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Adi Kurniawan
Abstrak :

Pendaftaran tanah di Indonesia jika dilihat dalam penerapan sistem publikasinya tidak memberikan suatu jaminan kepastian dan perlindungan hukum kepada pemilik hak atas tanah. Diberikannya sertipikat sebagai tanda bukti hak atas tanah, berdasarkan Pasal 32 ayat (2) PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah, adanya kesempatan untuk diajukan keberatan atau gugatan terhadap terbitnya sertipikat. Tidak adanya jaminan atas kebenaran data yang disajikan dalam sertipikat, menyebabkan data yang disajikan dalam buku tanah bermakna ganda, bisa dipercaya sebagai data yang benar dan bisa sebaliknya. Persoalan tentang penjaminan kebenaran data yang disajikan adalah menjadi lingkup dari sistem publikasi dalam pendaftaran tanah. Dijaminnya kebenaran data yang disajikan dalam sertipikat bisa dikatakan sebagai bentuk nyata dari adanya kepastian hukum dan perlindungan hukum yang diberikan oleh Negara kepada pemilik hak atas tanah yang namanya tercatat dalam sertipikat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, dengan tipologi penelitiannya adalah eksplanatoris, dan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwasanya sistem publikasi negatif bertendensi positif sebagaimana penjelasan Pasal 32 ayat (2) PP No. 24 Tahun 1997 tentang Pendaftaran Tanah bisa dikatakan sebagai bentuk kontra produktif dari tujuan dilaksanakannya pendaftaran tanah yaitu untuk menjamin kepastian dan memberikan perlindungan hukum. Adanya kesempatan untuk mengajukan keberatan dan gugatan terhadap penerbitan sertipikat, menjadi kelemahan yang nyata dari sistem publikasi yang berlaku saat ini. Oleh karena itu berlakunya sistem publikasi negatif bertendensi positif saat ini, dirasakan perlunya melakukan suatu pergerakan untuk menuju kearah sistem publikasi positif, untuk mewujudkan kepastian hukum serta pemberian perlindungan hukum kepada pemilik hak atas tanah yang namanya tercantum dalam sertipikat. Saran yang dapat disampaikan adalah perlu dibangunnya political will dari pemerintah untuk merubah suatu sistem publikasi dalam pendaftaran tanah yang sudah berlangsung sejak lama. Sepatutnya, Negara sebagai otoritas yang diberikan mandat oleh Undang-Undang untuk melakukan kegiatan pendaftaran tanah, bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap kebenaran dan keberlakuan dari sertipikat sebagai tanda bukti hak atas tanah.


Registration of land in Indonesia if it is viewed in the implementation of the publication system does not provide a guarantee of certainty and legal protection to the owner of the land rights. The granting of certificate as a proof of land rights, pursuant to Article 32 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, provides an opportunity to submit an objection or lawsuit against the issuance of a certifiate. The lack of assurance of the correctness of the data that presented in the certificate, causing the data that presented on the land book are ambigous, untrustworthy as the correct data and vice versa. The main issue of ensuring the truth of the data that presented, is the scope of the publication system in land registration. Ensuring the correctness of the data presented in the certificate can be regarded as a real form of the legal certainty and legal protection granted by the State to the land owners whose names are listed in the certificate. The research method used in this research is normative juridical research, with research typology is explanatory, and the data used in this research is secondary data. This study concluded that, the negative publication system with positive tendency as explained in Article 32 paragraph (2) of Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, can be regarded as a form of counter-productive from the purpose of the implementation of land registration that is to guarantee the certainty and provide the legal protection. There is still an opportunity to raise objections and a lawsuit against the issuance of a certificate, in fact that become a real weakness of the current publication system. Hence, the enactment of the negative publication system with positive tendency nowadays, it is necessary to make a move towards the positive publication system, to ensure the legal certainty and to provide the legal protection to the owner of land rights whose name is listed in the certificate. Suggestions that can be delivered is the need to build a political will from the government to change the publication system in land registration that has been going on since long. Appropriately, the State as an authority granted by the law to carry out land registration activities, is fully responsible for the truth and the validity of the certificate as a proof of land rights.