Kata Kunci : Evaluasi Proses, Pengelolaan Limbah Cair, Rumah Sakit
......Waste management is a health management activity in a hospital. Environmental Health Management requires evaluation so that each activity runs in accordance with the intended purpose. In conducting wastewater treatment, "X" Hospital increase the level of indicators for measuring the quality of liquid waste. The purpose of this study was to research the process of managing wastewater in the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital in 2019. The research method used was a descriptive-analytic study with qualitative research. The informants in this study were staff of the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital. This research began from April - June 2019 in the K3KL unit "X" Hospital. Data sources are taken from secondary data and primary data. The data is then analyzed so that the results of waste management planning are seen in terms of human resources, financing, methods, facilities and infrastructure and materials, wastewater treatment processes, evaluation activities and follow-up carried out in the K3KL unit of the "X" Hospital in processing liquid waste. The conclusion of this study is that the human resources aspect of the K3KL unit still requires an increase in training and development related to WWTP and environmental health, improvement of SPOs, maintenance and repair of facilities and infrastructure for hospital wastewater treatment and there are still several indicators that are in accordance with the supplies provided.
Keyword : Process Evaluation, Wastewater Management, Hospital