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Miftha Apriliani
"Pada lapangan panas bumi “X” Daerah Gunung Slamet, Kabupaten Tegal Jawa Tengah keterdapatan manifestasi berupa mata air panas yang kemunculan dan persebarannya mengikuti kelurusan struktur geologi berupa sesar normal dan sesar mendatar berorientasi baratlaut-tenggara. Sehingga dari kondisi geologi daerah penelitian yang menunjukkan adanya struktur yang dapat menjadi jalur fluida panas tersebut, batuan teralterasi beserta mineral ubahan sangat mungkin terbentuk didaerah ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi litologi, zona alterasi berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang terbentuk dan kaitan mineral alterasi dengan temperatur dan sifat fluida pembentukan mineral alterasi tersebut di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan ialah analisis petrografi melalui sayatan tipis dan metode analisis difraksi sinar-X (X-ray Diffraction). Metode petrografi dilakukan guna mengidentifikasi keberadaan mineral teralterasi atau tidak teralterasi pada sampel sayatan tipis. Lalu, Metode XRD bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut mengenai mineral alterasi yang terkandung yang sebelumnya tidak dapat teridentifikasi pada analisis petrografi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis petrografi batuan, litologi daerah penelitian tersusun atas batuan beku andesit, dan kristal tuf. Berdasarkan hasil analisa petrografi dan XRD pada sampel daerah penelitian dapat dibagi menjadi dua zona alterasi berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang ditemui, yaitu zona propilitik dan zona argilik. Pada zona argilik rentang temperatur keterbentukan mineral yaitu pada suhu 80-120°C. Sedangkan, zona alterasi propilitik memiliki rentang suhu keterbentukan mineral pada >250°C. Berdasarkan mineral alterasi yang ditemukan temperatur daerah penelitian terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok tingkat keasaman (pH) netral dan asam yang dicirikan dengan keberadaan mineral kaolinit.

In the geothermal field "X" Slamet Mountain area, Tegal Regency, Central Java, there are manifestations in the form of hot springs whose appearance and distribution follow the alignment of geological structures in the form of normal faults and stike-slip faults oriented north west-south east. So that from the geological conditions of the research area that shows the existence of structures that can be a hot fluid path, alterated rocks and altered minerals are very likely to form in this area. This study was conducted to identify the lithology, alteration zones based on alteration minerals formed and the relationship of alteration minerals with temperature and fluid properties of the formation of alteration minerals in the study area. The methods used are petrographic analysis through thin section and X-ray diffraction analysis method. The petrographic method was used to identify the presence of altered or unaltered minerals in the thin section samples. Then, the XRD method aims to further identify the alteration minerals contained that could not previously be identified in the petrographic analysis. Based on the results of rock petrographic analysis, the lithology of the study area is composed of andesite igneous rocks, and tuff crystals. Based on the results of petrographic and XRD analysis on the samples of the study area can be divided into two alteration zones based on the alteration minerals found, namely the propylitic zone, and argillic. In the argillic zone, the temperature range for mineral formation is 80-120°C. Meanwhile, the propylitic alteration zone has a mineral formation temperature range of >250°C. Based on the alteration minerals found, the temperature of the research area is divided into two groups, namely neutral and acidic acidity (pH) groups which are characterized by the presence of the mineral kaolinite.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aiyudina Mutiaranisa
"Daerah penelitian AM merupakan salah satu daerah prospek geotermal yang berlokasi di Kabupaten OKU Selatan, Provinsi Sumatera Selatan. Potensi geotermal pada daerah penelitian ditandai dengan kemunculan manifestasi berupa lima mata air panas bersuhu 44,4o – 92,5oC dan pH antara 8,19 – 9,43. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi struktur geologi bawah permukaan melalui gravitasi satelit GGMplus serta data pendukung geologi dan geokimia. Struktur pada peta geologi didominasi oleh sesar regional berarah barat laut-tenggara. Hasil analisis slicing lintasan First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) dan Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) menunjukkan adanya enam patahan pada area penelitian dan dikonfirmasi dengan data geologi. Perkiraan temperatur reservoir daerah penelitian AM berdasarkan geotermometer geokimia Na-K berkisar antara 146o - 176oC.

