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Namira Adelia
"Latar belakang: Penelitian terdahulu telah menunjukkan peran penting bakteri Rothia
spp. dalam keseimbangan mikrobioma oral. Mikrobioma oral yang seimbang berperan
terhadap pencegahan berbagai penyakit rongga mulut. Namun, pengaruh pemberian nitrat
terhadap pertumbuhan bakteri tersebut masih belum sepenuhnya dipahami, terutama pada
kelompok individu yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok. Merokok dapat mengubah
komposisi mikrobiota oral dan memengaruhi metabolisme bakteri, sehingga penting
untuk menyelidiki bagaimana pajanan nitrat dapat memodulasi pertumbuhan bakteri ini
dalam konteks tersebut. Dasar dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi
potensi pajanan nitrat yang berasal dari sayur-sayuran dalam meningkatkan jumlah
bakteri pereduksi nitrat pada biofilm saliva subjek perokok usia dewasa muda.Tujuan:
Melihat potensi nitrat larutan daun arugula dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri
Rothia spp. pda perokok usia dewasa muda. Metode: Sampel saliva hasil pooling
dikelompokkan berdasarkan pH supernatant saliva dan kebiasaan merokok. Kemudian,
sampel diberikan pajanan larutan daun arugula dengan konsentrasi nitrat berbeda (6,25
μM dan 3,25 μM) dan durasi pajanan berbeda (5 dan 9 jam) untuk melihat perubahan
terhadap pH supernatant saliva, kadar nitrit saliva dan jumlah bakteri Rothia spp.
Pengukuran pH supernatant saliva dilakukan menggunakan kertas strip pH. Pengujian
kadar nitrit saliva dilakukan dengan uji griess pada sampel yang merepresentasikan kadar
nitratnya. Metode Total Plate Count digunakan untuk menghitung jumlah bakteri Rothia
spp. yang tumbuh pada medium spesifik. Untuk memastikan benar bakteri Rothia spp. yang tumbuh, dilakukan pewarnaan gram dan PCR konvensional dengan primer Rothia. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pajanan larutan daun arugula terhadap kadar nitrit saliva dan jumlah bakteri Rothia spp. Terdapat pola peningkatan kadar nitrit saliva berdasarkan durasi pajanan dengan hasil yang berbanding lurus dengan jumlah bakteri Rothia spp. Kesimpulan: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pajanan larutan daun arugula mampu mempertahankan dan mengurangi asidifikasi pH supernatant saliva. Secara umum, potensi nitrat asal daun arugula konsentrasi 3,25 μM memiliki potensi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nitrat asal daun arugula konsentrasi 6,25 μM dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri Rothia spp.

Background:Previous research has shown the important role of Rothia spp. in maintaining the balance of oral microbiome. A balanced oral microbiome plays a crucial role in preventing various oral diseases. However, the effects of nitrate administration on the growth of these bacteria are not fully understood, especially in individuals who smoke. Smoking can alter the composition of oral microbiota and affect bacterial metabolism, making it important to investigate how nitrate exposure can modulate the growth of these bacteria. The basis of this research is to explore the potential of nitrate exposure derived from vegetables in increasing the number of nitrate-reducing bacteria in the salivary biofilm of young adult smokers. Objectives: The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of nitrate originating from arugula leaves in increasing the number of Rothia spp. bacteria in young adult smokers. Methods: Saliva samples were pooled based on supernatant pH and smoking habit. The samples were then exposed to arugula leaf solution with different nitrate concentration (6,25 μM dan 3,25 μM) and different exposure durations (5 and 9 hours) to observe changes in supernatant pH, nitrite levels, and the viability of Rothia spp. bacteria. Supenatant pH was measured using pH strips. The nitrite levels in saliva were tested using the Griess assay. The total plate count method was used to calculate the viability of Rothia spp.bacteria growing on specific media. To confirm that the bacteria growing were indeed Rothia spp., gram staining and conventional PCR with Rothia primers were performed. Results: There is no significant difference between the exposure of arugula leaf solution regarding the level of nitrite in saliva and the viability of Rothia spp. This study shows a pattern of increased nitrite levels in saliva according to the duration of exposure, which are linear with the viablity of Rothia spp. Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that exposure to arugula leaf solution can maintain and reduce the acidification of supenatant pH. In general, the nitrate potential of arugula leaves at a concentration of 3,25 μM has a higher potential compared to the nitrate potential of arugula leaves at a concentration of 6,25 μM in enhancing the growth of Rothia spp. bacteria."
