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Irwan Dharmawan
Abstrak :
Unox adalah salah satu merek produk makanan dari negara Belanda dengan mengunggulkan sebuah produk mereka yang bernama Unox Rookworst. Guna meningkatkan minat konsumen untuk membeli produk Unox Rookworst, dibuatlah iklan dengan menggunakan slogan yang berbeda-beda, diantaranya adalah lsquo;Dat kan alleen maar Unox zijn rsquo;, lsquo;Thuis is waar Unox is rsquo;, dan lsquo;Eerlijk is heerlijk rsquo;. Pada konsep yang digunakan iklan tersebut selalu menggunakan konsep keluarga namun memiliki perbedaan konteks pada masing-masing keluarga. Dikarenakan perbedaan tersebut, makna masing-masing dari setiap slogan tersebut memiliki perbedaan berdasarkan konteks yang menyertainya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan semantik makna kontekstual. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menjelaskan daya tarik iklan yang digunakan sebagai pendukung konteks dalam konsep keluarga dan melihat konteks pembangun makna slogan yang digunakan dilihat dari teori makna kontekstual.
Unox is one of the food product brands from the Netherlands by favoring a product called Unox Rookworst. In order to increase consumer interest in buying Unox Rookworst, advertisements were made using different slogans, including 39 Dat kan alleen maar Unox zijn 39 , 39 Thuis is waar Unox is 39 , and 39 Eerlijk is heerlijk 39 . The ads always use the concept of family but have different context in each family. Due to the difference of context, the meaning of each of these slogans has differences based on the context that accompanies them. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with semantic approach of contextual meaning. The results of this study will explain the attractiveness of advertisements that used as context support in each family concepts and see the context that used to construct the slogan meaning seen from the contextual meaning theory. Keyword Advertisement Slogan Attractiveness of Advertisements Contextual meaning Family Unox Rookworst.
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja Universitas Indonesia Library
Irwan Dharmawan
Abstrak :
Synchronization of planning and budgeting is a common problem that is often experienced by public organizations in Indonesia, especially in the Ministry of Transportation. The gap in planning and implementation due to this problem is a symptom that the THIS (Thematic, Holistic, Integrative, Spatial) concept has not been able to run optimally and could be optimized through e-government, which does actually not yet reflect the interoperability aspects between each planning application such as e-planning & budgeting; e-performance; e-monitoring & reporting; up to ap2kp (Aplication for Appraisal of Achievement and Calculation of Empoyee Performance). This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study method strengthened by an Analytical Hierarchy Process to examine the application of the electronic-based THIS concept. The results of this study provide policy advices for the preparation of a new ministerial regulation about integrated planning and develop a business process related to the planning flow within the Ministry of Transportation which accommodates the THIS concept.
Jakarta: Kementerian PPN/Bappenas, 2023
650 JISDP 4:1 (2023)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library