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Ditemukan 5289 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
O'Mathúna, Donal
"The Definitive Resource on Alternative Medicine for Christians Herbal remedies, supplements, and alternative therapies - Their specific uses
- Which ones really work (and which ones don't)
- What to watch out for Christian versus non-Christian approaches to holistic health Clinically proven treatments versus unproven or quack treatments Truths and fallacies about supernatural healing Ancient medical lore: the historical, cultural, and scientific facts And much, much more. In today's health-conscious culture, options for the care and healing of the body are proliferating like never before. But which ones can you trust? Some are effective, some are useless, some are harmful. Some involve forms of spirituality that the Bible expressly forbids. Others that are truly helpful have been avoided by some Christians who draw inaccurate conclusions about them. "Alternative Medicine" is the first comprehensive guidebook to non-traditional medicine written from a distinctively Christian perspective. Here at last is the detailed and balanced coverage of alternative medicine that you've been looking for. Professor and researcher Donal O'Mathúna, Ph.D., and national medical authority Walt Larimore, M.D., draw on their extensive knowledge of the Bible and their medical and pharmaceutical expertise to answer the questions about alternative medicine that you most want answered--and others you wouldn't have thought to ask. This massively informative resource includes: Two alphabetical reference sections: Alternative therapies -- Herbal remedies. Entries include an analysis of claims, results of actual studies, cautions, recommendations, and further resources. A handy cross-reference that links specific health problems with various alternative therapies and herbal remedies reviewed in this book. Five categories of alternative medicine defined and then applied to every therapy and remedy evaluated in this book."
London: Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2001
615.5 OMA a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
R 615.321 NUR
Buku Referensi  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duke, James A
"Presents alphabetically arranged profiles of more than 180 herbs used to treat diseases and ailments, describing their therapeutic uses, medicinal properties, effectiveness, prescription counterparts, dosage options, safety ratings, and precautions; also includes an index of herbs alphabetically arranged by the symptoms they treat"
New York: Rodale Reach, 2000
615.321 DUK g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Elsevier, 2005
615.321 RES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
"Pemakaian obat herbal dimasyarakat diiringi dengan berkembangnya industri obat tradisional. Khusus untuk Industri Kecil Obat Tradisional (IKOT) setiap tahun pertumbuhannya semakin meningkat. IKOT turut berkontribusi sebesar 20% dari omset nasional produk herbal. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh IKOT adalah ketersediaan bahan baku dan kualitas produksi yang belum terstandar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan bahan baku untuk produk IKOT dan kontribusi dari kualitas produk IKOT terhadap pemakaian produk herbal masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dan wawancara kepada 4 IKOT di kota Depok dan responden yang menggunakan produk herbal sebanyak 84 orang. Berdasarkan analisa hasil penelitian diperoleh Y = 0,549 X atau pemakaian produk = 0,549 kualitas produk. Artinya apabila kualitas produk ditingkatkan satu kali maka pemakaian produk akan meningkat 1/0,549 atau sekitar dua kali. Kualitas produk berkaitan secara bermakna dengan kualitas bahan baku herbal. Kontinuitas produksi di IKOT tergantung pada bahan baku yang berasal dari bukan hasil budidaya. Kemitraan dengan petani penyedia bahan baku melalui pola penanaman sistem Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). Pembinaan petani diarahkan pada cara budidaya, pengelolaan panen dan pasca panen serta cara penyimpanan bahan baku yang sesuai dengan Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB). Kerjasama dengan pihak perguruan tinggi dalam hal pengujian bahan baku herbal harus dilakukan oleh IKOT agar kualitas bahan terstandar.

