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Edlani Yudistia Armay
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas ketidaklengkapan pengisian rekam medis rawat inap psikiatri menurut jenis kelas perawatan dan jenis pembayaran perawatan di RSMM Bogor dengan subjek penelitian adalah rekam medis rawat inap psikiatri tahun 2008. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan disain penelitian adalah studi potong -lintang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketidaklengkapan pengisian rekam medis rawat inap psikiatri tahun 2008 di RSMM Bogor rela tif sebanding dengan kelengkapan pengisiannya dilihat dari 10 jenis formulir yang diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa hanya 2 formulir yang menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik menurut jenis kelas perawatan, yaitu formuli r catatan perjalanan penyakit dan resume. Sementara pada jenis pembayaran perawatan, hanya ada 1 formulir yang menunjukkan hubungan yang bermakna secara statistik, yaitu formulir resume. Saran yang diusulkan yaitu melaporkan hasil penelitian ini kepada kom ite medik RSMM Bogor melalu panitia rekam medis sebagai salah satu bahan kasus mengenai mutu rekam medis rawat inap psikiatri; perlu dilakukan analisisis kualitatif rekam medis guna mengetahui keakuratan data dan informasi yang terekam pada setiap formulir secara lebih mendalam; perlu dilakukan pengawasan/supervisi pada setiap kelas perawatan dan kepada petugas yang bertanggung jawab melakukan pengisian rekam medis secara berkala terkait kelengkapan pengisian rekam medis rawat inap psikiatri; perlu dibuat peraturan/regulasi yang tegas dan baku untuk mengatur kelengkapan pengisian rekam medis; RSMM Bogor perlu memberikan pelatihan tentang rekam medis kepada petugas yang bertanggung jawab melakukan pengisian rekam medis. ......This study discusses the incompleteness of the medical record Inpatient psychiatry according to the type of class treatment and care in the types of payment at RSMM Bogor. The subject of this research is the medical record Inpatient psychiatry in 2008 at R SMM Bogor. This research is quantitative research with cross-sectional research design. Results of research indicate that the incompleteness of medical records in RSMM Inpatient psychiatry in 2008 comparable with the relative completeness of the contents v iews of 10 types of forms reviewed. Based on the results of research, note that only two types of form, the form of progress notes of disease and discharge summary form that showed statistically significant relationship with the type of class treatment. In addition, the type of discharge summary form again showed a significant relationship with the type of statistical treatment of payment. Suggestions can be proposed to report the results of this research to the medical committee in RSMM Bogor through the medical record committee as one of the cases the quality of medical record Inpatient psychiatry; qualitative analysis should be performed to determine the accuracy of data and information recorded on each form in more depth; needs to be done supervision in each class and to the maintenance officer is responsible to the medical record related to the medical record completeness of Inpatient psychiatry; regulations need to be made and set the standard for completeness of medical record ; RSMM need to provide training in medical record to the officer responsible to the medical record filling.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shore, Jean Houston
Abstrak :
A basic knowledge of statistics allows trainers to make better decisions and understand data more fully. Presenting statistical data to stakeholders also helps you build a stronger business case for training. This Infoline will show you how to perform some basic statistical calculations and understand how to use statistics on the job.
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2009
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lin, Lawrence
Abstrak :
This book seeks to effectively blend theory and applications while presenting readers with many practical examples. For instance, in the medical device environment, it is important to know if the newly established lab can reproduce the instrument/assay results from the established but outdating lab. When there is a disagreement, it is important to differentiate the sources of disagreement. In addition to agreement coefficients, accuracy and precision coefficients are introduced and utilized to characterize these sources.
New York: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wallis, W.D.
Abstrak :
This second edition of A beginner’s guide to discrete mathematics presents a detailed guide to discrete mathematics and its relationship to other mathematical subjects including set theory, probability, cryptography, graph theory, and number theory. This textbook has a distinctly applied orientation and explores a variety of applications. Key Features of the second edition, includes a new chapter on the theory of voting as well as numerous new examples and exercises throughout the book, introduces functions, vectors, matrices, number systems, scientific notations, and the representation of numbers in computers, provides examples which then lead into easy practice problems throughout the text and full exercise at the end of each chapter, and full solutions for practice problems are provided at the end of the book.
New York: Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tahir-Kheli, Reza
Abstrak :
This textbook explains completely the general and statistical thermodynamics. It begins with an introductory statistical mechanics course, deriving all the important formulae meticulously and explicitly, without mathematical short cuts. The main part of the book deals with the careful discussion of the concepts and laws of thermodynamics, van der Waals, Kelvin and Claudius theories, ideal and real gases, thermodynamic potentials, phonons and all the related aspects. To elucidate the concepts introduced and to provide practical problem solving support, numerous carefully worked examples are of great value for students. The text is clearly written and punctuated with many interesting anecdotes.
