Andina Mega Larasati
Abstrak :
Kebencian berbasis kelompok memiliki appraisal bahwa outgroup berwatak jahat dan sengaja menyakiti ingroup, memicu kecenderungan bertindak yang destruktif. Appraisal ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor jangka panjang yang terikat konteks. Mayoritas studi terdahulu berlatar konteks konflik intens berkepanjangan, padahal kebencian dapat terjadi dalam konteks politik karena peran ideologi. Di Indonesia, terjadi polarisasi antara ideologi agamis (mendukung kebijakan berbasis Syariat Islam) vs. sekuler. Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI) telah lama dibenci karena dipersepsikan jahat dan anti-Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyelidiki prediktor kebencian berbasis kelompok terhadap PKI melalui survei pada 217 WNI muslim. Menurut hipotesis ekstremisme ideologi, ekstremisme ideologi dicirikan oleh persepsi dunia yang kaku dan memicu intoleransi terhadap kelompok yang berseberangan. Peneliti menguji pengaruh ekstremisme ideologi (ideologi agamis), absolutisme moral (gaya kognitif hitam-putih), dan keyakinan konspirasi. Peneliti juga mengeksplorasi perbedaan interaksi antarvariabel dalam memprediksi kebencian chronic (sentimen jangka panjang) dan immediate (emosi intens jangka pendek). Berdasarkan analisis PLS-SEM, ketiga prediktor memprediksi kedua jenis kebencian. Keyakinan konspirasi memediasi pengaruh ideologi agamis, yang kemudian memediasi pengaruh absolutisme moral terhadap kebencian. Chronic hatred memediasi pengaruh ketiga prediktor terhadap immediate hatred. Chronic hatred diprediksi terutama oleh keyakinan konspirasi (dengan maupun tanpa ideologi agamis), sementara immediate hatred terutama oleh ideologi agamis pada individu dengan keyakinan konspirasi dan absolutisme moral sedang-tinggi. Persepsi ancaman dari PKI diduga lebih relevan dan mendesak bagi penganut ideologi agamis. Penelitian selanjutnya perlu menginvestigasi lebih jauh kebencian berbasis kelompok yang nyata dalam konteks politik.
......Group-based hatred contains appraisal that the outgroup is evil and intentionally hurts the ingroup, causing destructive action tendencies. This appraisal is affected by long-term factors that are context-specific. Previous studies mostly focused on intractable conflict, although hatred can also occur within political context because of ideology. In Indonesia, polarization emerges between religious vs. secular ideology. Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) has long been hated since it is perceived as evil and anti-Islam. This study aimed to investigate the predictors of group-based hatred against PKI through a survey toward 217 Moslem citizens. According to ideological extremism hypothesis, ideological extremism is characterized by rigid perception of the world and causes intolerance against perceived opposing groups. We examined the role of ideological extremism (religious ideology), moral absolutism (black-or-white cognitive style), and conspiracy belief. We further explored the difference between chronic (long-term sentiment) and immediate (short-term intense emotion) hatred in terms of interactions among predictors. According to PLS-SEM, all three variables predicted both types of hatred. Conspiracy belief mediated religious ideology, which mediated the influence of moral absolutism on hatred. Chronic hatred mediated the influence of predictors on immediate hatred. Chronic hatred was predicted especially by conspiracy belief (with or without the influence of religious ideology). Immediate hatred was predicted especially by religious ideology among individuals with low-moderate score of conspiracy belief and moral absolutism. Perceived threat from PKI is thus more relevant and urgent to the religious ideology adherents. Future studies should further investigate the evident group-based hatred in politics.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library