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Bea Amanda Puteri
"Dispensasi kawin sebagai pemberian izin kawin oleh pengadilan kepada calon suami/istri yang belum berusia 19 tahun untuk melangsungkan perkawinan semestinya didasarkan pada asas kepentingan terbaik bagi anak sebagaimana ketentuan dalam PERMA Nomor 5 Tahun 2019 tentang Pedoman Mengadili Permohonan Dispensasi Kawin. Berkenaan dengan dispensasi kawin, Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Pandeglang, Provinsi Banten dari tahun 2019-2024 menerima 82 permohonan dispensasi kawin, yang sebagian besarnya (73,1%) dikabulkan oleh hakim. Kenyataan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan mengenai perlindungan anak dalam pemberian dispensasi kawin, penting untuk dipahami secara komprehensif. Untuk itu, fokus dari penelitian ini adalah tentang perlindungan anak dalam pengimplementasian PERMA Nomor 5 Tahun 2019. Penelitian hukum ini berbentuk nondoktrinal dengan menggunakan metode sosio-legal, melalui studi lapangan dan studi tekstual. Data yang dikumpulkan selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat dijelaskan bahwa prinsip kepentingan terbaik bagi anak tidak selalu tercermin dalam penetapan dispensasi perkawinan, karena dalam beberapa temuan kasus, hakim kerap mengabaikan isu problematik, seperti child grooming dan statutory rape. Di sisi lain, upaya pencegahan dan penanganan praktik perkawinan anak telah dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan edukasi kepada anak sekolah dan masyarakat, program ujian penyetaraan bagi anak yang putus sekolah, layanan kesehatan gratis untuk perempuan yang mengalami Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan (KTD), dan pengadaan Strategi Nasional Pencegahan dan Penanganan Perkawinan Anak (STRANAS PPA). Akan tetapi, upaya pencegahan dan penanganan praktik perkawinan anak terhambat karena suburnya perkawinan anak di bawah tangan yang sulit untuk ditelusuri.

Dispensation of marriage as the granting of permission to marry by the court to a potential husband/wife who is not yet 19 years old to enter into marriage should be based on the principle of the best interests of the child as regulated in PERMA Number 5 of 2019 regarding Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensation. Regarding marriage dispensation, the Religious Court of Pandeglang District, Banten Province, from 2019-2024, received 82 applications, most of which the judge granted 73.1%. This fact shows that the issue of child protection in granting marriage dispensation must be comprehensively understood. For this reason, this research focuses on child protection in the implementation of PERMA Number 5 of 2019. This nondoctrinal legal research uses socio-legal methods, field studies, and textual studies. The data collected are then analyzed qualitatively. Based on the analysis, it can be explained that the principle of the best interests of the child is not always reflected in the decision of marriage dispensation because, in some case findings, judges often ignore problematic issues, such as child grooming and statutory rape. On the other hand, efforts to prevent and handle the practice of child marriage by state institutions and non-governmental institutions have been carried out through socialization and advocacy to school students and the general public, an equivalency exam program for school dropouts, accessible health services for women who experience unwanted pregnancies, and the drafting of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Handling of Child Marriage. However, these efforts to prevent and handle the practice of child marriage are hindered by the existence of unregistered child marriages that are difficult to trace."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vina Cahya Farhani
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan memahami perubahan prosedur dispensasi kawin setelah diterbitkannya Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (Perma) No. 5 Tahun 2019 serta implikasinya terhadap penetapan dispensasi kawin di Pengadilan Agama Polewali Mandar. Penelitian disusun dengan menggunakan metode doktrinal dengan studi kasus pada dua penetapan dispensasi kawin yang dipilih. Data diperoleh melalui studi dokumen dan wawancara dengan pihak terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Perma No. 5 Tahun 2019 memberikan pedoman yang lebih ketat dalam proses permohonan dispensasi kawin, dengan tujuan untuk melindungi hak anak dan mengurangi angka pernikahan usia dini. Studi kasus pada Penetapan Nomor 1/Pdt.P/2023/PA.Pwl dan Nomor 121/Pdt.P/2024/PA.Pwl mengungkapkan adanya peningkatan tuntutan pembuktian bagi pemohon dispensasi serta peran aktif hakim dalam menggali alasan dan urgensi permohonan. Penetapan dalam kedua kasus tersebut mencerminkan penerapan Perma No. 5 Tahun 2019 yang lebih detail dan berorientasi pada perlindungan kepentingan terbaik anak. Perma No. 5 Tahun 2019 berpengaruh signifikan terhadap proses dan hasil putusan dispensasi kawin di Pengadilan Agama Polewali Mandar, dengan adanya penekanan pada aspek perlindungan anak dan kepentingan terbaik anak sebagai prioritas utama.

