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Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Most of multicultural literature works explore identity problems. The writer analyzes White Teeth and Brick Lane. Both of them have similarities in terms of situation, setting of place and theme. Both of them explore the theme of diaspora identity undergone by Bangladeshi immigrants. The novels are studied closely on the focus of theme through Stuart Hall's concept of cultural identity by considering character, conflict, setting, tone and point of view. The leading character of two novels chooses cultural identity in the contrary position. Samad Miah Iqbal, the leading character of White Teeth tries hard to reconstruct his essential identity through residual cultural traits (ethnic and moderate religion). His choice results in his being alienated and exclusive when others follow dominant culture. He is in crisis when failing to find out the identity assumed transcendent and pure, even disillusioned by his twin's taking his own identity quests beyond his hope. Alsana and Neena Begum criticize most of Samad?s identity quest. In Brick Lane, the leading character, Nazneen adapts herself gradually into dominant culture. She had once applied religion for identity quest before she criticized the fundamentalist Islamic group, Bengal Tigers. Ethnic is easier to adapt than religion. Nazneen is in opposite with Chanu who is conservative and defends his cultural identity with ethnicity. Nazneen gives her daughters a chance to find out their own identity. After her proper adaptation into dominant culture, Nazneen finds a convenient position and remains in London with her daughters when Chanu comes back to Bangladesh. Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant following English culture is Magid in White Teeth and Shanana in Brick Lane. Since the very beginning, they have fought to release themselves from ethnical and religious burden in order to identify themselves with English culture. The end of White Teeth shows that Magid is in opposite with Samad and Millat, while Shanana in Brick Lane is finally allowed to lead her own way of identity quest after having been controlled by Chanu for a long time. Second Generation of Bangladeshi immigrant emphasizing his essential identity through residual culture traits (fundamental religion) is Millat Zulfikar Iqbal and Karim who join ethno-religious group. Millat joined KEVIN and Karim established Bengal Tigers. KEVIN and Bengal Tigers are dedicated for Islam struggle and also for opposing dominant culture. Ethnic is used to support their main goal, i.e. religious struggle. Thus, ethno-religious is used as their collective identity. Their radical attitude causes them to be called Islamic fundamentalist group. This supports Western stereotype that Islam is related with fanaticism, violence and intolerance. Both of novels prove Stuart Hall's concept that an immigrant identity needs to be positioned in dominant culture because they are in diaspora within a strange land. Referring to residual culture (religion and ethnic) will lead an immigrant into exclusive and alienated life. Identity crisis takes places when one fails to find out the cultural identity assumed pure, fixed, and coherent. The author of two novels implies the importance of assimilation for immigrant's success in different way. Zadie Smith implies it by showing Samad's identity crisis and failure of finding essential identity. On the other hand, Monica Ali implies it by revealing Nazneen's happiness, as she is willing to adapt herself into dominant culture.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk rnengetahui pengaruh dan besarnya pengaruh pengungkapan informasi perusahaan terhadap indikator pasar seperti return dan volume perdagangan saham serta perbedaan pengaruh tingkat pengungkapan informasi perusahaan terhadap indikator-indikator tersebut bagi perusahaan yang secara komprehensif melakukan pengungkapan dengan perusahaan yang tidak atau kurang komprehensif dalam melakukan pengungkapan informasi melalui laporan tahunan. Penelitian ini juga berusaha melihat kecenderungan perusahaan dalam melakukan pengungkapan informasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan content analysis dalam membuat indeks pengungkapan inforrnasi perusahaan dalam laporan tahunan selama periode tahun 2000-2002 yang merupakan indikator kinerja keuangan maupun non-keuangan perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan indikator market-based return dalam mengukur pengungkapan infonnasi perusahaan. Analisa dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa perbedaan rata-rata dalam meneliti pengaruh dari variabel pengungkapan informasi perusahaan terhadap indikator market-based return. Selain itu penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode regresi linier dan regresi logistik untuk melihat perbedaan pengaruh pengungkapan informasi antara perusahaan yang secara komprehensif rnelakukan pengungkapan dengan perusahaan yang tidak atau kurang komprehensif dalam melakukan pengungkapan informasi serta kecenderungan pengungkapan infomasi yang dilakukan perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh pengungkapan informasi terhadap kinerja keuangan baik terhadap volume perdagangan maupun return saham. Hasil peneiitian juga menyimpulkan tidak ada perbedaan abnormal return untuk kelompok perusahaan yang secam komprehensif melakukan pengungkapan informasi dibandingkan dengan perusahaan yang tidak atau kurang komprehensif dalam meiakukan pengungkapan infomasi pada sekitar tanggal pengumuman namun terdapat perbedaan volume perdagangan saham antara kedua kelornpok perusahaan. Hasil-hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengungkapan informasi yang dilakukan perusahaan melalui laporan tahunan kemungkinan belum dijadikan sebagai salah satu sumber infomaasi yang penting dan menentukan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan investasi oleh pam investor. Penelitian ini juga menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa skala perusahaan serta posisi laba yang dilaporkan menentukan tingkat pengungkapan informasi yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan.
