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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Jakarta: Kenc, 2013
345.026 MAS k (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Corruption is a universal problem that is taking place all over the world, either in developed countries or developing or under developing countries. It is caused by some issues such as poorly designed economic policies, low levels of education, underdeveloped civil society, and the weak accountability of public institution. Those causes of corruption can be separated in some different types of corruption. The types are bureaucratic corruption, political corruption, grand corruption, and common corruption. In terms of tackling some problems of corruption, there are so many things to do including international law commitment. Some international law commitment can be seen like OAS Convention, OECD?s anti-bribery Convention, the UN Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, and the United Nation Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). Those laws must be analyzed not only in context of substantive of those laws but also how they are implemented in state practices.

Korupsi adalah masalah universal yang berlangsung di seluruh dunia, baik di negara maju atau negara berkembang atau di negara-negara yang kurang berkembang. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa masalah seperti kebijakan ekonomi yang dirancang secara buruk, rendahnya tingkat pendidikan, masyarakat sipil terbelakang, dan akuntabilitas yang lemah dari lembaga publik. Penyebab korupsi ini dapat dipisahkan dalam beberapa jenis korupsi. Jenis korupsi adalah korupsi birokrasi, korupsi politik, korupsi besar, dan korupsi umum. Dalam hal menangani beberapa masalah korupsi, ada begitu banyak hal yang harus dilakukan termasuk komitmen hukum internasional. Beberapa komitmen hukum internasional dapat dilihat seperti Konvensi OAS, Konvensi OECD Anti-Penyuapan, Konvensi PBB Menentang Kejahatan Transnasional Terorganisir, dan Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa Anti Korupsi (UNCAC). Hukum tersebut harus dianalisis tidak hanya dalam konteks substantif hukum-hukum tetapi juga bagaimana mereka diimplementasikan dalam praktek negara.
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2014
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The rapid ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the orderly election of its judges and prosecutor believe the radical nature of the new institution. Indonesia is one of countries that rejected the International Criminal Court (ICC) Statute. Indonesia?s reason at that time was that Indonesian sovereignty would be threatened or its national security would be compromise. Interestingly, some of the crimes within the Rome Statute jurisdiction (Article 5 of the Rome Statute) had been adopted by Indonesia in its domestic law such as the Law No. 26 year 2000 concerning Human Rights Court. Jurisdiction of the Law No. 26 year 2000 is and genocide and crimes against humanity. The Law No. 26 year 2000 also adopts the idea of Ad hoc tribunal that is possible to apply ex post facto justice. Finally, it plays important role in order to protect Indonesian interest and to fulfill international community point of views.
University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law, 2012
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Engkun Maskun
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dan tujuan Bahan berbahaya dalam kebakaran dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan petugas pemadam. Bahan kimia yang terkandung dalam asap kebakaran akan terserap kedalam tubuh dan mempengaruhi fungsi organ-organ tubuh, di antaranya adalah peningkatan kadar hemoglobin darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruli pajanan asap kebakaran terhadap peningkatan kadar hemoglobin darah pada tim pemadam kebakaran. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan disain studi kasus-kontrol terhadap 120 subjek terdiri dari 40 kasus kadar Hb tinggi dan 80 kontrol dengan memadankan umur. Subjek penelitian adalah anggota pasukan, sopir mobil pemadam, kepala regu dan kepala peleton pemadam kebakaran. Tingkat pajanan dihitung secara skoring terhadap faktor-faktor yang terkait pajanan. Hasil dan kesimpulan Faktor-faktor pajanan yang diteliti yaitu umur, masa dinar, jabatan, lama pemadaman, frekuensi pemadaman, pemakaian masker dan kebiasaan merokok, secs statistik tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna dengan kadar Hb (p> 0,05). Hipotesis tingkat pajanan asap yang tinggi mempunyai risiko kadar Hb tinggi lebih besar dibanding tingkat pajanan rendah, ditolak. Tingkat pajanan tidak berhubungan bermakna secara statistik dengan kadar Hb (p >0,05).
Background and objective The exposure of fire smokes contained hazardous substances ;potentially effect firefighter's health. The cumulative effect of these substances can abnormally increase the haemoglobine level. This study is aimed at finding the associations of fire smokes exposure to high haemoglobine level and its risk factors. Methods. This study design was a case-control study involving sample of 120 subjects consisted of 40 cases of high I-lb level and 80 controls. The exposure levels offire smokes were scored for exposure related factors. Results and conclusions. The exposure factors included age , periode of job, job position, length of service, frekuency of service, masker usage, and smoking habit were no statistical significant association to high Hb level (p>0,05). The hypotesis stated the high exposure level offire smokes have higher risks :3f Hb level than low exposure level alit was rejected . The level of exposure was no statistically significant association with Hb level (p>0, 05).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library