Gabriel Fajar Sasmita Aji
Abstrak :
“Dunia Baru” mendekonststruksi paradigma dari para penjelajah Eropa
yang datang ke Karibia, dan ini merupakan ideologi dari para poskolonialis
Karibia. Omeros, sebuah epik karya Derek Walcott, dan The Enigma of Arrival,
sebuah novel otobiografi karya VS Naipaul, mengangkatnya sebagai upaya
membangun identitas dan kontestasi melawan hegemoni kolonial. Masing-masing
menerapkan strategi dalam mengadaptasi pandangan-pandangan Eropa sebagai
salah satu elemen fiksinya. Namun demikian, keduanya ternyata mengusung
berbagai makna ambivalen demi makna-makna yang hendak dikemukakan dalam
kaitannya dengan poskolonialitas Karibia. Bagaimana masing-masing
mengetengahkan makna-makna dekonstruktif tersebut merupakan fokus dari
disertasi ini. Juga, dipaparkan di sini analisis terhadap masing-masing perspektif
dalam mengangkat ideologi tersebut.
Pendekatan yang digunakan ialah poskolonial, dan sebagai kajian sastra
metodologi yang diterapkan ialah analisis tekstual. Pemahaman dan interpretasi
secara kualitatif terhadap teks-teks merupakan hal yang utama dalam
mengerjakan kajian di sini. Karena pada dasarnya sastra Karibia ada dalam ranah
atau konteks poskolonial, beberapa teks penting lainnya dibahas demi keperluan
pembahasan permasalahan-permasalahan yang ditemukan dalam korpus
penelitian, Omeros dan The Enigma of Arrival. Dalam hal ini sumbangan pikiran
dari Stuart Hall tentang identitas kultural menjadi landasan penting bagi
pembahasan berbagai fenomena yang terjadi di Karibia, di samping juga teoriteori
mendasar mengenai poskolonialisme itu sendiri.
Akhirnya, beberapa temuan sebagai hasil kajian penelitian disertasi ini.
Pertama, strategi adaptasi terhadap pandangan Eropa oleh Omeros diterjemahkan
ke dalam ide tentang Eden Baru, dan The Enigma of Arrival mengungkapkannya
dalam Kebun Jack. Keduanya menjadi representasi cara baru dalam membangun
identitas, yang menekankan masa depan karena masa lalu hanya menjadi mitos
yang mengganggu dan sekadar memenuhi memori. Kedua, ada beberapa aspek
yang dimiliki Eden Baru dan Kebun Jack, yakni perubahan, perbedaan, dan masa
depan. Ketiga, bagi Omeros cara menghadapi masa depan ialah berani dan bijak
mengadaptasi pandangan Eropa untuk disesuaikan dengan kondisi lokal. Bagi The
Enigma of Arrival cara menghadapi masa depan ialah berdiri sejajar dengan dunia
Eropa sehingga inferioritas warisan masa lalu tidak menghambat kemajuan.;
“New World” is to deconstruct the paradigm owned by the European
explorers of Caribbean. It is the ideology of Caribbean postcolonialists. Omeros,
by Derek Walcott, and The Enigma of Arrival, by VS Naipaul, mounted it as an
establishment of identity and contestation against the colonial hegemony. Each
underwent a strategy, especially in adapting European views as one of its fictious
elements. However, they provided ambivalent meanings in order to bring their
own messages due to Caribbean post coloniality. How each of them deconstructed
those views is the focus of this dissertation. It also analysed the perspective of
each in uplifting the ideology.
The approach applied was postcolonial and as a literary study the
methodology of this dissertation was textual analysis. Qualitatively
understanding and interpreting the texts were the main conduct to undergo the
study. Since the Caribbean literature belongs to the realm of postcolonial context,
several important texts were worth discussing in order to analyze the problems
found in the main corpus of study, Omeros and The Enigma of Arrival. Stuart
Hall’s notions on cultural identity was an important basis in providing any
concepts dealing the Caribbean phenomena, besides also several significant
theories about postcolonialism.
Finally, there are some findings in the dissertation. First, the strategy of
adapting European views in Omeros provided a notion of New Eden and in The
Enigma of Arrival a notion of “Jack’s Garden.” Both represented a new way of
establishing identity, in which the emphasis was mainly on the future life because
the past stood as the myth which burdened with only memories. Secondly, some
aspects of both New Eden and Jack’s Garden were change, difference, and future.
Thirdly, for Omeros the way of facing the future was by adapting it into the local
conducts, and not by imitating European views. Meanwhile, for The Enigma of
Arrival the way of facing the future was to stand as high as Europe in order to
abolish inferiority given by the past., “New World” is to deconstruct the paradigm owned by the European
explorers of Caribbean. It is the ideology of Caribbean postcolonialists. Omeros,
by Derek Walcott, and The Enigma of Arrival, by VS Naipaul, mounted it as an
establishment of identity and contestation against the colonial hegemony. Each
underwent a strategy, especially in adapting European views as one of its fictious
elements. However, they provided ambivalent meanings in order to bring their
own messages due to Caribbean post coloniality. How each of them deconstructed
those views is the focus of this dissertation. It also analysed the perspective of
each in uplifting the ideology.
The approach applied was postcolonial and as a literary study the
methodology of this dissertation was textual analysis. Qualitatively
understanding and interpreting the texts were the main conduct to undergo the
study. Since the Caribbean literature belongs to the realm of postcolonial context,
several important texts were worth discussing in order to analyze the problems
found in the main corpus of study, Omeros and The Enigma of Arrival. Stuart
Hall’s notions on cultural identity was an important basis in providing any
concepts dealing the Caribbean phenomena, besides also several significant
theories about postcolonialism.
Finally, there are some findings in the dissertation. First, the strategy of
adapting European views in Omeros provided a notion of New Eden and in The
Enigma of Arrival a notion of “Jack’s Garden.” Both represented a new way of
establishing identity, in which the emphasis was mainly on the future life because
the past stood as the myth which burdened with only memories. Secondly, some
aspects of both New Eden and Jack’s Garden were change, difference, and future.
Thirdly, for Omeros the way of facing the future was by adapting it into the local
conducts, and not by imitating European views. Meanwhile, for The Enigma of
Arrival the way of facing the future was to stand as high as Europe in order to
abolish inferiority given by the past.]
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library