The objective of this study is to examine the changes in marriage dispensation procedures that took place after the issuance of Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) No. 5 of 2019 and its implications for the determination of marriage dispensation in the Polewali Mandar Religious Court. The research was prepared using the doctrinal method with case studies on two selected marriage dispensation decisions. Data were obtained through document studies and interviews with relevant parties. The findings indicate that Perma No. 5 of 2019 introduces stricter guidelines for the marriage dispensation application process, aimed at safeguarding children's rights and reducing the incidence of early marriages. Case studies of Stipulations No. 1/Pdt.P/2023/PA.Pwl and No. 121/Pdt.P/2024/PA.Pwl reveal an increase in evidentiary requirements for dispensation applicants and the active role of judges in exploring the reasons and urgency of the application. The stipulations in both cases reflect a more thorough application of Perma No. 5/2019 and prioritize the protection of the child's best interests.. Perma No. 5/2019 has a significant effect on the process and outcome of marriage dispensation decisions at the Polewali Mandar Religious Court, with a focus on child protection and prioritizing the best interests of the child."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nisa Aulia Denizar
"Dispensasi perkawinan merupakan suatu kelonggaran yang diberikan oleh pengadilan kepada calon suami istri yang belum mencapai batas umur minimal untuk melangsungkan perkawinan. Penelitian ini menganalisis urgensi dispensasi perkawinan terhadap anak dibawah umur dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung tentang Pedoman Mengadili Dispensasi Perkawinan serta meninjau pelaksanaan aturan batasan umur perkawinan pasca perubahan Undang-Undang Perkawinan. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan metode penelitian doktrinal dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Setelah perubahan Undang-Undang Perkawinan sebagai upaya perlindungan terhadap perempuan, jumlah perkawinan dibawah umur justru semakin meningkat. Padahal, telah dibentuk pula Peraturan Mahkamah Agung tentang Pedoman Mengadili Dispensasi Perkawinan sebagai upaya perlindungan. Hal ini karena tidak mengatur alasan-alasan yang dapat dibenarkan untuk diberikan izin dispensasi perkawinan oleh pengadilan. Penelitian ini mengklasifikasikan 20 (dua puluh) penetapan terkait dispensasi perkawinan di Pengadilan Negeri Manado berdasarkan alasan yang diajukan oleh Pemohon. Sebagian besar permohonan dispensasi perkawinan di Pengadilan Negeri Manado dilakukan dengan alasan telah terjadi kehamilan diluar perkawinan atau atas keinginan orang tua. Ketidakjelasan alasan-alasan yang dimaksud dalam Peraturan Mahkamah Agung tentang Pedoman Mengadili Dispensasi Perkawinan mengakibatkan tidak banyak Hakim yang menimbang perkara dispensasi perkawinan dengan peraturan tersebut. Hakim lebih memperhatikan UU No. 16 Tahun 2019 daripada Peraturan Mahkamah Agung No. 5 Tahun 2019 dalam mengabulkan permohonan dispensasi perkawinan.