This research ins conducted to find out the effect of company's disclosure to market indicators such as share?s trading volume and retum and different effect of company?s disclosure level to those market indicators for the comprehensive- disclosurer and non-comprehensive-disclosurer companies. This research also tries to see the tendency of the companies in disclosing their infomation through annual reports. This research adopts content analysis approach in generating the companies? disclosure index based on the period of 2000-2002 annual reports which is used as the indicator for the level of company?s disclosure. This research also uses some market-based indicators to see whether company's disclosure level affects or whether there is a different effect for both group of companies? disclosure level to those market indicators. A mean comparison analysis is used to find out the effect and effect difference of disclosure level to market indicators, whilst linear regression together with logistic regressions are used in this research to find out how significant is the association between the disclosure level and market-based indicators and the tendency of company?s diclosure, respectively. The results of this study show that the company?s disclosure level does not affect market indicators such as share?s trading volume and return. There is also no different effect of disclosure level to those market indicators for both comprehensive and non-comprehensive diselosurer companies. These results conclude that the cornpany?s disclosure through annual report is probably still not a matter of condiserable interest and importance to the investors. Another new evidence found in this research is that the companies? level of disclosures are affected by the size of company and their reported income in the financial statements.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi motif pemilihan skema pembiayaan Pengembangan Usaha Agribisnis Perdesaan (PUAP), mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi kinerja PUAP, serta menguji apakah kinerja PUAP syariah berbeda dengan PUAP konvensional di Jawa Tengah. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan multiple regression dummy variable, 185 manajer LKMA PUAP menjadi responden penelitian ini dengan pendekatan purposive sampling. Hasil riset menunjukkan PUAP syariah dipilih karena motif pertimbangan agama (40,6%), sementara LKMA PUAP konvensional dipilih alasan praktis (35,3%) dan ekonomi (30,2%). Variabel bebas skema pembiayaan (Sharia), usia LKMA, jumlah anggota, usia dan pendidikan manajer, modal, biaya, kredit, utang, dan kawasan secara simultan berpengaruh nyata terhadap kinerja LKMA. Secara parsial, pengaruh setiap variabel bebas terhadap kinerja bervariasi. Dari sisi likuiditas (Quick Ratio) dan profitabilitas (NPM), kinerja PUAP syariah relatif lebih baik dari yang konvensional. Skema syariah hanya berkorelasi negatif dengan kinerja aktivitas (ATO). Dan, terhadap kinerja solvabilitas (DER), syariah dan konvensional tidak berpengaruh nyata.
