ABSTRAKBirokrasi pemerintah di Indonesia saat ini masih kurang dipercaya oleh publik sebagai penopang keberlanjutan pembangunan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Hal ini tentu diperlukan aksi nyata dari Pemerintah dengan memperkuat dan membangun kepercayaan masyarakat kembali terhadap Birokrasi pemerintah. Perkuatan birokrasi di Indonesia hanya dapat dicapai apabila Pemerintah memiliki komitmen yang kuat untuk melakukan Reformasi Birokrasi.
Reformasi birokrasi dilaksanakan salah satunya melalui reformasi dari aparatur sipil negara, karena aparatur sipil negara memiliki kedudukan dan peranan yang sangat penting dalam penyelenggaraan fungsi pemerintahan. Arti penting dari reformasi dari aparatur sipil negara tersebut dikaitkan dengan pengisian jabatan strategis yang diisi oleh Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Jabatan yang sangat strategis dalam pelaksanaan reformasi birokrasi terkait aparatur sipil negara adalah Jabatan Pimpinan Tinggi Aparatur Sipil Negara. Pelaksanaan pengisian jabatan pimpinan tinggi aparatur sipil negara telah dilaksanakan dengan secara terbuka dan kompetitif di kalangan Pegawai Negeri Sipil sebagaimana prinsip transparansi sehingga Reformasi Birokrasi di Indonesia dapat terlaksana.
ABSTRACTBureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.;Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.;Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished., Bureaucracy in Indonesia still less trusted by the public as the support of sustainable development and improving people's welfare. It is certainly necessary real action from the Government to strengthen and build public confidence back to the government bureaucracy . Retrofitting bureaucracy in Indonesia can only be achieved if the government has a strong commitment to do Reforms.
Bureaucratic reforms implemented one of them through the reform of the civil apparatus , because state civil apparatus has a position and a very important role in the implementation of governmental functions . The significance of the reform of the civil apparatus associated with filling strategic positions filled by Civil Servants. Strategic positions in the bureaucracy reform related civil apparatus is a high position of civil apparatus. The implementation of charging high positions of the Civil Apparatus at government agencies has been implemented in an open and competitive of the Civil Servants as the principle of transparency so Reforms in Indonesia can be accomplished.]"