Marriage dispensation is a concession granted by the court to prospective husband and wife who have not yet reached the minimum age limit for marriage. This research analyzes the urgency of marriage dispensations for minors in the Supreme Court Regulations concerning Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensations and reviews the implementation of the age limit regulations for marriage after changes to the Marriage Law. This research was prepared using doctrinal research methods with a qualitative approach. After changes to the Marriage Law as an effort to protect women, the number of underage marriages actually increased. In fact, a Supreme Court Regulation regarding Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensations has also been established as a protective measure. This is because it does not regulate the reasons that can be justified for the court to grant a marriage dispensation. This research classifies 20 (twenty) decisions regarding marriage dispensations at the Manado District Court based on the reasons submitted by the Petitioner. Most requests for marriage dispensation at the Manado District Court are made on the grounds that there has been a pregnancy outside of marriage or because of the parents' wishes. The lack of clarity on the reasons referred to in the Supreme Court Regulations concerning Guidelines for Adjudicating Marriage Dispensations has resulted in not many Judges weighing marriage dispensation cases in accordance with these regulations. Judges pay more attention to Law no. 16 of 2019 rather than Supreme Court Regulation no. 5 of 2019 in granting requests for marriage dispensation."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cathlin Triana Mariama
"Untuk melangsungkan perkawinan, salah satu syarat yang harus dipenuhi ialah batas umur. Mengenai ketentuan batas umur, telah terjadi Perubahan yang dituangkan dalam UU No.16 Tahun 2019 atas perubahan UU No.1 Tahun 1974 tentang perkawinan pada Pasal 7 ayat (1) dimana batas umur untuk melangsungkan perkawinan dipersamakan menjadi 19 tahun bagi pria dan wanita. Terhadap ketentuan ini, Undang-Undang memungkinkan untuk mengajukan dispensasi kawin. Skripsi ini membahas mengenai pengaturan dispensasi perkawinan setelah adanya perubahan UU Perkawinan, akibat hukum penetapan dispensasi kawin, dan menganalisis pertimbangan Hakim dalam memberikan penetapan dispensasi kawin No.39/Pdt.P/2020/PN.Lmj setelah adanya perubahan Undang-Undang. Terhadap penulisan ini, Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan bahan kepustakaan berupa buku dan peraturan perundang-undangan terkait. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Dispensasi kawin dapat dimintakan ke pengadilan apabila terdapat alasan mendesak dan cukup bukti. Terhadap pemberian penetapan ini, akan menimbulkan akibat hukum bagi pasangan di bawah umur. Selain itu, melihat pada penerapannya, Hakim dalam memberikan dispensasi kawin di Pengadilan masih memberikan kelonggaran karena tidak disertai alasan mendesak, belum menjalankan ketentuan perundang- undangan yang berlaku, juga belum mengedepankan kepentingan anak.

