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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Studi ini meneliti tentang relasi gender di dunia domestik dalam teks media. Adapun tujuan dari studi ini secara khusus adalah berusaha mendeskripsikan bagaimana relasi gender yang terjadi di dunia domestik serta bagaimana media menggambarkan posisi perempuan di dunia domestik yang selama ini diidentikan sebagai dunia perempuan. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap artikel-artikel utama majalah Ayahbunda yang terbit pada bulan Desember dalam tahun 1994 - 2000. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah analisa wacana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa relasi gender yang ada di dunia domestik masih cenderung timpang, hal ini terlihat dari posisi perempuan tidak dominan di dunia yang dianggap sebagai dunianya. Ketimpangan itu terlihat dari banyaknya kewajiban yang dibebankan dan kurangnya hak perempuan di wilayah ini, juga dari keberadaan perempuan yang selalu diletakkan setelah suami dan anaknya. Pemakaian beberapa kosakata serta simbol-simbol tertentu oleh media cetak, menggambarkan keadaan ini. Politik bahasa, yaitu penggunaan simbol-simbol tertentu guna melegitimasi realitas hubungan kekuasaan sehingga hal itu kelihatannya berjalan secara alamiah dan masuk akal, juga terjadi di sini, misalnya kata anak, merawat, mengasuh, mendidik, melayani, rumah tangga, wilayah domestik dihubungkan dengan perempuan. Semuanya itu kemudian dianggap wajar oleh kita semua dalam arti bahwa memang sudah seharusnya perempuan melakukan hal tersebut. Apa yang terdapat di dalam teks media adalah cerminan apa yang terjadi di masyarakat, karena media tidak dapat 'lari' dari lingkungannya dan pengaruh ideologi pada teks media cenderung tidak dapat diabaikan.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Fungsi dan peran Badan Pengawasan Pembangunan Nasional (BPKP) sebagai lembaga pengawasan internal yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Presiden adalah berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden No. 30 Tahun 2003 (Keppres 30/2003) dan diperbarui dengan diterbitkannya Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2008 ((PP 60/2008). Dalam melaksanakan fungsi dan peran BPKP yang baru sejak terbitnya PP 60/2008, maka BPKP mengadakan usaha revitalisasi agar lembaga tersebut berfungsi secara optimal dan strategis. Berdasarkan latar belakang ini, maka yang menjadi pokok permasalahan dan fokus studi dalam penelitian ini adalah sejauh mana revitalisasi oleh BPKP dilaksanakan agar lembaga tersebut berperan dan berfungsi strategis sebagai badan pengawasan internal pemerintah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana revitalisasi oleh BPKP dilaksanakan agar lembaga tersebut berperan dan berfungsi strategis sebagai badan pengawasan internal pemerintah. Dalam mengadakan analisa secara teoritis, penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan beberapa teori reformasi administrasi, yang dalam pembahasannya mencakup unsur akuntabilitas terkait dengan penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang memenuhi persyaratan good governance. Selanjutnya revitalisasi juga dihubungkan dengan teori-teori strategi organisasi, termasuk teori manajemen perubahan organisasi (change management) dan reinventing government . Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan lokasi penelitian BPKP Pusat di Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam (In-depth Interview), observasi, dan studi dokumentasi/ kepustakaan, dengan metode analisis data yang adalah deskriptif. Data dianalisis melalui tahapan pengumpulan data, transkrip wawancara, penyimpulan sementara, dan kesimpulan akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa revitalisasi BPKP memang sedang berlangsung, namun pelaksanaannya belum optimal. Berdasarkan kesimpulan yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini, beberapa saran diberikan agar BPKP bisa melakukan revitalisasi dengan optimal, sehingga lembaga ini akan benar-benar berperan dan berfungsi dengan efektif dan strategis. Saran tersebut adalah: penetapan BPKP sebagai koordinator lembaga pengawasan internal pemerintah, BPKP diberikan kewenangan dan akses kepada seluruh pengelola keuangan negara, penetapan yang jelas atas struktur pelaporan BPKP, penanganan remunerasi staff BPKP terkait dengan retensi staff yang handal dan memiliki kecakapan tinggi (skillful), Sosialisasi untuk menyamakan persepsi internal audit di kalangan pemegang anggaran (departemen-departemen dan pemerintah daerah), dan segera diterbitkannya Perpres sebagai payung hukum untuk melaksanaan peran dan fungsi BPKP seperti yang sudah ditetapkan pada PP 60/2008.
