Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ade Rizki Saputra
Abstrak :
Hibah merupakan salah satu cara peralihan hak kepemilikan atas suatu benda.
Menurut Pasal 171 Kompilasi Hukum Islam, hibah adalah pemberian suatu benda
secara sukarela dan tanpa imbalan dari seseorang kepada seseorang lain yang
masih hidup untuk dimiliki. Dari pengertian hibah tersebut, tidak terdapat adanya
syarat mengenai diperlukannya persetujuan dari para calon ahli waris si penghibah
sebelum dilakukannya penghibahan, namun hal ini sering menimbulkan sengketa
pada saat kedudukan penerima hibah tersebut berubah menjadi salah seorang ahli
waris dari si penghibah, hal ini terjadi karena dirasa adanya ketidakadilan oleh
ahli waris lain yang merasa tindakan penghibahan tersebut berdampak pada hak
mewaris mereka sebagaimana terjadi dalam sengketa hibah yang telah diputus
dalam Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Makassar Nomor
63/Pdt.G/2012/PTA.MKS. Tesis ini membahas mengenai hibah dapat
mengakibatkan sengketa warisan pada saat meninggalnya penghibah dan
bagaimana tindakan PPAT dalam membuat akta hibah guna mencegah timbulnya
sengketa warisan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan
bentuk preskriptif analitis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hibah kepada
salah seorang calon ahli waris penghibah tanpa persetujuan calon ahli waris
lainnya dapat mencerminkan ketidakadilan dan dapat menimbulkan sengketa
warisan. Untuk menghindari sengketa di kemudian hari dari akta yang dibuatnya,
maka PPAT harus meminta persetujuan dari para calon ahli waris yang lain dan
surat pernyataan dari penghibah.
Grant is one of a way to transfer the ownership of an object. According to Article
171 Compilation of Islamic Law, a grant is granting an object voluntarily and
without compensation from someone to someone else who is still alive to be
owned. According to definition of the grant mentioned above, there is no
requirement to get the approval from the candidate of heirs of the grantor before
performing the grant. However, it often causes disputes when one of the grant
recipients is also one of the grantor heirs at a time because it is felt injustice by
another heirs who feel the grant impacts their right to inherit as occurred in the
dispute which has been decided in the verdict of Religious High Court of
Makassar No. 63/Pdt.G/2012/ PTA.MKS. This study focuses on grants result on
inheritance disputes when the grantor dies and how PPAT action to make the
grant deed in order to prevent inheritance disputes. This research is a juridical
normative research with prescriptive analytic design. Results indicate that a grant
to one of the candidate of heirs of the grantor without the consent from the other
candidates of heirs can reflect injustice and may inflict inheritance dispute. To
avoid the disputes, PPAT must request the consent from the other candidates of
heirs and statement letter of grantor, Grant is one of a way to transfer the ownership of an object. According to Article
171 Compilation of Islamic Law, a grant is granting an object voluntarily and
without compensation from someone to someone else who is still alive to be
owned. According to definition of the grant mentioned above, there is no
requirement to get the approval from the candidate of heirs of the grantor before
performing the grant. However, it often causes disputes when one of the grant
recipients is also one of the grantor heirs at a time because it is felt injustice by
another heirs who feel the grant impacts their right to inherit as occurred in the
dispute which has been decided in the verdict of Religious High Court of
Makassar No. 63/Pdt.G/2012/ PTA.MKS. This study focuses on grants result on
inheritance disputes when the grantor dies and how PPAT action to make the
grant deed in order to prevent inheritance disputes. This research is a juridical
normative research with prescriptive analytic design. Results indicate that a grant
to one of the candidate of heirs of the grantor without the consent from the other
candidates of heirs can reflect injustice and may inflict inheritance dispute. To
avoid the disputes, PPAT must request the consent from the other candidates of
heirs and statement letter of grantor]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library