To have a marriage, one of the conditions that must be met is the age limit. Regarding the age limit provisions, there has been a change as outlined in Law No. 16 of 2019 regarding the amendment of Law No.1 of 1974 concerning marriage in Article 7 paragraph (1) where the age limit for marriage is equalized to 19 years for men and women. Against this provision, the Act makes it possible to apply for dispensation of marriage. This thesis discusses the arrangement of marriage dispensation after the amendment of the Marriage Law, due to the law on stipulating marriage dispensation, and analyzes the Judge's consideration in determining the dispensation of marriage No.39 / Pdt.P / 2020 / PN.Lmj after the change of the Law. Regarding this writing, the research method used is normative juridical using library materials in the form of books and related laws and regulations. The results of this study indicate that dispensation of marriage can be requested to court if there are urgent reasons and sufficient evidence. The granting of this stipulation will have legal consequences for the underage spouse. In addition, looking at its application, Judges in giving dispensation to marriage in court still provide leniency because it is not accompanied by urgent reasons, has not implemented the applicable statutory provisions, nor has the interests of children prioritized."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vionna Karissa
"Hak waris menurut Hukum Perdata timbul pada saat seseorang meninggal dunia. Syarat utama untuk menjadi seorang ahli waris adalah adanya hubungan darah yang tercipta dari perkawinan antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita. Hukum membedakan antara keturunan yang sah dan keturunan yang tidak sah. Keturunan yang sah didasarkan atas adanya perkawinan yang sah, sedangkan keturunan yang tidak sah didasarkan atas suatu perkawinan yang tidak sah. Perkawinan yang tidak sah terjadi manakala suatu perkawinan tidak dicatatkan pada suatu lembaga yang kita kenal sebagai lembaga catatan sipil. Dengan demikian, maka anak-anak dari perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan tersebut, tidak berhak menuntut pembagian waris. Namun demikian, perlu diperhatikan bahwa berdasarkan hasil Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 2185 K/PDT/2008 Perkawinan yang tidak dicatatkan tersebut dapat dimintakan penetapan pengadilan untuk selanjutnya perkawinan tersebut dicatatkan pada kantor catatan sipil dan selanjutnya anak-anak hasil perkawinan tersebut dinyatakan sah dan berhak atas hak waris dari orang tua mereka.

Inheritance rights under civil law arise when someone dies. The main requirement to be an heiress is created from a relationship of marriage between a man and a woman. Law distinguishes between legitimate descendants and illegitimate descendants. Legitimate descendants based on the existence of a valid marriage, while the illegitimate descendants based on an invalid marriage. Unauthorized marriage occurs when a marriage is not registered in an institution we know as civil institutions. Thus, the children of the marriage that is not recorded, has no right to demand the distribution of inheritance. However, it should be noted that based on the Supreme Court Decision No. 2185 K/PDT/2008 Marriage is not registered can be requested court order for the marriage subsequently listed on the registry office and then the children of the marriage declared valid and entitled to the rights inheritance from their parents."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dalam skripsi ini dibahas mengenai status anak luar kawin dalam hukum perdata Indonesia yaitu anak yang dilahirkan di luar perkawinan yang sah dan hanya mempunyai hubungan hukum dengan Ibunya dan keluarga Ibunya. Dengan kata lain ayah biologisnya tidak mempunyai hubungan hukum dengan anak luar kawin, sehingga ayah biologisnya tidak memiliki kewajiban untuk bertanggung jawab memelihara dan menafkahi anak tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah hukum normatif, dengan metode penelitian kepustakaan dengan studi kasus terhadap perbuatan melawan hukum atas tindakan tidak mengakui anak luar kawin oleh ayah biologis dalam Putusan Nomor: 935 K/Pdt/1998. Apabila dilihat dari sisi hukum perkawinan yang berlaku di Indonesia, seorang anak luar kawin tidak memiliki hubungan hukum dengan ayah biologisnya. Ketentuan ini bertujuan untuk melindungi lembaga perkawinan. Namun apakah patut, apabila kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh orang tuanya, harus ditanggung oleh si anak dengan harus menerima kedudukan yang demikian jauh di belakang anak-anak sah di hadapan hukum? Oleh karena itu, permasalahan ini harus dilihat dari sisi lain, yaitu tindakan seorang ayah yang tidak mengakui anak luar kawin tersebut dianggap sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum. Karena perbuatan melawan hukum tidak dapat dipandang hanya secara legistis, yaitu yang hanya didasarkan pada pelanggaran terhadap kaidah hukum tertulis, tetapi juga perbuatan yang melanggar kaidah tidak tertulis.