The Financial and Development Supervisory Board (BPKP) is a non ministerial governmental institution that directly responsible to the President and Vice President of Indonesia. Its new role and function is stipulated in the PP No. 60/2008 (Government Regulation Number 60 of the year 2008). Since then, BPKP has been undertaking some efforts in revitalizing its organization, so that the new role and function will be implemented optimally, which is supporting the government?s accountability in context of the state?s budget implemetation. Considering the above-mentioned background information, this research focused on the study of revitalization being undertaken by BPKP. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to identify how far BPKP has implemented its revitalization efforts. The method of the research is qualitative approach, data collecting with observation, In-depth Interview, and literature study. The data analysis used descriptive method. Theoritically, the theoritical analysis were based on the combination of the administrative reform, the change management, reinventing government theories, and the supportiing model of the McKinsey?s Seven (7-S) Framework. Based on the analysis, this research concluded that BPKP has practically implemented its revitalization efforts in order to be an a strategic institution in its role and function as an internal auditor of the government. However, the revitalization process has not been optimal due to some problems, including the absence of Perpres (President?s Regulation) as the more concrete and authoritative legal basis for the BPKP to do its tasks in accordance with the newly published PP 60/2008. This research has come up with some recommendations, among others are as follow: the Perpres should be issued immediately to enable BPKP undertakes its new tasks, role and function through revitalization efforts optimally.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudiana Indriastuti
Abstrak :
Saat ini pers tidak lagi berhadapan dengan kekuasaan negara, tetapi kekuasaan modal yang harus dibadapi. Perusahaan penerbitan pers menjadi menyerupai produsen yang peka terhadap permintaan pasar / khalayak sehingga terjadilah komersialisasi dalam kehidupan pers. Salah satu komoditas yang paling komersial di jual adalah masalah pornografi. Masalah penilitian yang akan dikaji adalah, "Bagaimanakah media menerapkan konsep pers yang babas dan bertanggungjawab dalarn mengkonstruk realita porno. Bagaimanakah media membangun kesadaran palsu khalayaknya dengan mengkonstruk seks dan erotisme sebagai hal yang benar untuk dikonsumsi" Tinjaun Pustaka yang digunakan adalah tentang industri media, Gender dan isi media, studi-studi budaya, feminisme, ekonomi politik media dan normative teori media dan masyarakat. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada pendekatan kualitatif yang menggunakan paradigma kritis, yaitu mendasarkan pada asumsi bahwa peneliti menempatkan diri sebagai tranformatif intelektual yang secara aktif meniberikan pemaknaan terhadap makna-makna yang tersembunyi dari sebuah teks pemberitaan dengan tetap memperhatikan konteks history, social, budaya ekonomi dan politik. Dalam penelitian ini, nilai, etika, dan pilihan moral merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari suatu penelitian, sedangkan hubungan antara peneliti dengan realitas yang diteliti selalu dijembatani oleh nilai-nilai tertentu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis Framing. Sedangkan model yang digunakan adalah model William A. Gamson, tipe penelitian ini adalah deskriptif Analisis dilakukan terhadap semua berita-berita tentang pornografi yang ada di majah Popular selama 1 tahun ( Januari 2003 - Desember 2003 ). Hasil dari penelitian manunjukkan bahwa Ditinjau dari persektif feminism dalam pemberitaannya Popular banyak menyajikan pornoteks yang mensubordinasi wanita, merendahkan wanita dengan menggunakan pilihan kata yang yang merujuk pada budaya patriaki. Framing yang dilakukan oleh majalah Popular cenderung permisif pada kebebasan seks dengan mengeksploitasi lewat kata-kata dan kalimat yang sensual. Penggunaan judul dengan menggunakan kata-kata bermethapor sensual, diskripsi proses adegan pornografi, deskripsi efek yang dirasakan dalam proses seksual dan stereotype yang merupakan wilayah isi media yang banyak memuat pornoteks.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Anie Indriastuti
Abstrak :
