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"The quality of people’s relationships with and interactions with other people are major influences on their feelings of well-being and their evaluations of life satisfaction. The goal of this volume is to offer scholarly summaries of theory and research on topics at the frontier of the study of these social psychological influences—both interpersonal and intrapersonal—on subjective well-being and life satisfaction. The chapters cover a variety of types of relationships (e.g., romantic relationships, friendships, online relationships) as well as a variety of types of interactions with others (e.g., forgiveness, gratitude, helping behavior, self-presentation). Also included are chapters on broader social issues such as materialism, sexual identity and orientation, aging, spirituality, and meaning in life. Subjective Well-Being and Life Satisfaction provides a rich and focused resource for graduate students, upper-level undergraduate students, and researchers in positive psychology and social psychology, as well as social neuroscientists, mental health researchers, clinical and counselling psychologists, and anyone interested in the science of well-being."
New York: Routledge, 2017
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Devita Putri Fadhilah
"Tren penurunan kebahagiaan wanita dibandingkan dengan pria menjadi perhatian mengingat peluang dan tingkat partisipasi kerja wanita yang terus bertambah. Para wanita yang bekerja tidak hanya memiliki peran pada pekerjaannya, melainkan juga pada keluarganya sebagai istri bahkan seorang ibu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peran kepuasan kerja dan kepuasan pernikahan sebagai prediktor subjective well-being pada istri yang bekerja. Terdapat 117 istri bekerja dengan rentang usia 21–56 tahun yang menjadi responden penelitian ini. Hasil analisis hierarchical multiple regression mengindikasikan bahwa kepuasan kerja (β = .30, p < .01) dan kepuasan pernikahan (β = .65, p < .01) berhubungan secara positif dengan subjective well-being. Kepuasan pernikahan (ΔR² = .43, F = 85.8, p < .01) juga merupakan prediktor yang lebih dapat menjelaskan subjective well-being pada istri bekerja dibandingkan kepuasan kerja (ΔR² = .08, F = 58.6, p < .01).

The decreasing trend of women's happiness compared to men is a concern considering the increasing opportunities and level of women's work participation. Working women not only have a role in their work but also in their families as wives and even mothers. This study aims to examine the role of job satisfaction and marital satisfaction as predictors of subjective well-being in working wives. There were 117 working wives with an age range of 21–56 years who were respondents in this study. The results of the hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that job satisfaction (β = .30, p < .01) and marital satisfaction (β = .65, p < .01) were positively related to subjective well-being. Marital satisfaction (ΔR² = .43, F = 85.8, p < .01) was also a better predictor that could explain subjective well-being in working wives than job satisfaction (ΔR² = .08, F = 58.6, p < .01)"
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Nurfaizah
Terciptanya kesejahteraan merupakan tujuan pembentukan suatu negara, termasuk Indonesia yang telah tertuang jelas dalam pembukaan UUD 1945. Pendekatan objective untuk mengukur kesejahteraan seperti pertumbuhan ekonomi, dinilai belum cukup mengambarkan kesejahteraan masyarakat secara menyeluruh pada setiap individu. Sehingga dikembangkanlah pendekatan indikator mikro dengan subjective well-being sebagai indikatornya. Mengacu pada berbagai literatur, subjective well-being merupakan kajian yang multidimensional, sehingga banyak faktor dapat memengaruhinya termasuk faktor sosial dan lingkungan. Sementara itu, Indonesia yang terkenal dengan kekayaan sumber daya alamnya, mengalami kerusakan alam yang semakin meningkat baik karena faktor alam maupun campur tangan manusia. Fenomena ini menarik peneliti untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh faktor-faktor lingkungan yaitu bencana alam, etika, dan partisipasi lingkungan terhadap subjective well-being. Dengan menggunakan analisis kuantitatif dan model ordered probit, peneliti mengestimasi data Indonesia Family Life Survey IFLS gelombang 5. Hasilnya, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara ketiga faktor lingkungan yaitu bencana alam, etika dan partisipasi lingkungan. Walaupun demikian, pengaruh paling signifikan dan konsisten terdapat pada faktor perilaku lingkungan. Sedangkan varibel bencana alam berpengaruh negatif ketika variabel kontrol tidak diikutsertakan. Sebaliknya variabel partisipasi lingkungan berpengaruh positif ketika diformulasikan dengan variabel kontrol. Sehingga dalam penelitian ini variabel kontrol turut berpengaruh signifikan terhadap subjective well-being

