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Ditemukan 185 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Saricks, Joyce G.
Abstrak :
In public libraries, reference librarians are often called on to make recommendations to readers, sometimes in genres that they dont personally read. Learning how to frame a discussion and articulate the appeal of a book, author, or genre marks the essence of a successful readers advisor. Readers advisory is defined as, patron-oriented library service for adult leisure readers, according to Saricks, a noted expert on the subject. In the completely revised third edition of Readers Advisory Service for Public Libraries, Saricks updates this critically acclaimed how-to guide, making it more helpful than ever. As reference librarians seek support in guiding adult readers, theyve come to trust this authoritative resource. It has been expanded and improved with:. Easy ways to create read alike lists, identifying what else is like a favorite book. Practical guidelines for conducting the advisory interview so its a comfortable exchange. Confidence-boosting tactics for drawing on reviews to make recommendations. Methods for incorporating nonfiction into the discussion. More resources and online tools. Using the proven strategies in this newly updated, back-to-basics overview, librarians providing readers advisory services will find the answers they need to help customers make appropriate choices.
Chicago: [American Library association, ], 2005
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cavalli, Nicola
Abstrak :
Questo testo presenta pertanto i risultati di una ricerca quantitativa volta ad esplorare le dichiarazioni di utilizzo, gli atteggiamenti e le opinioni di studenti, professori, bibliotecari e personale amministrativo relativamente agli strumenti di lettura digitale e ai contenuti digitali. Esso offre inoltre una panoramica esaustiva dello stadio evolutivo dell'editoria digitale accademica italiana e internazionale, offrendo spunti interpretativi che aiutino a delineare le prospettive future.
Milan: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Needham Heights: Ally & Bacon , 1992
R 808 CRI
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guterson, David
New York: Vintage Books, 1995
813.54 GUT s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cain, Kathleen Shine
Boston: Allyn and Bacon , 1994
808.042 7 CAI l
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fashila Desfianti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas pengaruh penerapan membaca kritis dalam proses pembelajaran kemahiran membaca bahasa Jepang pada tingkat universitas. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian praeksperimental yang melibatkan dua kelompok pemelajar yang terbagi dalam kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan eksplanasi tentang penerapan kegiatan membaca kritis dan pengaruhnya terhadap kemampuan pemelajar dalam proses pembelajaran kemahiran membaca TBJ. Populasi penelitian ini adalah pemelajar Indonesia jurusan bahasa Jepang sebagai bahasa asing (JFL) yang telah menerima pemelajaran bahasa Jepang selama dua tahun di universitas. Pemelajar di kelas eksperimen menerima pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan kegiatan membaca kritis, sedangkan pemelajar di kelas kontrol menerima pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan strategi membaca cepat dan latihan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan membaca kritis tidak dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemelajar secara signifikan. Namun, hasil kuesioner dan wawancara menunjukkan bahwa respon pemelajar terhadap penerapan kegiatan membaca kritis cukup positif. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan tes terbuka lebih tepat diberikan kepada kelompok pemelajar yang mendapatkan kegiatan membaca kritis dibandingkan dengan tes pilihan ganda. Kendala yang dialami oleh pemelajar ketika mengikuti pembelajaran kemahiran membaca dengan kegiatan membaca kritis yaitu kesulitan dalam pemahaman kosakata dan struktur kalimat yang digunakan dalam teks berbahasa Jepang.
This thesis discusses the implementation of critical reading in the learning process of Japanese language reading skills on undergraduate level. This study is a pre-experimental study involving two groups of learners, which are divided into control and experimental classes. It aims to explain the effect of critical reading implementation on learners ability to comprehend Japanese texts in Japanese reading class. The study population was Indonesian learners majoring in Japanese as a foreign language (JFL) who have been studying Japanese for two years in university. In the experimental class, students received reading skills learning with critical reading activities, while students in the control class received reading skills learning with speed reading strategies and exercises. The result showed that the implementation of critical reading could not significantly improve learners reading abilities. However, the result of the questionnaire and interviews indicate that the students response to the implementation of critical reading activities was quite positive. In addition, the result showed that the use of open-ended questions is more appropriate to assess critical reading rather than multiple choice test. The constraints which were experienced by students when they took part in this course is understanding vocabulary and sentence structures which are used in Japanese texts.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iqbalrio Fajar Putranto
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai serangkaian aksi kriminal yang dilakukan oleh The Kelly Gang di wilayah koloni Victoria yang dimulai pada tahun 1878 dan berakhir pada tahun 1883. Kelompok ini dikepalai oleh Ned Kelly, seorang bushranger asal Irlandia yang menganggap pemerintah kolonial telah bertindak sewenang-wenang. Skripsi ini mencoba untuk menjelaskan mengenai respon masyarakat dan pemerintah Victoria terhadap kehadiran The Kelly Gang. Untuk pertama kalinya kepolisian Victoria mengalami perombakan besar-besaran berdasarkan hasil investigasi yang dilakukan oleh Royal Comission on Police antara tahun 1881-1883 terkait kinerja mereka dalam upaya menangkap The Kelly Gang. Perombakan kepolisian Victoria menandakan buruknya kualitas polisi Victoria hingga tidak mampu menaklukkan The Kelly Gang dalam waktu singkat. Sumber yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan sumber arsip yang dimiliki oleh National Library of Australia berupa laporan kepolisian, hasil putusan pengadilan dan dokumen yang dipublikasi oleh pemerintah Victoria seperti kesaksian orang-orang terkait peristiwa The Kelly Gang. Surat kabar yang memberitakan The Kelly Gang juga turut digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah.
