Dalam upaya untuk memenuhi permintaan domestik yang masih memiliki potensi sebesar 600-700 ribu MT/tahun serta sekaligus meningkatkan pangsa pasar menjadi 80-85%, perusahaan berencana membangun kilang aspal baru. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan analisis perihal perencanaan kapasitas Kilang Aspal dengan metode peramalan Winter’s Exponential Smoothing dan penentuan lokasi kilang Aspal melalui metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan perencanaan kapasitas, untuk memperoleh pangsa pasar minimal 85% hingga tahun 2030 mendatang, perusahaan harus membangun kilang aspal dengan kapasitas produksi sekitar 2 Juta MT/tahun dengan 4 (empat) alternatif lokasi pembangunan kilang aspal yaitu wilayah Tuban/Jawa Timur, Cilegon/Banten, Dumai/ Riau dan Batam/ Kepulauan Riau. ......Indonesia as a developing country in the Southeast Asia region is one of the countries with a fairly large asphalt consumption. Domestic demand for asphalt annually is around 1.3-1.4 million MT/year and Pertamina, as the only domestic asphalt producer, is currently only able to fulfill 50% of the market share. From the 50% market share, about 300 thousand MT is produced from the Refinery Unit IV located in Cilacap, while the remaining around 300 thousand is obtained through an import scheme.
In order to meet domestic demand which still has a potential of 600-700 thousand MT/year while increasing market share to 80-85%, the company plans to build an asphalt refinery. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the capacity planning of the Asphalt refinery using the Winter's Exponential Smoothing forecasting method and determining the location of the Asphalt refinery using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.
Based on the calculation of capacity planning, to obtain a market share of at least 85% until 2030, the company must build an asphalt refinery with a production capacity of about 2 million MT/year with 4 (four) alternative locations for asphalt refinery construction, namely the Tuban/East Java, Cilegon area. /Banten, Dumai/Riau and Batam/Riau Islands.