An intervention program on the impact of iron preparation with intensive nutrition education among pregnant women was undertaken in Kecamatan Curug, Kabupaten Tanggerang. Twwo kinds of iron tablets, both containing 200 mg ferrous sulphate and 0,25 mg folic acid were distributed in four villages, namely village A: Kadu Jaya, village B: Kadu, village C: Curug Wetan and village D: Cukang Galih. The new iron tablet was prepared in a coated membrane form, with red coloring and was distributed in sachets containing 14 or 28 tablets. The existing (currently used) tablet was prepared in coated film form, with grey coloring and was loosely packaged. Intensive nutrition educaation was delivered to twwo villages, which were given the different iron tablet forms as described above. A number of 162 pregnant women as subjects in four villages were divided into four different intervention groups, 41 of them in village A received new iron with intensive nutition education, 41 in village B received new iron, 40 in village C received existing iron with intensive nutrition education and 40 in village D received exixting iron alone was as the control group, for 12 weeks of intervention period, however only 127 of them could be monitored and evaluated. Analysisi of nutrition knowledge, attitude and behavior of the subjects, recording of iron tablet consumption, dietary habits, nutrient intake and nutritional status was conducted in the four villages, for each of the four groups before and after intervention. In addition serum ferritin and hemoglobin concentration were determined to evaluate the change in the prevalence of anemia. Distribution of new iron or existing iron tablets without intensive nutrition knowledge, attitude, behavior of the subjects towards anemia problem. he results show that subjects which received new iron could improve their dietary habits, calories and protein intakes, but not in iron and vitamin C intakes. Although, a significantly higher (p<0.0500) consumption of iron was observed in the group which received new iron, neither in the subsequent improvement in hemoglobin and serum ferritin values. Intensive nutrition education was positively associated with the improvement of nutritional knowledge, attitude and behavior of the pregnant women as well as significant increase in iron tablet consumption (p<0.0500). Dietary habits were improved, as seen in the increase in calorie and protein intake and the resulting improvement in the nutritional status of the mothers. The results indicated that the new iron supplementation with intensive nutrition education had a greater effect on invreasing the iron tablet consumption of pregnant women compared to those who only received existing iron supplementation without intensive nutrition education. Since the iron intake was not different in the two villages, their effect on hrmoglobin and serum ferritin concetration was not different. Witihin the time period of observation, there was no different reduction in the prevalence of anemia between each village of the population studied.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heny Indriastuti
Abstrak :
Perusahaan Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad akan dijadikan bahan kajian khusus dalam penulisan karya akhir ini. Kulim merupakan salah satu perusahaan asing Malaysia yang telah lama menjadi pemain di dalam pasar global industri minyak kelapa sawit. Pada saat ini Kulim juga sedang melakukan ekspansi beberapa produk turunan minyak kelapa sawit di pasar global sepcrti minyak goreng, oleochemical, sabun, dan biodiesel. Oleh karena itu diperlukan strategi-strategi dari kantor pusat Malaysia agar dapat memenangkan persaingan dalam industri minyak kelapa sawit dan produk turunannya di peringkat pasar global. Tujuan dari karya akhir ini adalah membuat analisis kecenderungan permintaan produk minyak sawit di pasar Indonesia dan pasar global serta memberi masukan kepada perusahaan mengenai strategi-strategi yang dapat diterapkan dalam melakukan ekspansi produk-produk turunan minyak kelapa sawit terutama produk Biodiesel dalam memasuki pasar global. Pertumbuhan industri-industri yang menggunakan CPO salah satunya didukung oleh meningkatnya konsumsi dalam negeri dan permintaan dari Iuar negeri. Dengan adanya ketersediaan bahan baku yang melimpah akan menjadi daya saing yang cukup tinggi di pasar internasional. Pengembangan produk turunan berupa Biodiesel cukup menjanjikan seiring dengan semakin meningkatnya harga BBM. Pada tahun 2005 penggunaan bahan bakar Biodiesel dalam pembangkit listrik di Eropa mencapai I sampai 1,5 juta Ton. Di Asia Tenggara, Malaysia dan Thailand termasuk Indonesia juga sudah memulai pengembangan Biodiesel. Sebagai perusahaan global dalam industri minyak kelapa sawit, saat ini Kulim sedang melakukan diversifikasi produk minyak kelapa sawit menjadi produk BiodieseI mengingat permintaan produk ini sedang meningkat. Untuk memenangkan persaingan dalam industri ini, Kulim dengan core competency yang dimilikinya sedang menentukan strategi yang tepat. Untuk itu Kulim hendak melakukan ekspansinya ke negara lain yaitu Indonesia untuk mengembangkan produk Biodiesel dimana di wilayah ini Kulim belum mempunyai pengalaman dalam produk Biodiesel. Strategi yang mengkombinasikan antara biaya yang murah (Lower Cost Strategy) dengan memberikan nilai lebih terhadap konsumen atas kualitas dan manfaat serta pelayanan terhadap produk Biodiesel dapat dilakukan dengan Focus Strategy. Produk Biodiesel d+ produksi dengan spesifikasi yang sama untuk tiap negara dengan menggunakan learning curve yang sudah dilakukan sebelumnya. Kulim mempunyai pengalaman memproduksi Biodiesel di Malaysia dan Singapura. Teknologi dan knowledge yang sudah dilakukan di kedua negara tersebut dapat ditransfer ke negara bare dimana pabrik Biodiesel ini akan dibangun dalam hal ini di Indonesia sehingga terjadi efisiensi penggunaan tenaga kerja dan optimalisasi penggunaan teknologi. Indonesia menjadi