Penelitian ini membahas tentang gambaran secara umum tingkat risiko ergonomi dan keluhan subjektif muskuloskeletal yang dirasakan oleh pekerja pada pekerja Dinas Aircraft Support and Power Services PT GMF AeroAsia Unit Gas Turbine Repair and Overhaul. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional dengan metode Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC) dan Nordic Musculoskeletal Questtionaire (NMQ). Keluhan selama 12 bulan terakhir yang paling sering dialami pekerja Unit Gas Turbine Repair and Overhaul adalah leher (87%), bahu kanan (87%), punggung atas (67%), punggung bawah (60%), dan pergelangan tangan kanan (67%) dengan variasi kategori risiko dari sedang hingga tinggi.
......This analysis aims to explain a description of the risk level of ergonomic and the overview of Musculoskeletal disorders on Aircraft Support and Power Services workers at PT GMF AeroAsia Gas Turbine Repair and Overhaul Unit. This research is a quantiative descriptive study with cross sectional aprroach. Quick Exposure Checklist and Nordic Musculoskeletal Quiestionnaire were used as the methodology in this research. For the last 12 months, the result shows that the most frequent Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) complained by the workers are on the neck (87%), right shoulder (87%), upper back (67%), lower back (60%), and right wrist (67%) with variate risk categories starts from medium to high.