This minithesis explains about the status of child outside marriage in Indonesian civil law, whom the child only have lawful relationship to their mother and the familly of the mother. In other words, they do not have a lawful relationship with their biological father, thus the father does not have an obligation to take the responsibility over the child. This normative research conducted using the literature study completed with case study to unlawful act on not recognizing child outside marriage by biological father, The Supreme Court Decision number: 935 K/Pdt/1998. The Indonesian civil law stated that the child outside marriage does not have a lawful relationship with their biological father. This provision aims to protect the marriage institution. But on the other hand, is it appropriate that the child have to suffer on their parent's mistake by forcefully accepting their limited position compared to legitimate child in the face of the law? Therefore, this problem has to be seen from another perspective; the action of the biological father who doesn't recognize his child outside marriage, should be considered as the unlawful act. The unlawful act cannot be seen solely as a violation on written law, but such action also violates the unwritten law."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Rizqi Alfarizi Ramadhan
"Perkembangan teknologi dan bidang usaha yang terus berkembang, ditambah dengan terjadinya pandemi sejak tahun 2019 memberikan dampak dan perubahan signifikan terutama dalam hal penyelesaian sengketa bisnis. Para pencari keadilan terutama pelaku usaha membutuhkan mekanisme penyelesaian sengketa bisnis baru yang sesuai dengan asas sederhana, cepat, dan berbiaya ringan yang mana diwujudkan oleh Mahkamah Agung RI dengan diakomodir melalui dibentuknya PERMA 2/2015 yang kemudian diubah dengan PERMA 4/2019 tentang gugatan sederhana, serta menerbitkan PERMA 1/2019 tentang e-court dan e-litigation. Dasar hukum tersebut bertujuan untuk membuat mekanisme proses pengadilan menjadi cepat, sederhana, dan berbiaya ringan, terutama melalui penyelesaian sengketa gugatan sederhana yang dapat diselenggarakan melalui mekanisme e-litigation yang telah tersedia di seluruh jaringan sistem e-court di seluruh pengadilan negeri di Indonesia sehingga terwujudnya ease of doing business.

The development of technology and business fields are growing rapidly, and in addition with global pandemic since 2019 has brought significant impacst especially in business dispute resolution. Justice seekers especially bussiness people demand a new mechanism for business dispute resolution that are simple, fasat, and low cost where Indonesian Supreme Court try to accommodate with establishment of PERMA 2/2015 which amended by PERMA 4/2019 regarding simple lawsuit, and establishment of PERMA 1/2019 regarding e-court and e-litigation. These rules are the legal basis to formed a judiciary process which mechanisms were held with a fast, simple, and low-cost process which applied by simple lawsuit (Small Claims) mechanism through an e-litigation process that is available in the entire network of e-court system in all district court in Indonesia where ease of doing business were applied and realized with those mechanism."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Deffi Arrester Putri
Perkawinan adalah ikatan lahir batin antara seorang pria dan seorang wanita dengan
tujuan untuk membentuk keluarga yang bahagia dan kekal berdasarkan keTuhanan
Yang Maha Esa. Penulis berasumsi bahwa salah satu tujuan perkawinan adalah untuk
mendapatkan keturunan atau anak. Dalam penelitian ini pokok permasalahan yang
penulis angkat adalah mengenai kedudukan anak luar kawin ditinjau dari Pasal 43
Undang-Undang Nomor 1 tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan dan analisis terhadap
Penetapan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor : 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim. Penulis
menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif. Pasal 43 Undang-Undang Nomor 1
tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan menyatakan bahwa anak luar kawin hanya memiliki
hubungan hukum dengan ibu dan keluarga ibunya. Tindakan hukum yang dapat
dilakukan anak luar kawin memiliki hubungan hukum dengan ayah dan keluarga
ayahnya adalah melalui pengakuan terhadap anak luar kawin dan pengesahan anak
luar kawin pada saat perkawinan kedua orangtuanya. Dalam Penetapan Pengadilan
Negeri Nomor : 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim orang tua dari anak luar kawin tidak
melakukan pengesahan terhadap anak luar kawin mereka pada saat perkawinan,
sehingga meminta penetapan pengadilan negeri. Pengakuan dan Pengesahan Anak
yang telah melebihi jangka waktu yang telah ditetapkan Pasal 49 dan Pasal 50
Undang-Undang Nomor 24 tahun 2013 tentang Perubahan Undang-Undang Nomor
23 tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi Kependudukan harus melalui Penetapan
Pengadilan Negeri. Penulis setuju dengan pertimbangan hukum hakim dalam
Penetapan Pengadilan Negeri Nomor : 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim.