negara tujuan Kulim untuk mengembangkan produk Biodiesel karena Kulim mempunyai kegiatan bisnis di negara ini yaitu dalam bidang perkebunan kelapa sawit dan industri pengolahannya. Sehingga apabila Kulim membangun industri produk Biodiesel di Indonesia akan mengurangi biaya produksi karena terdapat koordinasi kegiatan dalam rantai nilai. Untuk mengembangkan produk Biodiesel di Indonesia, salah satu strategi global yang dilakukan oleh Kulim adalah transfer know how dengan menjalankan kegiatan yang terintegrasi yaitu transfer sumber daya dan transfer knowledge. Knowledge dan teknologi merupakan core competency bagi Kulim, sehingga da]ani pengembangan Biodiesel di Indonesia, Kulim melakukan transfer kedua hal tersebut. Pengembangan industri Biodiesel di Indonesia dapat dilakukan Kulim dengan mentransfer knowledge dan teknologi yang ada di Malaysia dan Singapura. Untuk memudahkan pengembangan industri ini maka Kulim dapat berpartner dengan perusahaan lokal di Indonesia untuk memudahkan dalam penyesuaian dengan budaya lokal dan memudahkan dalam pemenuhan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan terutama dalam hal tenaga kerja serta kemudahan dalam mencari local supplier. Langkah-langkah utama yang hams dilakukan Kulim dalam pengembangan produksi biodiesel di Indonesia adalah : a. Membangun pabrik biodiesel dengan kapasitas 100.000 Tonltahun b. Melakukan rekruitmen sumber daya manusia c. Untuk menyampaikan explicit knowledge dalam aktivitas produksi Biodiesel dapat dilakukan melalui intemet, training dan learning by doing. Sedangkan tacit knowledge dapat ditransfer dengan menempatkan karyawan dari kantor pusat Malaysia dan Singapura d. Merencanakan pemasaran ke pasar Kulim dan parlnemya, yang sudah ada yaitu USA dan Eropa serta potensial market di China, Asia dan South America Dengan melihat kondisi persaingan yang ada di Indonesia, saat ini merupakan waktu yang tepat bagi Kulim untuk melakukan ekspansi pengembangan industri Biodiesel di Indonesia. Akan tetapi mengingat kebijakan pemerintah Indonesia dalam industri Biodiesel belum mendukung maka sebaiknya Kulim menunda pengembangan produk ini sampai ada aturan tata niaga Biodiesel yang jelas.
Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad Ltd will be the object of particular discussion for this thesis. Kulim is one of Malaysian foreign companies and the old player in the global market of palm oil industry. In the recent time, Kulim is executing an expansion into the global market through its expanded products which are derivative products of palm oil, such as cooking oil, oleochemical, soap, and biodiesel. For that reason, it is necessary for Kulim's head office in Malaysia to develop strategies in order to win the global market in this industry. The objectives of this study are: a) to make analysis on the tendency of demand in palm oil products, both in Indonesia and global markets; b) to give suggestions to Kulim management, particularly in applicable strategies for expansion of sawit coconut derivative products, especially biodiesel products, into global market. The growth of the industries that use Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is supported by the increase of domestic consumption and of overseas demand. Moreover, abundant availability of its raw materials becomes another good point for its high competitiveness in the international market. Due to the raising of the fuel (Bahan Bakar Minyak/BBM) price, the development of the derivative products such as biodiesel is reasonably promising. For instance, consumption of biodiesel for electricity power generation in Europe was more than 1.5 million ton in 2005. The biodiesel has also been developed in South-East Asia, namely in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. Considering the increasing demand of biodiesel, Kulim, as a global company, is diversifying its sawit coconut product into biodiesel. Therefore, Kulim -- by its core competency --- now is figuring proper strategies to win the competition in this industry. For that purpose, Kulim plans to expand its company to Indonesia in order to develop biodiesel product in the region where Kulim does not have any experiences yet in the term of biodesel production. A strategy combining fewer expenses (Lower Cost Strategy) and providing more benefits to consumers through the quality, benefits, and the service in biodiesel product, can be done by so-called Focus Strategy_ In addition, biodiesel products are being produced with the same specification for every country which is using the previous learning curve. So far, Kulim has experiences in producing biodiesel in Malaysia and Singapore. Therefore, for the efficiency of labors and the optimal use of technology, the established technology and knowledge which have been implementing in those countries will be transferred to the new region where the biodiesel factory is going to be built, in this case is in Indonesia. Indonesia is being the target area for Kulim to develop biodiesel product since in this state, Kulim has businesses on sawit coconut plantation and its processing industry. The idea is that if Kulim is likely to take part into biodiesel product's industry in