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atikah Cyntia Putri
Latar Belakang : Nitric oxide (NO) merupakan sistem pertahanan non spesifik yang berperan sebagai antibakterial di dalam rongga mulut yang dapat ditemukan di dalam saliva. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan konsentrasi NO sebagai sistem pertahanan non spesifik dengan derajat kebersihan gigi dan mulut yang dinilai melalui skor OHI-S. Metode : Sampel yang diteliti adalah saliva unstimulated dan diukur dengan metode Griess Reagent pada 50 subjek dewasa muda yang terdiri dari dua kelompok, yaitu 25 subjek perokok dan 25 subjek non perokok. Indeks skor OHI-S dikategorikan menjadi baik, sedang, dan buruk. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji statistik Independent T-test, dan korelasi Spearman. Hasil : Konsentrasi NO saliva pada dewasa muda perokok lebih tinggi dari non perokok dengan adanya perbedaan bermakna (p < 0,05) dan hubungan antara konsentrasi NO dengan skor indeks OHI-S adalah positif sedang dengan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan (r = 0,305, p > 0,05). Kesimpulan : Konsentrasi nitric oxide saliva pada perokok meningkat diakibatkan oleh kondisi kebersihan rongga mulut subjek yang buruk.

Background: Nitric oxide (NO) is a non-specific defense system that acts as an antibacterial in the oral cavity which can be found in saliva. Objective: To determine the relationship between NO concentration as a non-specific defense system and the degree of oral hygiene as assessed by the OHI-S score. Methods: The sample studied was unstimulated saliva and measured by the Griess Reagent method on 50 young adult subjects consisting of two groups, namely 25 smoking subjects and 25 non-smoking subjects. The OHI-S score index was categorized into good, moderate, and bad. The analytical method used is the Independent T-test statistical test, and the Spearman correlation. Results: NO salivary concentration in young adult smokers was higher than non-smokers with a significant difference (p <0.05) and the relationship between NO concentration and OHI-S index score was moderate positive with no significant relationship (r = 0.305, p> 0.05). Conclusion: The concentration of salivary nitric oxide in smokers is increased due to poor oral hygiene conditions in the subject."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tazchya Sana
"Pendahuluan: protein saliva merupakan komposisi yang terkandung dalam saliva
dan berperan penting bagi keseimbangan ekosistem rongga mulut manusia. Total konsentrasi
protein saliva pada setiap individu bervariasi tergantung pada usia individu tersebut. Banyak
dari protein saliva berfungsi untuk memproteksi rongga mulut dengan aktivitas antimikroba
yang dimilikinya. Di sisi lain, saliva juga dapat mendukung pertumbuhan mikroorganisme
rongga mulut dengan membentuk pelikel. Streptococcus mutans bersama dengan pelikel
saliva berpartisipasi dalam adhesi bakteri di permukaan gigi. Selanjutnya mereka akan
berkoordinasi sehingga membentuk dental plaque. Tujuan: menganalisis perbedaan massa
bakteri dan viabilitas Streptococcus mutans setelah pajanan protein saliva subjek anak dan
subjek dewasa. Metode: sampel saliva subjek anak dan subjek dewasa dilakukan uji
Bradford untuk mengetahui total protein saliva. Kemudian dilakukan perhitungan massa
biofilm dengan uji crystal violet staining dan viabilitas bakteri dengan TPC. Setelah itu
dilakukan uji One-way Anova Hasil: Nilai signifikansi uji statistic menunjukan > 0,05
sehingga tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna massa bakteri maupun viabilitas bakteri
Streptococcus mutans setelah pajanan protein saliva yang berasal dari subjek anak dan subjek
dewasa secara statistik. Total konsentrasi protein saliva anak dan dewasa condong berbeda.
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan dampak pemajanan protein saliva asal subjek anak
dan subjek dewasa terhadap pembentukan biofilm bakteri Streptococcus mutans ditinjau dari
massa biofilm dan viabilitas bakteri.

Background: Salivary protein is the composition contained in saliva and plays an
important role in the balance of the human oral cavity ecosystem. The total salivary protein
concentration in each individual varies depending on the age of the individual. Many of
salivary proteins function to protect the oral cavity with their antimicrobial activity.
