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Ditemukan 1393 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Erres Mayendra
Abstrak :
PT Eksindo Telaga Said Darat yang membutuhkan dana dari luar menghadapai dua pilihan, yaitu menambah modal sendiri berupa saham atau menggunakan pembiayaan musyarakah. Dengan adanya penambahan dana maka struktur modal akan berubah. Untuk menghitung mana sumber dana yang paling meningkatkan nilai perusahaan dan juga kepentingan pemegang saham, maka digunakan metode NPV/FTE. Dari hasil perhitungan NPV/FTE, maka baik manajemen perusahaan bersifat moderat, penghindar risiko maupun pengambil risiko, direkomendasikan untuk memilih struktur modal dengan pembiayaan musyarakah.
PT Eksindo Telaga Said Darat requiring fund from outside source deals with two options, by increasing equity in form of common stock or using musharaka financing. By increasing the fund, the capital structure will also change. To calculate which source of fund mostly improve firm value and shareholder?s wealth, then NPV/FTE method is used. From the result of NPV/FTE calculation, either company management moderate in nature, risk averse, or risk taker, it is recommended to choose capital structure with musharaka financing.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Antonius Purwanto
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini membahas mengenai peranan modal budaya dan modal sosial dalam perkembangan klaster industri seni keramik Kasongan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan arti penting modal budaya dalam perubahan laster dan mobilitas sosial di antara para pengusaha. Modal sosial penting dalam memfasilitasi transaksi ekonomi dan dalam usaha mendapatan modal budaya, modal ekonomi dan modal simbolik. Terdapat hubungan dominasi, subordinasi dan resistensi di antara para pengusaha. Pengusaha dominan menggunakan berbagai modal untuk mempertahankan dominasinya dan beberapa pengusaha kecil melakukan resistensi terhadap praktik dominasi. ...... This dissertation discusses the role of cultural capital and social capital in the industrial cluster development of ceramic art craft of Kasongan. The study was conducted using qualitative research methods. The results show the importance of cultural capital in change of the cluster and in social mobility among enterpreneurs. Social capital is important in facilitating economic transactions and in pursuing economic capital, cultural capital and symbolic capital. There is a relationship of dominance, subordination and resistance among enterpreneurs. Dominant enterprenurs make use of a variety of capital to maintain its dominataion and some small-enterpreneurs do resistance act to the domination practices.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riza Gaffar
Universitas Indonesia, 1988
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rara Kinanthi Sekardjagat
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh intellectual capital disclosure terhadap undepricing pada perusahaan yang melakukan IPO periode 2008-2018. Variabel intellectual capital disclosure diukur dari indeks intellectual capital milik Bukh et al yang terdiri dari 86 komponen intellectual capital yang dibagi menjadi tiga kategori yaitu human capital, structural capital , dan relational capital. Untuk variabel underpricing diukur dari initial return pada saat perusahaan tersebut listing. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui data sekunder dari prospektus perusahaan dengan total sampel 235 perusahaan yang melakukan IPO periode 2008-2018. Analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan analisis deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji asumsi klasik, dan regresi berganda. Pengungkapan intellectual capital secara keseluruhan terbukti berpengaruh signifikan negatif dengan underpricing. Untuk pengungkapan komponen intellectual capital secara terpisah (structural capital, human capital, dan relational capital) terbukti semua berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap underpricing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin luas pengungkapan yang dilakukan, maka akan mengurangi tingkat undepricing.