The creation of welfare is the goal of the establishment of a country, including Indonesia which has been clearly stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution. The objective approach to measure welfare like economic growth is considered not enough to describe the overall welfare of society in every individual. So a micro indicator approach with subjective well being was developed as an indicator. Referring to the literature, subjective well being is a multidimensional study, so many factors can influence it including social and environmental factors. Meanwhile, Indonesia, which is famous for its natural resource wealth, is experiencing increasing natural damage both due to natural factors and human intervention. This phenomenon attracts researchers to find out whether there are influences of environmental factors such as natural disasters, ethics, and environmental participation towards subjective well being. By using quantitative analysis and ordered probit model, the researcher estimates the 5th Indonesian Family Life Survey IFLS data. The result, there is a significant influence between the three environmental factors ie natural disaster, ethics and environmental participation. However, the most significant and consistent effect is on environmental behavior factors. While natural disaster variables have a negative effect when control variables are excluded. Conversely, environmental participation variables have a positive effect when formulated with control variables. So in this study control variables also have a significant effect on subjective well being."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiyari Ayunindya Mudyaningrum
"Pandemi COVID-19 membawa berbagai perubahan dan tantangan bagi individu di seluruh dunia. Berbagai permasalahan muncul dan kemudian menurunkan kebahagiaan (subjective well-being) individu terhadap hidupnya. Salah satu aspek penting yang juga berpengaruh dalam hidup individu yaitu hubungan sosial yang di dalamnya terdapat hubungan berpacaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara subjective well-being (SWB) dengan kepuasan berpacaran pada individu dewasa muda di masa Pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif cross-sectional dengan strategi penelitian non-eksperimental. Sebanyak 222 individu dewasa muda yang menjalani hubungan berpacaran mengisi alat ukur Subjective Happiness Scale yang disusun oleh Lyubomirsky dan Lepper (1999), serta alat ukur Relationship Assessment Scale yang disusun oleh Hendrick (1988). Melalui teknik analisis korelasi, ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara SWB dengan kepuasan berpacaran. Hasil lain yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu sebagian besar individu memiliki SWB dan kepuasan berpacaran yang tergolong sedang. Dikarenakan Pandemi COVID-19 diasosiasikan dengan permasalahan yang berdampak negatif, individu dianjurkan untuk tetap menjaga dan/atau meningkatkan perasaan positif terhadap hidup maupun pasangan. Selain itu, individu dianjurkan untuk dapat menyelesaikan atau meminimalisir berbagai permasalahan yang dialami selama Pandemi COVID-19 secara efektif agar tidak menurunkan kebahagiaan dan kepuasan berpacaran.