Indonesia, then it will reduce the production cost as there is activity coordination in the chain of the value. Additionally, to develop biodiesel products in Indonesia, one of global strategy that is conducted by Kulim is know-how transferring, by running an integrated activity such as human resource and knowledge transferring. Owning knowledge and technologies are Kulim's core competencies, so that in the biodiesel development in Indonesia, these two competencies are being transferred by Kulim. Furthermore, the development of biodiesel industry in Indonesia is able to be executed by Kulim through transferring the established knowledge and technology in Malaysia and Singapore. To facilitate that purpose, Kulim can have partnerships with local companies in Indonesia with the aims to facilitating the adjustment to local culture; and to facilitate the accomplishment of necessary resources such as labors and flexibility in seeking for local suppliers. Therefore, to develop biodiesel production in Indonesia, it is necessary for Kulim to carry out major points, as follow: a. To build biodiesel factory which capacity is 100.000 ton per year; b. To recruit human resources; c. To state the explicit knowledge of biodiesel production activity, which is able to deliver via the internet and trainings; while tacit knowledge can be transferred by settling employees from Malaysia and Singapore head offices; d. To plan marketing into both Kulim's and its partners' markets; which are USA and Europe; and also some potential markets in China, Asia, and South America. In this time represent the right time for Kulim to develop industry of Biodiesel in Indonesia. However considering governmental policy of Indonesia in industry of Biodiesel not yet supported hence better Kulim delay this product development until there is clear commercial Biodiesel.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayudewi Komala Indriastuti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Menghadapi persaingan usaha di bidang kesehatan harus mampu menyiapkan strategi yang tepat untuk menarik minat pasien, Salah satu strategi yang sering digunakan dalam memasarkan barang/jasa pelayanan kesehatan adalah marketing mix. RSGM Unjani merupakan Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut satu-satunya di Cimahi yang dalam implementasinya untuk menarik jumlah kunjungan pasien membutuhkan evaluasi dan membuat strategi yang tepat. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara factor-faktor bauran pemasaran terhadap minat kunjungan ulang pasien RSGM Unjani Cimahi. Metode : Data Primer diperoleh dari pengisian kuesioner online oleh 124 orang pengunjung rumah sakit. Elemen-elemen bauran pemasaran yang dinilai yaitu product, price, people, process, physical evidence, place,promotion serta Minat Kunjungan Ulang. Hasil : Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara ketujuh variabel bauran pemasaran dengan minat kunjungan ulang RSGM Unjani. Berdasarkan hasil analisis multivariat variabel Promotion (B= 0,324) dan Physical Evidence (B=0,285) merupakan variabel yang paling dominan berhubungan dengan kunjungan ulang. Kesimpulan : Faktor bauran pemasaran yang berkorelasi kuat terhadap minat kunjungan ulang dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan serta untuk faktor lain yang masih berkorelasi sedang dapat dievaluasi sehingga RSGM Unjani mampu melakukan penerapan strategi yang optimal pada ketujuh elemen bauran pemasaran dan dapat meningkatkan minat kunjungan ulang pasien ke RSGM Unjani Cimahi. ......Given the intense competition in the health sector, we must devise an effective strategy to pique patients' interest. The marketing mix is a frequently employed approach to promoting healthcare services. RSGM Unjani, the sole dental and oral facility in Cimahi, needs evaluation and the development of an appropriate strategy to increase the volume of patient visits. Objective: This research aims to examine the correlation between various marketing mix elements and patients' inclination to return to RSGM Unjani Cimahi. Methods: The data collection method involved the administration of online questionnaires to a sample of 124 patients. The marketing mix elements evaluate the sort of product, price, people, process, physical evidence, place, promotion, and repeat visit interest. Findings: The bivariate analysis reveals a significant correlation between patrons' interest in revisiting RSGM Unjani and the seven marketing mix variables. The variables promotion (B = 0.324) and tangible evidence (B = 0.285) are the most significantly associated with repeat visits, according to the results of the multivariate analysis. In conclusion, RSGM Unjani can enhance patient interest in repeat visits by focusing on marketing mix factors that strongly correlate with this interest, such as maintaining and increasing them. Additionally, RSGM Unjani can evaluate other factors with a moderate correlation and implement optimal strategies for all seven elements of the marketing mix to increase patient interest in repeat visits further.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Anie Indriastuti
Abstrak :