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang Indeks Pembangunan Pemuda Theravada Indonesia. Model pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis statistik dekriptif yang terdiri dari analisis ANOVA satu jalur dan analisis frekuensi. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah sampling acak berlapis untuk menentukan jumlah sampel secara proporsional pada 19 Propinsi. Cakupan obyek dalam penelitian ini adalah organisasi pemuda Theravada Indonesia tingkat nasional. Indikator yang digunakan untuk menghitung indeks terdiri 53 indikator yang dikelompokan kedalam 8 domain. Ke-8 domain tersebut terdiri dari potensi diri, pendidikan, penyimpangan, hubungan pemuda, tenaga kerja, kesehatan, akses media informasi, dan partisipasi pemuda. Berdasarkan hasil analisis ANOVA satu jalur diperoleh nilai indeks pembangunan Pemuda Theravada Indonesia sebesar 73,3. Nilai indeks tersebut menandakan bahwa pembangunan Pemuda Theravada Indonesia dapat dikategorikan tinggi. Namun upaya peningkatan masih diperlukan untuk mencapai nilai indeks ideal yaitu mendekati nilai indeks maksimum 100. Perbedaan indeks antar Propinsi sebagian besar tidak terlalu nyata, perbedaan nyata hanya terjadi terhadap terhadap beberapa Propinsi saja. Kondisi saat ini, Pemuda Theravada Indonesia memiliki anggota sebanyak 2.100 jiwa yang tersebar di 19 Propinsi, mayoritas berusia 16-30 tahun. Implikasi teoritis yang muncul dari temuan penelitian ini adalah indikatorindikator terbukti relevan digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengukur indeks pembangunan pemuda Theravada Indonesia. Sedangkan secara praktis temuan dalam penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam melakukan evaluasi, perumusan strategi dan program pembangunan di PATRIA baik ditingkat pusat maupun daerah.
This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level. The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health, access to media of information, and youth participation. Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However, efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are between ages of 16-30 years. The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development program of PATRIA both at central and local levels.;This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level. The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health, access to media of information, and youth participation. Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However, efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are between ages of 16-30 years. The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development program of PATRIA both at central and local levels., This study analyzed Youth Development Index of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia. The model of research approach used in the study is a quantitative approach and descriptive statistical analysis technique that consists of one way ANOVA analysis and frequency analysis. The sampling technique used is stratified random sampling in order to determine the number of samples proportionally throughout 19 provinces. Object scope of this research mainly youth organization of Theravada Buddhism in Indonesia at national level. The indicators used to calculate the index comprises of 53 indicators which are grouped into 8 domains. The 8 domains as mentioned are consist of self-potential, education, deviation, relationship among youths, labor, health, access to media of information, and youth participation. Based on the results of one way ANOVA analysis obtained 73,3 of youth Theravada Indonesia development index values. The index value indicates that youth Theravada Indonesia development can be categorized as high. However, efforts are still to be required in order to achieve ideal value that is approaching maximum of 100 index value. The difference index values among Provincial mostly not very significant, noticeable differences seem to be occurred only to some provinces. In the present conditions, Youth Theravada Indonesia has a membership of 2,100 people spreading over 19 provinces and the majorities are between ages of 16-30 years. The theoretical implications emerged from the research findings are indicators that relevant to be used as a tool to measure youth Theravada Indonesia development index. While in practice the findings from the study can be used as a guideline in conducting evaluation, formulation of strategy and development program of PATRIA both at central and local levels.]
