"Tesis ini membahas tentang konfigurasi lembaga-lembaga penunjang atau State Auxiliary Bodies (SAB) dimana mencakup bagaimana status dan kedudukan lembaga SAB tersebut yang meliputi dasar hukum pembentukan lembaga SAB, nomenklatur dari lembaga dimaksud, korelasi dan tanggung jawab atas lembaga SAB yang mencakup koordinasi di antara lembaga SAB dan koordinasi dengan kementerian terkait, efektifitas keberadaan lembaga SAB serta akuntabilitas lembaga SAB. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian Deskriptif ? Normatif yang difokuskan terhadap lembaga Komisi dan Dewan.
Hasil penelitian ini menyarankan tentang perlunya disusun peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengatur tentang SAB/Lembaga Penunjang, pembatasan Presiden dalam mengangkat dan membentuk lembaga penasehat, kajian mengenai kejelasan dasar penentuan nomenklatur SAB di masa yang akan datang, pengintegrasian bagi SAB yang memiliki potensi tumpang tindih dalam menjalankan tugas fungsinya, baik ke Kementerian ataupun ke SAB yang lebih efektif, serta perlunya pemahaman yang komprehensif bagi pembuat kebijakan mengenai efektifitas dan efisiensi akibat dibentuknya suatu SAB dari konsekuensi peraturan perundang-undangan.
......The thesis discusses supporting bodies or State Auxiliary Bodies (SAB) covering
firstly, the status and position of these bodies including the legal basis of the establishment and their nomenclatures; secondly, the correlation and responsibilities of the bodies including the coordination among themselves and the concerned ministries, the effectiveness of their existence, and their accountability. The research is normative descriptive, which focuses on the State Auxiliary Bodies in the forms of Commissions and Boards. The results show that there is an urgent need to formulate a number of regulations on SAB/supporting bodies and the limitation of The President rights in assigning and setting up new advisory bodies.
The results suggest that some research on the clarity of legal basis are urgently required for the nomenclatures of SAB in the future. The study also suggests to integrate those SAB which are potentially-overlapping in implementing their tasks and functions to the parent ministries or a more effective SAB, and to develop a more comprehensive understanding for the policy makers on effectiveness and efficiencies of establishing an SAB as a result of a regulation."