ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas tentang perilaku komplain pengguna layanan Commuter Line Jabodetabek. Beberapa penelitian terdahulu yang menyimpulkan bahwa faktor demografis memiliki pengaruh terhadap perilaku komplain menjadi acuan dari hipotesis dalam penelitian ini yang menyatakan bahwa setiap rute memiliki komposisi tipe complainer yang berbeda. Dengan menggunakan cluster analysis, complainer dibagi ke dalam 4 tipe yang berbeda dari segi perilaku komplainnya, yaitu voicers, irates, passives, dan activists. Hasil dari test ANOSIM menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara komposisi tipe-tipe complainer di setiap rute yang ada, sehingga tidak diperlukan sistem manajemen komplain yang unik di setiap rutenya. Yang kemudian perlu dilakukan oleh PT KCJ dalam menangani komplain adalah membuat strategi bagi keempat tipe complainer yang ada, serta berfokus pada tipe irates sebagai tipe complainer mayoritas.
ABSTRACTThis research is highlighting the consumer complaining behavior of Commuter Line Jabodetabek passengers. Previous researches that suggest that demographic factors are have contributions in complaining behaviors become the foundation of the hypothesis in this research which states that every route has different composition of complainer types. With cluster analysis, complainers are divided into 4 different types subject to their complaining behavior, they are voicers, irates, passives, and activists. Result from ANOSIM test suggests that there is no significant difference in complainer types in every route, thus unique complaint management style for each route is not needed. What PT KCJ should do is creating and applying appropriate strategy for each type of complainer, and focussing on irates complainer as the majority of complainer in the whole service, This research is highlighting the consumer complaining behavior of Commuter Line Jabodetabek passengers. Previous researches that suggest that demographic factors are have contributions in complaining behaviors become the foundation of the hypothesis in this research which states that every route has different composition of complainer types. With cluster analysis, complainers are divided into 4 different types subject to their complaining behavior, they are voicers, irates, passives, and activists. Result from ANOSIM test suggests that there is no significant difference in complainer types in every route, thus unique complaint management style for each route is not needed. What PT KCJ should do is creating and applying appropriate strategy for each type of complainer, and focussing on irates complainer as the majority of complainer in the whole service]"