015, >0,9999, dan 0,018. Perbaikan dimensi alat dan pemilihan jenis sensor dapat dilakukan meningkatkan kemampuan prototipe serta pengujian alat menggunakan sumber radioaktif berenergi besar atau menggunakan pesawat sinar-X untuk melihat kemampuan alat menangkap energi terendah dan tertinggi. ......Examinations at radiology installations are increasing every year which causes an increased risk of radiation hazards for officers working in the radiation field. Radiation dose monitoring has been carried out for each officer using an analog dosimeter, but the tool used can only be read once every 3 months and has a fading effect or loss of dose during use. The length of time it takes to read the dose on the analog dosimeter device causes officers not to receive the readings on time. This study aims to create a digital dosimeter capable of displaying real-time results and having good storage based on internet of things (IoT). The research was conducted using the Geiger Muller M4011 sensor, a high voltage circuit of 350-400 Volt DC, a signal reader circuit and an ESP32 microcontroller. Testing the capability of the device is carried out by giving gamma radiation to the prototype and comparing the results with the standard Fluke 481. Data analysis looks at the average of each test and its standard deviation. The statistical test used the Graphpad Prism 9 application to present descriptive statistics and the different test used the Mann Whitney test. The results of the Geiger Muller M4011 sensor assembly connected to a 400 Volt high voltage circuit and the NodeMCU ESP32 DevKit V1 microcontroller were successfully designed. The processed dose results are displayed on a 128×64 OLED display and the ThingSpeak application via a Wi-Fi network. The prototype captured radiation with a mean and standard deviation of 0.02±0.01, on the standard Fluke 481 0.01±0.002 at 15cm distance, 0.01±0.01 and 0.009±0.00 at 30cm distance and 0.008±0.009 and 0.009±0.00 at a distance of 45cm. The different test results using the Mann Whitney test got p-values of 0.0015, >0.9999, and 0.018. Improvements to the dimensions of the tool and the selection of the type of sensor can be carried out to increase the ability of the prototype as well as testing the device using high-energy radioactive sources or using an X-ray machine to see the ability of the device to capture the lowest and highest energy.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Istiqomah
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah di Pesantren Al-Hikam Depok, yang merupakan cabang dari Tarekat Qadiriyah di Sudan. Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah dibawa ke Indonesia dan disebarkan oleh Syekh Muhammad Hilmi ash-Shiddiqi al-Araki. Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah disebarkan di Indonesia salah satunya melalui Pesantren Al-Hikam Depok. Ajaran Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah dipagari oleh Alquran dan hadis serta ijm ? ? ? dan qiy ? ? ? s. Zikir Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah dilakukan secara jahr dan khafiy dengan menggunakan metode jardalan. Di dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan sejarah, yang melalui empat jenis prosedur pengumpulan data yakni heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan sejarah dan perkembangan Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah di Indonesia, ajaran dan praktik Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah di Pesantren Al-Hikam Depok, serta metode zikir yang digunakan Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah di Pesantren Al-Hikam Depok. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah merupakan tarekat baru di Indonesia, sehingga belum dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia secara luas. Masuknya Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah dari Sudan ke Indonesia menyebabkan adanya transmisi ilmu tasawuf dan tarekat. Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah berbeda dengan Tarekat Qadiriyah maupun Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah di Indonesia. Perbedaan Tarekat Qadiriyah Arakiyah dengan Tarekat Qadiriyah dan Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah di Indonesia terdapat pada sanad atau silsilah tarekat, metode zikir, dan aur ? ? ? d tambahan setelah aur ? ? ? d asas.