The objective of this research is to explore the motives in selecting financial scheme for rural agribusiness development (PUAP), to learn about the factors that affected the PUAP performance, to assess the difference in the performancebbetween the conventional PUAP and the sharia PUAP in Central Java, utilizing qualitative and quantitative method with a dummy variable multiple regression approach, 185 LKMA PUAP managers becomes the research responded with purposive sampling approach. Research shows that PUAP Sharia was chosen for a religious consideration (40.6%), while conventional PUAP LKMA was selected based on practical reasons (35.3%) and economy (30.2%). Free financing schemes (sharia) variable, LKMA age, number of members, managers age and education, capital, cost of credit, debt, and region are simultaneously and significantly affected the LKMA performance. Partially, the effect of each independent variable on the performance are varies. From the liquidity (quick ratio) and profitability (NPM) point of view, the sharia PUAP has shown a better performance than the conventional PUAP. The Sharia scheme only showed a negative correlation to the performance of the activity (ATO). While on the performance of solvency (DER), the sharia and the conventional shows no real effect.
Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Pemakaian obat herbal dimasyarakat diiringi dengan berkembangnya industri obat tradisional. Khusus untuk Industri Kecil Obat Tradisional (IKOT) setiap tahun pertumbuhannya semakin meningkat. IKOT turut berkontribusi sebesar 20% dari omset nasional produk herbal. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh IKOT adalah ketersediaan bahan baku dan kualitas produksi yang belum terstandar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan bahan baku untuk produk IKOT dan kontribusi dari kualitas produk IKOT terhadap pemakaian produk herbal masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dan wawancara kepada 4 IKOT di kota Depok dan responden yang menggunakan produk herbal sebanyak 84 orang. Berdasarkan analisa hasil penelitian diperoleh Y = 0,549 X atau pemakaian produk = 0,549 kualitas produk. Artinya apabila kualitas produk ditingkatkan satu kali maka pemakaian produk akan meningkat 1/0,549 atau sekitar dua kali. Kualitas produk berkaitan secara bermakna dengan kualitas bahan baku herbal. Kontinuitas produksi di IKOT tergantung pada bahan baku yang berasal dari bukan hasil budidaya. Kemitraan dengan petani penyedia bahan baku melalui pola penanaman sistem Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). Pembinaan petani diarahkan pada cara budidaya, pengelolaan panen dan pasca panen serta cara penyimpanan bahan baku yang sesuai dengan Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB). Kerjasama dengan pihak perguruan tinggi dalam hal pengujian bahan baku herbal harus dilakukan oleh IKOT agar kualitas bahan terstandar. ......The use of herbs remedies in industrial growth accompanied by traditional medicine. Specifically for Small traditional medicine Industry (IKOT) increasing its growth each year. IKOT contribute 20% of the national turnover of herbs products. The main problems faced by IKOT is the availability of raw materials and production quality that has not been standardized. This research aims to analyze the availability of raw materials for the product and IKOT contributions from IKOT product quality to the use of herbs products community. The method used was a survey and interviews to 4 IKOT in Depok and respondents who use herbs products as much as 84 people. Based on an analysis of the research results obtained Y = 0.549 X or product usage = 0.549 product quality. It means that, when the quality of products improved once and then use the product to rise 1/0.549 or about twice. The quality of the product concerned significantly to the quality of raw herbs. Continuity of production at IKOT depending on the raw material comes from is not the result of cultivation. Partnership with farmers providing raw materials through a system of planting pattern of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). The construction of the farmers directed at how the cultivation, harvest and post harvest management and storage of the raw materials according to the way of making a good traditional medicine (CPOTB). Cooperation with the College in terms of raw herbs material testing must be carried out by the quality of the ingredients, standardized so that the IKOT.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of disclosure level to market indicators, such as trading volume activity (TVA) and stock returns. This study also tries to evaluate the difference in market indicators for companies with differences in disclosure level: comprehensive and non-comprehensive. This study adopts content analysis approach in generating disclosure index, using data from annual reports affirms listed in the JSX in the periods of 2000 ? 