Anemia is the main micronutrient deficiency problem among adolescent school girls in Indonesia. Anemia due to iron deficiency often coexists with zine deficiency. Iron and zinc have anlagonistic interaction. Therefore, it was appropriate ratio of iron-zinc supplementation. Objective The study was aimed to investigate the different ratios of iron-zinc supplementation Fe: Zn = 2: 1 and Fe: Zn = 4: 1 on improving the iron and zinc status and eventually reduction of the morbidity of anemic adolescent school girls compared to iron supplementation alone. Methodology A randomized, double blind community trial was conducted among anemic adolescent school girls (10-12 years old). Selection of subjects was conduted in two steps. Firstly, 238 girls (out of 1358 girls), with hemoglobin concentration level < 115 g/L using Hemocue were recruited and given antihelminthic drug (500 mg mebendazole as a single dose). Secondly, those who had hemoglobin concentration < 120 g/L using Cell Dyn from venous blood one week after deworming (n+133) were enrolled into the study. The 133 subjects were assigned randomly to one of the three groups for daily iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks with: Group 1 (n=45): iron (60 mg/day), Group 2 (n=45): iron and zinc (30 mg and 15 mg/day) or group 3 (n=43): iron and zinc (60 mg and 15 mg/day).Supplement intake was supervised at base line, weight and height were measured and the available iron and zinc intake from diet was estimated using a model modified from WHO/FAO and Murphy, based on the data 24-hour Food Recall and Food Frequency Questionnare. Iron (hemoglobin/Hb, serum ferritin/SF, serum transferrin receptor/TfR, zinc protoporphyrin/ZPP, Mean Corpuscular Volume/MCV, Red-cell Distribution Width/RDW, body iron/BI) and zinc (serum zinc/SZ) status and supplementation. Morbidity status of diarrhea and Acule Respiratory Infection (ARI) were recorded weekly. The phagocytes cell and Cell-Mediated Immunity were measured only for 50% of the subjects. Results and Discussion By the end of the supplementation, most indicators of iron status were increased significantly in all subjects both they took iron supplementation with or without zinc, and the proportion of iron deficiency anemia reduced. Iron supplementation alone or iron-zinc improved zinc status. The proportion of zinc deficiency was sinificantly reduced only among subjects who took iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn =2: 1. which was significantly lower compared to the other two groups at the end of supplementation. In iron/zinc 2 : 1 group, no subject had iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency after 12 weeks of supplementation, which suggested that iron-zinc supplementation with the ration of Fe: Zn = 2 : 1 had reduced both iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. In this study, iron deficiency among anemic school girls was due to insufficiency of iron in red blood cell, and iron or iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks had less benefit to increase iron status. The possibility; of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait affecting adolescent girls in this study should be considered as several studies indicated that the prevalence of tlinlassemia trait among the same population in Indonesia is high. Iron deficiency also occurred at the storage level, which increased and reached the normal value with iron or iron-zinc supplementation. At the end of supplementation, the mean value of most indicators of iron status in all groups did not reach the normal value (such as Hb < 120 g/L, ZPP > 40 umol/mol heme, MCV <2 80 fL, RDW > l4%), perhaps the 12-weeks of iron supplementation was not long enough to fulfill iron for the 120 erythrocyte life cycle. lt seems, that the competition between iron and zinc occurred both at the storage level and the erythrocyte formation, and iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction as the improvement of both iron and zinc status was higher compared to the other groups. Most anemic adolescent school girls in this study had low available iron and zinc intake from the diet, with low intake of enhancers and high intake of inhibitors, which is not enough to promote either iron or zinc absorption from the supplements. The reduction of the proportion ol' subjects suffering from ARI was the highest among subjects who took either iron alone (3l.1% to 6.7%) compared to those who took iron- zinc supplement with ratio 2: 1 (1 7.3% to l1.l%) or iron-zinc supplement with ratio 4: 1(16.3 % to l4%), indicating that iron alone reduced morbidity status in tenn of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). However, adding zinc to iron supplements with ratio 2: 1 scents to improve the specific immune response of anemic adolescent school girls, as shown that the ratio of CD-4/CD-S was slightly increased among subjects who took iron-zinc supplement with the ratio of Fe: Zn= 2: 1. Conclusions and Recommendations lt was concluded, that both iron deficiency anemia (22%) and zinc deficiency (15.8%) were problems in the study area. Iron deficiency and hemoglobinopathies such as that assemia trait might be the causes of anemia among adolescent school girls. A daily 