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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"Kondisi hiperlipidemia meningkatkan aktivasi platelet, yaitu platelet factor 4 dalam pembuluh darah. Aktivasi platelet berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan proses aterosklerosis. Pada studi ini dilihat potensi variasi dosis ekstrak jahe merah dan secang sebagai penghambat aktivasi platelet melalui parameter platelet factor 4. Induksi diet tinggi lemak dilakukan untuk menciptakan kondisi platelet yang teraktivasi pada hewan uji. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan 18 ekor tikus wistar jantan yang dibagi menjadi 3 tikus kelompok normal dan 15 tikus pada kelompok induksi diet tinggi lemak selama 10 minggu. Pada minggu ke-8, 15 tikus dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok yaitu kontrol negatif, positif dengan aspirin dan variasi 3 dosis ekstrak jahe merah dan secang. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa konsentrasi platelet factor 4 pada kelompok dosis 3 secara signifikan (p<0,05) lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok negatif. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pemberian ekstrak jahe merah dan secang pada dosis 3 (jahe merah : secang = 800mg : 200mg/200gBB) mampu menurunkan kadar platelet factor 4 pada model hewan yang diinduksi diet tinggi lemak.

Hyperlipidemia conditions increase the activation of platelets, namely platelet factor 4 in the blood vessels. Platelet activation contributes to the development of the atherosclerotic process. In this study, we looked at the potential of red ginger and sappan heartwood extract as an inhibitor of platelet activation through the parameter of platelet factor 4. Induction of a high-fat diet was carried out to create an activated platelet condition in experimental animals. The study was conducted using 18 male wistar rats which were divided into 3 rats in the normal group and 15 rats in the high fat diet induction group for 10 weeks. At week 8, 15 rats were divided into 5 groups, namely negative control, positive control with aspirin and variations of 3 doses of red ginger and sappan heartwood extract. The results of the analysis showed that the concentration of platelet factor 4 in dose 3 group was significantly (p<0.05) lower than the negative group. Therefore, the administration of red ginger and sappan heartwood extract at dose 3 (red ginger: sappan heartwood = 800mg: 200mg/200gBB) could decrease platelet factor 4 concentration in animal models induced by a high-fat diet."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Bogor branch is a PBF branch of Pt Kimia Farma Tbk which engaged in distribution, including narcotics. Provisions related to the procurement, receipt and distribution of Narcotics are regulated in such a way in statutory regulations. This is intended so that the distribution of narcotics in the community can be controlled and the risk of drug abuse can be minimized. This report will discuss the flow of distribution of narcotics at Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Bogor branch. This report was prepared based on a literature search of standard operating procedures (SOP) that apply at KFTD, regulations and interviews with the pharmacist in charge at the KFTD Bogor branch office. The results of the report show that the distribution of narcotics at the KFTD Bogor branch includes procurement, receipt, packaging and distribution of narcotic. This activity has been carried out in accordance with SOP, CDOB guidelines and Permenkes Number 3 of 2015.

Kimia Farma Trading and Distribution Bogor branch is a PBF branch of Pt Kimia Farma Tbk which engaged in distribution, including narcotics. Provisions related to the procurement, receipt and distribution of Narcotics are regulated in such a way in statutory regulations. This is intended so that the distribution of narcotics in the community can be controlled and the risk of drug abuse can be minimized. This report will discuss the flow of distribution of narcotics at Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution Bogor branch. This report was prepared based on a literature search of standard operating procedures (SOP) that apply at KFTD, regulations and interviews with the pharmacist in charge at the KFTD Bogor branch office. The results of the report show that the distribution of narcotics at the KFTD Bogor branch includes procurement, receipt, packaging and distribution of narcotic. This activity has been carried out in accordance with SOP, CDOB guidelines and Permenkes Number 3 of 2015."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"Dalam menjalankan upaya pelayanan kesehatan, Puskesmas wajib menyelenggarakan pelayanan kefarmasian diantaranya penyimpanan obat LASA, pengkajian resep dan pelayanan resep. Pelayanan kefarmasian ini wajib mengikuti standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas yang di atur dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan nomor 74 tahun 2016. Pada laporan ini dilakukan pembuatan daftar obat LASA,dan alur pelayanan resep di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati. Laporan ini dibuat berdasarkan hasil observasi, penelusuran literatur dari peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku serta wawancara dengan Apoteker Penanggung Jawab di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati. Hasil observasi menunjukan bahwa dalam daftar obat LASA terdapat 18 obat yang tampak sama (look alike) dan 12 obat dengan pengucapakan sama (sound alike). Hasil observasi terhadap alur pelayanan resep menunjukan bahwa terdapat dua alur pelayanan resep yaitu alur pelayanan resep dalam gedung dan poli ISPA. Kedua hasil observasi tersebut menunjukan bahwa Penyimpanan obat LASA dan alur pelayanan resep di Puskesmas Kecamatan Kramat Jati telah sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kefarmasian di Puskesmas yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan nomor 74 tahun 2016.