The use of herbs remedies in industrial growth accompanied by traditional medicine. Specifically for Small traditional medicine Industry (IKOT) increasing its growth each year. IKOT contribute 20% of the national turnover of herbs products. The main problems faced by IKOT is the availability of raw materials and production quality that has not been standardized. This research aims to analyze the availability of raw materials for the product and IKOT contributions from IKOT product quality to the use of herbs products community. The method used was a survey and interviews to 4 IKOT in Depok and respondents who use herbs products as much as 84 people. Based on an analysis of the research results obtained Y = 0.549 X or product usage = 0.549 product quality. It means that, when the quality of products improved once and then use the product to rise 1/0.549 or about twice. The quality of the product concerned significantly to the quality of raw herbs. Continuity of production at IKOT depending on the raw material comes from is not the result of cultivation. Partnership with farmers providing raw materials through a system of planting pattern of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). The construction of the farmers directed at how the cultivation, harvest and post harvest management and storage of the raw materials according to the way of making a good traditional medicine (CPOTB). Cooperation with the College in terms of raw herbs material testing must be carried out by the quality of the ingredients, standardized so that the IKOT."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratri Wahyu Mulyani
"Usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum belum berhasil memberantas peredaran jamu berbahan Kimia Obat (BKO). Salah satu penyebabnya adalah penindakan yang bersifat reaktif sporadis, membuka kesempatan pelanggar hukum untuk beradaptasi dan terus berinovasi dalam melaksanakan modus operandinya demi menghindari tekanan dari penegak hukum. Untuk mengatasi hal ini diperlukan kewaspadaan nasional terhadap ancaman peredaran jamu BKO sebagai dasar penyusunan dan pelaksanaan suatu sistem peringatan dini. Yaitu serangkaian teknologi, kebijakan dan prosedur yang disusun khusus untuk pemprediksi dan memitigasi dampak peredaran jamu BKO. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode collection and analysis dalam pengolahan data. Teknik triangulasi digunakan untuk memastikan validitas data baik primer maupun sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelibatan komponen intelijen negara dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat menjadi hal yang mutlak dibutuhkan demi keberhasilan sistem peringatan dini atau early warning terkait peredaran jamu BKO. Badan intelijen negara selaku coordinator dari seluruh intelijen yang ada di instansi negara wajib menjalankan fungsi sebagai komite intelijen pusat (kominpus). Dalam satu system yang dibangun seharusnya Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) seharusnya didapat kerjasama kontrol antar lembaga yaitu BPOM, BIN, Bea dan Cukai, Kepolisian dan masyarakat. Early warning system menghadirkan 4 komponen utama sistem peringatan dini yaitu pengetahuan resiko, layanan pemantauan dan peringatan, diseminasi dan komunikasi serta kemampuan respons. Saran untuk melakukan pemberantasan dan pencegahan peredaran jamu BKO adalah melakukan studi untuk menilai potensi kerugian negara akibat peredaran BKO. Hasil studi tersebut dijadikan dasar untuk membangun kewaspadaan nasional dan ditindak lanjuti dengan penyusunan sistem peringatan dini yang melibatkan berbagai instansi terkait dan dukungan masyarakat.

Efforts by law enforcement officers have not succeeded in eradicating the circulation of medicinal chemicals-contained herbal medicine or also known as Jamu Berbahan Kimia Obat (BKO). One of the causes is sporadic reactive action, which gives opportunities for law offenders to adapt and continue to innovate in carrying out their operational mode to avoid pressure from law enforcement. In order to overcome this issue, national awareness as an early warning system regarding the threat of BKO herbal medicine distribution is required. Such early warning system comprises a series of technologies, policies and procedures devised specifically for predicting and mitigating the impact of BKO herbal medicine circulation. This research uses the qualitative approach with collection and analysis method in data processing. Triangulation techniques are used to ensure the validity of both primary and secondary data. The results showed that the involvement of state intelligence components and the active participation of the community becomes absolutely necessary for the success of early warning system or early warning related to the circulation of BKO herbal medicine. National Intelligence Agencies (BIN) as the coordinator of all intelligences in state institutions must perform the function as central intelligence committee (Kominpus). The one-stop integrated system namely Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) should maintain cooperation between institutions such as BPOM, BIN, Customs and Excise, Police and society. Early warning system presents 4 main components, such as risk knowledge, monitoring and warning service, dissemination and communication, as well as response capability. As a suggestion, in eradicating and preventing the circulation of BKO herbal medicine, a study to assess the potential loss of the state due to the circulation of BKO herbal medicine should be conducted. The results of these studies serve as a basis for building national awareness and are followed up by the preparation of an early warning system involving various relevant agencies and community support."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Oktavianti
"3-Chymotrypsine-Like Protease (3CLpro) adalah enzim yang memiliki fungsi utama dalam siklus hidup Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Enzim ini dapat digunakan sebagai target protein untuk mencari obat baru. Tanaman herbal diharapkan memiliki kontribusi besar dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), karena banyak tanaman herbal mungkin memiliki afinitas yang kuat terhadap 3CLpro dalam pengobatan COVID-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji aktivitas penghambatan, komponen fitokimia, dan antioksidan ekstrak sembilan tanaman herbal yang diekstraksi dengan metode Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE) yang berpotensi menghambat rekombinan SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro secara in vitro. Sebagai hasilnya, dapat digunakan untuk menemukan kandidat obat baru untuk terapi COVID-19. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan menggunakan metode DPPH dan ABTS, total polifenol dan total flavonoid menggunakan metode Folin Ciocalteu dan quercetin. Dari sembilan tanaman herbal yang diuji, daun Jamblang (Syzygium cumini) memiliki aktivitas penghambatan paling aktif dengan nilai penghambatan 3CLpro (IC50 = 226 μg/ml) dengan total polifenol 413±1,83 mg GAE/g ekstrak dan total flavonoid sebesar 12,09 ±0,03 mg QE/g ekstrak. Pengukuran aktivitas antioksidan dengan DPPH diperoleh nilai IC50 sebesar 3,75 ± 0,01 μg/ml, dan dengan ABTS diperoleh nilai IC50 4,43±0,06 μg/ml. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa daun Jamblang bisa menjadi sumber potensial anti-COVID.