30 mg iron and 15 mg zinc supplementation among anemic adolescent schools girls for 12 weeks improved iron and zinc status and reduced iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. Iron supplementation alone increased iron status, while adding zinc to iron supplementation protected the adverse effect of iron on decreasing zinc status. The competition between iron and zinc might occur in the role of both nutrients for erythrocytes formation as well-as at storage level, and supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction on improving bot.h iron and zinc status. As most of the anemic adolescent school girls had inadequate iron and zinc intake from the diet, the deficiencies of other micronutrients such as; vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B12 should also be considered as the causes of anemia. Combined iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 was appropriate on reducing the risk of anemic adolescent school girls suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection, however the mechanism of both iron and zinc on enhancing immune system could not clearly be shown from the results of this study. It is recommended to establish an iron-zinc supplementation program with ratio of 2: 1 through the existing channel of school health program to alleviate iron de iciency anemia and zinc deficiency 'among adolescent girls. Research cum action prioritized is to explain the contribution of bioavailability iron and zinc intake from the diet including increase the enhancers and minimize the inhibitors to the absorption of iron-zinc supplementation with ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1. The possibility of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait, as the cause of anemia needs further investigations.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yustina Anie Indriastuti
Abstrak :
Anemia is the main micronutrient deficiency problem among adolescent school girls in Indonesia. Anemia due to iron deficiency often coexists with zine deficiency. Iron and zinc have anlagonistic interaction. Therefore, it was appropriate ratio of iron-zinc supplementation. Objective The study was aimed to investigate the different ratios of iron-zinc supplementation Fe: Zn = 2: 1 and Fe: Zn = 4: 1 on improving the iron and zinc status and eventually reduction of the morbidity of anemic adolescent school girls compared to iron supplementation alone. Methodology randomized, double blind community trial was conducted among anemic adolescent school girls (10-12 years old). Selection of subjects was conduted in two steps. Firstly, 238 girls (out of 1358 girls), with hemoglobin concentration level < 115 g/L using Hemocue were recruited and given antihelminthic drug (500 mg mebendazole as a single dose). Secondly, those who had hemoglobin concentration < 120 g/L using Cell Dyn from venous blood one week after deworming (n+133) were enrolled into the study. The 133 subjects were assigned randomly to one of the three groups for daily iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks with: Group 1 (n=45): iron (60 mg/day), Group 2 (n=45): iron and zinc (30 mg and 15 mg/day) or group 3 (n=43): iron and zinc (60 mg and 15 mg/day).Supplement intake was supervised at base line, weight and height were measured and the available iron and zinc intake from diet was estimated using a model modified from WHO/FAO and Murphy, based on the data 24-hour Food Recall and Food Frequency Questionnare. Iron (hemoglobin/Hb, serum ferritin/SF, serum transferrin receptor/TfR, zinc protoporphyrin/ZPP, Mean Corpuscular Volume/MCV, Red-cell Distribution Width/RDW, body iron/BI) and zinc (serum zinc/SZ) status and supplementation. Morbidity status of diarrhea and Acule Respiratory Infection (ARI) were recorded weekly. The phagocytes cell and Cell-Mediated Immunity were measured only for 50% of the subjects. Results and Discussion By the end of the supplementation, most indicators of iron status were increased significantly in all subjects both they took iron supplementation with or without zinc, and the proportion of iron deficiency anemia reduced. Iron supplementation alone or iron-zinc improved zinc status. The proportion of zinc deficiency was sinificantly reduced only among subjects who took iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn =2: 1. which was significantly lower compared to the other two groups at the end of supplementation. In iron/zinc 2 : 1 group, no subject had iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency after 12 weeks of supplementation, which suggested that iron-zinc supplementation with the ration of Fe: Zn = 2 : 1 had reduced both iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. In this study, iron deficiency among anemic school girls was due to insufficiency of iron in red blood cell, and iron or iron-zinc supplementation for 12 weeks had less benefit to increase iron status. The possibility; of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait affecting adolescent girls in this study should be considered as several studies indicated that the prevalence of tlinlassemia trait among the same population in Indonesia is high. Iron