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Tesis ini tentang implementasi Polmas yang dilakukan menurut interpretasi Kapolsek dengan membentuk wadah forum kemitraan polisi masyarakat (FKPM) dan memberdayakan Pas Pol sebagai ujung tombak kegiatan Palmas. Ruang lingkup masalah penelitian dalam tesis ini, mencakup karakteristik wilayah Kebayoran Lama, karakteristik masyarakat dan budayanya, dasar kebijakan Polmas, kebijakan dan pengorganisasian Polsek Metro Kebayoran Lama, implementasi Polmas diwilayah Polsek Metro Kebayoran Lama, FKPM wilayah Polsek Metro Kebayoran Lama, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi dan dampak implementasi Polmas diwilayah Polsek Metro kebayoran lama. Fokus penelitian ini tentang implementasi Palmas yang dilakukan petugas polsek Metro Kebayoran Lama pada tingkat manajerial dan operasional. Sedangkan pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode etnografi, dan didalarn mengumpulkan data menggunakan metode pengamatan, pengamatan terlibat, wawancara dan kajian dokumen. Polmas adalah suatu model pemolisian yang menekankan adanya kemitraan antara polisi dan masyarakat, dalam menyelesaikan atau memecahkan permasalahan yang timbul dalam masyarakat (problem solving), guna mewujudkan dan memelihara kearnanan dan ketertiban masyarakat, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat. Wilayah Kebayoran Lama memiliki basis kategorial atau komuniti yang bermacam, baik sukubangsa, kenyakianan, ekonomi, sosial budaya, dan politiknya, sehingga berdampak pada kompleksitas permasalahan yang timbul menjadi ancaman kamtibmas. Polsek Metro Kebayoran Lama sebagai kesatuan polisi yang memiliki fungsi dan peran dalam memelihara kamtibmas menegakkan hukum, serta memberikan perlindungan, pengayoman, dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat diwilayahnya Kebayoran Lama. Keterbatasan personil, sarana prasarana dan anggaran yang dimiliki Polsek, mengubah strategi Kapolsek dalam menjalankan pemolisian di wilayah tersebut, dengan cars melakukan kerjasama dengan masyarakat dalam wadah FKPM guna menciptakan karntibmas dilingkungannya. Irnplementasi Polmas diwilayah Polsek Metro kebayoran Lama dilakukan mengacu pada kebijakan pimpinan Pori tentang Polmas. Implementasi Po[mas dilakukan oleh Kapolsek beserta anggotanya dengan melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi Polmas kepada internal polsek dan masyarakat, membentuk FKPM, memberdayakan Pos Polisi, dan mengaktifkan kegiatan FKPM dan kegiatan unit operasional Polsek untuk mendukung irnplementasi Polmas. Implementasi Polmas yang dilakukan oleh Polsek belum mencapai hasil yang diharapkan, dikarenakan adanya keterbatasan dan kendala yang dimiliki Polsek dan kondisi masyarakat di Kebayoran Lama. Implementasi Polmas diwilayah Polsek Metro kebayoran lama, mendapatkan respon maupun dukungan dari masyarakat. Hal ini terbukti dengan adanya partisipasi dan keikutsertaan masyarakat menjadi anggota FKPM dan ikut aktif dalam kegiatan FKPM dalam mencegah kejahatan dan menyelesaikan masalah sosial yang terjadi dilingkungannya.
The thesis discusses about the implementation of Community Policing conducted based on the interpretation of the chief and staff of Kebayoran Lama Metropolitan Sector Police (KLMSP) by establishing the Forum of Police-Community Partnership (FKPM) and empowering police posts within the KLMSP that function as the front line of community policing activity. The scope of the problem of the thesis includes the characteristic of Kebayoran Lama area, the characteristic of the its people and their cultures, the basic policy of community policing, the policies and organization of KLMSP, the implementation of community policing in the area of KLMSP, the FKPM of KLMSP, the factors influencing the implementation of community policing and the impacts of the implementation of community policing in the area of KLMSP. The thesis focuses on the implementation of community policing conducted by police officers of KLMSP at the level of managerial and operational. Meanwhile, the thesis employs qualitative approach and ethnography method. Data is collected by some methods such as observation, involved observation, interview and documents review. Community policing is a policing model which emphasizes on the existence of partnerships between police and community in solving problems that exist in the community in order to create and to maintain security and public order so that the quality Life of the community can be improved. The area of KLMSP has various communities, various ethnic groups, various beliefs, various economies, various social levels and various cultures and politics. Such characteristics, of course, influence the complexity of the problems that exist or will exist within the community. These conditions often threat the security and public order of that area that finally influence the duties of the sector police. KLMSP as a police organization has the duties to maintain security and public order, to enforce the law, and to serve and to protect people residing in its jurisdiction. Lacking of personnel, facilities and infrastructures and sufficient budget change the strategy of the chief of KLMSP in implementing community policing in the area to be in a form of cooperation with people with the name of FKPM in creating public order and security in the area. The implementation of community policing in the area of KLMSP is based on the policies issued by the Indonesian National Police Chief regarding Community Policing. Community policing is conducted by the chief and staff of KLMSP by socializing the community policing to KLMSP staff and public members, establishing FKPM, empowering police posts, activating the activity of FKPM and the activity of KLMSP Operational Units in supporting the implementation of community policing. The implementation of community policing has not achieved the expected results due to the limitations and obstacles of KLMSP and community residing in the area. The implementation of community policing conducted by KLMSP has got responses and supports from people residing in the area this can be seen from the participation of community members who belong to FKPM. They actively take part in FKPM programs in preventing crimes and solving problems in the area.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library