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melki Adi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Mengembangkan onsite-EEW (Earthquake Early Warning) merupakan masalah yang menantang karena keterbatasan waktu dan jumlah informasi yang dapat dikumpulkan sebelum peringatan dikeluarkan. Pendekatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mencegah bencana akibat gempabumi adalah dengan memprediksi tingkat percepatan tanah di suatu lokasi menggunakan sinyal gelombang-P awal dan memberikan peringatan sebelum puncak percepatan tanah yang besar terjadi. Dalam kondisi sebenarnya, keakuratan prediksi merupakan masalah yang paling penting untuk sistem peringatan dini gempabumi. Pada penelitian ini mengimplementasi metode berbasis kecerdasan buatan untuk memprediksi tingkat getaran gempabumi secara dini, ketika gelombang P tiba di stasiun seismik. Sebuah model CNN dibangun untuk membuat prediksi dengan menggunakan small window 3 detik awal gelombang P dari rekaman accelerometer. Model ini dibangun dengan dataset dengan input gelombang seismik dengan variasi 3,2 dan 1 detik data gempabumi di wilayah Jawa Barat 2017 hingga 2023 dengan pembagian 80% data latih,, 10% data validasi dan 10% data uji . Dari evaluasi model terbaik, skema yang diusulkan mendapatkan akurasi 99.30%±0.63% dengan data uji. ......Developing onsite-EEW (Earthquake Early Warning) is a challenging problem due to the limited time and amount of information that can be gathered before a warning is issued. A possible approach to preventing earthquake-induced disasters is to predict the level of ground acceleration at a site using early P-wave signals and provide warnings before large ground acceleration peaks occur. In actual conditions, the accuracy of prediction is the most important issue for earthquake early warning systems. This study implements an artificial intelligence-based method to predict the level of earthquake tremors early, when P-waves arrive at seismic stations. A CNN model is built to make predictions using a small window of the first 3 seconds of P-waves from accelerometer recordings. The model was built with a dataset with seismic wave input with 3,2 and 1 second variations of earthquake data in the West Java region from 2017 to 2023 with a division of 80% training data, 10% validation data and 10% test data. From the evaluation of the best model, the proposed scheme obtained an accuracy of 99.30%±0.63% with test data.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Perusahaan tech startup mengalami perkembangan yang signifikan dalam era digital, sehingga dibutuhkan strategi, modal, dan model bisnis yang kompetitif. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi faktor penentu kesuksesan IPO dari perusahaan tech startup melalui metode PLS-SEM. Metode PLS-SEM bertujuan memprediksi korelasi dan keterkaitan antar variabel, melalui tahap validasi expert, kemudian pilot testing dari 131 responden, dan kuesioner akhir terhadap 300 orang. Hasil PLS-SEM didapatkan bahwa kesuksesan IPO berkaitan dengan variable Others (0.257), Financial (0.255), Technical (0.198), Social (0.168), dan Political (0.144) dengan koefisien prediktif Project Feasibility (0.98). Penelitian menghasilkan rekomendasi standarisasi kerja yang baik, strategi bisnis yang terstruktur, dan inovasi Business Model Canvas (BMC) perusahaan untuk berhasil melaksanakan IPO dan menarik bagi investor. ......Tech startup companies are experiencing significant developments in the digital era, so they need a competitive strategy, capital, and innovative business model. This focus to provide strategic recommendation for IPO success of tech startup companies through the Partial Least Square of SEM method with the initial hypothesis from the research model that IPO project success can be achieved through Technical, Financial, Social, Political, and Others variable that represent the company image, prospectus and business performance. The PLS-SEM method aims to predict correlations and interrelationships between variables, through the expert validation stage, then pilot testing of 131 respondents, and a final questionnaire of 300 people. The results of the PLS-SEM show that the success of the IPO is related to the variables Others (0.257), Financial (0.255), Technical (0.198), Social (0.168), and Political (0.144) with a predictive coefficient of Project Feasibility (0.98) which means the initial hypothesis was accepted and proven by statistical parameters. The research resulted in recommendations for good standardization of work, structured business strategies, and innovation of the company's Business Model Canvas (BMC) to successfully carry out an IPO and attract investors.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library