ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh karakteristik demografi anggota
dewan direksi perusahaan perbankan di Indonesia terhadap risk appetite dewan
direksi dengan proxy tingkat portfolio risk dari aset bank. Karakteristik demografi
yang diteliti adalah usia, gender, latar belakang studi S2/S3, dan latar belakang studi
ekonomi. Menggunakan Difference-in-Difference Estimator dengan strategi
Matching, karakteristik demografi dipelajari dengan perubahan susunan anggota
dewan direksi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa meningkatnya latar belakang
studi S2/S3 dalam anggota dewan direksi meningkatkan tingkat portfolio risk.
Sedangkan meningkatnya latar belakang studi ekonomi/bisnis dalam anggota
dewan direksi menurunkan tingkat portfolio risk
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the influence of demographic characteristics of members of
the board of directors of banking companies in Indonesia against the risk appetite
of the board of directors proxied by portfolio risk level of the bank's assets.
Demographic characteristics studied were age, gender, educational background
level (S2/S3), and the educational background of economic studies. Using
Difference-in-Difference Estimator with Matching strategy, demographic
characteristics studied changes in the composition of the board of directors. The
study found that the increase in proportion of educational background level (S2/S3)
in the board of directors increased the level of portfolio risk. While the increase in
educational background study of economics/business within the board of directors
reduce the level of portfolio risk."