This thesis discusses on Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order in Islamic Boarding School Al Hikam Depok, which is a branch of Qadiriyah Order from Sudan. Qadiriyah Arakiyah Orderwas brought to Indonesia and spread by Sheikh Muhammad Hilmi ash Shiddiqi al Araki. Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order spread all over Indonesia, and one of the institutions is through Islamic Boarding Al Hikam Depok.The teachings of Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order enclosed by the Qur 39 an, hadith, ijm 39 , and qiy s. Zikir Qadiriyah Arakiyah Orderwas practiced by jahr and khafiy using jardalan method. This research was used a qualitative method through historical approach, which involved four document collection procedures, heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography.The purpose of this thesis is to explainthe history and development of Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order in Indonesia, the teachings and practices of Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order in Islamic Boarding School Al Hikam Depok and method of dhikr Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order in Islamic Boarding School Al Hikam Depok. The results of this thesis indicate that Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order is a new orderin Indonesia, it has not been known by the people of Indonesia widely. By Qadiriyah Arakiyah Ordercoming to Indonesia from Sudan causes the transmission of knowledge of sufism and order. Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order is different from Qadiriyah Order and Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah Order in Indonesia. The differences among Qadiriyah Arakiyah Order with Qadiriyah Orderand Qadiriryah wa Naqsyabandiyah Order in Indonesia are in the sanad or tariqa genealogy, the method of dhikr, and additional aur d after the aur d principle.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ina Nur Istiqomah
Abstrak :
Kanker payudara merupakan jenis kanker dengan prevalensi yang tinggi di dunia yang umumnya terjadi pada wanita. Kanker payudara memiliki angka tertinggi yang mencapai hingga 40 per 100.000 kasus setiap tahunnya, dan sebnayak 12,9 diantaranya dapat menyebabkan kematian. Perubahan epigenetik berperan penting dalam proses pembentukan dan penyebaran sel kanker. Metilasi DNA merupakan salah satu jenis dari perubahan epigenetik yang sering terjadi yang dapat memicu terjadinya pertumbuhan sel kanker. Metilasi DNA dikatalisis oleh enzim DNA Metiltransferase 1 DNTM1 yang dapat memindahkan gugus metil dari S-adenosil metionin SAM ke sitosin pada dinukleotida CpG. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan penapisan virtual senyawa bahan alam sebagai inhibitor enzim DNMT1. Penapisan dilakukan terhadap 26.731 senyawa bahan alam yang diperoleh dari NCBI Pubchem databsase. Simulasi penambatan molekul dilakukan dengan menggunakan Molecular Operating Environment MOE 2014.09 untuk mendapatkan 10 ligan terbaik berdasarkan interaksi kompleks ligan-enzim dan energi bebas Gibbs. Karakteristik farmakologi meliputi sifat fsikokimia, toksisitas, karsinogenisitas-mutagenisitas serta bioaktivitas menggunakan online software maupun offline software. Uji farmakologi dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik fisikokimia, toksisitas, karsinogenisitas-mutagenisitas dan bioaktivitas menggunakan software DataWarrior 4.7.2., Toxtree, Molinspiration, admetSAR dan SWISSADME. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah terdapat 3 ligan terbaik yang berasal dari kelompok senyawa bahan alam fenolik yang terpilih berdasarkan karakteristik farmakologi yang dapat dijadikan sebagai kandidat obat untuk terapi kanker payudara.
Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer in woman worldwide. It has the highest number of new cases which amounted to 40 per 100,000 cases per year, 12,9 of which leads to death. Epigenetic alteration plays a vital role in the process of cancer cell formation and propagation. DNA methylation is one of the most common types of epigenetic alteration which generally leads to breast cancer DNA Methylation, a transfer the methyl group from S adenosyl methionin SAM to cytosine in the CpG dinucleotide, is catalyzed by DNMT1 enzyme. In the present study, we performed a virtual screening of natural product compounds as an inhibitors of DNMT1 enzyme. Virtual screening was conducted on 26,731 natural products obtained from the NCBI PubChem database. Three steps of rigid and one step of flexible molecular docking simulations were performed using MOE 2014.09. Through the simulations, 10 ligands based on the Gibbs free binding energies Gbinding and the ligand enzyme complex interactions were identified. Pharmacological test was conducted to observe the psychochemical, toxicity, carcinogenicity mutagenicity, and bioactivity properties by employing DataWarrior 4.7.2., Toxtree, Molinspiration, admetSAR and SWISSADME software. The results revealed that three best ligands from phenolic group were selected due to their exceptional pharmacological characteristics as the drug candidate for breast cancer therapy.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Istiqomah
Abstrak :
Implementation Governmet Finance Statistics in Indonesia is one of the organizations response to the mandate of Law No. 1 year of 2004. As stipulated by that, the Government Financial Statements that is prepared can produce financial statistik. One of the function of the Government Finance Statistics is to analyze and evaluate fiscal policy. DJPB as an organization that compile report as a constituent of the government's financial statements need to respond to this implementation. To realize the implementation of the Government Finance Statistics, organizations affected by the environment in which is located, so that the organization strives to be similar to the environment that is called isomorphism. Isomorphism occurred because of institutional pressures that influence organizational decision making. This study aims to determine the institutional pressures that affect decision making in impelemntasi GFS in Indonesia. The institutional pressure is divided of three to coersive pressure, mimetic pressure and normative pressure. The methodology used in this study is qualitative methods with intrepretatif techniques through institutional theory approach. The results of this study concluded that the organization experience symptoms that responded isomorphism according to the kind of pressure that appears. So that the organization mapped the pressures that affect the decision making of implementation GFS in Indonesia that have appropriate expectations for the purpose of analysis and evaluation of fiscal policy in accordance with Law No. 1 of 2004.
Jakarta: Direktorat Pelaksanaan Anggaran, 2018
336 ITR 3:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library