ABSTRACT This study aims to examine the effect of intellectual capital disclosure on undepricing in companies conducting an IPO for the 2008-2018 period. The variable intellectual capital disclosure is measured from the index of intellectual capital belonging to Bukh et al which consists of 86 components of intellectual capital divided into three categories, namely human capital, structural capital, and relational capital. The underpricing variable is measured from the initial return when the company is listed. This study use a quantitative approach, data collection is done through secondary data from prospectus companies with a total sample of 235 companies that conducted an IPO for the period 2008-2018. Data analysis in this study was conducted with descriptive analysis, normality test, classic assumption test, and multiple regression. Disclosure of intellectual capital as a whole is proven to have a significant negative effect on underpricing. For the disclosure of the components of intellectual capital separately (structural capital, human capital, and relational capital) all have a significant negative effect on underpricing. The results showed that the broader the disclosure made, it would reduce the level of undepricing.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adri Aswin Azhari
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan Economic Value Added EVA terhadap Market Value Added MVA terkait pengukuran kinerja perusahaan non-cyclical di Indonesia tahun 2014-2015. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode multiple regression untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar variabel. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa EVA tidak berhubungan signifikan terhadap MVA. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena pengukuran EVA merupakan pengukuran fundamental yang membutuhkan perhitungan secara mendalam, sementara investor, terutama investor jangka pendek, lebih cenderung mengambil informasi yang sudah tersedia di laporan keuangan, dan juga mencari informasi secara singkat menggunakan metode perhitungan yang lebih simpel, seperti Return on Equity. Perhitungan EVA membutuhkan penilaian tersendiri secara mendalam. EVA biasanya dibutuhkan oleh investor yang bersifat strategis. Kemungkinan investor di Indonesia didominasi oleh investor jangka pendek. Oleh karena itu, nilai tambah yang dihasilkan EVA belum menjadi pertimbangan di pasar, yang menyebabkan hubungan tidak signifikan terhadap MVA.
The aim of the study is to examine the association between Economic Value Added and Market Value Added in measuring performance of non cyclical companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014 2015. This research is a quantitative research with multiple regression to examine the association between variables. This study concludes that association between EVA and MVA is not significant. This may be because EVA measurements are fundamental measurements that require deeper calculation, while investors, especially short term investor, are more likely to retrieve information that already available in financial statements, or gather information using simpler calculation methods, such as Return on Equity. EVA is more likely to be required by strategic investors. The majority of investors in Indonesia maybe dominated by short term investors. Therefore, the value generated by EVA has not been taken into consideration in the market, causing an insignificant relationship to MVA.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abram Riccardo Hasiholan S.
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mencari tahu faktor penentu struktur modal dari data keuangan internal perusahaan yang dapat diperoleh secara umum meliputi rentang waktu 2012-2018. Variabel yang mewakili faktor penentu struktur modal pada penelitian ini adalah market to book ratio (MB), tangibilitas (TANG), profitabilitas (PROF), ukuran perusahaan (SIZE). Pengujian dilakukan dengan model regresi panel data dengan metode efek tetap dengan teknik Generalized Least Square (GLS). Hasil regresi yang telah dilakukan menemukan bahwa variabel MB dan PROF berpengaruh negatif signifikan terhadap leverage. Selanjutnya variabel TANG berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap variabel leverage, sedangkan variabel SIZE memiliki hasil uji yang bervariasi sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan. ......This study has a purpose of finding out factors that decide future capital structure from internal financial reports that can be received generally in the range of time between 2012-2018. Variables that represent future capital structure decision in this study are market to book ratio (MB), tangibility (TANG), profitability (PROF), size (SIZE). Tests are applied with panel data regression with fixed effect model – generalized least square technique. Regression results show that variables like MB and PROF is negatively significant to affect leverage. Next, TANG variable is positively significant to affect leverage, meanwhile SIZE variable has variated results, thus future findings are required to make a conclusion.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eduardus Christmas P.
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas isu entrepreneurship sebagai salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan output perekonomian. Isu entrepreneurship yang diangkat adalah tumbuhnya perusahaan-perusahaan start-up, dalam hal ini di sektor manufaktur. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut berperan penting dalam menciptakan lapangan kerja, produk baru, dan inovasi. Penelitian skripsi ini berusaha membuktikan secara empiris bahwa entrepreneurship berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan sektor manufaktur dalam sebuah wilayah regional, bersama-sama dengan tiga faktor kunci lainnya, yakni: input modal, input tenaga kerja, serta modal manusia.