Marriage is born inner bond between a man and a woman with the aim to a form a
happy family and eternal based on one supreme divinity. The authors assume that one
of purposes of marriage is to obtain offspring or children. The issue that i use is on
the position of illegitimate child in view of Article 43 of Law Number 1 year 1974
concerning marriage and analysis to determination of district court number
55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM. The autor uses the methode of normative legal research.
Article 43 of Law number 1 year 1974 on marriage states that an illegitimate child
only has a legal relationship with mother and her family. Legal actions that can be
done to an illegitimate child has a legal relationship with his father and his father?s
family is throught the recognition and validation of an illegitimate child at the time of
his parents marriage. If parents of an illegitimate child negligent conduct agains an
illegitimate child endorsement, can be done in state court determination as described
in Article 32 paragraph 2 of Law number 26 year 2006 concerning administration of
residence. In determination of district court number: 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim an
illegitimate child?s parents do not approve of the marriage of their children at the time
of marriage, so requast a court warrant. Recognation and validation of child who has
exceeded a predetermined time period Article 49 and Article 50 of Law Number 24
year 2013 concerning changes to the Law number of 2006 concerning administration
of residence must go through a court warrant. Autors agrees with the legal
considerations in determination of district court number 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM.;Marriage is born inner bond between a man and a woman with the aim to a form a
happy family and eternal based on one supreme divinity. The authors assume that one
of purposes of marriage is to obtain offspring or children. The issue that i use is on
the position of illegitimate child in view of Article 43 of Law Number 1 year 1974
concerning marriage and analysis to determination of district court number
55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM. The autor uses the methode of normative legal research.
Article 43 of Law number 1 year 1974 on marriage states that an illegitimate child
only has a legal relationship with mother and her family. Legal actions that can be
done to an illegitimate child has a legal relationship with his father and his father?s
family is throught the recognition and validation of an illegitimate child at the time of
his parents marriage. If parents of an illegitimate child negligent conduct agains an
illegitimate child endorsement, can be done in state court determination as described
in Article 32 paragraph 2 of Law number 26 year 2006 concerning administration of
residence. In determination of district court number: 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim an
illegitimate child?s parents do not approve of the marriage of their children at the time
of marriage, so requast a court warrant. Recognation and validation of child who has
exceeded a predetermined time period Article 49 and Article 50 of Law Number 24
year 2013 concerning changes to the Law number of 2006 concerning administration
of residence must go through a court warrant. Autors agrees with the legal
considerations in determination of district court number 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM.;Marriage is born inner bond between a man and a woman with the aim to a form a
happy family and eternal based on one supreme divinity. The authors assume that one
of purposes of marriage is to obtain offspring or children. The issue that i use is on
the position of illegitimate child in view of Article 43 of Law Number 1 year 1974
concerning marriage and analysis to determination of district court number
55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM. The autor uses the methode of normative legal research.
Article 43 of Law number 1 year 1974 on marriage states that an illegitimate child
only has a legal relationship with mother and her family. Legal actions that can be
done to an illegitimate child has a legal relationship with his father and his father?s
family is throught the recognition and validation of an illegitimate child at the time of
his parents marriage. If parents of an illegitimate child negligent conduct agains an
illegitimate child endorsement, can be done in state court determination as described
in Article 32 paragraph 2 of Law number 26 year 2006 concerning administration of
residence. In determination of district court number: 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim an
illegitimate child?s parents do not approve of the marriage of their children at the time
of marriage, so requast a court warrant. Recognation and validation of child who has
exceeded a predetermined time period Article 49 and Article 50 of Law Number 24
year 2013 concerning changes to the Law number of 2006 concerning administration
of residence must go through a court warrant. Autors agrees with the legal
considerations in determination of district court number 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM., Marriage is born inner bond between a man and a woman with the aim to a form a
happy family and eternal based on one supreme divinity. The authors assume that one
of purposes of marriage is to obtain offspring or children. The issue that i use is on
the position of illegitimate child in view of Article 43 of Law Number 1 year 1974
concerning marriage and analysis to determination of district court number
55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM. The autor uses the methode of normative legal research.
Article 43 of Law number 1 year 1974 on marriage states that an illegitimate child
only has a legal relationship with mother and her family. Legal actions that can be
done to an illegitimate child has a legal relationship with his father and his father’s
family is throught the recognition and validation of an illegitimate child at the time of
his parents marriage. If parents of an illegitimate child negligent conduct agains an
illegitimate child endorsement, can be done in state court determination as described
in Article 32 paragraph 2 of Law number 26 year 2006 concerning administration of
residence. In determination of district court number: 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.Jkt.Tim an
illegitimate child’s parents do not approve of the marriage of their children at the time
of marriage, so requast a court warrant. Recognation and validation of child who has
exceeded a predetermined time period Article 49 and Article 50 of Law Number 24
year 2013 concerning changes to the Law number of 2006 concerning administration
of residence must go through a court warrant. Autors agrees with the legal
considerations in determination of district court number 55/Pdt.P/2014/PN.JKT.TIM.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afif Al Ghani Yoneva
"Hak Asasi Manusia merupakan hak dasar yang dimiliki dan melekat dalam diri setiap individu manusia dalam suatu Negara. Dalam UU Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak Asasi Manusia, disebutkan bahwa Hak Asasi Manusia adalah seperangkat hak yang melekat pada hakikat dan keberadaan manusia sebagai makhluk Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan merupakan anugerah-Nya yang wajib dihormati, dijunjung tinggi dan dilindungi oleh Negara, Hukum, Pemerintah, dan setiap orang demi kehormatan serta perlindungan harkat dan martabat manusia.

