"Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh bahan pengisi terhadap pelepasan furosemida dalam sediaan tablet. Tablet dibuat menggunakan metode granulasi basah dengan bahan pengikat larutan karboksimetil kitosan 5% dan bahan pengisi yang berbeda yaitu laktosa (formula A), avicel 101 (formula B), amilum jagung (formula C) dan dikalsium fosfat (formula D). Pelepasan furosemida dari masing-masing tablet dievaluasi menggunakan alat disolusi tipe 2 dengan medium dapar fosfat pH 5,8. Sampel dianalisis menggunakan spektrofotometer pada גּ 274 nm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelepasan furosemida terbesar yaitu 97,91% dihasilkan oleh formula A, kemudian diikuti oleh formula C 97,56%, formula B 78,56% dan formula D 35,82%.
It is been done experiment toward the influence of filler toward the releasing of furosemida from the tablet dosage form. The tablet is made by using the wet granulation method with carboxymethyl chitosan solution as the binding agent and different filler lactose (formula A), avicel 101 (formula B), corn starch (formula C) and dicalsium fosfat (formula D). The releasing of furosemida from tablet is evaluated by using the disolution apparatus type 2 with buffer fosfat pH 5,8 as medium. The sample is analyzed by using the spektrofotometer on the גּ 274 nm. The results showed the releasing of furosemida of formula A (97,91%), formula C (97,17%), formula B (78,56%) and formula D (35,82%)."