Eny Susilowati
Abstrak :
Fokus penelitian kualitatif berperpektif feminis ini menjelaskan pergulatan
mempertahankan kehamilan di luar nikah dalam pendampingan perempuan hamil
diluar nikah di Rumah aman Kongregasi Gembala baik. Simone de Beauvoir,
Carol Gilligan dan Maria Euphrasia dengan pandangan teorinya masing-masing
menanggapi situasi perempuan terpinggirkan khusunya perempuan yang hamil di
luar nikah. Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan empat temuan. Pertama, kisah
kekacauan yang dialami oleh Ibu dari perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah demi
mempertahankan diri sebagai ?perempuan yang tepat? terjadi juga pada anak
perempuannya melalui multi beban dan kekerasan. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh
konstruksi sosial akan buruknya stigma sebagai seorang janda. Kedua, relasi
perempuan yang hamil di luar nikah dan pasangannya didominasi relasi kuasa
laki-laki yang menganggap perempuan hanya sebagai ?objek? dan perempuan
dipandang setara ketika menguntungkan dan tidak ada tuntutan. Ketiga,
perempuan hamil di luar nikah dan orang disekitarnya sangat berat menerima
beban stigma dan aib yang dibebankan hanya pada perempuan. konsep mitos
keperawanan dan aturan moral masyarakat mempengaruhi perempuan hamil di
luar nikah dalam menilai dan bersikap terhadap diri sendiri dan orang lain.
Keempat, pendampingan bagi perempuan hamil di luar nikah di Rumah Aman
yang kelola oleh Suster Gembala Baik menyediakan suasana yang memberi
ketenangan dan saling menguatkan, namun sistem pendampingan yang dijalankan
perlu mendapat pembaharuan dan pendampingan lebih berperspektif gender.
The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed
women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the
Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr
Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially
women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly,
the chaos to maintain herself as a ?proper woman? that is experienced by the
mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads
and violence. It?s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a
widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of
wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects",
women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male
responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive
heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of
virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and
treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan
women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull
environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading
and a gender perspective mentoring system;The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed
women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the
Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr
Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially
women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly,
the chaos to maintain herself as a ?proper woman? that is experienced by the
mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads
and violence. It?s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a
widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of
wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects",
women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male
responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive
heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of
virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and
treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan
women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull
environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading
and a gender perspective mentoring system, The focus of this qualitative feminist study is to explicate struggles of unwed
women to keep their pregnancy and assisting practices in maternity home of the
Good Shepherd Sisters. Borrowing Simone de Beauvoir, Carol Gilligan and Sr
Euphrasia approaches to respond situation of marginalized women especially
women who become pregnant out of wedlock, I came with four findings. Firstly,
the chaos to maintain herself as a “proper woman” that is experienced by the
mother of unwed woman is also experienced by her daughter through multi loads
and violence. It’s influenced by the social construction of bad stigma being a
widow. Secondly, relationship between women who become pregnant out of
wedlock and her partner is dominated by male who consider women as "objects",
women are seen as equal if it gives benefit to male and does not request male
responsibilities. Thirdly, unwed pregnant women and the family members receive
heavy burden of society stigma due to unwed pregnancy. Mythical concept of
virginity and moral rules of society affects unwed women in assessing and
treating towards themselves and others. Fourthly, assisting for unwed pregnan
women in the maternity home of the Good Shepherd Sister provide peacefull
environment and support each other, but the assisting system needs upgrading
and a gender perspective mentoring system]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library