"This research is intended to know the effect of leadership, environment work and motivation to the performance of employee at Akademi Ilmu Pemasyarakatan. The background of this research is many problems that connected with the performance of employee. By this indication, there are many problem that unbalance.
The researcher use Nash?s theory, Gary Yulk?s theory and John D. Miller?s theory to illustrate about leadership, Alex S.Nitisemito?s theory to illustrate about environment work, Abraham Maslow?s theory to illustrate about motivation and Miner?s theory to illustrate about performance. This research method in used is a survey method. The writer use primary and secondary data. Approach which used in this research is the quantitative research an spread closed questioner to 37 respondents.
Before conducting the analysis, a validity test was conducted on all instruments and reliability test. Verified and reliable data then was analyzed further by using correlation test of t test to determine the relation between leadership-performance, environment work-performance, and motivation-performance. As to determine the relation between leadership, environment work and motivation on performance, F test analysis is used.
From the analysis, it can be concluded that between motivation, there is a high coefficient correlation with correlation 0,380. Between environment work and performace, there is a second coefficient correlation with correlation 0,360. Between motivation and performance there is a third coefficient correlation with correlation 0,253."