Gusti Aditya Andika
Abstrak :
Sektor pertanian merupakan penyangga utama pasokan pangan dan penyumbang serapan tenaga kerja terbanyak di Indonesia. Namun, rendahnya tingkat pendapatan serta tingginya kemiskinan di rumah tangga petani menimbulkan pertanyaan terkait ketahanan pangan di wilayah mayoritas penduduknya berkerja sektor pertanian. Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan itu dengan menggunakan indikator persentase tenaga kerja sektor pertanian per total pekerja dan skor Indeks Ketahanan Pangan (IKP) di 416 kabupaten di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Badan Pangan Nasional selama periode 2020 s.d. 2022. Melalui estimasi Generalized Least Square (GLS) ditemukan korelasi negatif yang signifikan antara jumlah petani dengan ketahanan pangan. Setiap peningkatan persentase jumlah petani sebesar 1% akan diiringi dengan penurunan skor IKP sebesar 0,107 poin dalam kondisi ceteris paribus. Secara singkat, kabupaten dengan persentase jumlah petani dan rumah tangga petani miskin yang lebih banyak, upah/gaji petani lebih tinggi dan produksi beras sedikit, memiliki ketahanan pangan yang lebih rendah. Sebaliknya, kabupaten dengan PDRB tinggi, banyak penduduk, pengeluaran konsumsi beras tinggi dan biaya konsumsi daging rendah, serta banyak penduduk miskin yang mendapatkan Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) akan memiliki ketahanan pangan yang lebih tinggi. Terkait itu, maka upaya penanggulangan kemiskinan di kabupaten-kabupaten yang tenaga kerjanya mayoritas berasal dari sektor pertanian perlu terus dimasifkan guna meningkatkan ketahanan pangan.
......The agricultural sector is the main support for food supply and the largest contributor to labor absorption in Indonesia. However, low-income levels and high levels of poverty among farming households raise concerns regarding food security in areas where most of the population earns their livelihood from the agricultural sector. This research aims to examine the relationship between the percentage of agricultural sector workers per total worker and the Food Security Index (IKP) score in 416 districts in Indonesia. The data were collected from the Central Statistics Agency and the National Food Agency for the period of 2020 to 2022. Through Generalized Least Square (GLS) estimation, a significant negative correlation was found between the percentage of farmers and the IKP score. Every percentage increase in the number of farmers by 1% will be accompanied by a decrease in the IKP score of 0.107 points under ceteris paribus conditions. In short, the research results show that districts with a greater percentage of farmers and poor people from the agricultural sector, higher wages for agricultural labor and less rice production, will have lower level of food security. On the other hand, districts with high GRDP, large populations, higher rice consumption costs, lower meat consumption costs, and many poor people targeted by the Non-Cash Food Assistance program will have a higher level of food security. In relation to this matter, poverty reduction measures in districts where most of the workforce comes from the agricultural sector need to be accelerated to increase food security.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library