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Ferdhi Adha
Abstrak :
Salah satu penilaian mutu pelayanan rumah sakit adalah tersedianya perbekalan farmasi dalam jumlah cukup dengan mutu yang baik, serta harganya memadai. Perencanaan persediaan perbekalan farmasi terpenting berada di kamar operasi, karena dalam kamar operasi kelancaran pelayanan pasien sangatlah utama dibandingkan pada bagian lain. Kamar operasi harus dapat menyediakan perbekalan secara optimal, tetapi tetap harus diingat tidak boleh berlebihan. Penelitian ini merupakan studi kasus dengan analisis distribusi, dimana akan diketahui distribusi kelompok persediaan yang kritis untuk pelayanan terhadap pasien, dilanjutkan dengan penelitian operasional peramalan dengan analisis kuantitatif, agar dapat diketahui model perencanaan persediaan kritis untuk tahun depan. Adapun hasil analisis Indeks Kritis dapat diketahui bahwa :
1. Terdapat obat-obatan yang biaya investasi besar, tetapi indeks kritisnya kecil, dan sebaliknya terdapat obat-obatan yang biaya investasi kecil tetapi mempunyai indeks kritis yang tinggi.
2. Dengan analisis Indeks Kritis ABC ternyata kelompok obat yang termasuk kelompok yang harus diperhatikan dalam pengendalian persediaan obat, jumlahnya lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan analisis ABC biasa. Kemudian, dari hasil penelitian peramalan :
1. Semua metode peramalan dapat dipakai untuk memperkirakan jumlah pemakaian obat.
2. Pemilihan metode peramalan juga harus mempertimbangkan jumlah data dengan fluktuasi data. Beberapa alternatif untuk rumah sakit dalam melakukan perencanaan :
1. Peran dokter dalam melakukan proses perencanan harus dilibatkan agar ikut merasa bertanggung jawab.
2. Dalam melakukan perencanaan agar juga terarah harus dilakukan formularium standard.
3. Dalam pemilihan peramalan harus dilakukan pengujian terlebih dahulu untuk dipilih peramalan paling baik.
4. Dan dalam melakukan peramalan perlu dipertimbangkan peramalan jenis lain yang bukan hanya berdasarkan waktu ...... Analysis of Medicine Reserve Planning in the Operating Room at RSUD Koja Jakarta One parameter for assessing hospital quality is the availability in sufficient number good quality and suitable price. The most important medicine reserve planning is for the operating room, because we can not afford any lack of medicine during operation. Operating room should have medicine reserve in optimal amount, but not too excessive. This research is a case study with distribution analysis, which from there, it will be determined group critical medicine reserve for patient. After that it will be continued by forecasting operational study with quantitative analysis, in order to determine the model for planning critical reserve for next year. The results of this critical index analysis are :
1. There is medicine with high cost, but low critical index, but on the other side there is medicine with low cost but high critical index.
2. Critical Index ABC analysis shows that the amount of medicine that must be considered in planning medicine reserve is more than the amount of medicine from usual ABC analysis. The results from forecasting studies are:
1. All Forecasting method can be used to predict the amount of medicine used.
2. The choice of forecasting method should consider amount of data with data fluctuation. Some alternatives for hospital in planning medical reserve are :
1. Doctors should be involved in planning medicine reserve in order to make them responsible for medicine reserve.
2. In planning medicine reserve, there should be a standard formula as a guidance.
3. In choosing forecasting method, it should be tested for the best one.
4. In Forecasting, it should be considered the other type of forecasting method. not only based from time.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rothrock, Jane C.