Heidelberg : [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gibbons, Jean Dickinson
Abstrak :
This SIAM Classics edition is an unabridged, corrected republication of the work first published in 1977. It provides a compendium of applied aspects of ordering and selection procedures and includes tables that permit the practitioner to carry out the experiment and draw statistically justified conclusions. These tables are not readily available in other texts. Although more than 1000 papers and several books on the general theory of ranking and selection have been published since this book first appeared, the methodology is presented in a more elementary fashion, with numerous examples to help the reader apply it to a specific problem. There is a dichotomy in modern statistics that distinguishes between analyses done before an experiment is completed and those done afterward. Ranking and selection methods are useful in both of these categories. The authors provide an alternative to the overused "testing the null hypothesis" when what the practitioner really needs is a method of ranking k given populations, selecting the t best populations, or some similar goal. That need and purpose is as important today as when the subject was first developed nearly 50 years ago.
Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1999
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heumann, Christian
Abstrak :
This introductory statistics textbook conveys the essential concepts and tools needed to develop and nurture statistical thinking. It presents descriptive, inductive and explorative statistical methods and guides the reader through the process of quantitative data analysis. In the experimental sciences and interdisciplinary research, data analysis has become an integral part of any scientific study. Issues such as judging the credibility of data, analyzing the data, evaluating the reliability of the obtained results and finally drawing the correct and appropriate conclusions from the results are vital.
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Christina
Abstrak :
Di Indonesia, masih ada kesenjangan dalam akses telekomunikasi, dengan sebagian besar daerah rural mengalami "tidak ada sinyal". Sebaliknya, daerah urban menikmati teknologi modern dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Framework yang komprehensif diperlukan untuk mengatasi kesenjangan akses telekomunikasi antara kelompok "kaya" dan "miskin" di daerah urban dan rural. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan sebuah framework yang dapat menjadi acuan pemberian akses universal yang dapat menembus batasan isolasi geografis dan sosial dalam konteks ke-Indonesia-an. Disertasi ini mengembangkan suatu framework grid telekomunikasi khas Indonesia berbentuk poligon kecamatan yang dibentuk dari jaringan telekomunikasi dan sosial ekonomi. Setiap grid dibangun melalui formulasi dari 55 indikator empiris berdasarkan penilaian kualitatif yang kemudian diolah secara kuantitatif melalui pemodelan multi-stage statistical approach dengan pendekatan 5 opsi skenario. Selanjutnya, model menghasilkan 4 kategori grid per-unit wilayah administratif tingkat kecamatan, yaitu grid #1: kecamatan “binaan”, grid #2: kecamatan “berkembang”, grid #3: kecamatan “maju”, dan grid #4: kecamatan “mandiri”. Framework grid yang dikembangkan diuji melalui Proof of Concept pada kasus Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan random sampling 1% populasi Indonesia. Hasilnya menunjukkan range: akurasi antara 72,7% sampai dengan 95,5% dan tingkat kesalahan (error rate) 84% sampai dengan 95%. Framework ini dapat menjawab bagaimana penetrasi teknologi telekomunikasi terkini yaitu 5G dapat dimulai dari wilayah yang tergolong grid #4: kecamatan “mandiri” dan dengan analisis separasi geografis dapat hidup berdampingan dengan layanan satelit pada pita 3.5 GHz. Framework grid poligon ini dapat menjadi salah satu opsi mengurangi disparitas akses telekomunikasi yang dapat menaikkan potensi ekonomi digital Indonesia. ......In Indonesia, there is still a disparity in telecommunications access, with most rural areas experiencing “no signal” or “blank spots.” In contrast, urban areas enjoy modern and societally-beneficial technologies. A comprehensive framework is needed to address the disparity in telecommunications access between “rich” and “poor” groups in urban and rural/remote areas, respectively. Therefore, a framework is needed that can be a reference for providing universal access that can break the boundaries of geographical and social isolation in the context of Indonesia. This dissertation develops a typical Indonesian telecommunications grid framework in the form of a subdistrict polygon formed from telecommunications and socio-economic networks. Each grid is constructed through the formulation of 55 empirical indicators based on qualitative assessment which is then quantitatively processed through multi-stage statistical approach modeling with a 5-option scenario approach. Furthermore, the model produces 4 grid categories per unit of district administrative regions, namely grid #1: "fostered" districts, grid #2: "developing" districts, grid #3: "advanced" districts, and grid #4: "independent advanced" districts. The grid framework developed was tested through Proof of Concept in the case of DKI Jakarta Province and random sampling of 1% of the Indonesian population. The results show a range: accuracy between 72.7% to 95.5% and error rate of 84% to 95%. This framework can answer how the penetration of the latest telecommunications technology, namely 5G, can be started from areas classified as grid #4: "independent advanced" districts and with geographical separation analysis can coexist with satellite services in the 3.5 GHz band.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dunn, G. Graham
New York: Oxford University Press, 1989
511.43 DUN d
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
The Nederland: Sifthoff & Noordhoff, 1978
621.38 NAT c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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