Andrew Prasettya Japri
Abstrak :
Penggunaan jasa Online Food Delivery (OFD) dapat menyebabkan berlebihnya asupan zat gizi terutama energi dan protein. Tujuan penelitian yaitu diketahuinya hubungan penggunaan jasa OFD terhadap asupan energi dan protein disertai stratifikasi variabel jenis kelamin, uang saku, jenis tempat tinggal, serta aktivitas fisik. Disain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross sectional dengan jumlah responden terlibat 134 mahasiswa nonkesehatan. Data diambil dari pengisian kuesioner mandiri dan wawancara daring. Data kemudian dianalisis univariat dan bivariat (chi-square). Diketahui adanya hubungan frekuensi penggunaan jasa OFD dengan asupan energi (p-value = 0,001) dan protein (p-value = 0,004). Setelah distratifikasi, ditemukan hubungan antara durasi loyalitas konsumen pengguna jasa OFD dengan asupan energi hanya pada kelompok yang tinggal di rumah orang tua (p-value = 0,042) dan aktivitas fisik kurang (p-value = 0,043), serta terhadap protein hanya pada kelompok aktivitas fisik kurang (p-value = 0,043). Akan tetapi, tidak ada hubungan preferensi makanan dengan asupan energi (p-value = 0,811) dan asupan protein (p-value = 0,894). Peneliti menyarankan perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai penggunaan jasa OFD di luar masa pandemi dan diharapkan adanya peningkatan kesadaran terkait pesan gizi seimbang saat menggunakan jasa OFD, sehingga mahasiswa dapat menghindari risiko asupan energi dan protein berlebih.
......The use of Online Food Delivery (OFD) services can cause an excessive intake of nutrients, especially energy and protein. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship between the use of OFD services on energy and protein intake accompanied by stratification of variables such as sex, pocket money, type of residence, and physical activity. The research design used was cross-sectional, with the number of respondents involved 134 non-health students. Data is taken from filling out independent questionnaires and online interviews. Data were then analyzed univariate and bivariate (chi-square). It is known that there is a correlation between the frequency of use of OFD services with energy intake (p-value = 0.001) and protein (p-value = 0.004). After stratification, a relationship was found between the duration of consumer loyalty of OFD service users with energy intake only in the group who lived at the parents' house (p-value = 0.042) and lack of physical activity (p-value = 0.043), and to protein, only in the group less physical activity (p-value = 0.043). However, there is no relationship between food preferences and energy intake (p-value = 0.811) and protein intake (p-value = 0.894). The researcher suggests that further research is needed regarding the use of OFD services outside the pandemic period, and it is hoped that there will be an increase in awareness regarding balanced nutrition messages when using OFD services so that students can avoid the risk of excessive energy and protein intake.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library