The COVID-19 Pandemic brings various changes and challenges for individuals around the world. Various problems arise and then reduce the individual's happiness (subjective well-being) towards their life. One important aspect that also influences an individual's life is the social relationship, which include dating relationship. This research aims to see the relationship between subjective well-being (SWB) and dating satisfaction among young adults in COVID-19 Pandemic. This research is a cross-sectional quantitative approach with a non-experimental research strategy. A total of 222 young adults in dating relationships completed the Subjective Happiness Scale by Lyubomirsky and Lepper (1999), as well as the Relationship Assessment Scale by Hendrick (1988). Correlation analysis found that there was a positive and significant relationship between SWB and dating satisfaction. Another result obtained from this study is that most individuals have moderate SWB and dating satisfaction. Because the COVID-19 Pandemic is associated with problems that have a negative impact, individuals are suggested to maintain and increase positive affect towards life and their partners. In addition, individuals are suggested to be able to solve various problems experienced during the COVID-19 Pandemic effectively to avoid decrease lowering of happiness and satisfaction with dating."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erwin Rivaldi Jaya Nugraha
Tingkat pergantian pegawai yang tinggi pada sebuah perusahaan bisa menyebabkan dampak negatif pada perusahaan tersebut seperti menurunnya tingkat produktivitas. Perusahaan akan mencoba untuk meminimalisir tingkat pergantian pegawai sebaik mungkin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelediki dampak dari Psychological Capital terhadap turnover intention pegawai. Melalui metode kuantitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dari Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi. Untuk memberikan hasil yang representatif, pengambilan sampel menggunakan stratified sampling dan pengolahan data menggunakan SPSS dengan tambahan makro Process V 3.3 oleh Hayes. Hasil dari 257 sampel penelitian ini adalah PsyCap berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap ketiga variabel mediasi yaitu Job satisfaction, Work engagementdan psychological well-being. Selain itu, Terdapat efek mediasi dari PsyCap terhadap turnover intention melalui Job satisfaction, Work engagementdan psychological well-being.

A high level of employee turnover in the company might cause negativity in this company such as decreasing productivity and might take a toll on financial budget. Companies will strive to minimize the level of voluntary employee turnover where possible. PsyCap was explored in many researches related to turnover intention and was positively proven. This study aims to investigate the effects of Psychological Capital (PsyCap on employee turnover intention through three mediating variables. Quantitative methods were used, and this study extracted 257 samples from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) engaged in telecommunications in Indonesia. In order to better represent the company as a whole, stratified sampling was used. SPSS software was used to process the data with Process V 3.0 macro as an addition. The results of this study revealed positive & significant relationship of PsyCap towards mediating variables and significant & negative relationship between mediating variables and turnover intention. In addition, there is evidence of mediating effects of PsyCap towards turnover intention through Job satisfaction, Work engagementand psychological well-being."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Umar Rabani
"Job Performance karyawan menjadi salah satu hal krusial yang mempengaruhi kinerja perusahaan sehingga perusahaan perlu memperhatikan kinerja karyawannya. Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhinya adalah work-life balance. Banyak peneliti telah menerangkan bahwa work-life balance karyawan merangsang psychological wellbeing yang memengaruhi job performance. Job performance sendiri merupakan output dari work effort. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain konklusif dan deskriptif dengan pengambilan data single-cross sectional dan self-ratings survei. Structural Equation Modelling digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa psychological wellbeing tidak memediasi pengaruh Work-life balance terhadap work effort. Namun tetap menemukan bahwa work-life balance mempengaruhi psychological wellbeing dan work effort. Hal ini membuktikan pentingnya work-life balance bagi karyawan dan perusahaan. Di sisi lain job satisfaction memoderasi pengaruh work-life balance terhadap psychological wellbeing dan langsung mempengaruhi psychological wellbeing. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut perusahaan perlu menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung work-life balance karyawan agar dapat meningkatkan work effort dan psychological wellbeing karyawan. Di sisi lain job satisfaction karyawan juga harus mendapat perhatian serius oleh perusahaan sehingga psychological wellbeing karyawan juga meningkat.