The 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) is an enzyme that has a major function in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) life cycle. It has the potential to be used as a protein target in the search for novel medications. Herbal plants contribute to the prevention and treatment of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as many of them might have a strong affinity for 3CLpro in the treatment of COVID-19. This study was aimed at screening nine herbal plant extracts for their potential in inhibiting recombinant SARS-CoV-2’s 3CLpro, as well as determining the phytochemical components and antioxidant activity of the most effective extract. Extracts were prepared from Phyllanthus niruri, Sonchus arvensis, Clitoria terntea, Caesalpinia sappan, Syzygium polyanthum, Psidium guajava, Averrhoa carambola, Andrographis paniculata, and Syzygium cumini. The extracts were used to perform the 3CLpro enzyme inhibition assay. The total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) were determined from the extract with the most inhibitory activity. The DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS (2,2'-azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid]) methods were utilized for estimating the antioxidant activity of the extract. From the nine herbal plants screened, Syzygium cumini had the most effective inhibitory activity with a value of 3CLpro (IC50 = 226 μg/ml). The TPC and TFC were 413±1.83 mgGAE/g extract and 12.091±0.037 mgQE/g extract, respectively. The IC50 values for the antioxidant activity recorded for the DPPH and ABTS methods were 3.75±0.0149 and 4.43±0.06 μg/ml, respectively. The findings of this study suggest that Syzygium cumini leaves could be a potential source of COVID-19 medication."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rafiqah Nur Viviani
"Resep jamu kuno Au Fere II (Persea americana dan Vigna cylindrica) dari daerah Maluku dipercayai memiliki khasiat sebagai antihipertensi sejak masa lampau, meskipun belum terdapat bukti ilmiah terkait efeknya pada tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak Au Fere II terhadap kadar angiotensin II plasma pada model tikus Two-Kidney-One-Clip (2K1C). Studi dilakukan terhadap enam kelompok tikus, yaitu kelompok sham (n=4) dan lima kelompok 2K1C (n=20). Tikus 2K1C diinduksi dengan pemasangan mikroklip stainless steel 0,2 mm pada arteri ginjal kiri selama lima minggu. Kelompok tikus 2K1C (>140/100 mmHg, n=4 per kelompok) dibagi menjadi kelompok kontrol negatif (2K1C: tidak diberi perlakuan), kontrol positif (CAP: kaptopril 4,5mg/200g BB), dosis 1 ekstrak Au Fere II (D1: 0,495mL/200g BB), dosis 2 (D2: 0,99mL/20g BB), dan dosis 3 (D3: 1,98mL/200g BB). Pemberian perlakuan dilakukan secara per oral sekali sehari selama satu minggu. Pemberian perlakuan tersebut memengaruhi tekanan darah dan kadar angiotensin II plasma, serta tidak memengaruhi rasio berat ginjal basah/berat badan. Tekanan darah sistolik (D1 dan D3) dan diastolik (D1, D2, dan D3) menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna jika dibandingkan terhadap kelompok 2K1C, namun tidak menunjukkan adanya aktivitas yang dose-dependent dari tiga dosis yang diujikan. D3 mengalami penurunan tekanan darah paling efektif dibandingkan dengan D1 dan D2. Selain itu, kadar angiotensin II plasma seluruh kelompok perlakuan juga lebih rendah dibandingkan terhadap kelompok 2K1C, meskipun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa resep jamu kuno Au Fere II menunjukkan potensi sebagai antihipertensi dengan menurunkan tekanan darah dan kadar angiotensin II plasma.

