"[Ikan layur merupakan salah satu komoditas penting dalam perikanan tangkap di Palabuhanratu. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan populasi dan potensi ikan layur. Metode yang digunakan ialah data surplus produksi. Data ikan dibutuhkan untuk menggambarkan dinamika suatu populasi ikan yang dipengaruhi oleh pertumbuhan, mortalitas, dan migrasi ikan. Dinamika populasi dianalisis dengan paket perangkat lunak FISAT II dan pengkajian potensi lestari dianalisis dengan
model surplus produksi MSY. Hasil pengamatan Agustus-September 2014 menunjukkan perubahan kisaran panjang ikan dari kisaran 44,00?96,80 cm menjadi 47,00?97,99 cm dan berat rata-rata ikan berubah dari 285,33 gram menjadi 309,00
gram. Perubahan panjang ikan ini karena ikan mengalami proses pemijahan. Hasil estimasi pada waktu pengamatan memperlihatkan bahwa laju eksploitasi populasi ikan layur belum mencapai tangkap lebih (overfishing) dengan nilai batas tingkat penangkapan dibawah optimum 0,50. Dalam rangka mewujudkan perikanan layur berkelanjutan, disarankan menetapkan musim penangkapan, penambahan upaya dan wilayah tangkapan, serta pendataan berbasis spesies.
Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. Thisstudy aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve theseobjectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describethe dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, andmigration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period, the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and fishing zone, also data collection based on species. Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. This study aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve these objectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describe the dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, andmigration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package and potential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplus model. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fish length range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period, the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The length changes are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, the estimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet to reach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts and fishing zone, also data collection based on species.;Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. Thisstudy aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve theseobjectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describethe dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, andmigration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package andpotential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplusmodel. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fishlength range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period,the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The lengthchanges are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, theestimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet toreach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts andfishing zone, also data collection based on species., Hairtail is one of the important fish catches in Palabuhanratu waters. Thisstudy aims to determine the populations and potential of hairtail. To achieve theseobjectives, it required accuracy and precision data. Data of fish are needed to describethe dynamics of a fish population which influenced by fish growth, mortality, andmigration. The population dynamics is analyzed with FISAT II software package andpotential sustainable surplus production is analyzed with MSY production surplusmodel. The observation result from August to September 2014 showed that fishlength range has changed from 44.00-96.8 cm to 47.00-97.99 cm. In similar period,the average weight also changed from 285.33 gram to 309.00 gram. The lengthchanges are apparently due to the process of spawning. Based on the observation, theestimation result shows that the speed of exploitation of hairtail population is yet toreach overfishing fisheries, suggested to fix the fishing season, adding the efforts andfishing zone, also data collection based on species.]"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014