St. Louis: Elsevier , 2012
617.023 1 ROT a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andari Elsa Dwi Putri
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Low back pain adalah penyakit musculoskeletal yang disebabkan oleh gangguan akibat kerja. Kejadian nyeri punggung bawah di Dunia mencapai 15-45% dengan berbagai variasi diantaranya ialah 33% penduduk di beberapa Negara berkembang mengalami nyeri persisten. Persentase penderita lowback pain di Indonesia sebanyak 18 %, yang terjadi akibat berbagai faktor seperti kegemukan, gangguan musculoskeletal, usia >35 tahun, genetik, perokok aktif, dan gangguan akibat beban kerja. Teknik slow stroke back massage memberikan efek relaksasi pada vaskularisasi, saraf, dan muscular sehingga dapat menjadi intervensi mengurangi nyeri Teknik ini diberikan 12-15 kali pijatan selama 3-5 menit , penelitian ini juga memberikan kombinasi William flexion exercise merupakan latihan bagi kasus nyeri akibat low back pain Teknik yang dilakukan bisa untuk mengatasi nyeri, menstabilakan lower stability hamstring trunk untuk mengaktifkan abdominal muscle, gluteus maksimus, menjadikan fleksibility hip muscle dan lowerback. Latihan ini diberikan sebanyak 3-4 kali selama satu minggu untuk menurunkan intensitas nyeri low back pain. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi slow stroke back massage dan William flexion exercise terhadap nyeri low back pain pada perawat kamar operasi rumah sakit An-Nisa Tangerang. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi eksperimental pretest dan posttest dengan control group. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ialah 40 orang 20 orang kelompok intervensi dan 20 orang kelompok kontrol. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil uji statistic wilxocon Asym.sig. sebesar 0,000 (nilai p), maka dapat ambil keputusan bahwa jika nilai p<0,05 dapat dikatakan bahwa ada perbedaan yang bermakna sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Kesimpulan:kompinasi slow stroke back massage dan William flexion exercise memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan intensitas nyeri low back pain pada perawat kamar operasi. ......Introduction: Low back pain is a musculoskeletal disease caused by work-related disorders. The incidence of low back pain in the world reaches 15-45% with various variations including 33% of the population in several developing countries experiencing continuous pain. The percentage of low back pain sufferers in Indonesia is 18%, which occurs due to various factors such as obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, age > 35 years, genetics, active smokers, and workload-related disorders. The slow stroke back massage technique has a relaxing effect on vascularization, nerves and muscles so that it can reduce pain intervention. This technique is given 12-15 massages for 3-5 times. low back pain, the technique can be used to treat pain, stabilize the lower hamstring trunk stability to activate the abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, make the hip and lower back muscles flexible. This exercise is given 3-4 times a week to reduce the intensity of low back pain. Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of a combination of slow stroke back massage and William flexion exercise on low back pain in operating room nurses at An-Nisa Hospital, Tangerang. Methods: This study used a quasi- experimental design with pretest and posttest with a control group. The sample in this study were 40 people, 20 people in the intervention group and 20 people in the control group. Results: In this study, the results of the Wilxocon Asym.sig statistical test were shown. of 0.000 (p value), then it can be concluded that if the p value <0.05 it can be said that there is a significant difference before and after the intervention. Conclusion: the combination of slow stroke back massage and William flexion exercise has an effect on reducing the intensity of low back pain in operating room nurses.Keywords: Slow Stroke Back Massage, William Flexion Exercise, Low Back Pain, Nurse, Operating Room.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rini Yuliyanti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah asumsi bahwa pasien operasi cito sangat banyak sehingga waktu tunggu di kamar operasi cito tidak sesuai dengan SOP. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui utilisasi kamar operasi cito serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode telaah dokumen dan kualitatif dengan wawancara. Pasien operasi cito memiliki tren yang menurun dari tahun 2014 sampai 2016. Rata-rata waktu tunggu tidak melebihi standar (≤120 menit), yaitu sebesar 112 menit. Utilisasi di kamar tersebut sebesar 26%. Terdapat dua faktor yang mempengaruhi utilisasi kamar operasi, yaitu waktu tunggu (p-value=0,02) dan diagnosis cito (p-value=0,024). Utilisasi kamar operasi cito belum optimal.
The background of this study is an assumption that Fatmawati Hospital has so many emergency surgery patients that the waiting time in emergency operating room is not in accordance with the hospital‟s standard. The study aims to determine emergency operating room utilization and the factors that influence it. This study uses a quantitative approach with document review method, and a qualitative one using interview. The trend of emergency surgery patients declined from 2014 to 2016. The average waiting time (August-October 2016) didn‟t exceed the standard (≤120 minutes), amounting to 112 minutes. Utilization in the room was 26%. There are two factors affecting operating room utilization, namely waiting time (p-value=0,02) and emergency diagnosis (p-value=0,024). Utilization in the room was not yet optimal.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fathiya Karimah
Abstrak :
Ruang operasi merupakan salah satu sarana kesehatan yang krusial karena menjadi tempat pertolongan yang memerlukan penanganan penyakit yang lebih serius. Ketika membuat perancangan ruang operasi, kondisi udara yang akan terjadi harus diperhatikan agar ketika ruang nanti digunakan sistem ruang bersih pada ruang operasi ini bisa berfungsi dengan baik sehingga menyokong kegiatan medis yang sedang berlangsung di dalamnya. Perancang dapat mengecek kesesuaian ruang rancangan dengan standar yang telah ada dengan menggunakan perangkat lunak simulasi perancangan. Dengan adanya hasil uji simulasi ini, dapat diketahui kelayakan rancangan untuk membangun ruang operasi yang sesuai standardisasi. Hasil dari perhitungan data dan simulasi program menunjukkan nilai Pergantian Udara per Jam Air Change Hour, ACH sebesar 17, temperatur 220C, dan kecepatan udara 0,1 m/s. nilai ini sudah sesuai standar sehingga desain pada ruang Operating Theatre ini sudah layak untuk dibangun, tidak memerlukan perubahan dalam struktur bangunan maupun sistem tata udaranya.
