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Sihombing, Steven Sutanto
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Perawatan di ruang rawat inap dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap pasien geriatri dan pelaku rawatnya berupa peningkatan gejala ansietas dan depresi. Ansietas dan depresi yang dialami oleh pelaku rawat dapat mengganggu kualitas perawatan pasien geriatri yang dirawatnya. Tujuan: Mengetahui proporsi pelaku rawat pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap di rumah sakit yang mengalami peningkatan gejala ansietas dan depresi serta mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi peningkatan gejala ansietas dan depresi tersebut. Metode: Studi dengan desain kohort prospektif untuk meneliti faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan peningkatan gejala ansietas dan depresi pada pelaku rawat pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Februari hingga Mei 2018 dengan membandingkan derajat gejala ansietas dan depresi pada hari pertama perawatan dengan hari ketujuh perawatan pasien menggunakan kuesioner Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi Square atau uji Fisher apabila persyaratan uji Chi Square tidak terpenuhi dan analisis multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik. Hasil: Sebanyak 58,1% pelaku rawat pasien geriatri mengalami peningkatan gejala ansietas dan 60,7% pelaku rawat mengalami peningkatan gejala depresi pada saat hari ketujuh perawatan pasien di ruang rawat inap. Berdasarkan analisis multivariat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan gejala ansietas pelaku rawat pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap di rumah sakit adalah usia pelaku rawat ≥60 tahun (p=0,05; OR 4,167; IK 95% 1,554-11,171), durasi merawat pasien ≥8 jam dalam sehari (p=0,041; OR 4,228; IK 95% 1,060-16,860), lama merawat pasien di ruang rawat inap ≥6 hari (p=0,019; OR 2,500; IK 95% 1,163-5,375) serta merawat pasien geriatri dengan ketergantungan berat-total (p<0,001; OR 5,568; IK 95% 2,323-13,345). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan gejala depresi pelaku rawat pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap di rumah sakit di antaranya usia pelaku rawat ≥60 tahun (p=0,01; OR 9,333; IK 95% 2,638-33,018), durasi merawat pasien ≥8 jam dalam sehari (p=0,008; OR 8,392; IK 95% 1,723-40,880), lama merawat pasien di ruang rawat inap ≥6 hari (p<0,001; OR 4,184; IK 95% 1,982-9,256) serta merawat pasien geriatri dengan ketergantungan berat-total (p=0,007; OR 3,132; IK 95% 1,372-7,151). Kesimpulan: Usia pelaku rawat ≥60 tahun, durasi merawat pasien ≥8 jam dalam sehari, lama merawat pasien di ruang rawat inap ≥6 hari serta merawat pasien geriatri dengan ketergantungan berat-total mempengaruhi peningkatan gejala ansietas dan depresi pelaku rawat pasien geriatri yang dirawat inap di rumah sakit.
Background: Hospitalization can cause negative impact on geriatric patients and also their caregivers such as increased symptoms of anxiety and depression. Anxiety and depression experienced by the caregivers can interfere the quality of care for the geriatric patients. Objectives: To determine the proportion of geriatric patients caregivers with increased anxiety and depression symptoms during hospitalization using Hospital and Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS) questionnaires and its associated factors. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted to determine the associated factors of increased anxiety and depression symptoms in caregivers of hospitalized geriatric patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital from February to May 2018 by comparing anxiety and depression symptoms level on the first day of hospitalization with the seventh day using HADS questionnaires. Bivariate analysis was done using Chi Square test or Fisher test when the requirement for Chi Square test was not fullfilled. Multivariate analysis was also done using logistic regression. Result: As many as 58.1% caregivers of hospitalized geriatric patients had an increased anxiety symptoms and 60.7% caregivers experienced increased depression symptoms on seventh day of hospitalization. Multivariate analysis showed that caregivers aged 60 years old or above (p=0.005; OR 4.167; 95% CI 1.554-11.171), duration of caregiving equal to or more than 8 hours in a day (p=0.041; OR 4.228; 95% CI 1.060-16.860), duration of caregiving equal to or more than 6 days in a week (p=0.019; OR 2.500; 95% CI 1.163-5.375) and caregiving for patient with severe to total dependency (p<0.001; OR 5.568; 95% CI 2.323-13.345) are significantly increased the anxiety symptoms. Factors that are significantly increased the depression symptoms including caregivers aged 60 years old or above (p=0.01; OR 9.333; 95% CI 2.638-33.018), duration of caregiving equal to or more than 8 hours in a day (p=0.008; OR 8.392; 95% CI 1.723-40.880), duration of caregiving equal to or more than 6 days in a week (p<0.001; OR 4.184; 95% CI 1.982-9.256) and caregiving for patient with severe to total dependency (p=0.007; OR 3.132; 95% CI 1.372-7.151). Conclusion: Caregiver aged 60 years old or above, duration of caregiving equal to or more than 8 hours in a day, duration of caregiving equal to or more than 6 days in a week, and caregiving for patient with severe to total dependency are significantly increased anxiety and depression symptoms in caregivers of hospitalized geriatric patients.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risky Dwi Rahayu
Abstrak :