This paper focuses on entrepreneurship as a factor that affects economic output growth. The entrepreneurship issue in this study is about start-up companies in manufacturing sectors, where those companies are taking roles in job creation, product creation, and innovation. This research strives to prove empirically that entrepreneurship affects the output growth of manufacturing in a region positively and significantly, together with other key factors, they are: capital input, labor input, and human capital.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadia Ayu Paramitha
Abstrak :
Artikel ini membahas bekerjanya modal budaya orang bukan dari kalangan selebritas dapat menjadi terkenal melalui Instagram selebgram dan memikat pengguna Instagram. Studi-studi sebelumnya membahas selebgram sebagai social media influencer dan modal budaya pada media baru. Berkaitan dengan kedua pemetaan tersebut, peneliti berargumen bahwa proses menjadi selebgram dilatarbelakangi oleh modal budaya selebgram dan pihak eksternal dan terjadi negosiasi modal budaya khususnya ide-ide dalam berpakaian untuk ditampilkan secara visual di akun instagram selebgram. Dalam upaya melengkapi studi-studi sebelumnya, artikel ini berfokus pada bekerjanya modal budaya dalam proses menjadi selebgram di bidang fesyen dan bagaimana negosiasi modal budaya yang dilakukan baik selebgram dengan pihak eksternal sebagai pihak yang memiliki intensitas tinggi dalam membantu selebgram sehingga tercipta kesepakatan yang di repsesentasikan melalui akun selebgram secara visual. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi literatur. Adapun subyek penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah 1 selebgram yang terkenal di bidang fesyen, 2 memiliki jumlah pengikut instagram aktif diatas 3.000 followers 3 bekerjasama dengan korporasi sebagai endorser 4 tergolong kelas sosial tertentu 5 dan pihak eksternal yang membantu selebgram yaitu teman dan keluarga.
This article is discussing about how cultural capital, which can turn people from non ndash; celebrity background into celebrity in Instagram, or what people usually call selebgram and have successfully attracted Instagram users. Previous studies discussed selebgrams as social media influencer and cultural capital to new form of social media. Based on the said mappings, this study was conducted under the assumption that the process of being an Instagram celebrity and attracted Instagram users were based on the properly working cultural capital from celebgrams and external parties that assisted them and there was a negotiation of cultural capital between the celebgrams and the external parties in the self-celebrification process especially in the idea of dressing. In the effort to complement previous studies, this article is focusing on the work of cultural capital from the selebgrams and how it rsquo;s negotiation between selebgrams and external parties with high intensity, helped selebgrams to reach the agreement which is represented by the selebgrams account visually. This article uses qualitative methods by using in-depth interviews, observations and literature studies. The subjects of this research are 1 selebgrams who are most known on the field of fashion, 2 currently followed by more than 3.000 active followers, 3 currently co-operating with companies as an endorser, 4 belong to a certain social class 5 external parties who have helped the creation of such figure such as friends and family.
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusop, Zulkornain
Abstrak :
Weak policy measures and improper monitoring of the flows and consumption of short-term external funds during the boom period (especially in early and mid 1990's) had been substantial in contributing to the country's currency and economic crisis in mid 1997. Private capital outflows in the form of capital flight had aggravated the intensity of the recent economic crisis as it drained the capital out at the time when it was most needed. Capital flight is estimated using an indirect measure (originally used by World bank, 1985) which involves a residual of some other variables. Accordingly, capital flight is calculated as the identified acquisitions of external assets except official reserves, plus recorded errors and ornissions. An econometric analysis was conducted to determine factors affecting capital flight from Indonesia. Using Augmented DickeyFuller and Phillip-Perron tests of unit root, it was found that ail variables except FDI, uncertainty and interest rate differentials are nonstationary. The Johansen's approach was used to test co-integration in multivariate system that involved long run and short run estimations. The results show that exchange rate depreciation, increase in external debt, GDP, FDI and inflation are important determ~inants of capital flight from Indonesia. Policy measures to prevent future capital flight problem should incorporate the impact and interdependence of various macroeconomic variables. Balanced policy measures based on both fiscal and monetary policies are important in order to maintain or strengthen the confidence of the public. It is important to carefully monitor the flows and consumption of external funds especially during the time of prosperity.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The focus of K-economy has stressed on knowledge,as economic growth driven human capital development is important to insure the strength and competitiveness of local banking sector in the global market....
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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