The research area AM is one of the geothermal prospect area located in South OKU Districts, South Sumatera. The existence of the geothermal system in the research area is indicated by the presence of five hot springs with a temperature of 44.4 – 92.5°C and a pH between 8.19 – 9.43. This study aims to be able to identify the subsurface geological structures through GGMplus satellite gravity, as well as geological and geochemical supporting data. The structures on the geological map are dominated by northwest – southeast regional fault. The results of the First Horizontal Derivative (FHD) and Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) slicing analysis indicate six faults in the research area and confirmed with geological data. The reservoir temperature in the research area AM is estimated around 146o – 176°C based on Na-K geothermometer."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika Dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amallia Nadhiaratna
Lapangan geotermal Sibayak berada di Sumatera Utara dengan ketinggian antara 1400 sampai 2200 m dengan keberadaan tiga vulkano aktif. Potensi dari lapangan geotermal Sibayak mencapai 40 MWe, namun saat ini kapasitas yang dieksplorasi baru mencapai 12 MWe. Area pemboran yang produktif berasosiasi dengan zona reservoir memiliki ciri yaitu area dengan temperatur dan permeabilitas tinggi. Daerah dengan permeabilitas tinggi ini biasanya disebabkan oleh banyaknya rekahan-rekahan. Pengukuran resistivitas dengan metode mise-a-la-masse merupakan cara yang dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui zona rekahan dengan permeabilitas tinggi. Data pendukung juga diperlukan seperti data geologi, geokimia, dan data sumur. Pembuatan model menggunakan metode inversi smoothness constrained least squares. Nilai resistivitas rendah menunjukkan adanya rekahan-rekahan bawah permukaan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan tiga zona permeabel yaitu high permeability di bagian utara sumur SBY-4 atau sekitar Gunung Sibayak, moderate permeability dekat sumur SBY-3 dan SBY-4, dan low permeability di bagian selatan dekat kaldera. Rekomendasi potensi lokasi sumur pemboran produksi berada di daerah upflow yang bertemperatur tinggi dan permeabilitas tinggi, yaitu di sebelah utara sumur SBY-4.

Sibayak geothermal field located in Sumatera Utara with elevation around 1400 until 2200m and surround by three active volcanoes. The potential of the Sibayak geothermal field reaches 40 MWe, but currently the explored capacity has only reached 12 MWe. Productive drilling areas associated with reservoir zones are characterized by areas with high temperature and permeability. This area with high permeability is usually caused by many fractures. Resistivity measurement using the mise-a-la-masse method is a method that can be used to determine the zone of fracture with high permeability. Supporting data is also needed such as geological, geochemical and well data. Modeling uses the smoothness constrained least squares inversion method. Low resistivity values ​​indicate the existence of subsurface fractures. The results obtained showed three permeable zones which is high permeability in the northern part of the SBY-4 well or around Mount Sibayak, moderate permeability near the SBY-3 and SBY-4 wells, and low permeability in the southern part near the caldera. The recommendation for the potential location of the production drilling well is in the high temperature and high permeability upflow area, which is to the north of the SBY-4 well."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Handian Herbaskoro
"Metode Euler Deconvolution dapat diterapkan ke dalam data gravitasi untuk memprediksi kedalaman suatu struktur geologi. Reid 2003 menemukan bahwa dengan menggunakan structural index 0 dapat mendeteksi patahan pada data gravitasi. Berbagai model sintetik dibuat dengan memvariasikan kedalaman, kemiringan dan geometri patahan. Dari pengolahan model sintetik dihasilkan respon Euler Deconvolution yang dapat menentukan patahan tegak 90O secara akurat. Euler Deconvolution diaplikasikan ke dalam data gravitasi lapangan panas bumi "O". Kontur CBA Complete Bouguer Anomaly dan kontur anomali residual yang diuji menghasilkan respon yang dapat memetakan patahan pada daerah penelitian. Pengelompokkan kedalaman dilakukan untuk mempermudah klasifikasi kedalaman dangkal, kedalaman menengah dan kedalaman dalam. Interpretasi patahan menunjukkan kecocokan dengan dinding kaldera tua yang terdapat pada daerah penelitian. Hasil interpretasi patahan juga menunjukkan kecocokan dengan manifestasi mata air panas pada daerah penelitian. Pengujian Euler Deconvolution pada data gravitasi dapat memberikan informasi struktur bawah permukaan lapangan panas bumi.

