"Latar belakang. OCS merupakan instrumen yang dapat digunakan untuk penapisan ganguan fungsi kognitif. Instrumen ringkas, domain spesifik, dan mampu untuk penapisan afasia dan pengabaian. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas OCS-INA.
Metode. Proses adaptasi dan translasi OCS sesuai kaidah WHO, kemudian dilakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas OCS-INA. Populasi penelitian subjek berumur > 18 tahun dengan fungsi kognitif normal menggunakan Moca-INA. Penelitian dilakukan di panti sosial dan fasilitas kesehatan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi.
Hasil. 104 subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebagian besar laki-laki (51,92%). Usia berkisar antara 20 sampai 87 tahun dengan prevalensi usia tertinggi > 60 tahun (60%), tingkat pendidikan Sekolah Menengah Atas (35,58%) dan kebanyakan tidak bekerja (62,5%). Uji validitas menggunakan rumus koefisien korelasi spearman, nilai valid pada hampir semua domain yaitu nilai r hitung > r tabel (0,1927). Uji reliabilitas Kappa p didapatkan interpretasi kesepakatan dominan sangat baik pada 6 tugas pemeriksaan, yaitu tugas semantik (0,874), orientasi (0,842) memori verbal (0,822), memori episodik (0,870) dan tes lapang pandang (1,000). Nilai baik didapatkan pada tes penamaan gambar (0,774), membaca (0,726) dan kalkulasi (0,774).
Kesimpulan. OCS-INA valid dan reliabel sebagai instrumen untuk penapisan gangguan kognitif dan bisa melengkapi instrumen yang sudah digunakan sebelumnya.
Background. OCS is an instrument that can be used to screen impaired cognitive function. This is a compact, domain specific and capable instrument for aphasia and neglect screening. This study aims to test the validity and reliability of OCS-INA.Method. The process of adaptation and translation of OCS according to WHO rules, then tested the validity and reliability of OCS-INA. The study population was subjects > 18 years old with normal cognitive function using Moca-INA. The study was conducted in social institutions and health facilities that met the inclusion criteria.Results. 104 subjects met the inclusion criteria. Most of the subjects were men (51.92%). Age of subjects ranged from 20 to 87 years with the highest age prevalence > 60 years (60%), high school education level (35.58%) and most of them were not working (62.5%). The validity test uses the Spearman correlation coefficient formula, the valid value in almost all domains is the calculated r value > r table (0.1927). Kappa p reliability test showed that the dominant agreement interpretation was very good on 6 examination tasks: semantic (0.874), orientation (0.842) verbal memory (0.822), episodic memory (0.870) and visual field test (1,000). Good scores were obtained in the picture naming test (0.774), sentence reading (0.726) and calculation (0.774).Conclusion. OCS-INA is valid and reliable instrument for cognitive impairment screening and can complement the instruments that have been used previously."