In carrying out health service efforts, Community Health Centers are required to provide pharmaceutical services including storing LASA drugs, reviewing prescriptions and providing prescription services. Pharmaceutical services are required to comply with pharmaceutical service standards at the Puskesmas which are regulated in Minister of Health Regulation number 74 of 2016. This report contain the lists of LASA drugs, and the flow of prescription services at the Kramat Jati District Health Center. This report was prepared based on observations, literature searches from applicable laws and regulations and interviews with the pharmacist in charge at the Puskesmas Kramat Jati District. The observation results show that in the LASA drug list there are 18 drugs that look alike and 12 drugs that sound alike. The results of observations on the prescription service flow indicated that there were two prescription service flows, namely the prescription service flow in the building and URTI poly. Both of these observations show that LASA drug storage and prescription service flow at the Kramat Jati District Health Center are in accordance with the pharmaceutical service standards at the Health Center stipulated in Minister of Health Regulation number 74 of 2016."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"Inspeksi visual merupakan metode untuk mendeteksi keberadaan partikel terlihat dalam produk injeksi yang dilakukan oleh personel yang terkualifikasi. Namun seiring bertambahnya usia terjadi penurunan ketajaman visual dan kemampuan untuk mendeteksi kontras pada manusia, hal ini mempengaruhi kinerja dari operator. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan rekualifikasi untuk operator inspeksi visual untuk menunjukan bahwa operator masih terkualifikasi untuk menjalankan inspeksi visual. Pada laporan ini akan dibahas mengenai hasil rekualifikasi dua operator inspeksi visual di PT CKD-OTTO Pharmaceuticals. Proses ini dilakukan sesuai protokol ““Visual Inspector Qualification Protocol – Semi-Automatic Visual Inspection Process” yang berlaku di PT CKD-OTTO Pharmaceuticals. Hasil rekualifikasi operator inspeksi visual mesin semi-otomatis menunjukan bahwa operator X telah terkualifikasi untuk menjalankan inspeksi visual mesin semi-otomatis untuk semua sediaan injeksi yang diproduksi. Sedangkan operator Y terkualifikasi untuk melakukan inspeksi visual terhadap injeksi sediaan cair dan liofilisasi vial bening.

Visual inspection is a method for detecting the presence of visible particles in injectable products which is carried out by qualified personnel. However, along with time there is a decrease in visual acuity and the ability to detect contrast in humans, this affects the performance of the operator. Therefore, it is necessary to requalify the visual inspection operator to show that the operator is still qualified to carry out the visual inspection. This report will discuss the results of the requalification of two visual inspection operators at PT CKD-OTTO Pharmaceuticals. This process is carried out according to the "Visual Inspector Qualification Protocol - Semi-Automatic Visual Inspection Process" protocol that applies to PT CKD-OTTO Pharmaceuticals. The results of the requalification of semi-automatic machine visual inspection operators show that operator X has been qualified to carry out semi-automatic machine visual inspections for all injection preparations produced. Meanwhile, operator Y is qualified to carry out visual inspection of liquid preparation injection and clear vial lyophilization."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"SIMONA (Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Pembinaan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kefarmasian) merupakan sistem monitoring yang digunakan untuk mengawasi dan membina fasilitas pelayanan kefarmasian, termasuk apotek. SIMONA membantu penyedia layanan kefarmasian untuk menilai kesesuaian dirinya terhadap standar pelayanan kefarmasian yang berlaku. Pada laporan ini dilakukan pembuatan laporan pelayanan farmasi klinis Apotek Roxy Poltangan periode Desember 2022. Laporan ini dibuat dengan menginput data laporan pelayanan kefarmasian bulan Desember 2022 Apotek Roxy Poltangan ke dalam sistem SIMONA. Hasil laporan pelayanan kefarmasian menunjukan bahwa telah dilakukan sebanyak 29 kali pengkajian dan pelayanan resep, 29 kali pemberian pelayanan informasi obat, 13 kali konseling, dan belum dilakukan telefarmasi. Hasil ini menunjukan bahwa Apotek Roxy Poltangan telah melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian yang sesuai dengan standar yang berlaku.

SIMONA (Sistem Informasi Monitoring dan Pembinaan Fasilitas Pelayanan Kefarmasian) is a monitoring system used to supervise and develop pharmaceutical service facilities, including pharmacies. SIMONA helps pharmaceutical service providers to assess their conformity with the applicable pharmaceutical service standards. In this study, Report of Clinical Pharmacy Service at Roxy Pharmacy Poltangan branch on December 2022 was prepared. This report was prepared by inputting data for the December 2022 pharmaceutical service report for the Roxy Pharmacy Poltangan branch into the SIMONA system. The report show that there have been 29 assessments and prescription services, 29 times providing drug information services, 13 times counseling, and tele-pharmacy has not been performed. These results indicate that the Roxy Pharmacy Poltangan branch has provided pharmaceutical services in accordance with applicable standards.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anisa Qisti Mathriul
"TO diperlukan untuk memastikan keamanan, efektifitas dan rasionalis penggunaan terapi obat pasien sehingga meminimalisir reaksi obat yang tidak dikehedaki apabila terdapat masalah terkait obat pada pasien. Pada laporan ini dilakukan pemantauan terapi obat terhadap pasien pediatrik dengan diagnosis utama pneumonia yang menerima polifarmasi di RSUD Tarakan. Laporan ini dibuat berdasarkan pengumpulan data dan observasi langsung terhadap pasien yang merujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 72 tahun 2016. Hasil PTO menunjukan bahwa terdapat dua masalah terkait obat pada pengobatan pasien yaitu dosis parasetamol dan octreotida yang rendah, serta interaksi obat antara salbutamol dengan octreotida. Hasil ini menunjukan perlunya peningkatan dosis pada salbutamol dan ocreotida dan pemantauan interaksi obat.

Pediatric patient in intensive care unit with polypharmacy requires therapy drug monitoring (TDM). TDM is needed to ensure safety, effectiveness and rationale of drug therapy hence minimize adverse drug reactions if there are drug-related problems with patients. This report monitors drug therapy for pediatric patients with pneumonia who receive polypharmacy at RSUD Tarakan. This report was based on data collection and observation of patient referring to Minister of Health Regulation Number 72 of 2016. This report shows that there are two drug-related problems in patient treatment, i.e low doses of paracetamol, octreotide and drug interactions between salbutamol and octreotide. Therefore, it requires for adjustment of the dose and monitoring of the drug interactions."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas ndonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library