deficiency also occurred at the storage level, which increased and reached the normal value with iron or iron-zinc supplementation. At the end of supplementation, the mean value of most indicators of iron status in all groups did not reach the normal value (such as Hb < 120 g/L, ZPP > 40 umol/mol heme, MCV <2 80 fL, RDW > l4%), perhaps the 12-weeks of iron supplementation was not long enough to fulfill iron for the 120 erythrocyte life cycle. lt seems, that the competition between iron and zinc occurred both at the storage level and the erythrocyte formation, and iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction as the improvement of both iron and zinc status was higher compared to the other groups. Most anemic adolescent school girls in this study had low available iron and zinc intake from the diet, with low intake of enhancers and high intake of inhibitors, which is not enough to promote either iron or zinc absorption from the supplements. The reduction of the proportion ol' subjects suffering from ARI was the highest among subjects who took either iron alone (3l.1% to 6.7%) compared to those who took iron- zinc supplement with ratio 2: 1 (1 7.3% to l1.l%) or iron-zinc supplement with ratio 4: 1(16.3 % to l4%), indicating that iron alone reduced morbidity status in tenn of Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI). However, adding zinc to iron supplements with ratio 2: 1 scents to improve the specific immune response of anemic adolescent school girls, as shown that the ratio of CD-4/CD-S was slightly increased among subjects who took iron- zinc supplement with the ratio of Fe: Zn= 2: 1 Conclusions and Recommendations lt was concluded, that both iron deficiency anemia (22%) and zinc deficiency (15.8%) were problems in the study area. Iron deficiency and hemoglobinopathies such as that assemia trait might be the causes of anemia among adolescent school girls. A daily 30 mg iron and 15 mg zinc supplementation among anemic adolescent schools girls for 12 weeks improved iron and zinc status and reduced iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency. Iron supplementation alone increased iron status, while adding zinc to iron supplementation protected the adverse effect of iron on decreasing zinc status. The competition between iron and zinc might occur in the role of both nutrients for erythrocytes formation as well-as at storage level, and supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 had minimal interaction on improving bot.h iron and zinc status. As most of the anemic adolescent school girls had inadequate iron and zinc intake from the diet, the deficiencies of other micronutrients such as; vitamin A, folic acid and vitamin B12 should also be considered as the causes of anemia. Combined iron-zinc supplementation with the ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1 was appropriate on reducing the risk of anemic adolescent school girls suffering from Acute Respiratory Infection, however the mechanism of both iron and zinc on enhancing immune system could not clearly be shown from the results of this study. It is recommended to establish an iron-zinc supplementation program with ratio of 2: 1 through the existing channel of school health program to alleviate iron de iciency anemia and zinc deficiency 'among adolescent girls. Research cum action prioritized is to explain the contribution of bioavailability iron and zinc intake from the diet including increase the enhancers and minimize the inhibitors to the absorption of iron-zinc supplementation with ratio of Fe: Zn = 2: 1. The possibility of hemoglobinopathies such as thalassemia trait, as the cause of anemia needs further investigations.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novianti Indriastuti
Abstrak :

Daun pacar air {Impatiens balsamina Linn.) dikultur pada medium Murashige-Skoog (1962) modifikasi dengan pemberian interaksi 2,4-D dan kinetin. Kultur dipelihara dalam ruang bersuhu +-25C dan diberi cahaya. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap waktu inisiasi, jenis, warna, berat basah dan berat kering kalus. Kalus mulai terbentuk pada minggu ke-2 setelah penanaman, berwarna krem dan bertekstur remah kompak. Berat basah kalus rata-rata tertinggi pada minggu ke-4 diperoleh dari kalus dalam medium PIO (2 ppm 2,4-D + 0,5 ppm kinetin) yaitu 0,2288 gram, dan berat kering kalus rata-rata tertinggi diperoleh dari kalus dalam medium P9 (1 ppm 2,4-D + 0,5 ppm kinetin) yaitu 0,0195 gram. Berat basah dan berat kering kalus rata-rata tertinggi pada minggu ke-8 diperoleh dari kalus dalam medium PIO (0,2991 gram dan 0,0285 gram). Berat basah kalus rata-rata tertinggi pada minggu ke-12 diperoleh dari kalus dalam medium P3 (3 ppm 2,4-D) yaitu 0,8481 gram, sedangkan berat kering kailus rata-rata tertinggi diperoleh dari kalus dalam medium PIO (0,0603 gram). Hasil ANAVA menunjukkan bahwa interaksi 2,4-D dan kinetin berpengaruh terhadap pertambahan berat basah dan berat kering kalus pada minggu ke-8 dan minggu ke-12.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meriana Indah Indriastuti
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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