Anak merupakan harapan dan apabila sampai saatnya, seorang anak akan menggantikan generasi tua dalam melanjutkan roda kehidupan negara, dengan demikian, anak perlu dibina agar mereka tidak salah dalam hidupnya kelak.  Setiap anak berhak untuk mendapatkan perlindungan hukum dari segala bentuk kekerasan fisik atau mental, penelantaran, perlakuan buruk, dan pelecehan seksual selama dalam pengasuhan orang tua atau walinya, atau pihak lain manapun yang bertanggung jawab atas pengasuhan anak tersebut.  Namun kenyataannya tidaklah demikian, anak sebagai korban perlakukan kekerasan sering terabaikan oleh lembaga-lembaga kompeten dalam sistem peradilan pidana, yang seharusnya memberikan perhatian dan perlindungan yang cukup berdasarkan hukum. Hal tersebut tidak seharusnya terjadi, sebab sebagaimanapun korban tetap mempunyai hak untuk diperlakukan adil, dan dilindungi hak-haknya.

Untuk mewujudkan perlindungan dan kesejahteraan anak tersebut, maka Majelis Umum Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa pada tanggal 20 November 1958 secara aklamasi mensahkan "Declaration of the Right of the Child". Preamble Declaration of the Right of the Child (Mukadimah Deklarasi Hak Anak-Anak) dalam alinea ke 3. Konvensi Hak-Hak Anak Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) tersebut adalah sebuah konvensi internasional yang mengatur hak-hak sipil, politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan kultural anak-anak. Di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia tujuan perlindungan anak telah diatur dalam Pasal 3 Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan Anak.

Human rights are the fundamental rights that are possessed and inherent in each human individual in a Contracting State. In LAW No. 39 year 1999 on Human rights, mentioned that human rights is a set of rights inherent to the nature and existence of man as a God almighty being and is his grace which must be respected, held and protected by the state, law, government, and everyone for the dignity and protection of human dignity.