This study aimed to determine whether Operating room is one of health facilities that has crucial role since it used to give medical help for some worse sickness and need further handling. When the operating room is being designed, there must be a concerned for the air condition that would be applied by the system in order that the cleanroom system at the operating room could be useful thus support the activity inside. Engineer could check compatibility between the recent design and the design simulation with a software. From the result of the design simulation, properness of the design to build an operating room could be known. The results of the data calculations and the program simulations show the value of Air Change Hour ACH is 17, the temperature of 220C, and the air velocity of 0.1 m s. This value is in accordance with the standard so that the design in the space Operating Theater is already feasible to be built, does not require changes in the structure of the building and its air system.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syahrul Muhammaddiyah
Abstrak :
This study was conduct to identify the effectiveness and heat recovery values of heat pipe heat exchangers (HPHEs) in heating ventilating air conditioning (HVAC) ducting systems. HPHEs are passive modules which provide the energy recovery function in HVAC systems. In this research the HPHE module consist of 42 heat pipe tubes equipped with 120 wavy fins on the evaporator and condenser sections. In this study the HPHE module was tested with a three-row configuration design, and at inlet airflow temperatures of 28, 30, 35, 40, and 45ºC. The velocity of inlet air also varied, at 1, 1.5, and 2 m/s. The results show that in the three-row configuration the inlet temperature decreased by a maximum of 10.3°C. This configuration also has an HPHE effectiveness value of between 47.9 and 54.4%. The highest effectiveness value (54.4%) was obtained at inlet air velocity and temperature of 1 m/s and 45ºC, respectively. The highest HPHE heat recovery value was 5,368 W at 2 m/s inlet air velocity, giving a 51.7% HPHE effectiveness rating. This HPHE system can be considered as saving energy for HVAC systems.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI-IJTECH 9:2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nabila Naura Vathania
Abstrak :
Infeksi nosokomial dapat meningkatkan morbiditas dan mortalitas pasien, terutama di ruang operasi dan ICU, di mana terdapat aktivitas yang tinggi. Perlu adanya pemantauan dan penjagaan kualitas udara secara bakteriologi sebagai cerminan dari kondisi kebersihan di rumah sakit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kualitas udara secara bakteriologi di ruang operasi di beberapa rumah sakit di Jakarta dan sekitarnya sebagai salah satu langkah pencegahan infeksi nosokomial. Desain penelitian ini adalah retroprospektif dengan menggunakan data yang bersumber dari UKK PPM LMK FKUI. Data diperoleh dari 217 pemeriksaan di ruang operasi dan 5 pemeriksaan di ICU yang dilakukan di 17 rumah sakit selama Januari 2018-Juni 2019. Pada tahun 2018, dari 137 pemeriksaan di ruang operasi, 120 (87,59%) di antaranya memenuhi standar baku mutu dan dari 4 pemeriksaan di ICU, 1 (25%) di antaranya memenuhi standar baku. Pada tahun 2019, dari 80 pemeriksaan di ruang operasi, 70 (87,50%) di antaranya memenuhi standar baku dan dari 1 pemeriksaan di ICU, 1 (100%) memenuhi standar baku. Mayoritas ruang operasi di rumah sakit di Jakarta dan sekitarnya memiliki kualitas udara secara bakteriologi yang sudah baik, tetapi ICU memiliki kualitas udara yang tidak memenuhi standar baku mutu.