2002. This study uses mean comparison analysis and regression analysis, both linear and logistic, in testing the effect of disclosure level to market indicators of companies with comprehensive and non-comprehensive disclosure. This study does not provide empirical evidence to support the effect of disclosure level to both market indicators. However, this study finds that there is a difference in TVA between companies with comprehensive and non-comprehensive disclosure. These results lead to a conclusion that disclosure in the annual reports may still not be a matter of considerable interest and importance to investors. This study also finds that firm size and reported income affect disclosure level.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Hubungan pemustaka dengan perpustakaan dan pustakawan mengalami transformasi menjadi suatu ruang publik yang bersifat kompleks. Kompleksitas ruang publik ini tidak hanya untuk menampung interaksi antara pemustaka dan pustakawan dalam hubungannya dengan akses informasi dan pengetahuan, tetapi juga sebagai ruang pertemuan antar- generasi, antar-kepentingan, antar-komunitas, antar-profesi yang bersatu dan berinteraksi dengan pustakawan, teknologi, jejaring dan direkatkan oleh bahan perpustakaan dan dokumen koleksi perpustakaan. Pustakawan di era disrupsi harus mampu mengembangkan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai keberhasilan dengan melakukan berbagai terobosan. Perpustakaan harus berkreasi dan merespon perubahan yang muncul setelah disrupsi, antara lain dengan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan yang terjadi. Pustakawan harus mampu menunjukkan bahwa dirinya merupakan pilar pendidikan menuju masyarakat berperadaban tinggi melalui diseminasi informasi sehingga masyarakat mampu membedakan informasi mana yang hoax dan yang valid. Masalah penting kepustakawanan Indonesia adalah terjadinya ketidak-merataan jumlah dan kondisi perpustakaan. Saat ini Indonesia hanya mampu menyediakan 20% dari total kebutuhan masyarakat untuk mengakses perpustakaan. Saat ini 4 hal yang harus diperbaiki perpustakaan dalam menciptakan layanan prima di era disrupsi yaitu: Peningkatan akses informasi, perbaikan layanan perpustakaan, memetik manfaat pembelajaran dari pengalaman, perbaikan sumber daya manusia di perpustakaan.
The relationship between user and the library, librarians undergoes a transformation into a complex public space. The complexity of this public space is not only to accommodate the interaction between librarians and librarians in relation to access to information and knowledge, but also as a space for inter-generational, inter-community, inter-community, inter-professional meetings to unite and interact with librarians, technology, networking and glued together by library materials and library collection documents. Librarians in the era of disruption must be able to develop the competencies needed to achieve success by making various breakthroughs. Libraries must be creative and respond to changes that occur after disruption, among others by adapting to changes that occur. Librarians must be able to show that they are the pillars of education towards high civilized society through information dissemination so that people are able to distinguish which information is hoaxed and valid. An important problem of Indonesian librarianship is the unevenness in the number and condition of libraries. At present Indonesia is only able to provide 20% of the total community needs to access the library. At present 4 things that must be improved by the library in creating excellent services in the era of disruption are: Increasing access to information, improving library services, reaping the benefits of learning from experience, improving human resources in the library.
Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2019
020 PUS 26:3 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
Abstrak :
Librarian as the guardian of knowledge is a dynamic profession in management information and service analysis. Librarian face a dynamically changing environment, including globalization and economic liberalization as well as information and communication technology. human resources between countries becomes a necessity, it means indonesia will be filled by foreign workers, as well as librarians. Indonesia librarians are in a dilemma, between global competition and professional dedication as a bureaucrat. Therefore, the indonesian librarians should be the host. The key is professionalism, integrity, and competence. IPI as librarianship organization should became the initiator and catalyst in responding to environmental changes, such as the development of science and technology, decentralization, reform, and the economic of ASEAN integration (MEA 2015). furthermore, IPI must be a leading sector of professional librarianship organization, independent, and based on the entrepreneurial leadership. The national strategy that must be done is strengthening partnerships, consolidation and cooperation of professional organizations; strengthening quality of human resources in the library; increasing equality and welfare of librarians; strengthening development facilities of librarian standards in indonesia; strengthening development facilities of librarian standards in indonesia; strengthening professional leadership
Pengurus Pusat Ikatan IPI, 2015
020 JIPIN 2:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library