Euler Deconvolution method could be applied for processing the gravity data to predict the depth of geological structure. Reid 2003 exhibited the use of 0 structural index in detecting fault in gravity data. Various synthetic models were made by varying the fault depth, fault slope and fault geometry. From processing of synthetic model, the response of Euler Deconvolution determining upright fault 900 was accurately generated. Euler Deconvolution method was applied to the gravity data of "O" geothermal field. CBA Complete Bouguer Anomaly contour and residual anomaly contour which were examined exhibited response which mapping the faults in the research area. The grouping of depth was done to simplify the classification of shallow depth, intermediate depth and deep depth. Fault interpretation indicated compatibility with old caldera wall found in research area. The result of fault interpretation also denoted compatibility with hot springs manifestation in research area. Euler Deconvolution examination in gravity data could provide the information of subsurface structure of "O" geothermal field.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyudi W. Parnadi
"The Geological Research Center’s (GRC) or Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi (PSDG) previous research estimated that the Way Umpu 1 Hot Springs in the Way Umpu geothermal prospect area reflects a reservoir temperature of 160°C–195°C. From geological observations, the main fault structure in that area is the Way Umpu Fault, which has a strike direction of NE–SW and the area is dominated by volcanic rocks. Many joints are also found along the fault line. The Way Umpu-1 Hot Springs is controlled by these geologic structures. The previous research and field observations lead us to carry out continuing research in this area, which is aimed at determining its resistivity structure to a depth of 4 km. For this purpose, we carried out field measurements using Audio magnetotelluric (AMT) and Magnetotelluric (MT) methods. The work presented in this paper is the result of 1-D and 2-D inversion modeling from 8 MT soundings. We compared inversion models using the 1-D Bostick transformation scheme, 1-D Occam model, and 2-D Nonlinear Conjugate Gradient (NLCG) algorithms. The study results reveal the existence of a strike as indicated from the geological data and a low resistivity zone at a shallow surface to a depth of 2 km that is most probably associated with partial melting and intrusion at a greater depth."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI-IJTECH 5:3 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tris Arfiadinarti
"Gunung Pancar, Jawa Barat adalah salah satu daerah yang memiliki potensi panas bumi. Dalam mengidentifikasi potensi panas bumi Gunung Pancar digunakan teknologi pengindraan jauh. Teknologi pengindraan jauh adalah sarana efektif untuk memetakan distribusi struktur, suhu permukaan tanah, dan alterasi hidrotermal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan alterasi hidrotermal dan  potensi panas bumi dengan integrasi teknik penginderaan jauh dan studi lapangan. Teknik penginderaan jauh yang digunakan adalah FFD, LST, dan PCA. Hasil analisis dengan teknik penginderaan jauh ini akan divalidasi dengan studi lapangan dan analisis petrografi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebaran struktur geologi dan suhu permukaan tanah memiliki anomali tinggi di bagian utara dan selatan-tenggara daerah penelitian. Analisis sebaran struktur dan suhu permukaan ini dapat mendukung interpretasi keberadaan dan sebaran alterasi hidrotermal. Jenis alterasi hidrotermal yang dapat diamati melalui integrasi PCA dan studi lapangan adalah argilik. Alterasi ini berkorelasi dengan keberadaan manifestasi panas bumi dan struktur geologi daerah penelitian. Korelasi hasil analisis menggunakan FFD, LST, PCA dan studi lapangan dapat menunjukkan bahwa bagian utara dan selatan-tenggara merupakan area alterasi hidrotermal dan memiliki potensi panas bumi.

Mount Pancar, West Java is one area that has geothermal potential. In identifying the geothermal potential of Mount Pancar, remote sensing technology is used. Remote sensing technology is an effective means of mapping the distribution of structures, soil surface temperatures, and hydrothermal alteration. This study aims to map hydrothermal alteration and geothermal potential by integrating remote sensing techniques and field studies. Remote sensing techniques used are FFD, LST, and PCA. The results of the analysis using remote sensing techniques will be validated by field studies and petrographic analysis. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of geological structures and soil surface temperatures has a high anomaly in the north and south-southeast of the study area. The analysis of the distribution of the structure and surface temperature can support the interpretation of the presence and distribution of hydrothermal alteration. The type of hydrothermal alteration that can be observed through PCA integration and field studies is argillic. This alteration is correlated with the presence of geothermal manifestations and the geological structure of the study area. Correlation analysis results using FFD, LST, PCA, and field studies can show that the north and south-southeast are hydrothermal alteration areas and have geothermal potential."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Della Bella Rochita
"Studi hidrogeokimia merupakan salah satu metode pendekatan dalam melakukan eksplorasi dan pengembangan panas bumi. Gedong Songo merupakan daerah yang memiliki potensi panas bumi yang terletak di lereng selatan Gunung Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Studi hidrogeokimia di Gedong Songo masih jarang dilakukan dan pemodelan hidrogeokimia pada sistem panas bumi Gedong Songo belum diperbarui. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membarui model konseptual hidrogeokimia daerah panas bumi Gedong Songo. Studi hidrogeokimia pada daerah penelitian dapat ditentukan berdasarkan integrasi data geologi, geokimia, dan geofisika. Manifestasi yang terdapat pada daerah panas bumi Gedong Songo meliputi mata air panas/hangat, kolam air panas/hangat, batuan alterasi, dan fumarol. Manifestasi fluida pada daerah Gedong Songo memiliki tipe air sulfat dan tipe bikarbonat. Berdasarkan data geokimia air, sistem panas bumi Gedong Songo terletak pada zona upflow. Sistem panas bumi ini tergolong sistem entalpi tinggi dengan estimasi temperatur reservoir sekitar 230-280 °C

