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Nugroho Tam Tomo
Abstrak :
Krisis ekonomi yang mulai terjadi sejak awal tahun 1997, telah memberi dampak dalam pembiayaan sektor kesehatan dalam hal ini rumah sakit. Dilema yang dihadapi disatu pihak rumah sakit dengan segala keterbatasan dana, rumah sakit dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang lebih bermutu dengan biaya yang terjangkau. Pengelolaan rumah sakit membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar, terus menerus, disisi lain kemampuan sumber dana dari pemerintah sangat terbatas. Pengelolaan rumah sakit dalam hal ini manajemen keuangan rumah sakit perlu mendapat perhatian terutama masalah piutang pasien yang merupakan salah satu masalah yang dapat mempengaruhi likuiditas rumah sakit.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem penatalaksanaan piutang pasien umum rawat inap di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo yang menyebabkan terjadinya piutang dari faktor internal, dengan pendekatan sistem yaitu : Input, Proses, Output Penelitian ini bersifat diskriptik analitik dengan melakukan pengamatan tangsung dan wawancara mendalam.

Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa sistem penatalaksanaan piutang pasien umum rawat inap yang terdiri dari Tahap pra penerimaan, Tahap Penerimaan, Tahap Perawatan, Tahap Penataan Rekening, Tahap Penagihan, Tahap Penutupan Rekening, belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Tahapan pra penerimaan yang merupakan tahapan yang penting ternyata belum ada. Kegiatan informasi yang seharusnya dilakukan pada tahap tersebut, pada tahap berikutnya juga tidak dilakukan. informasi biaya belum dapat disampaikan kepada pasien/keluarganya secara berkala, sehingga pasien/keluarganya tidak dapat memperkirakan jumlah biaya yang harus disiapkan, sistem komputerisasi yang belum terpadu.

Saran-saran yang dapat diberikan adalah penetapan prosedur pemberian kredit pada tahap pra penerimaan, pencatatan biaya pada tahap perawatan dilakukan setiap hari sehingga informasi biaya dapat diinformasikan secara berkala, kerja sama antara tahap perawatan dart tahap penataan rekening dalam hal biaya dengan sistem komputerisasi yang terpadu, aktifnya bagian penagihan.
System Analysis on Credit Arrangement for In-patient at RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo, Year 1999/2000Economic crisis that overwhelmed Indonesia since 1997 has impact on health sector budgeting, especially for hospital. The dilemma that is faced by hospital in their limitation budget nowadays is that hospital shall provide quality of health service with affordable cost for the patient. In other side, the management of hospital needs huge and continuous budget support, while the ability of central government to give budget support to hospital is very limited, Hospital management, in this case refers to the hospital financial management, needs to have special attention especially on credit arrangement for in-patient that become a major problem that can influence hospital liquidity.

The objective of this research is to analyze the credit arrangement system for in-patient at RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo that can lead into credit from internal factor, with the system approach of Input, Process and Output This is a descriptive analysis research by conducting direct observation and in-depth interview.

The result of this research has assumed that the credit arrangement for in-patient consists of some phases. There are: Pre-initial Phase, Initial Phase, Treatment Phase, Accounting Phase, Billing Phase and Billing Closing Phase, which have not run appropriately yet. Pre-initial phase, which is the most important phase, is not existing. The information activity that should be conducted at that phase in fact is not conducted also in the next phase. Information regarding health service cost still can not be delivered regularly to the patient and their family, so that they can not estimate the service cost that should be paid by them, in more the computerized system still not integrated.

Some suggestions are to formulate procedure for providing credit arrangement for in-patient at Pre-initial Phase, daily medical cost recording at Treatment Phase so that information cost is available and can be informed regularly, coordination at Treatment Phase and Accounting Phase in costing with integrated computerized system, and active participation of billing division.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Pamungkas
Abstrak :