Therefore, saliva can also support the growth of oral microorganisms by forming pellicles
and as a source of nutrtion to bacteria. Streptococcus mutans together with the salivary
pellicle participate in the adhesion of bacteria on the tooth surface. Furthermore, they will
coordinate to form dental plaque. Objective: to analyze the differences in bacterial mass and
viability of Streptococcus mutans after the exposure of the salivary proteins from children
and adult subjects. Methods: Bradford test was used to determine the total of salivary protein
in saliva samples from children and adult subjects. The biofilm mass was calculated by using
crystal violet staining and bacterial viability by TPC. The distribution was analyzed using the
One-way Anova test Results: The p value of the statistical test shows > 0,05 so that there
were no significant difference in bacterial mass and viability of Streptococcus mutans after
exposure of salivary protein from children’s or adult’s saliva statisticaly. However, the total
salivary protein concentrations of children and adults tend to be different. Conclusion: There
was no differenece in the impact of salivary protein exposure from children’s and adult’s
saliva on the formation of Streptococcus mutans biofilm in terms of biofilm mass and
bacterial viability.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Puspito Sari
"Biofilm adalah struktur kompleks tiga dimensi yang terdiri dari bakteri hidup dalam matriks ekstraselular atau excreted polymeric substance (EPS) yang mengandung polisakarida, asam nukleat dan protein. Infeksi yang diakibatkan biofilm sulit untuk dieradikasi, karena EPS pada biofilm dapat meningkatkan resistensi bakteri dan menghambat antibiotik mencapai bakteri tersebut. Biofilm dapat melekat pada alat-alat kesehatan seperti kanul trakeostomi.  Pembentukan kolonisasi bakteri biofilm pada kanul trakeostomi dapat menyebabkan inflamasi kronik yang memicu infeksi stoma dan saluran pernapasan bawah, serta pembentukan jaringan granulasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mengenai biofilm dan mikroba pembentuk biofilm, serta faktor risiko yang mempengaruhi pembentukannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang, dilakukan di poliklinik THT FKUI-RSCM Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo pada bulan Februari 2019 sampai dengan Agustus 2019 terhadap pasien yang terpasang kanul trakeostomi usia dewasa. Dari penelitian ini terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara faktor risiko penyakit komorbid dengan peningkatan pembentukan biofilm pada pasien terpasang kanul trakeostomi.

Biofilm is a three-dimensional complex structure consisting of living bacteria in an extracellular matrix or excreted polymeric substance (EPS) containing polysaccharides, nucleic acids and proteins. Infections caused by biofilms are difficult to eradicate, because EPS in biofilms can increase bacterial resistance and prevent antibiotics from reaching the bacteria. Biofilms can be attached to medical devices such as tracheostomy cannula. The formation of bacterial colonization of biofilms in tracheostomy cannulas can cause chronic inflammation that triggers stoma and lower respiratory tract infections, and the formation of granulation tissue. This study aimed to increase knowledge about biofilms and biofilm-forming microbes, and risk factors that influence its formation. This cross-sectional designs study, conducted at the ENT polyclinic FKUI-RSCM Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo on February 2019 to August 2019 of adult patients with tracheostomy cannula.There was a statistically significant correlation between risk factors of comorbid disease with an increase of the biofilms formation in patients with tracheostomy cannula."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Destri Shofura Gusliana
"Latar Belakang: Saliva merupakan cairan biologis yang kompleks pada rongga mulut yang mengandung berbagai komponen, salah satunya protein. Protein pada saliva merupakan salah satu sistem pertahanan yang dapat berperan melindungi rongga mulut dari penyakit.
Tujuan: Menganalisis perbedaan profil protein dan konsentrasi total protein saliva perokok dan non-perokok serta kaitannya dengan karies.
Metode: Penelitian melibatkan kelompok  perokok n=25 dan kontrol (non perokok) n=25. Kosentrasi total protein saliva diuji dengan metode Bradford serta profil protein saliva diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode SDS PAGE. Karies diukur dengan score indeks DMF-T melalui pemeriksan klinis.
Hasil: Terdapat protein saliva dominan yang ditemukan pada subjek perokok dengan berat molekul 11.6 kDa dan 54.5 kDa dan subjek non-perokok dengan berat molekul 27 kDa, 60 kDa, 94.5 kDa. Konsentrasi total protein saliva subjek perokok sebesar 551.486 µg/mL  lebih rendah dibandingkan non perokok yaitu sebesar 765.361µg/mL dengan perbedaan statistik tidak signifikan.
Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan profil protein saliva perokok dan non perokok, namun tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada konsentrasi total protein saliva antara kelompok perokok dan non perokok. Terdapat korelasi negatif lemah antara profil dan total protein dengan skor indeks DMF-T.

Background: Saliva is a complex biological fluid in the oral cavity that contains various components, one of them is protein. Protein in saliva is one of the defense systems that can protect the oral cavity from disease.
Objective: To analyze the difference of salivary protein`s profile and total concentration in smokers and non-smokers (control) and their correlation with dental caries that measured by DMF-T index scores.
Methods: Study consisted of two group, smokers group (n=25) and  non-smokers as healthy control (n=25). Salivary protein total determined with Bradford method and the salivary protein profile determined with SDS-PAGE method. Caries was assessed by the DMF-T index scores through clinical examination.
Result: The dominant salivary proteins  profile were found in smokers subject with molecular mass 11.6 kDa and 54.5 kDa and those found in non-smokers subject with molecular mass 27 kDa, 60 kDa, and 94.5 kDa. The total salivary protein conctrentation of smokers subject are 551.486 µg/mL lower than non-smokers subject, which is 765.361µg/mL) but the difference was not statistically significant (P>0.05).
Conclussion: There are differences found in salivary protein profile between smokers and non-smokers subject. However, there is no significant difference in salivary protein total between smokers and non smokers. There are negative correlation between the salivary protein`s total and the scores of DMF-T index."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Information on salivary characteristics of young subjects with different body composition is scarce. Thus, the aim of this pilot study was to assess salivary characteristics of normal-weight, overweight and obese children. This is a basic research design in which 68 children (5-12 years) were recruited and anthropometric measurements consisted of body mass index (BMI = Kg/m2), body perimeters (waist/arm circumferences) and subcutaneous fat tissue (triceps/subscapular thicknesses). Stimulated (SS) and unstimulated morning saliva (US) were collected to determine flow rate, pH and triglycerides, urea, alpha-amylase, total protein, phosphate and calcium concentrations. Data were analyzed using normality tests, t test/Wilcoxon, one-way ANOVA/Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson’s/Spearman’s correlation tests, where appropriate. Results: Age, household income, parents’ education, saliva flow and pH did not differ among groups. Waist circumference and subscapular skinfold differed significantly between normal-weight and obese groups; only waist circumference showed significant correlation with BMI in all groups. pH increased significantly from US to SS in all groups; but flow rate increased from US to SS only in normal-weight and overweight groups. Total protein, amylase, urea, phosphate, triglyceride and calcium concentrations did not differ among groups. However, urea, phosphate and calcium concentrations differed significantly between US and SS in the normal-weight and overweight groups, with the lowest values for SS. In the overweight group, total protein also differed between saliva samples and obese group showed no difference in biochemical parameters between US and SS. Finally, some salivary characteristics may vary among normal-weight, overweight and obese children; thus, future studies in a larger sample are needed to fully understand salivary secretion and composition of these subjects."
ODO 102:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Nitrogen adalah unsur terpenting bagi tanaman untuk hidup, dan hanya dapat diserap oleh tanaman dalam bentuk yang lebih sederhana, yaitu nitrat. Elektrolisis Plasma adalah teknologi untuk sintesis material baru yang spesies reaktif seperti radikal hidroksil yang dapat menginisiasi berbagai reaksi, termasuk reaksi fiksasi nitrogen dari udara menjadi pupuk cair nitrat, yang merupakan pupuk cair untuk tanaman.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana nitrat dapat dibentuk melalui proses Elektrolisis Plasma dan pengaruh konsentrasi elektrolit, laju alir udara, dan efek penambahan ion Fe2+. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada reaktor batch menggunakan elektrolit K2SO4 dengan konsentrasi 0,01 M; 0,02 M; 0,04 M, laju alir udara 0,1 lpm; 0,2 lpm; 0,8 lpm, dan penambahan 50 ppm ion Fe2+. Proses dilakukan pada daya optimal yang diperoleh dari hasil karakterisasi arus-tegangan. Konsentrasi nitrat yang terbentuk diuji secara kuantitatif menggunakan metode spektrofotometri UV-Vis.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar konsentrasi elektrolit dan semakin besar laju alir udara akan meningkatkan produktivitas nitrat. Sementara itu penambahan ion Fe2+ membuat nitrat yang dihasilkan berkurang. Konsumsi energi spesifik yang diperlukan dari setiap variasi berkurang seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah nitrat. Nitrat tertinggi yang terbentuk adalah 636,8 ppm pada konsentrasi 0,02 M K2SO4, laju alir udara 0,8 lpm, tanpa penambahan ion Fe2+. Konsumsi energi spesifiknya adalah 35,06 kJ/mmol. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa nitrat dapat diproduksi secara efektif dengan metode Elektrolisis Plasma.

