Maxwal Richard Matahari
Abstrak :
Tugas penanganan pasien yang dilakukan oleh perawat seringkali menyebabkan
gangguan muskuloskeletal terhadap perawat, dalam beberapa kasus didapati
bahwa banyak perawat yang mengalami Low Back Pain (LBP) karena kegiatan
manual handling dalam penanganan pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk
menganalisa hubungan faktor manusia dan organisasi dengan keluhan LBP pada
perawat di Rumah Sakit A, Kota B menggunakan pendekatan Human Factor
Classification Analysis System. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi
cross-sectional, dengan uji chi-square sebagai uji statistik yang digunakan, serta
pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode self
reported/administered melalui kuesioner. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan adanya
hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor olahraga, pendidikan, dan masa kerja
terhadap kejadian LBP dengan masing-masing nilai p=0,019; 0,038; dan 0,04.
Selain itu hasil penelitian juga menemukan bahwa dari empat dimensi dalam
variabel unsafe supervision terdapat dua dimensi yang memiliki hubungan
signifikan terhadap kejadian LBP yaitu, dimensi inadequate supervision
(p=0,002), dan dimensi supervisory violation (p=0,047). Sedangkan dari lima
dimensi pada variabel precondition for unsafe acts, terdapat satu dimensi yang
memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap kejadian LBP yaitu, dimensi adverse
mental states (0,016). Dan dari lima dimensi pada variabel unsafe acts, terdapat
dua dimensi yang memiliki hubungan signifikan terhadap kejadian LBP yaitu,
dimensi skill based error (p=0,007) dan routine violation (p=0,043). Sebagai
kesimpulan, berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan pendekatan HFACS, setiap
kegagalan dari keempat barier pencegah terjadinya insiden, tiga diantaranya
memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap keluhan LBP.
Patient handling tasks performed by nurses often lead to musculoskeletal
disorders of the nurses, in some cases it was found that many nurses are
experiencing Low Back Pain (LBP) due to manual handling activities in the
handling of patients. This study was conducted to analyze the relationship
between human factor and organization with low back pain complaint on nurses
at The A Hospital, in the City of B, using human factor analysis classification
system approach. This research is design as a cross-sectional study, with Chisquare
test as the statistical test, while the data were collected trough self
reported/administered method by the questioner. Based on the results of this
study found a significant relationship between factors of exercise, education, and
years of service against the LBP incidence with each value of p = 0.019; 0.038;
and 0.04. In addition the research also found that there are two out of the four
dimensions in the variable of unsafe supervision that have a significant
relationship to the occurrence of LBP, namely, inadequate supervision dimension
(p = 0.002), and supervisory violation (p = 0,047) dimension. Meanwhile there is
one out of five dimensions from the precondition for unsafe acts variables, that
has a significant relationship to the occurrence of LBP, it is adverse mental states
dimension (p = 0.016). And there are two out of five dimensions of the unsafe
acts variables, that have a significant relationship to the occurrence of LBP
namely, skill-based errors dimension (p = 0.007), and routine violation dimension
(p = 0.043). As the conclusion, based on the analysis result through HFACS
approach, each failure of the fourth incident prevention barriers, there are three of
them were related to LBP complaint.
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library