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Eddy Hasan
Abstrak :
Bentuk pelayanan masyarakat yang diberikan oleh Pemda DKI Jakarta baik mencakup aspek layanan administrasi, jasa maupun layanan barang, tapi layanan yang diberikan masih mendapat keluhan dari masyarakat. Penyebab dari lemahnya layanan masyarakat, salah satunya diakibatkan dari kemampuan aparat dalam memberikan layanan. Ada dua solusi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan aparat, yaitu solusi dengan alternatif diklat maupun dengan solusi non diktat. Solusi diklat dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap dari aparat. Untuk menjawab tantangan di atas, maka diadakan Diktat Pelayanan Masyarakat yang dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Diktat Prop. DKI Jakarta. Peningkatan aparat dengan solusi diklat pelayanan masyarakat perlu diketahui sampai seberapa efektif diktat tersebut. Persoalan efektifitas pelatihan ada pada saat input pelatihan, pada saat proses pelatihan, seberapa banyak output pelatihan dan seberapa besar outcome nya. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian dengan studi dokumen, studi kepustakaan, penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara di Kantor Diktat Prop. DKI Jakarta sebagai pelaksana diktat serta peninjauan langsung ke unit kerja sesuai dengan lokasi responden. Seluruh alumni diktat yang berjumlah 35 orang menjadi responden ditambah dengan responden dari atasan tangsung dan teman sejawat dari alumni diklat masing-masing 35 orang serta pakar layanan masyarakat. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut dapat diperoleh data dan informasi yang objektif dan akurat selanjutnya diolah dengan menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif dan diinterpretasikan secara naratif. Berdasarkan input pelatihan pada aspek analisis kebutuhan pelatihan dinyatakan tujuan pelatihan telah tepat sesuai dengan kebutuhan layanan terhadap masyarakat, hanya saja analisa kebutuhan pelatihannya belum spesifik individual sehingga kompetensi kelompok sasaran menjadi kurang jelas. Kurikulum telah ada walaupun belum terstruktur, metode andragogi telah digunakan dengan parasarana dan sarana diklat yang memadai. Pada input kepesertaan berdasarkan kualitas peserta masih ada kriteria kepesertaan yang dilanggar, kriteria perlu diperbaharui dan kepesertaan di unit-unit kerja belum merata. Berdasarkan kuantitas input peserta tidak tercapai. Pengajar memadai walaupun ada kriteria yang perlu ditambah. Pada analisis proses, secara keseluruhan peserta menilai baik kepada pengajar dan penyelenggara diklat. Begitupun dengan pelaksanaan jadwal sesuai dengan rencana, kurikulum dan metode pembelajaran peserta menilai baik, sarana dan prasarana digunakan dengan baik. Di masa yang akan datang sebaiknya peserta tidak menilai pengajar dan penyelenggara tapi hanya menyatakan kepuasannya saja. Analisis output diklat secara kuantitas tercapai. Krtiteria penilaian perlu memperhatikan seluruh kegiatan peserta selama diklat sehingga akan menggambarkan kualitas dari output diklat, seperti nilai harian, perubahan nilai pre tes dengan post tes. Rangking output peserta tidak berbanding lurus dengan kriteria input peserta (pada kriteria pendidikan, jabatan dan usia). Berdasarkan analisis outcome diklat dinyatakan materi diklat berguna, membantu dan mampu dilaksanakan peserta di unit kerjanya. Berdasarkan persepsi atasan dan teman sejawat dari alumni diklat, secara keseluruhan terjadi perbaikan kinerja alumni diklat pada saat sesudah diklat dibandingkan sebelum diklat. Secara keseluruhan penyelengaaran Diklat Pelayanan Masyarakat dapat dikatakan baik dan diharapakan dapat dilanjutkan di masa selanjutnya. Walaupun beberapa saran pada input diktat, proses diklat, output diktat sampai outcome diklat harus diperhatikan demi meningkatakan efektifitas diklat selanjutnya. Daftar Pustaka : 46 buku + 2 Tesis + 3 artikel + 1 Perundang-undangan + 2 lain-lain (1980 -2003)
The types of public service provided by the local government of Jakarta special territory include aspect of administration, service and goods procurement. These service, however, are still complained by the public. One cause of this poor public service has been the low performance on the part of state apparatus. There are two solutions to upgrade their performance training and education solution and non-training and education solution. The former has been intended to increase the apparatus, knowledge, skill and attitude. The above challenge has been responded by the provision of public service training held by The Education and Training Office of Jakarta Specific Territory Province. It is essential to discover how effective this kind of training is. The question of effectiveness lies in the training input, training process, output quantity and outcome quantity. The data collecting methods employed in this investigation have been document study, library research, questionnaire distribution, interviews at the Training Office as the administrator of training and site visit to the work places for which the respondents work. There were 35 alumni of this public service training chosen to be respondents, 35 respondents selected from alumni?s immediate supervisor and another 35 taken from their co employees and the specialist of public service. These procedures were expected to held obtain more objective and accurate data and information which were subsequently processed with analysis and descriptive techniques from which narrative was made. Based on the input analysis in which training needs are stated, we can say that the objectives of training have met the needs of public service; however, the training needs have not been individually specific so that the target group competence is not clear. Curricula have been available, but are not were structured. The andragogy method has been used with adequate facility and infrastructure. From the participanship input, there are some criteria that have not been met. Therefore, theses criteria need to be revised together with more even participanship a cross the existing work places. On the basis of quantity, the participant input has not been met. Qualified instructors has been available, some more criteria, however, need to be added. The process analysis indicates that all participants gave positive assessment to either the instructor or the training administrator. The similar appraisal has gone to implementation schedule, curriculum and methods of training, facilities and infrastructure. In the future it is advisable that the participant not assess both the instructor and administrator; they will just state their satisfaction. Quantitatively the output analysis has been reached_ The assessment criteria should include the overall activities done by the course participant as to describe the training output such as daily scores, change in score (from pre test to post test). The participants ranks are not parallel to their input (the criteria of education, position and age). The outcome analysis has shown that the training materials are useful, helpful and workable in the work place. From the information supplied by the alumni?s superiors and coworkers, we can discover some improvement on the part the alumni?s performance by comparing their pre training performance to that of post and pre training. On the whole the administration public service training has been successful and this success is expected to continue in the years to come. Some suggestions, nonetheless, have been made on the input, process, output and outcome aspects of such training. Bibliography : 46 books + 2 Thesis + 3 articles + 1 document + 2 other materials (1980 -2003)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library