The study of hydrogeochemistry is one of the approaching methods in the exploration and development of geothermal. Gedong Songo is an area that has geothermal potential located on the southern slope of Mount Ungaran, Semarang Regency, Central Java. Hydrogeochemical studies at Gedong Songo are still rare and hydrogeochemical modeling on Gedong Songo's geothermal system has not been updated. This study was conducted to update the conceptual model of hydrogeochemicals of gedong songo geothermal area. Hydrogeochemical studies in research areas was determined based on the integration of geological, geochemical, and geophysical data. Manifestations found in the geothermal area of Gedong Songo include hot/warm springs, hot/warm pools, alteration rocks, and fumaroles. The fluid manifestations in the Gedong Songo area are sulfate water type and bicarbonate type. Based on water geochemical data, the Gedong Songo geothermal system is located in the upflow zone. This geothermal system is classified as a high enthalpy system with an estimated reservoir temperature of around 230 - 280 °C"
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Alzaid Ponka
"Sistem panas bumi Gunung Lawu merupakan salah satu prospek panas bumi yang terletak di antara Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Pada tahap eksplorasi, survei geokimia merupakan salah satu survei yang harus dilakukan. Survei tersebut mencakup studi hidrogeokimia. Studi hidrogeokimia penting untuk menentukan suhu reservoir, asal usul sistem panas bumi, dan mekanisme sirkulasi fluida. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan karakteristik hidrogeokimia lapangan panas bumi Gunung Lawu, Jawa Tengah. Metode penelitian terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahap pendahuluan meliputi studi literatur, pengumpulan data meliputi data geologi, citra satelit, dan geokimia. Selanjutnya, tahap analisis data mencakup analisis kation, anion, dan isotop pada tiap sampel air. Daerah penelitian merupakan sistem relief tinggi. Daerah penelitian mempunyai delapan manifestasi permukaan panas bumi dengan suhu manifestasi berkisar 40-58 ºC, pH 2 dan 6. Empat mata air dingin dengan suhu berkisar 15-25 ºC dan pH 7. Manifetasi permukaan panas bumi memiliki tipe air beragam, yaitu sulfat, klorida, bikarbonat, dan dilute klorida-bikarbonat. Selain itu, air dingin didominasi oleh tipe air bikarbonat. Berdasarkan analisis geoindikator, zona upflow berada di titik manifestasi LWU, sedangkan zona outflow berada di titik manifestasi PBL atau JNW. Sistem panas bumi daerah penelitian memiliki suhu reservoir sekitar 160-170 ºC dan termasuk ke dalam klasifikasi sistem entalpi tinggi. Sumber air panas bumi daerah penelitian berasal dari air meteorik (SGN 1 dan NGT) dan air campuran (PBL, BNA, dan LWU) melalui analisis isotop. Berdasarkan ciri atau aspek geologi dan geokimia, daerah penelitian termasuk ke dalam sistem geothermal play convection dominated tipe CV-1. Luaran akhir penelitian ini adalah model konseptual hidrogeokimia lapangan panas bumi Gunung Lawu.

