ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara work-life balance terhadap komitmen perubahan karyawan pada perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital. Work-life balance terdiri atas dimensi work interference with personal life (WIPL), personal life interference with work (PLIW), work enhancement of personal life (WEPL), dan personal life enhancement of work (PLEW). Komitmen perubahan terdiri atas dimensi komitmen perubahan afektif, kontinu, dan normatif. Penelitian menggunakan alat ukur Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch & Meyer, 2002) dan Work/Nonwork Scale (Fisher et al., 2009) yang diadaptasi oleh Khairan (2015) dan Askandar (2011). Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 112 karyawan yang bekerja dalam perusahaan rintisan berbasis digital. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara dimensi WEPL terhadap komitmen perubahan normatif (r = 0,24, p < 0,05). Hasil penelitian dapat berkontribusi bagi perusahaan sebagai pertimbangan untuk memerhatikan work-life balance karena berkaitan dengan komitmen perubahan karyawan.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between work-life balance and employee commitment to change in digital-based startup company. Work-life balance was comprised of work interference with personal life (WIPL), personal life interference with work (PLIW), work enhancement of personal life (WEPL), and personal life enhancement of work (PLEW) dimensions. Commitment to change comprised of affective commitment to change, continuance commitment to change, and normative commitment to change dimensions. This study used Commitment to Change Inventory (Herscovitch & Meyer, 2002) and Work/Nonwork Scale (Fisher et al., 2009) that had been adapted by Khairan (2015) and Askandar (2011). This study used 112 employees who work at digital-based startup company as a sample. Results indicated there was a significant relationship between WEPL and normative commitment to change (r = 0,24, p < 0,05). Results of this study could contribute to company as a consideration to attend to work-life balance, since it was related to employee commitment to change."