Employee Job Performance is one of the crucial things that affect company performance so companies need to pay attention to the performance of their employees. One of the things that influence it is the work-life balance. Many researchers have explained that employee work-life balance stimulates psychological well-being which affects job performance. Job performance itself is the output of work effort. This study uses a conclusive and descriptive design with single-cross sectional data collection and survey self-ratings. Structural Equation Modeling is used to analyze the data. This study found that psychological well-being did not mediate the effect of work-life balance on work effort. However, they still find that work-life balance affects psychological well-being and work effort. This proves the importance of work-life balance for employees and the company. On the other hand, job satisfaction moderates the effect of work-life balance on psychological well-being and directly affects psychological well-being. Based on these results, companies need to create an environment that supports work-life balance of employees in order to increase work effort and psychological well-being of employees. On the other hand, employee job satisfaction must also receive serious attention from the company so that the psychological well-being of employees also increases."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Herwibowo
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara persepsi kebebasan dalam waktu luang dengan subjective well-being pada mahasiswa Universitas Inonesia. Sampel penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia pada program studi S1. 126 responden penelitian diminta mengisi instrumen penelitian, yaitu perceived freedom in leisure short form (Witt & Ellis, 1985), Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener et al, 1985), dan Positive Affect ? Negative Affect Scale (Watson & Tellegen, 1985) secara online. Penelitian menemukan adanya korelasi positif antara persepsi kebebasan dalam waktu luang dan affect balance (r=-0,500, p<0,05) serta korelasi positif antara persepsi kebebasan dalam waktu luang dan kepuasan hidup (r= 0,203, p<0,05). Analisis tambahan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat data kontrol ,yakni jenis kelamin, berpengaruh terhadap hasil penelitian.

This research aimed to find the correlation between perceived freedom in leisure and subjective well-being among students of University of Indonesia. 126 respondents were asek to fill our instruments, perceived freedom in leisure short form (Witt & Ellis, 1985), Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener et al, 1985), dan Positive Affect ? Negative Affect Scale (Watson & Tellegen, 1985) through internet. The finding of this research is that there is a positive correlation between perceived freedom in leisure and affect balance (r=-0,500, p<0,05) and also positive correlation between perceived freedom in leisure and life satisfaction (r= 0,203, p<0,05). Additional analyses showed that gender did have influence the result of this study."
Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aninda Enza Azura Mundakir
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara makna hidup dengan well-being subyektif melalui peran mediasi pemaafan dan harapan pada 257 pekerja on call. Pada penelitian ini, pengukuran variabel dilakukan menggunakan Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, Satisfaction with Life Scale SWLS, The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience SPANE, Adult Dispositional Hope Scale ADHS, The State Hope Scale SHS, dan The Heartland Forgiveness Scale SHS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan model mediasi ganda yang dikemukakan oleh Hayes 2013. Temuan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemaafan dan harapan secara signifikan memediasi hubungan antara makna hidup dan well-being subyektif dengan besaran efek total sebesar 0.2169 c = 0.2169, t 257 = 24.64.

This study was conducted to examine the relationship between meaning in life with subjective wellbeing through the mediation role of forgiveness and hope towards 257 on call workers. In this study, the measurement of variables was conducted using the Meaning in Life Questionnaire MLQ, the Satisfaction with Life Scale SWLS , the Scale of Positive and Negative Experience SPANE, the Adult Dispositional Hope Scale ADHS, the State Hope Scale SHS, and the Heartland Forgiveness Scale SHS. The data analysis was conducted using a double mediation method that was proposed by Hayes 2013. The findings of this study showed that forgiveness and hope significantly mediated the relationship between meaning in life with subjective wellbeing with the total magnitude of effect of 0.2169 c 0.2169, t 257 24.64."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riskia Ramadhina Sukriananda
"Guru merupakan salah satu profesi dengan tingkat stres yang tinggi. Seiring meningkatnya stres guru, kesejahteraan subjektif guru pun ikut menurun. Hal ini pun terjadi pada guru pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD), yang perlu hadir secara emosional bahkan ketika berada dalam situasi yang kurang efektif, seperti suasana yang bising. Sementara itu, kesejahteraan subjektif guru PAUD penting untuk dijaga demi efektivitas pembelajaran. Studi terdahulu memperlihatkan bahwa regulasi emosi dapat memberikan efek protektif sehingga kesejahteraan guru dapat terjaga dalam kondisi yang menekan. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini pun bertujuan untuk melihat peran regulasi emosi sebagai moderator pada hubungan stres guru dan kesejahteraan guru PAUD. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 319 guru PAUD dengan mengukur stres guru, kesejahteraan subjektif guru, serta dua strategi regulasi emosi cognitive reappraisal dan expressive suppression. Hasil penelitian dengan uji moderator menunjukkan bahwa baik strategi cognitive reappraisal maupun expressive suppression tidak berperan sebagai moderator dalam hubungan stres guru dan kesejahteraan guru PAUD. Bagaimanapun, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua strategi regulasi emosi dapat memprediksi kesejahteraan subjektif guru PAUD.