Integrasi aplikasi e-Filing dengan aplikasi perpajakan lainnya menjadi salah satu tahapan dalam mencapai inisiatif strategis yang ditetapkan Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP) dalam Rencana Strategis (Renstra) DJP. Berdasarkan data layanan pengaduan (Lasis) yang telah dilakukan proses pengolahan masih terdapat permasalahan terkait integrasi aplikasi e-Filing dengan aplikasi perpajakan lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis dan desain terhadap integrasi aplikasi e-Filing dengan aplikasi perpajakan lainnya yang ada di DJP. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan menitikberatkan wawancara dan studi dokumen. Dari penelitian ini dihasilkan daftar usulan peningkatan terkait integrasi aplikasi e-Filing. Berdasarkan hasil validasi daftar usulan peningkatan, diketahui bahwa kebutuhan integrasi dengan e-SPT dan e-Faktur, integrasi dengan data SIDJP sebagai data prepopulated, dan integrasi dengan data pembayaran memiliki skala kebutuhan yang tinggi. Sebagai alat pembuktian konsep (Proof of Concept) terkait usulan peningkatan maka dilakukan pengerjaan prototipe. Prototipe yang dikerjakan memiliki cakupan web service data prepopulated PPh Pasal 23/26, web service data prepopulated harta, dan web service pencarian data untuk validasi NTPN. Tahapan prototipe adalah perancangan, pembuatan, dan validasi. Dari hasil validasi yang dilakukan, validator menerima atas prototipe yang telah dibuat.

The integration of e-Filing applications with other tax applications is one of the stages in achieving strategic initiatives determined by the Directorate General of Tax (DGT) in the DGT's Strategic Plan (Renstra). Based on data complaint service (Lasis) which has been processed, there are problems related to the integration of the e-Filing application with other tax applications. The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis and design of the integration of e-Filing applications with other taxation applications in the DGT. This type of research is qualitative by focusing interviews and document studies. Output from this research is a list of proposed improvements related to the integration of e-Filing applications. Based on the list proposed improvements validation, integration with e-SPT and e-Faktur, integration with SIDJP as prepopulated data, and integration with payment have high of requirement. Prototye is required as a proof of concept related to the list proposed improvement. The scope of prototypes are web service for prepopulated data PPh Article 23/26, web service for prepopulated of data assets, and web service for NTPN validation. Prototype stages are design, development, and validation. From the results of the validation, validators accept the prototypes.

Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Touri, Behrouz
Abstrak :
The thesis deals with averaging dynamics in a multiagent networked system, which is a main mechanism for diffusing the information over such networks. It arises in a wide range of applications in engineered physical networks (such as mobile communication and sensor networks), as well as social and economic networks. The thesis provides in depth study of stability and other phenomena characterizing the limiting behavior of both deterministic and random averaging dynamics. By developing new concepts, and using the tools from dynamic system theory and non-negative matrix theory, several novel fundamental results are rigorously developed. These contribute significantly to our understanding of averaging dynamics as well as to non-negative random matrix theory.
Berlin: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems, FORMATS 2012, held in London, UK in September 2012. The 16 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 34 submissions. The book covers topics of foundations and semantics, methods and tools, techniques, algorithms, hybrid automata, appilcations, real-time software and hardware circuits.
Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ilia Bider, editor
Abstrak :
This book contains the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support (BPMDS 2012) and the 17th International Conference on Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD 2012), held together with the 24th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2012) in Gdańsk, Poland, in June 2012. The 17 papers accepted for BPMDS were selected from 48 submissions and cover a wide spectrum of issues related to business process development, modeling, and support. They are grouped into sections on business process in the cloud, advanced BPM in an organizational context, similarity, variations and configuration, BPM and requirements engineering, humans and business process models, and BPM technologies using computational methods. The 13 papers accepted for EMMSAD were chosen from 28 submissions and focus on exploring, evaluating, and enhancing current information modeling methods and methodologies. They are grouped in sections on modeling of enterprise architecture, modeling facts and rules, business process modeling, modeling of non-functional requirements, safety modeling and analysis, quality of models and modeling languages, and supporting the learning of conceptual modeling.
Berlin: [, Springer-Verlag], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cacciabue, Carlo
Abstrak :
Il testo si propone di far acquisire al lettore le conoscenze delle metodologie e teorie di base per effettuare delle analisi di sicurezza e valutazione del rischio in diversi ambienti aeronautici, in un quadro di Safety Management System. Vengono analizzati e descritti in dettaglio i metodi per effettuare studi prospettici di sicurezza di tipo probabilistico e per analisi quantitativa dei rischi associati a diversi pericoli nelle operazioni di volo, nella gestione delle operazioni di terra e nei processi manutentivi. Sono quindi presentate le metodologie formali per studi retrospettivi delle occorrenze ed incidenti, orientate alla ricerca delle cause ed alla definizione di raccomandazioni di sicurezza. Le teorie sono inquadrate in un approccio sistemico, che prevede la valutazione integrata qualitativa e quantitativa dei rischi derivanti dai guasti meccanici e da fattori umani. Il testo e stato aggiornato sia sotto il profilo metodologico e tecnico, includendo i metodi piu recenti sviluppati ed applicati in analisi di sicurezza reali, sia per dare al lettore una panoramica esaustiva del panorama normativo aeronautico di sicurezza con un intero capitolo dedicato alle novita derivanti per gli aeroporti, con il Reg. UE n.139/14, e per gli operatori aerei, con il Reg.EU 965/12, che hanno cambiato profondamente la sicurezza ed lapproccio ad essa negli operatori di servizi aerei europei. Una serie di esempi semplici e casi studio vengono associati alle diverse teorie e metodi presentati nel testo.
Milano: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
R. Firwandri Marza
Abstrak :
Tujuan perencanaan kebutuhan obat terpadu di kota atau kabupaten adalah untuk mengoptimalkan dana obat melalui peningkatan koordinasi unit-unit kerja yang terkait dengan perencanaan obat sehingga perencanaan obat menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu dan memperluas cakupan pelayanan kesehatan. Di kota Solok Sumatera Barat telah dibentuk Tim Perencanaan Obat Terpadu pada tahun 1999, Tim ini dibentuk berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Walikota Solok nomor 188.4513431SK-WSL/1999. Kenyataannya tim dimaksud belum dapat bekerja dengan baik hal ini terlihat belum sesuainya jumlah dan jenis obat untuk kebutuhan pelayanan kesehatan dasar di kota Solok. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran sistem mutu perencanaan kebutuhan obat terpadu untuk unit pelayanan kesehatan dasar di kota Solok tahun 2000, yang dilihat dengan pendekatan sistem pemasok, masukan, proses, keluaran, dan pelanggan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan memakai metoda kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam kepada informan pemasok, Tim perencanaan obat terpadu, dan informan pelanggan, serta dilakukan penelusuran dokumen pada pencatatan obat yang ada. Dari hasil penelitian ini terlihat tingkat ketersediaan informasi (pemasok ) untuk perencanaan kebutuhan obat sudah baik, sudah ada tim perencanaan kebutuhan obat terpadu di kota Solok namun Surat Keputusan Walikota Solok mengenai pembentukan tim belum mencantumkan tugas dan fungsi personil secara, jelas dan tegas. Sedangkan tenaga yang terlibat dalam perencanaan kebutuhan obat terpadu sudah baik, terlihat dari pendidikan formal yang dimiliki, dan mereka telah mengikuti pelatihan pengelolaan obat. Tidak tersedianya dana untuk perencanaan kebutuhan obat terpadu. Data untuk perencanaan kebutuhan obat selalu tersedia, belum adanya mekanismen kerja secara tertulis, dan belum efektifnya koordinasi antara personil tim perencanaan obat terpadu, Panitia pengadaan obat telah mempergunakan lembar perencanaan kebutuhan obat untuk dasar pengadaan obat tahun 2000. Untuk terlaksananya perencanaan kebutuhan obat sesuai dengan jumlah, jenis dan pengadaannya tepat waktu perlu ditingkatkan pemahaman azas pengelolaan obat terpadu (pemberdayan daerah, koordinasi, keterpaduan) baik pada Pemerintah Kota Solok, maupun pada Tim perencanaan obat terpadu kota Solok.