Prevalensi kelebihan berat badan dan obesitas di dunia meningkat dalam tiga dekade terakhir. Pada usia muda, lebih banyak laki-laki yang mengalami kelebihan berat badan daripada wanita. High-Intensity Interval Training adalah alternatif latihan fisik yang membutuhkan komitmen waktu lebih singkat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan modifikasi protokol untuk mengetahui efektivitas latihan dalam memperbaiki komposisi tubuh dan kebugaran kardiorespirasi serta tingkat keamanan dan kesenangan yang ditimbulkan pada laki-laki dewasa muda dengan kelebihan berat badan. Penelitian ini memiliki desain eksperimental dengan uji pre-post. Subyek adalah laki-laki dengan berat badan berlebih sesuai klasifikasi WHO berusia 18-30 tahun yang sehat dan tidak terlatih. Durasi intervensi 12 minggu dengan jumlah latihan 3 kali per minggu. Dalam satu set, subyek melakukan 5 gerakan (lari lurus, zigzag, dan kotak serta jumping jackdan burpees) dalam waktu masing-masing 8 detik. Waktu istirahat aktif antar gerakan 25 detik dan antar set 2 menit. Jumlah set ditingkatkan per minggu dari 3 hingga 14 set. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penurunan persentase lemak, lemak viseral, lingkar pinggang namun tidak bermakna. Indeks Massa Tubuh meningkat tidak bermakna dan massa otot meningkat bermakna {p-value 0,03; CI -1,7 (-3,21 – [- 0,19]}. VO2max meningkat namun tidak bermakna. Terdapat laporan 3 insiden yang digolongkan sebagai cedera musculoskeletal ringan dan intoleransi latihan. Rerata skor PACES adalah 83,79 ± 8,14 dengan tren skor yang menurun seiring peningkatan jumlah set. Kesimpulannya, High-Intensity Interval Training efektif dalam memperbaiki komposisi tubuh dan kebugaran kardiorespirasi pada laki-laki dewasa muda dan overweight, aman, dan menyenangkan. ......Worldwide prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing in the last three decades. Prevalence overweight in young males is higher than females at the same age. High-intensity interval training is an alternative of exercise which need less time commitment. We modify the protocol to identify the its effect on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness, its safety and enjoyment in overweight young males. This is an experimental study with pre-post assessment. Subjects are healthy untrained male aged 18 – 30 years old with overweight according to WHO classification. Duration of intervention is 12 weeks, 3 times per week. During one set, the subjects perform 5 movements (straight running, zig zag running, squared running, jumping jack, burpees) in 8 seconds interval, active recovery 25 seconds between movements and 2 minutes between sets. The number of sets is increased weekly from 3 to 14 sets. The fat percentage, visceral fat, and waist circumference are decreased after intervention. Body mass index is increased and muscle mass is increased significantly (p-value 0,03; CI -1,7 (-3,21 – (- 0,19)) after intervention. VO2max is increased but not significant. There are 3 reports of minor musculoskeletal injuries and exercise intolerance, all categorized as mild injuries. The average PACES score is 83,79 ± 8,14 and the score tends to decrease with weekly set increments. High-Intensity Interval Training is effective to improve body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight young males. It is also safe and provide enjoyment.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marcus Düwell
Abstrak :
This introduction to human dignity explores the history of the notion from antiquity to the nineteenth century, and the way in which dignity is conceptualised in non-Western contexts. Building on this, it addresses a range of systematic conceptualisations, considers the theoretical and legal conditions for human dignity as a useful notion and analyses a number of philosophical and conceptual approaches to dignity. Finally, the book introduces current debates, paying particular attention to the legal implementation, human rights, justice and conflicts, medicine and bioethics, and provides an explicit systematic framework for discussing human dignity. Adopting a wide range of perspectives and taking into account numerous cultures and contexts, this handbook is a valuable resource for students, scholars and professionals working in philosophy, law, history and theology.
United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumawas, Johanna Savitri Paramita
Jakarta: UI-Press, 1993
PGB 0238
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Molen, Gezina H. J. van der
Abstrak :
Het volkenrecht beleeft boze tijden. De na-oorlogse hoogeconjuctuur der twintiger jaren, heeft zich na de tweede wereldoorlag niet herhaald ...
's-Gravenhage: Martinus Nijhoff, 1949
K 341.09 MOE s
Buku Klasik  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Trafficking in persons, aspecially in women and children, is one of the transnational crime, which is now concerned by the international community. It has been stipulated in the Supplementing Protocol to the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000. Trafficking has hereby a wider sense, including recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt ofpersons, by means of the threat or use of the force, or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, for the purpose of exploitation. This become one of the problems in the efforts of law enforcement, due to lack of regulations. Another problem is the different perspective of some countries looking at trafficking as a transnational crime, that need an international cooperation to combat it.