Gunung Lawu geothermal system is one of a geothermal prospect where is located between Central and East Java. In the exploration stage, geochemistry survey must be conducted. The survey covers hydrogeochemistry study. Hydrogeochemistry study is important to determine reservoir temperature, origin of the geothermal system, and fluid recharge mechanism. The research aims to determine the hydrogeochemical characteristics of Gunung Lawu geothermal field, Central Java. The research method consists of several stages, the preliminary stage cover literature study, data collection covers geological data, satellite imagery, and geochemistry. Furthermore, data analysis covers the analysis of cations, anions, and isotope in each water sample. The research area is a high relief system. The research area has eight geothermal surface manifestations with temperatures 40-58 ºC, pH 2 and 6. Four cold water has a temperature from 15-25 ºC and pH 7. The surface manifestation has various water types are sulfate, chloride, bicarbonate, and dilute chloride-bicarbonate. Moreover, cold water is dominated by bicarbonate water types. Based on geoindicator analysis, the upflow zone is located in LWU, while the outflow zone is located in PBL or JNW. The geothermal system in the study area has a reservoir temperature of around 160-170ºC and is included in a high enthalpy system classification. The geothermal water in the study area is originated from meteoric water (SGN 1 and NGT) and mixed water (PBL, BNA, and LWU) through isotope analysis. Based on geology or geochemistry aspect, the research area include in convection dominated CV-1 type of geothermal play. The final output of this research is the hydrogeochemical model of the Gunung Lawu geothermal field.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adi Harja
"Gunung Lawu merupakan salah satu daerah prospek panas bumi yang terdapat di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui litologi, struktur, persebaran mineral alterasi hidrotermal, dan keterkaitan antara pembentukan mineral alterasi dengan tipe fluida di daerah panas bumi Gunung Lawu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi deskripsi batuan, petrografi, dan Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Berdasarkan hasil analisis, didapat litologi daerah penelitian berupa breksi piroklastik, andesit, dan tuf. Mineral alterasi hidrotermal yang ditemukan pada daerah penelitian berupa kaolinit, dickite, montmorillonit, klorit, dan serisit. Keberadaan mineral tersebut dipengaruhi oleh suhu 100-300°C dengan tipe fluida asam-netral.

Gunung Lawu is one of the geothermal prospect areas in Central Java. This study aims to determine the lithology, structure, distribution of hydrothermal alteration minerals, and the relationship between the formation of alteration minerals and the type of fluid in the geothermal area of Mount Lawu. The methods used in this study include rock description, petrography, and Powder X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). Based on the results of the analysis, the lithology of the study area was obtained in the form of pyroclastic breccia, andesite, and tuff. Hydrothermal alteration minerals found in the study area are kaolinite, dickite, montmorillonite, chlorite, and sericite. The presence of these minerals is influenced by a temperature of 100-300°C with an acid-neutral fluid type."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Solikhatun Yuniasih
Sistem panas bumi vulkanik, bertemperatur tinggi dan liquid dominated
Dieng memiliki potensi sebesar 355 MWe meliputi area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada
dan Pakuwaja. Hingga saat ini telah beroperasi pembangkit listrik berkapasitas
1x60 MW disuplai oleh uap dari sumur di area Sileri.
Re-evaluasi strategi pengembangan lapangan panas bumi Dieng secara
terpadu dilakukan dengan mengkaji data geologi, data geokimia manifestasi dan
sumur dan data geofisika. Kajian geokimia meliputi air, gas, isotop untuk
mengetahui karakteristik kimia reservoir, didukung oleh model 2D
Magnetotellurik (MT) yang menggambarkan distribusi resistivitas bawah
permukaan, model 2D gravitasi yang menggambarkan struktur bawah
permukaan, serta didukung oleh struktur geologi, vulkanostratigrafi dan alterasi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua zona upflow utama di
Sileri dan Sikidang. Zona asam di Sikidang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan fluida
magmatik, isotop 18O yang enrich dan mendekati zona andesitic water di sekitar
sumur DNG-2 dan DNG-8. Zona aman silica scaling di area Sileri berada di
sekitar sumur HCE-31 dan DNG-10.
Pengembangan lapangan Dieng selanjutnya masih mungkin dilakukan di
area bagian timur laut yang ditunjukkan oleh keberadaan claycap dan heat source
pada zona upflow Sileri.

Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.;Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone., Volcanic geothermal systems, high temperature and liquid dominated Dieng has
a potential of 355 MWe covers an area Sileri, Sikidang-Merdada and Pakuwaja.
Until currently operates power plants with a capacity of 1x60 MW supplied by
steam from wells in Sileri area.
Re-evaluation of Dieng development strategy in integrated to seek the
extension of field development by assessing the geochemical data of
manifestations and wells, geophysical data and geological data. Geochemical
studies include water, gas and isotope to describe reservoir chemical
characteristic, supported by a 2D model of Magnetotelluric (MT) which describes
the distribution of subsurface resistivity, 2D model of Gravity depicting
subsurface structures, and supported by geological structure, vulkanostratigrafy
and hydrothermal alteration.
There are two main upflow zone in Sileri and Sikidang. Acid zone shown
at magmatic fluid existence, enrich of 18O and approximate the andesitic water
zone in around DNG-2 and DNG-8. Safe Zone of Silica Scaling be in around of
HCE-31 and DNG-10.
Furthermore, Dieng development is possible in north-east area which
show in clay cap and heat source existence in Sileri Upflow Zone.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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