Nitrogen is the important element for plants to live, and it just can be absorbed by plants in the simpler compounds form, which is nitrate. Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis (CGDE) is a technology for the synthesis of new materials with the reactive species such as hydroxyl radicals are produced, including fixation of nitrogen from the air into nitrate solutions, which is the liquid fertilizer for plants.
This research aims to determine how the nitrate can be formed through CGDE process and the influence of potassium sulfate concentration, air flow rate, and the Fe2+ ion effect. This research was conducted in a batch reactor using K2SO4 electrolyte with a concentration of 0.01 M; 0.02 M; 0.04 M. air flow rate of 0,1 lpm; 0,2 lpm; 0,8 lpm, and the adding of 50 ppm Fe2+. The process is carried out at optimum power obtained from the results of plasma electrolysis current-voltage characterization. The concentration of nitrate formed was tested quantitatively using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method.
The results of this research show that the greater the concentration of electrolytes and the greater air flow rate increase the nitrate productivity. Meanwhile the adding Fe2+ make the nitrate produced decrease. The specific energy consumption needed of each variation is decrease with the increase of nitrate amount. Highest nitrate formed is 636,8 ppm at 0,02 M K2SO4 concentration, 0,8 lpm air flow rate, without adding the Fe2+. Its specific energy consumption is 35,06 kJ/mmol. These results indicate that nitrates can be produced effectively by the CGDE method.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
G. Pituati
"Growth and yield of plants are increased when plants are provided with mixtures of nitrate and ammonium compared with either form alone. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was determine the optimum of nitrate and ammonium ratio caused an increased in growth and yield of green pak choy (Brassica chinensis L.) The experiment was designed in Randomized Completely Design with five treatments of nitrate ammonium ratios and arranged in four replication. The treatments of nitrate ammonium ratio were : 100/0; 75/25; 50/50; 25/75 and 0/100. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer applied in mixture nitrate and ammonium gave different effects in leaf nitrate reductase activity, leaf nitrogen content, growth and yield of green pak choy. There was significant correlation between the leaf nitrate reductase activity and leaf nitrogen content. There was also significant correlation between the leaf nitrate reductase activity with growth and yield of green pak choy. Nitrate ammonium ratio at 75/25 and 50/50 have better affect on the leaf nitrate reductase activity, leaf nitrogen content, growth and yield of green pak choy"
[s.l]: [s.n], 2006
580 AGR 19 (1-4) 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diva Rizka Zahrani Maulana
"Tanaman dapat menyerap nitrogen secara efisien jika berbentuk nitrogen terfiksasi, seperti nitrat dan ammonia dalam pupuk. Air Plasma Electrolysis dapat dimanfaatkan dalam produksi pupuk nitrat cair dengan menggunakan bahan baku udara yang diinjeksikan melalui katoda menuju zona plasma. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh produk pupuk nitrat cair yang optimum dari prototipe alat produksi pupuk nitrat cair dengan injeksi udara di katoda dan mendapatkan kondisi operasinya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam reaktor batch, dengan variasi daya (400, 500, 600 Watt), laju alir udara (0; 0,4; 0,6; 0,8; 1; 1,2 lpm), jarak antara anoda (zona plasma) dengan injektor katoda (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm), variasi komposisi konsentrasi elektrolit (0,01 M K2HPO4/0,006 M K2SO4; 0,011 M K2HPO4/0,007 M K2SO4; 0,018 M K2HPO4/0,007 M K2SO4; 0,011 M K2HPO4/0,008 M K2SO4; dan 0,018 M K2HPO4/0,008 M K2SO4), suhu operasi (25 oC – 50 oC dan 50 oC), dan penambahan aditif Fe2+ (10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm). Produksi nitrat optimum sebesar 1727,2 ppm dengan energi spesifik sebesar 5,82 kJ/mmol, ketergerusan anoda sebesar 0,06 g, dalam waktu operasi 90 menit, pada daya 600 watt, laju alir udara 0,8 lpm, jarak antara anoda (zona plasma) dan injektor udara katoda sebesar 2 cm, menggunakan larutan elektrolit 0,007 M K₂SO₄ dan 0,011 M KH₂PO₄, dengan penambahan aditif ion Fe²⁺ sebesar 30 ppm, dan penggunaan elektroda Stainless Steel-316 (SS-316).