340 JHPJ 24:1 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Turnip, Sherly Saragih
Abstrak :
Conflicts and wars in several areas in Indonesia have caused a large number of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). IDPs adolescents are a vulnerable group for developing psychological problems. There was a concern about the form of time perspective that these adolescents have and its relationship with the occurrence of psychological problems in the future. However, there is a lack of studies of internally displaced persons that assess the relationship between psychological distress and time perspective in low income countries. The study aim was to assess psychological status and time perspective of adolescents who were affected by violent conflict in Indonesia. Cross sectional community based study. Questionnaires were used to obtain data from 129 adolescents whose lives were affected by violent conflict, both displaced and non-displaced. Subjects were selected by simple random sampling. Displaced adolescents were present-past oriented, while non-displaced adolescents were future oriented. Displaced adolescents had more difficulties compared to non-displaced adolescents, especially in emotional symptoms. Factors like migration status, gender and religion have partial significance toward time dominance and psychological problems. There is a significant association between time perspective and psychological problems in which present-past oriented adolescents had greater difficulties than future oriented adolescents. The most common problem was emotional symptoms, especially anxiety problems.
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mery Anggela
Abstrak :
Perilaku remaja saat ini mengalami banyak perubahan yang pesat terutama perilaku berpacaran remaja yang menuntun pada perilaku-perilaku seksual sebelum menikah. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi kehidupan remaja juga tidak bisa dilepaskan dari berbagai fasilitas seperti media cetak, media elektronik, dan media online, membuat remaja bebas mengakses situs-situs yang memiliki konten seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara jenis kelamin, usia pubertas, pengetahuan, sikap, tingkat relijiusitas, paparan pornografi di media, sumber informasi dengan perilaku seksual siswa di SMK "X" tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan besar sampel 240 responden. Data dikumpulkan melalui self administrated questionnaire. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi Square. Penelitian ini menemukan sebesar 12,9% responden berperilaku seksual berisiko. Variabel yang memiliki perbedaan proporsi yakni jenis kelamin, usia pubertas, sikap, majalah, komik, foto, handphone, jejarig sosial, website porno, dan game online. Peneliti menyarankan agar pemerintah menerapkan kurikulum pendidikan reproduksi remaja dan pengawasan terhadap paparan pornografi di media cetak, elektronik, dan online. ...... Currently, adolescent is experiencing rapid behavior changes, particularly in teenagers dating behavior that leads to pre marital sexual behavior. Along with the advancement of technology, teenage life also can not be separated from the media such as printed media, electronic media, and online media that makes teens have free access to sites that have sexual content. This study is aimed to know the association between sex, age of puberty, knowledge, attitudes, religiosity, exposure to pornography in the media, resources about reproductive health and sexual behavior with sexual behavior of students in a high school of "X" 2015. Using cross sectional design this study involve 240 respondents as sample that were randomly selected by using Chi Square test, this study showed that 12,9% of respondents do risky sexual behavior. Variables that have different proportions were sex, age of puberty, attitude, magazines, comics, photographs, mobile phones, social networks, porn website , and online games. This findings suggest the government to implement the adolescent reproductive education curriculum and supervision of exposure to pornography in printed media, electronic, and online.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Direktorat Hak Asasi Manusia, Kementrian Luar Negeri, 2013
305.5 IND l (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ida Fitriani
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini merupakan studi lanjutan yang membahas inklusifitas dan penerapannya, dalam hal aksesibilitas bagi penyandang disabilitas di BQMI. Penelitian ini bertujuan memformulasikan aspek-aspek utama yang perlu diperhatikan dalam meningkatkan aksesibilitas fisik; aksesibilitas intelektual terhadap konten pameran; dan representasi penyandang disabilitas dalam narasi di BQMI. Dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif ini, data dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka, observasi, simulasi dan wawancara. Peneliti menyarankan agar BQMI memperbaiki dan menambah fasilitas akses; membuat desain pameran yang dapat diakses; serta merumuskan representasi yang baik bagi penyandang disabilitas. Dengan demikian, BQMI diharapkan dapat menjadi museum inklusif yang mencerminkan indahnya ajaran Islam yang menjunjung tinggi keadilan dan kesetaraan.
This study is a follow-up study that discusses inclusiveness and its application, in terms of accessibility for persons with disabilities in BQMI. This study aims to formulate the key aspects to consider in improving physical accessibility; intellectual accessibility to the content of the exhibition; and the representation of persons with disabilities in the narrative in BQMI. In this qualitative descriptive study, data were collected through literature review, observation, simulation and interviews. Researcher suggest that BQMI should fix and add access facilities; make accessible exhibition design; and formulate a good representation for persons with disabilities. Thus, BQMI expected to be inclusive museum that reflects the beauty of the teachings of Islam that upholds justice and equality.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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