Industri Baja Tulangan Beton di Indonesia merupakan salah satu jenis industri manufaktur yang menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu. Standar yang digunakan adalah
Concrete steel bar industries in Indonesia is one among other industrial manufacture that implements Quality Management System based on ISO 9001 which is implemented widely by international companies. Manufacturing industries frequently facing difficulties in measuring the benefit in implementation of ISO 9001. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of implementation ISO 9001 in Concrete Steel Bar industries. This research is using primer and second data of seven Concrete Steel Bar industries in area of DKI Jakarta for the year 2016 to 2018. Data collecting process starting by determined DMU (Decision Making Unit), to classified DMU, grouping variable input and output. Analyses is conducted for efficiency value, slack value, comparative efficiency value, improving company performance strategy, and analysis interrelation with previous research. This research found that the implementation of ISO 9001 on concrete steel bar industry is running efficient, so it is hoping that the standard quality can be conformed consistently and will be able to strengthen competitiveness domestic products.