Nosocomial infection is known to increase morbidity and mortality of patients, especially in operating room (OR) and intensive care unit (ICU) as they have high rate of activities that may risk in infection. Monitoring and maintenance of bacteriological quality of air are needed as they can reflect the actual condition of hygiene in hospital. The aim of this study is to know the bacteriological quality of air in several hospitals in Jakarta and the greater area of Jakarta. It is expected that the results of this study can become a basis in taking preventive measures against nosocomial infection. The design of this study was retroprospective. Data were collected from 217 examinations in OR and 5 examinations in ICU done in 17 hospitals between January 2018 and June 2019 by UKK PPM LMK FKUI. In 2018, among 137 results collected in OR, 120 (87,59%) fulfilled the requirement of bacteriological quality of air and among 4 examinations done in ICU, 1 (25%) also fulfilled the requirement. In 2019, among 80 examinations done in OR, 70 (87,50%) fulfilled the requirement and among 1 check done in ICU, 1 (100%) also fulfilled the requirement. It is concluded that the bacteriological quality of air in majority of OR in hospitals in Jakarta and its greater area is good, but that in ICU is not.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Mutu pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit tidak lepas dari pelayanan keperawatan dan medis, maka sudah selayaknya evaluasi kolaborasi perawat - dokter menjadi salah satu variabel penting dalam mewujudkan pelayanan rumah sakit yang bermutu. Peran kolaborasi perawat - dokter belum berjalan dengan baiksehingga pelayanan keperawatan dan pengobatan klien belum optimal. Kondisi ini menyebabkan efisiensi dan efektifitas tindakan keperawatan pada klien juga belum optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kolaborasi perawat-dokter di unit rawat inap, rawat jalan, IGD, ICU dan OK. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di RSUD Tarakan DKI Jakarta pada bulan Juni 2005. Disain penelitian menggunakan deskriptif korelatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adalah semua perawat yang ada di ruang rawat inap, rawat jalan, IGD, ICU dan OK. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah total populasi di mana responden yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian adalah 80 orang perawat dengan pendidikan DIII dan S1. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket yang terdiri atas isian mengenai karakteristik perawat (umur, pendidikan, lama kerja dan tempat kerja), kuesioner tentang faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kolaborasi dan indikator kolaborasi. Uji, analisis hubungan atau kontribusi menggunakan uji korelasi dan Pearson. Hasil penelitian didapatkan faktor-faktor yang sangat berhubungan kolaborasi perawat-dokter adalah komunikasi (p = 0,0001), saling pengertian antar profesi (p = 0,0001), persepsi tentang kolaborasi (p = 0,0001) dan pendekatan professional (p = 0,031). Namun yang paling berhubungan terhadap variabel kolaborasi perawat - dokter (variabel dependen) adalah yang memiliki Beta paling besar yaitu persepsi tentang kolaborasi (B = 0,351), komunikasi (B = 0,274), saling pengertian atar profesi (B = 0,236), pendekatan professional (B = 0,121). Dari basil penelitian ini disarankan agar perawat diberi kesempatan untuk menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam melakukan komunikasi, melaksanakan hubungan saling pengertian antar profesi serta mengembangkan pemahaman terhadap persepsi tentang kolaborasi.
The quality of health care services is determined by nursing and medical services. In line with this, it is necessary to evaluate the nurses-doctors collaboration in order to achieve a better quality of health care services in a hospital. In fact, the efficiency and effectively of health care services had been scarified as the nurses-doctors collaborations was not optimally fulfilled. The purpose of this study was to identify factors related to nurse-doctors collaboration at various settings in the hospitals such as the inpatient, outpatient, emergency units, intensive care unit and operating room. The study had been accomplished at RSUD Tarakan Jakarta on June 2005. A descriptive correlation using cross sectional methods was applied to this study. The populations in the study were all nurses at the inpatient units, outpatient units, emergency units, intensive care unit and operating room. The sample was the total population (80 nurses), who had academic and bachelor of educational background and met other criteria of this study. Data were obtained using questioner which is including data of nurses? characteristic (age, educational background, work experience and working places) and questioners of factors related to collaboration and collaboration indicators. Statistical analysis was performed by correlation test and Pearson's methods. The findings of this study suggested that there were factors that significantly contributed to nurses-doctors collaboration; communications (p=0.0001), mutual understanding between professions, perception (p=0.0001) on collaboration and professional approach (p=0.031). However, the most significant variables contributed to nurses-doctors collaboration were perceptions on collaboration (B=0.351), communication (B=0.274), mutual understanding between professions (B=0.236) and professional approach (B=0.121). The results of this study calls attention to the need of preparing nurses to have more knowledge and skills on communication, performing a mutual understanding between professions as well as improving nurses' understanding on their perception about collaboration.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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