This study explains about a series of crime action by The Kelly Gang in Victoria colony area which started in 1878 and finished in 1883. The leader of this group was Ned Kelly. He was bushranger from Ireland who had felt the government of colonial had acted arbitrarily. This study tries to explain the respons of society and the government of Victoria about the presence of The Kelly Gang. For the first time the police of Victoria experienced a massive change according to the result of investigation by Royal Comission on Police around 1881-1883 related to their endeavor for catching The Kelly Gang. When the police of Victoria was change which indicated a low quality of Victoria police that they couldn?t defeat The Kelly Gang at glance. The resource which was used in this research was based on courtesy of archive which belongs to National Library of Australia such as police reports, the result of a court decision and documents published by the Victorian government as the witness of the related events of The Kelly Gang. Newspapers were publish The Kelly Gang were also used in this study. The research used a historical method.;
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulya Khatulistivani
Abstrak :
Pada sistem parkir yang ada saat ini, proses pengecekan plat nomor atau Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor TNKB dilakukan dengan mencocokkan plat nomor melalui foto yang diambil saat pengguna masuk ke area parkir. Hasil pengenalan plat nomor kemudian diinput ke komputer dengan cara diketik. Proses yang dilakukan secara manual oleh operator ini memakan waktu yang relatif lama. Tugas akhir ini mengembangkan pengenalan plat nomor otomatis untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Pengenalan plat nomor otomatis merupakan teknologi yang memudahkan ekstraksi karakter-karakter pada plat nomor. Pengembangan sistem parkir ini menggunakan OpenCV sebagai pustaka pengolah citra, algoritma KNN K-Nearest Neighbour untuk Optical Character Recognition, dan sistem basis data untuk sistem parkir. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, kombinasi nilai variabel block size dan weight terbaik untuk proses thresholding dalam pengenalan plat nomor adalah b=71 dan w=20 dengan hasil akurasi segmentasi karakter sebesar 89, akurasi rekognisi sebesar 82, dan jumlah rekognisi yang tepat 100 sebesar 26. Sistem dapat membaca plat nomor dengan baik pada jarak optimal 60 cm dengan akurasi segmentasi karakter sebesar 89, akurasi rekognisi sebesar 79, dan jumlah rekognisi yang tepat 100 sebesar 26. Resolusi input gambar juga memengaruhi proses pengenalan plat nomor. Resolusi yang optimal untuk rekognisi adalah 1024 x 768 dengan hasil akurasi segmentasi karakter sebesar 89, akurasi rekognisi keseluruhan sebesar 81, jumlah rekognisi yang tepat 100 sebesar 26, dan dengan rata-rata waktu pemrosesan selama 0,174 detik. Akurasi rekognisi plat nomor juga diperngaruhi oleh faktor lain seperti pencahayaan dan kondisi plat nomor apakah rusak atau tidak, tertutup sesuatu atau tidak . Selain itu, kondisi plat nomor yang ideal diperlukan untuk pengenalan plat nomor otomatis secara optimal. Secara keseluruhan, sistem parkir otomatis memiliki akurasi rekognisi yang baik. ......In current parking system, number plate checking is done by matching it through the photo taken when user enters the parking area. The operator then types the recognised number plate into computer. The process, which is done manually by operator, takes a relatively long time. This thesis develops an automatic license plate recognition to overcome the problem. Automatic license plate recognition is a technology which makes computer able to recognize characters in a license plate. The development of the system uses OpenCV as image processing library, KNN algorithm for Optical Character Recognition OCR, and database system for parking data. Based on the test result, the combination of the best block size and weight value for the thresholding process in the recognition of the number plate is b 71 and w 20 with character segmentation accuracy of 89, recognition accuracy of 82, and the number of fully recognized number plate of 1. The system can read the number plate well at an optimal distance of 60 cm with character segmentation accuracy 89, recognition accuracy of 79, and fully recognized number plate 26. Image input resolution also affects the number plate recognition process. The optimal resolution for recognition is 1024 x 768 with character segmentation accuracy of 89, overall segmentation accuracy of 81, the number of fully recognized number plate of 26, and with average processing time of 0.174 seconds. The accuracy of plate number recognition is also affected by other factors such as lighting and the condition of the number plate whether it is damaged or not, obstructed by something or not. In addition, the ideal number plate conditions are required for optimal number plate recognition. Overall, the automated parking system has a good recognition accuracy.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990
025.5 COM
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: The Haworth Press , 1984
025.5 REF
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library