Teacher is one of the professions with the high level of stress. As the teacher stress increases, the teacher subjective well-being decreases, which also happen in early childhood teachers, who have to be present emotionally even in a less effective situation, such as a noisy environment. Meanwhile, it is important to protect teacher subjective well-being as its correlation with learning effectiveness. Previous studies showed that emotion regulation can provide protective effects in order to protect teacher subjective well-being in stressful conditions. Therefore, the current study aims to examine emotion regulation as a moderator on the relationship between teacher stress and teacher subjective well-being. This research was conducted on 319 early childhood teachers by measuring teacher stress, teacher subjective well-being, as well as two emotion regulation strategies, cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. Moderation analysis shows that neither cognitive reappraisal nor expressive suppression have a moderation effect on the relationship between teacher stress and early childhood teacher subjective well-being. However, the result shows that both emotional regulation strategies can predict early childhood teacher subjective well-being."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Launa Qistie
"Pendidikan inklusif di tingkat sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu usaha untuk mendukung pendidikan formal yang merata bagi setiap anak. Namun, pada implementasinya tidak terlepas dari berbagai tantangan, sehingga penting bagi guru untuk memiliki karakter yang bersemangat dan berkomitmen terhadap pekerjaannya dalam jangka panjang terlepas dari tantangan yang dihadapi melalui kegigihan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel yang melibatkan 111 partisipan. Karakteristik partisipan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari: guru aktif di tingkat sekolah dasar (SD) atau madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI) inklusif, pernah atau sedang mengajar minimal 1 anak berkebutuhan khusus (ABK) di dalam kelas, berdomisili di Indonesia, dan telah mengajar selama minimal 1 semester (6 bulan). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan alat ukur 12-Item Grit Scale (Duckworth dkk., 2007) dan alat ukur Teachers’ Subjective Well-being Questionnaire bahasa Indonesia (Saleh, dkk., n.d). Hasil uji korelasi menggunakan Spearman correlation menemukan bahwa kegigihan dan kesejahteraan subjektif guru memiliki korelasi positif yang signifikan dengan r=0.41**, p<0,01. Hasil penelitian juga menemukan bahwa komponen dalam kegigihan, yaitu: consistency of interest dan perseverance of effort memiliki korelasi positif dan signifikan dengan kesejahteraan subjektif guru di sekolah dasar (SD) inklusif.

Inclusive education at the primary school is one of the efforts to support equality in formal education for every child. However, the implementation cannot be separated from various challenges, such as: increasing teacher assignments, stress due to the diversity of students in the classroom, and lack of competence to deal with special education needs students which can affect the level of teachers' subjective well-being. To face it, teachers need to have passion and consistent character towards their work in the long term regardless of the challenges through grit. This study is a quantitative study to determine the relationship between variables involving 111 participants. The characteristics of the participants in this study consisted of: teachers at the primary inclusive school or madrasah ibtidaiyah (MI), had or was teaching at least 1 special education needs student in the classroom, domiciled in Indonesia, and being a teacher for at least 1 semester (6 months). In this study, researcher used 12-item Grit Scale (Duckworth, et.al., 2007) and Teachers’ Subjective Well-being Questionnaire Indonesian Version (Saleh, et.al, n.d). The results of Spearman correlation found that grit and teachers' subjective well-being had a significant positive correlation with r=0.41**, p<0.01. This research also finds positive correlation between components of grit (consistency of interest and perseverance of effort with teachers’ subjective well-being on inclusive primary school’s teachers."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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