Gina Febrianti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pengembangan pelayanan rumah sakit di tahun 2015 maka RS Awal Bros bekasi sangat membutuhkan tenaga keperawatan. RS Awal Bros Bekasi sebagai RS tipe B mempunyai kapasitas 200 tempat tidur dan Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) 65 - 70 % membutuhkan 134 tenaga keperawatan, Guna mencukupi kebutuhan tenaga keperawatan, RS Awal Bros Bekasi perlu melakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan untuk pengembangan pelayanan rumah sakit. Mengingat pentingnya peran tenaga keperawatan dalam menunjang mutu pelayanan, maka harus dilakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang proses rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan di RS Awal Bros Bekasi, untuk dapat memberikan umpan balik kepada divisi HRD dalam melakukan rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan yang akan datang. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan metode pendekatan deskriptif. Pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen.
Dalam hasil wawancara mendalam dan telaah dokumen teridentifikasi belum tersosialisasi dengan baik kebijakan dan prosedur terkait proses rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan, perencanaan kebutuhan tenaga keperawatan yang belum baik dilakukan, keterbatasannya ruangan yang ada, jadwal seleksi yang Universitas Indonesia selalu tidak tepat waktu, kurang koordinasi antara tim seleksi tenaga keperawatan, belum pernah dibuat analisa pekerjaan uraian tugas keperawatan.
Hasil penelitian menyarankan keperawatan harus membuat perencanaan tenaga keperawatan yang baik, membuat jadwal rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan dengan sebaik mungkin, membuat analisa jabatan tenaga keperawatan, memberikan pendidikan dan pelatihan kepada staff HRD serta mensosialisasikan kebijakan prosedur terkait proses rekrutmen dan seleksi tenaga keperawatan kepada tim sehingga tim dapat berkoordinasi dengan baik.
This research is motivated by the service development for hospital in 2015. Awal Bros Bekasi Hospital looking for nursing personnel. To meet the needs of nursing personnel, as hospital grade B Awal Bros Bekasi have capacity of 200 beds and Bed Occupancy Rate (BOR) 65-70% require 134 nursing personnel. Awal Bros Bekasi Hospital need to perform nursing personnel recruitment and selection services for the development of the hospital. Given the importance of the role of nursing personnel in supporting quality of service should be doing to perform nursing personnel recruitment and selection as well as possible.
The research have purpose to get an overview about recruitment and selection of nurse staff process in Awal Bros Bekasi, to give a feedback to the department of HRD in conducting the recruitment and selection of nursing personnel in future. Researchers used qualitative method with descriptive approach method. Data colection through in-depth interviews and document analysis.
In-depth interviews and document analysis have not been properly socialized identified policies and procedures related to the recruitment and selection of nursing staff, nursing workforce planning needs that have not been Universitas Indonesia well done, the existing space limitations, the schedule selection is not always on time, lack of coordination between the team selection nursing personnel, never yet made job analysis of nursing job descriptions.
The results of research suggest to make a good nursing workforce planning, schedulling recruitment and nursing personnel recruitment selection as well as possible, making analysis of nursing position, provide education and training to HRD staff and apply policies and procedures related to the recruitment and selection process of nursing personnel to the team, so the team can coordinate well.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library