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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Esty Hayatun Nufus
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peran brand exposure dan brand experience merek Wardah terhadap brand recall. Lebih lanjut lagi, skripsi ini membahas pengaruh terhadap brand recall yang ditimbulkan oleh perceived brand image, self-image congruence dan brand trust. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif konklusif dan single-cross sectional. Kuesioner disebar kepada responden yang pernah membeli dan menggunakan Wardah di Indonesia sejumlah 260 responden yang diambil menggunakan metode convenience sampling. Penelitian ini menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa brand exposure dan brand experience berpengaruh secara signifikan pada perceived brand image, self-image congruence dan brand trust, dan brand recall dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh self-image congruence dan brand trust, namun tidak dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh perceived brand image. Pada penelitian ini juga terdapat implikasi manajerial serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
This study discusses the role of brand exposure and brand experience of Wardah brand to brand recall. Furthermore, this study discusses the influence on brand recall posed by the perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust. This research uses descriptive conclusive research design with single - cross sectional method. Questionnaires were distributed to 240 respondents who bought and used Wardah in Indonesia using a convenience sampling method. This research resulted in the conclusion that brand exposure and brand experience has significant influence on perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust, and brand recall is significantly influenced by the self -image congruence and brand trust, but not significantly influenced by the perceived brand image. In this study, there is also a managerial implications and suggestions for further research.;This study discusses the role of brand exposure and brand experience of Wardah brand to brand recall. Furthermore, this study discusses the influence on brand recall posed by the perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust. This research uses descriptive conclusive research design with single - cross sectional method. Questionnaires were distributed to 240 respondents who bought and used Wardah in Indonesia using a convenience sampling method. This research resulted in the conclusion that brand exposure and brand experience has significant influence on perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust, and brand recall is significantly influenced by the self -image congruence and brand trust, but not significantly influenced by the perceived brand image. In this study, there is also a managerial implications and suggestions for further research., This study discusses the role of brand exposure and brand experience of Wardah brand to brand recall. Furthermore, this study discusses the influence on brand recall posed by the perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust. This research uses descriptive conclusive research design with single - cross sectional method. Questionnaires were distributed to 240 respondents who bought and used Wardah in Indonesia using a convenience sampling method. This research resulted in the conclusion that brand exposure and brand experience has significant influence on perceived brand image, self -image congruence and brand trust, and brand recall is significantly influenced by the self -image congruence and brand trust, but not significantly influenced by the perceived brand image. In this study, there is also a managerial implications and suggestions for further research.]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hayatun Nufus
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kanker nasofaring (KNF) endemik di Indonesia dan kebanyakan datang dengan stadium lokal lanjut. Angka rekurensi KNF stadium lokal lanjut hingga kini masih cukup tinggi. Berbagai variabel terkait klinis dan patologis yang ada saat ini belum sepenuhnya mampu menstratifikasi pasien yang akan mendapatkan manfaat jika diberikan kemoterapi ajuvan terutama pada pasien yang tercapai objective respons rateberupa remisi lengkap dan parsial.Perkembangan mekanisme petanda molekuler yang terlibat pada jalur onkogenesis KNF berkembang pesat hingga saat ini, di antaranya Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor(VEGF) dan osteopontin (OPN). Beberapa studi sebelumnya menunjukkan VEGF dan OPN berkorelasi dengan progresifitas dan luaran klinis tumor padat, termasuk KNF. Tujuan: Mengetahui progression-free survival (PFS)3 tahun pasien KNF stadium lokal lanjut pasca kemoradiasi berbasis platinum serta hubungannya dengan ekspresi VEGF dan OPN. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan disain kohort retrospektif dengan subyek merupakan pasien KNF stadium lokal lanjut yang berobat di RSCM pada periode 2015-2017. Penelusuran data klinis dilakukan bersamaan dengan pewarnaan imunohistokimia VEGF dan OPN masing-masing menggunakan antibodi monoklonal Santa Cruz® sc-7267 dan Akm2A1. Intensitas pewarnaan dihitung dengan histoscore menggunakan piranti imageJ. Penilaian PFS dilakukan dengan analisis kesintasan Kaplan Meier. Analisis hubungan VEGF dan OPN terhadap PFS 3 tahun menggunakan kurva Kaplan Meier dan uji dengan log rankdengan batas kemaknaan p<0,05. Hasil:Angka PFS 3 tahun pada subyek sebesar 39% dengan median 23 bulan. Ekspresi VEGF dideteksi pada 113 (72,9%) subyek, dan ekspresi OPN positif pada 99 (63,8%) subyek. Kurva Kaplan-Meier menunjukkan PFS 3 tahun untuk VEGF (+) dan (-) berturut-turut yaitu 40% (SE 5%) dan 36% (SE 8%), log rank p=0,584. PFS untuk OPN (+) dan (-) berturut-turut yaitu 41% (SE 6%) dan 35% (SE 7%), log rank p=0,747.Analisis subgrup pasien dengan stadium IVB dan ukuran tumor N3, ekspresi VEGF dan OPN yang positif berhubungan dengan PFS 3 tahun yang lebih baik dibandingkan ekspresi negatif. Untuk subgrup pasien yang mendapatkan kemoterapi neoajuvan, ekspresi VEGF yang positif memberikan PFS 3 tahun yang lebih baik dibandingkan ekpresi negatif. Simpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan PFS 3 tahun KNS stadium lokal lanjut yang maih cukup rendah, dan tidak terdapat hubungan antara ekspresi VEGF dan OPN dengan PFS 3 tahun. ......Background: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is endemic in Indonesia and most patients were admitted to hospital when they already in locally advanced stage.The recurrence rate of locally advanced NPC is still quite high. Various clinical and pathological variables that exist today are not fully capable of stratifying patients who will benefit if adjuvant chemotherapy is given, especially in patients whom are complete and partial remission.To date,the development of molecular marker mechanismsinvolved in the oncogenesis pathway of NPC has grown rapidly, including Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) and Osteopontin (OPN). Previous studies have shown VEGF and OPN to be correlated with the progression and clinical outcome of solid tumors, including nasopharyngeal cancer. Objective: This study aimed to determine 3-years progression-free survival (PFS) of locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma after platinum-based concurrent chemoradiation and its association with VEGF and OPN. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in subjects of NPC patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from 2015 until 2017. Clinical data was collected from hospital registries, and immunohistochemistry staining of VEGF and OPN was perfomed by using monoclonal antibodySanta Cruz® sc-7267 and Akm2A1, respectively.We calculated H-score according to Allred criteria with computer software imageJ. We determined PFS byKaplan Meier survival analysis. Association of VEGF and OPN with 3 years-PFS was analyzed using Kaplan Meier with log-rank test p<0.05. Results: The 3-years PFS rate in subjects was 39% with a median of 23 months. VEGF expression was detected in 113 (72.9%) samples, and positive OPN expression in 99 (63.8%) samples. The Kaplan-Meier curve shown the 3-years PFS for VEGF (+) and (-) were 40% (SE 5%) and 36% (SE 8%), respectively with log rank p=0.584. While 3-years PFS for OPN (+) and (-) were 41% (SE 6%) and 35% (SE 7%), respectively with log rank p=0.747. Subgroup analysis of patients with stage IVB and tumor size N3 showed that positive VEGF and OPN expression were associated with better3-years PFS than negative expression. For the subgroup of patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy, positive VEGF expression showed better 3-years PFS than negative expression. Conclusions: This study showed that the 3-years PFS of locally advanced NPC was quite low, and there was no relationship between VEGF and OPN expression with 3-years PFS.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adnin Mustika Hayatun Nufus
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini mengkaji narasi yang ditulis oleh anak-anak dan orang dewasa dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosiolinguistik dan analisis wacana. Analisis ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan struktur naratif dan alat kohesi pada narasi serta membandingkan perbedaannya berdasarkan usia anak-anak dan usia dewasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya narasi yang ditulis oleh orang dewasa yang memiliki struktur lengkap. Jenis kohesi gramatikal yang muncul pada setiap narasi adalah konjungsi. Substitusi hanya ditemukan pada narasi yang ditulis oleh orang dewasa. Pada kohesi leksikal, jenis kohesi yang muncul pada setiap narasi adalah repetisi dan kolokasi.
This research discusses about sociolinguistics and discourse analysis of narrative text. The purpose of this research are to describe the narrative structures and cohesion markers used in narrative text and to compare its differences based on the age of children and adults involved. This research uses qualitative method. The result indicates that the narrative text written by adults have a complete structures. In grammatical cohesion, conjunction is used in every narrative text, while substitution is only used in narrative texts written by adults. In lexical cohesion, repetition and collocation are also used in every narrative text.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library