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Abstrak :
Infeksi terkait perawatan rumah sakit, dalam hal ini Infeksi Aliran Darah (IAD), merupakan masalah serius yang masih sering dijumpai. Salah satu strategi efektif untuk mengatasi hal ini adalah praktik cuci tangan sesuai rekomendasi WHO, namun sampai saat ini angka kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan masih saja belum optimal dilakukan karena berbagai faktor. Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan terhadap angka kejadian IAD di unit neonatal sebelum dan setelah edukasi. Metode: Penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dengan mengumpulkan data secara retrospektif dari Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi Rumah Sakit (PPIRS), yaitu laporan audit angka kepatuhan cuci tangan dan kejadian IAD di unit neonatal selama periode Januari 2011-September 2014, kemudian dilakukan uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Kejadian IAD mencapai rerata 9,4%0, dengan angka kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan mencapai rerata 68%.Kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan tertinggi pada perawat (70%), diikuti oleh dokter (57%), sedangkan terendah adalah petugas kebersihan dan laboratorium (22%).Tidak didapatkan hubungan korelasi secara statistik antara kepatuhan cuci tangan tenaga kesehatan terhadap kejadian IAD di unit neonatal sebelum dan setelah edukasi (p>0.05). Kepatuhan tertinggi diantara 5 kesempatan cuci tangan adalah setelah terkena cairan tubuh (84%), dan kepatuhan terendah pada kesempatan setelah kontak dengan lingkungan (46%).Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepatuhan cuci tangan pada unit perawatan, dimana level 3 terbukti lebih tinggi (71,5%) daripada level 2 (69,1%). Simpulan: Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik antara kepatuhan cuci tangan petugas kesehatan di unit neonatal terhadap kejadian IAD sebelum dan setelah edukasi. Secara angka absolut didapatkan penurunan IAD pada peningkatan kepatuhan cuci tangan.
Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.;Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance., Background. Healthcare-associated infection (HAI)- bloodstream infection (BSI) remains a serious problem that is often encountered. One of the most effective and simple practice strategy recommended by WHO to reduce HAI-BSI rate is hand hygiene in health care. Unfortunately, hand hygiene compliance of medical staff vary considerably among health centers because of multifactorial . Objective. To analyse the correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM before and after hand hygiene edeucation Methods. Cross sectional study design was used. Hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection data was collected retrospectively from prevention and control infection hospital database during January 2011-September 2014. Spearman correlation test was performed to assess it. Results. Bloodstream infection insidens rate is 9,4%0 and average of hand hygiene compliance in neonatal unit is 68%. The highest hand hygiene compliance is nurses (70%), and doctors (57%), the lowest hand hygiene compliance is laboran and cleaning services (20%). Hand hygiene practice in 5 moments was performed most often after body fluid expossure risk (84%) and the lowest is after touching patient surroundings (46%).There is no signifficant stastical correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection case in neonatal unit RSCM (p>0.05). The hand hygiene compliance in 3rd level(71,5%) is higher than 2nd level (69,1%) . Conclusion. There are no signifficant correlation between hand hygiene compliance and bloodstream infection, including before and after the hand hygiene educational programs in neonatal unit. Basically, there is a decline of bloodstream infection rates inthe increasedof hand hygiene compliance.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Konduktivitas kalor adalah suatu sifat material yang sangat penting dalam pemilihan suatu jenis material, terutama dalam perencanaan dalam bidang teknik. Karena hal tersebut akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap efisiensi maupun segi ekonomisnya. Harga konduktivitas kalor dari bermacam-macam material sudah didapatkan dari referensi yang sudah ada, yaitu dari standar ASHRAE maupun CARRIER. Namun untuk mengetahui harga k dad suatu jenis material pada kondisi tertentu tidak bisa didapatkan dalam referensi tersebut. Sehingga untuk mengetahuinya adalah dengan cara pengujian secara langsung. Salah satu alat pengujian harga konduktivitas kalor yang sudah teruji keakuratanya adalah “Thermal Conductivity Measuring Apparatus ". Pada peralatan ini sudah terpasang termooouple dibeberapa tilik pengukuran dan terpasang pula material uji standar sebagai acuan dalam melakukan perhitungan, disamping itu juga tersedia dua tempat untuk meletakan benda uji. Pada bagian alas terdapat pemanas dan pada bagian bawah dinginkan oleh media pendingin. Benda yang akan diuji yaitu Polyurethane Foam yang dibagi dua yaitu ketebalan 4 mm pada bagian atas dan ketebalan 2 mm pada bagian bawah. Temperatur pemanas dibut bervariasi sehingga didapat temperatur spesimen yang bewariasi pula. Data-data temperatur dicatat secara manual melalui display kemudian dipindahkan ke personal komputer untuk dilakukan perhitungan dan hasilnya ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik. ......The heat conductivity is one of the important material property for choosing the material, especially for engineering planning. Because this will affect to the efliciency or economical side. Value of heat conductivity from various materials gained from reference such as ASHRAE standard or CARRlER. But to know the k value of some materials for various condition can't be found in the reference, thus direct experiment needed to find out. One of the experiment media that accuracy tested is "Thermal Conductivity Measuring Apparatus"_ ln this apparatus there are some hthemrocouples that connected to some tested spots. And there are standardized materials as the available reference to calculate, beside two places for putting the material. ln the upper side there is a heater and the cooling media in the lower one. The material that will be tested is polyurethane foam. That divided by two which are material with 4 mm thickness in the upper side and 2 mm in the lower side. The heater temperature is variously made so the various temperature of some specimen gained. Temperature data reported manually by see through the display then translated by personal computer for calculating process and the result are displayed through the graphic.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library