Plants can efficiently absorb nitrogen when it is in a fixed form, such as nitrate and ammonia in fertilizers. Air Plasma Electrolysis can be utilized in the production of liquid nitrate fertilizer using air injected through the cathode into the plasma zone. This study aims to obtain an optimum liquid nitrate fertilizer product from a prototype nitrate fertilizer production device with air injection at the cathode and to determine its operating conditions. The research is conducted in a batch reactor, with variations in power (400, 500, 600 watts), air flow rate (0; 0.4; 0.6; 0.8; 1; 1.2 lpm), distance between the anode (plasma zone) and cathode injector (1 cm, 2 cm, 3 cm), electrolyte composition (0.01 M K2HPO4/0.006 M K2SO4; 0.011 M K2HPO4/0.007 M K2SO4; 0.018 M K2HPO4/0.007 M K2SO4; 0.011 M K2HPO4/0.008 M K2SO4; and 0.018 M K2HPO4/0.008 M K2SO4), operating temperature (25°C – 50°C and 50°C), and the addition of Fe²⁺ additive (10 ppm, 20 ppm, 30 ppm). The optimum nitrate production is 1727.2 ppm with a specific energy of 5.82 kJ/mmol, anode erosion of 0.06 g, within an operating time of 90 minutes, at a power of 600 watts, air flow rate of 0.8 lpm, a distance between the anode (plasma zone) and cathode air injector of 2 cm, using an electrolyte solution of 0.007 M K₂SO₄ and 0.011 M KH₂PO₄, with the addition of Fe²⁺ ion additive at 30 ppm, and using Stainless Steel-316 (SS-316) electrodes."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riri Auliadita
Denitrifikasi merupakan proses perubahan bentuk nitrat menjadi gas nitrogen. Proses tersebut umumnya dilakukan oleh bakteri dalam kondisi lingkungan dengan konsentrasi nitrat tinggi dan rendah oksigen. Isolat CD I-III telah diisolasi dari sungai Cideng, Jakarta, diketahui memiliki kemampuan denitrifikasi. Optimasi terhadap aktivitas denitrifikasi dilakukan dengan menumbuhkan isolat dalam medium Nitrate Broth dengan variasi sumber karbon glukosa dan gliserol selama 19 hari. Parameter uji aktivitas denitrifikasi dilakukan dengan perhitungan konsentrasi nitrat dan nitrit menggunakan metode kolorimetri dan perhitungan jumlah bakteri dengan metode Total Plate Count. Identifikasi isolat CD I-III dilakukan menggunakan VITEK-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan sumber karbon glukosa dan gliserol memberikan perbedaan signifikan pada = 0,05 terhadap perubahan konsentrasi nitrat dan nitrit namun tidak pada jumlah bakteri. Isolat CD I-III berhasil diidentifikasi menggunakan VITEK-2 sebagai Escherichia hermannii dengan tingkat probabilitas 97.

Denitrification is reducing processes of nitrate into nitrogen gases. Bacteria is able to do this process in high nitrate and low oxygen concentration. Isolate CD I III isolated from Cideng river, Jakarta, is known to have the denitrification ability. Isolate was inoculated in Nitrate Broth medium with carbon source variations for 19 days to optimize denitrification activity. Parameters used to measure the denitrification activity are nitrate and nitrite concentration by colorimetric method and bacterial viability by total plate count method. Isolate was also identified by using VITEK 2. The result revealed that glucose and glycerol as carbon source variations gave a significant difference 0,05 in nitrate and nitrite concentration whilst no difference in bacterial viability. Isolate CD I III was identified by VITEK 2 as Escherichia hermannii with 97 probability."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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