Quality System Analysis of Integrated Drug Need Plan for Basic Health Service Unit in Solok City in the Year of 2000 The objectives of integrated drug need plan in the city or in the regency is to optimize the drug-fund through increase of job coordination units related to drug plan so that drug plan becomes more effective and efficient in increasing the quality and in extending the scope of public health service In the city of Solok, West Sumatera has been formed by the integrated drug plan team in 1999. This team is formed based on the decision letter of Solok Mayor No. 188.4513431SK-WSLJ1999. In fact, intended team cannot operate well and this case is seen not accorded with the amount and sort of drugs for the basic health service need in Solok Hence, this investigation intention is to know the system description of integrated drug need plan quality system for the basic health service unit in Solok in the year of 2000 can be seen by using the approach system (supplier, input, process, output, and customer). This observation is performed by using the quality method. Data collection is performed by using the deep interview ti the supplier's informant, integrated drug plan team, and customer informant, and the existed record From this observation result is seen the level of information availability of well-needed drug plan, has provided the integrated drug need plan team in Solok, but the sion Letter of Solok Mayor concerning the formation team not mentioned about the task and function of personnel in detailed, clear, confirmed. While, the involved staffs in the integrated drug need plan has been good which can be seen from owned formal education, has followed the drug management training. The drugs are not provided for the integrated drug need plan. Data for the integrated drug plan is always provided, and unexisted mekanisme jobs in written and uneffectiveness of coordination among the team personnel integrated drug plan, and drug supply committee have utilized the sheet of drug need plan for the basic supply of need in 2000. In performing the plan of drug need in accordance with the amount and availability on time needs to increase the principle apprehension of integrated drug management (local empowerment, coordination, integration) either in Solok government or integrated drug plan team in Solok Bibliography: 55 (1981-2001)
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Iriawan
Abstrak :
Penyelesaian masalah yang ada dalam suatu sistem dengan membentuk model matematikanya terlebih dahulu, kemudian analisa terhadap sistem dilakukan pada penganalisaan model tersebut, tidak selalu bisa dipecahkan secara analitik. Hal ini disebabkan karena kekompleksan sistem akan mengakibatkan modelnya pun menjadi sangat kompleks, sehingga diperlukan metoda analisa yang cocok dan mudah untuk digunakan sebagai alat pemecahannya, yaitu Simulasi. Di dalam sistem yang mempunyai proses pentahapan dalam menyelesaikan suatu proses, seperti sistem Job-Shop, mempunyai permasalahan seperti di atas. Di sana terdapat antrian di depan setiap fasilitas prosesnya, terbatas ruang antriannya, dan memungkinkan adanya pemrosesan yang terjadi secara paralel. Namun demikian dengan simulasi dan pada kondisi steady state akan dapat ditentukan estimasi setiap ukuran performansi sistem dengan membentuk taksiran nilai ukuran-ukuran tersebut dalam bentuk interval yang telah ditentukan tingkat ketelitiannya. Dengan menganalisa keluaran simulasi, serta dengan memperhatikan kemampuan sistem untuk mengembangkan diri, dapat dilakukan eksperimentasi dengan membuat beberapa alternatif sistem baru. Dan akhirnya dengan melakukan pengujian secara statistik pada hasil keluaran simulasi dari setiap alternatif tersebut, akan dapat ditentukan sistem alternatif mana yang paling baik. Dan dengan menggunakan analisa yang berdasar pada Faktorial Disain, "Central Composite Design", serta "Respons Surface Methodology" akan dapat diestimasi nilai optimum dari sistem tersebut.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Carol Adedatus
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis sistem informasi akuntansi PT. Manajemen Kawasan Gedung agar lebih optimal dalam pengendalian internal dalam siklus pembelian. Penelitian ini, menggunakan metode komponen pengendalian internal sesuai dengan pengelompokan yang dilakukan oleh COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission dan merancang sistem dengan Structured System Analysis and Design Method. Dan hasil analisis yang dilakukan terhadap pembelian PT. Manajemen Kawasan Gedung, struktur organisasi perusahaan yang menjadikan kontrol sebagai suatu fungsi yang independen akan wewenang belum berjalan baik; dan hasil analisis sistem informasi akuntansi belum mampu berjalan secara signifikan karena belum didukung oleh sistem informasi akuntansi yang terkomputerisasi. ......This research aims to analyze accounting information system of PT. Manajemen Kawasan Gedung on optimizing its internal control in the purchasing cycle. This research uses two methods components internal control in accordance with classification by COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Tradeway Commission and designing the system with Structured System Analysis and Design Method. The result shows that the organization structure as an independent controlling system is not working well and the accounting information system has not working significantly because it is not supported by a computerized system.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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