The Au Fere II ancient herbal recipe (Persea americana and Vigna cylindrica) from Maluku was believed to have antihypertensive properties since the past, although there has been no scientific proof regarded its effect on blood pressure. This study aimed to determine the effect of Au Fere II extract on angiotensin II plasma levels in the Two-Kidney-One-Clip (2K1C) rat model. The study was conducted on six groups, the sham group (n=4) and five groups of 2K1C rats (n=20). The left kidney artery was clipped with a 0.2mm stainless steel microclip for five weeks. Twenty hypertensive rats (>140/100mmHg) were assigned into five groups (n=4), negative control (2K1C: not treated), positive control (CAP: captopril 4.5mg/200g BW), dose 1 Au Fere II extract (D1: 0.495mL/200g BW), dose 2 (D2: 0.99mL/200g BW), and dose 3 (D3: 1.98mL/200g BW). The treatment was given orally once/day for one week. Au Fere II reduced blood pressure and plasma angiotensin II levels but did not affect the kidney's-wet-weight/body-weight ratio. Systolic (D1, D3) and diastolic blood pressure (D1, D2, D3) were significantly lower compared to the 2K1C group but did not show any dose-dependent activity of the three doses tested. D3 was shown the most effective reduction in blood pressure compared to D1 and D2. Angiotensin II plasma levels in all treatment groups decreased compared to the 2K1C group, although it was not statistically significant. These results suggest that Au Fere II could potentially be used as an antihypertensive by lowering blood pressure and angiotensin II plasma levels.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kevin Christian Nitihardjo
"Di Indonesia stroke merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian dan disabilitas utama dimana tingkat mortalitas akibat stroke mencapai 15,4% dari seluruh kasus mortalitas di Indonesia. Terapi yang diberikan pada pasien pasca-stroke adalah dengan fisioterapi dan pirasetam. Peneliti melakukan penelitian mengenai efek kombinasi Acalypha indica Linn dan Centella asiatica terhadap perbaikan neuron sebagai alternatif terhadap pirasetam yang memiliki banyak efek samping. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yang menggunakan uji statistik One Way Anova (P < 0,05) dilanjutkan dengan uji Post Hoc. Dari hasil uji statistik didapatkan kesimpulan pemberian kombinasi ekstrak acalypha indica Linn dan centella asiatica pada berbagai dosis maupun pirasetam tidak menunjukkan efek yang berbeda bermakna terhadap sel piknotik dibandingkan pemberian akuades.

In Indonesia stroke is one of the main causes of death and disability due to stroke mortality rates which reached 15.4% of all cases of mortality in Indonesia. Therapy given to post-stroke patients is by physiotherapy and piracetam. Researchers conducted a study of the effects of the combination of Acalypha indica Linn and Centella asiatica on the repair of neurons as an alternative to pirasetam which has many side effects. This study is an experimental study using statistical tests One Way ANOVA (P<0,05) followed by post hoc test. From the statistical test results obtained the conclusion of a combination of extracts of Acalypha indica Linn and Centella asiatica at different doses or pirasetam did not show significantly different effects on picnotic cell compared with aquadest administration."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Haura Lidanti
"[Penelitian ini membahas mengenai perilaku demedikalisasi dari pasien pengguna obat herbal. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep demedikalisasi oleh Peter Conrad dan penggunaan obat herbal oleh Calixto. Menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik survei terhadap 100 responden dan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat perilaku demedikalisasi diantara pasien pengguna obat herbal adalah rendah, namun tingkat penggunaan obat herbal tinggi. Selain itu, terdapat hubungan antara persepsi penggunaan obat herbal dengan perilaku demedikalisasi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya ketakutan yang dirasakan oleh pasien Klinik Sehat terhadap efek samping yang akan ditimbulkan oleh obat-obatan medis. Selain itu, faktor yang berpengaruh adalah obat herbal dirasa menjadi suatu solusi kesehatan yang aman dan bebas dari efek samping. Saran berupa perlu adanya penguatan peran pemerintah dalam mengatur kegiatan medis. Hal ini dilakukan agar kegiatan medis lebih teratur dan lebih aman bagi masyarakat.
;This study discuss the demedicalization behavior among herbal medicine patients. This study uses the concept of demedicalization by Peter Conrad and the use of herbal medicine by Calixto. Using quantitative approach with survey technique to 100 respondents and using accidental sampling technique. The results shows that the level of demedicalization behavior among herbal medicine patients are low, however the level of the use of herbal medicine are high. However, there?s a relationship between the use of herbal medicine perception and demedicalization behavior. This is caused by the fear felt by the patient Clinic of side effects that would be caused by medical drugs. In addition, factors that influence is felt to be a herbal medicine health solutions that are safe and free from side effects. Suggestions such as the need for strengthening the role of government in regulating medical activity. This is done so that medical activities more organized and safer for the public.
, This study discuss the demedicalization behavior among herbal medicine patients. This study uses the concept of demedicalization by Peter Conrad and the use of herbal medicine by Calixto. Using quantitative approach with survey technique to 100 respondents and using accidental sampling technique. The results shows that the level of demedicalization behavior among herbal medicine patients are low, however the level of the use of herbal medicine are high. However, there’s a relationship between the use of herbal medicine perception and demedicalization behavior. This is caused by the fear felt by the patient Clinic of side effects that would be caused by medical drugs. In addition, factors that influence is felt to be a herbal medicine health solutions that are safe and free from side effects. Suggestions such as the need for strengthening the role of government in regulating medical activity. This is done so that medical activities more organized and safer for the public.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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