The child is a hope and when it comes to the time, a child will replace the old generation in furthering the wheels of the country's life, thus, the child needs to be built so that they are not wrong in their lifetime. Each child has the right to obtain legal protection from any form of physical or mental violence, abandonment, bad treatment, and sexual harassment during the care of their parents or guardian, or any other party responsible for Care of the child.  But the truth is not the case, the child as a victim of violent abuse is often overlooked by competent institutions in the criminal justice system, which should provide adequate attention and protection based on the law. It is not supposed to happen, because the victim still has the right to be treated fairly, and protected by his rights.

To realize the protection and welfare of the child, the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1958 is acclamation to confirm the Declaration of the Right of the Child. Preamble Declaration of the Right of the Child, in paragraph 3. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, is an international convention governing the Civil, political, economic, social, and cultural rights of children and the children. In the Indonesian legislation of the child protection purpose is governed by article 3 of the Law No. 23 of 2002 on child protection."

Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chateryna Anggun Laurentia
Tesis ini membahas mengenai adanya pembatalan perkawinan yang merupakan tindakan pengadilan berupa putusan bahwa perkawinan yang dilaksanakan itu tidak sah sehingga dianggap tidak pernah ada. Pembatalan perkawinan dapat dilakukan karena adanya syarat-syarat perkawinan yang tidak terpenuhi. Dengan adanya akta perkawinan yang dinyatakan tidak sah maka dasar penerbitan akta kelahiran anak yang lahir dalam perkawinannya juga dianggap tidak ada atau harus dibatalkan vernietigbaar . Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana kedudukan status hukum dan status hubungan keperdataan seorang anak yang akta perkawinan orang tuanya dibatalkan oleh putusan pengadilan yaitu Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 447 K/AG/2007 juncto Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Agama Nomor 37/PDT.G/2007/PTA.Mks. juncto Putusan Pengadilan Agama Makassar Nomor 688/Pdt.G/2006/PA Mks. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis adalah metode yuridis normatif melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yaitu Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 1483 K/Pdt/2015. Tipologi penelitian yang digunakan berupa tipologi penelitian deskriptif analitis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa putusan pengadilan mengenai pembatalan perkawinan tidak berlaku surut terhadap anak-anak yang dilahirkan dari perkawinan tersebut. Artinya, putusan pembatalan perkawinan tersebut tidak berpengaruh terhadap hak anak kedudukan status anak. Dengan adanya kedudukan status anak yang tetap sebagai anak sah, secara perdata, seorang anak tersebut tetap merupakan ahli waris ab intestato yaitu ahli waris yang ditetapkan berdasarkan undang-undang dan tetap memiliki hubungan keperdataan secara otomatis dengan ibunya maupun keluarga ibunya dan dengan laki-laki sebagai ayahnya.Kata Kunci: Kedudukan Anak; Putusan Pengadilan; Pembatalan Perkawinan; Status Keperdataan Anak

The thesis is consist of marital annulment, Marital Annulment is a court action in making their decision over the verdict which imposed that marital is illegal and considerably does not exist. Marital suspend is conducted by particular excuses and with only certain people that allow to do it. The marriage certificate is the basic for the issued of birth certificate. The question has appeared for child legal status and their civil status when the marriage certificate has been annuled by the Court s Decision. To be able to find answers to these problems, the author uses the method of juridical normative study using secondary data is data obtained from literature. Tipology of research is descriptive analytic. Based on research, writer has a conclusion that court s verdict does not retrosprective for a child that were born in a marriage. The decision to annul the marriage has no effect on the child s legal standing. The Legitimate child, in particullarly should be a heir ab intestato and automatically have a civil relationship with their mother and mother s family and a man as biological father Keyword Court Verdict, Marital Annulment, Child s Legal Standing, Child s Civil Status "
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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