ABSTRAKDengan diterapkannya kebijakan notifikasi kosmetika di negara ASEAN, maka
produsen bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap mutu dan keamanan produknya. Selain
itu, kosmetika semakin mudah beredar dan konsumen memiliki beragam pilihan
kosmetika. Tanpa pengetahuan yang memadai, konsumen terutama kaum perempuan
masih banyak menggunakan kosmetika yang mengandung bahan berbahaya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kebijakan notifikasi kosmetika dalam
memberikan perlindungan bagi kaum perempuan dari produk kosmetika yang tidak
aman. Penelitian dilakukan dengan survei rumah tangga di 5 wilayah di DKI Jakarta
dengan responden 200 orang kaum perempuan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah kebijakan
notifikasi kosmetika belum sepenuhnya efektif dalam memberikan perlindungan bagi
kaum perempuan dari produk kosmetika yang tidak aman. Masih banyaknya
kosmetika yang tidak memiliki izin edar atau nomor notifikasi, palsu, dan
mengandung bahan yang dilarang menandakan bahwa produsen atau importir
kosmetika belum sepenuhnya bertanggung jawab terhadap mutu dan keamananan
dari kosmetika yang diedarkan.
ABSTRACTDue to the implementation of cosmetic notification policy in ASEAN countries,
cosmetic industries haven been considered to have higher responsibility for both the
quality and safety of their products. In addition to this, cosmetics are easier to be
distributed and consumers have a various option of cosmetics. Without adequate
knowledge, consumers, especially women, remain to use cosmetics that contain
hazardous substances. This study aims to analyze the cosmetic notification policy
under ASEAN to protect women from consuming unsafe cosmetics. This study
conducted with field survey of households in five areas in Jakarta with 200 women
respondents. The result shows that cosmetic notification policy has not been fully
effective in giving protection for women from unsafe cosmetics. Moreover, many
cosmetics which have been distributed, have no registration or notification number,
counterfeiting, containing hazardous materials indicated that the manufacturers or
importers of cosmetics do not reflecting responsibility of the quality and safety of
those products, Due to the implementation of cosmetic notification policy in ASEAN countries,
cosmetic industries haven been considered to have higher responsibility for both the
quality and safety of their products. In addition to this, cosmetics are easier to be
distributed and consumers have a various option of cosmetics. Without adequate
knowledge, consumers, especially women, remain to use cosmetics that contain
hazardous substances. This study aims to analyze the cosmetic notification policy
under ASEAN to protect women from consuming unsafe cosmetics. This study
conducted with field survey of households in five areas in Jakarta with 200 women
respondents. The result shows that cosmetic notification policy has not been fully
effective in giving protection for women from unsafe cosmetics. Moreover, many
cosmetics which have been distributed, have no registration or notification number,
counterfeiting, containing hazardous materials indicated that the manufacturers or
importers of cosmetics do not reflecting responsibility of the quality and safety of
those products]"