Youth shoppers merupakan kelompok umur yang terus berkembang sehingga menjadikan kelompok umur ini sebuah segmen yang sangat berarti di pasar. Ditambah lagi jumlah mall sebagai tempat berbelanja yang semakin hari kian bertambah di kota Jakarta, sering dijadikan tempat untuk bersosialisasi dan aktualisasi diri dari youth shoppers. Studi ini membagi youth shoppers menjadi segmen-segmen yang dibedakan atas karakteristik berdasarkan tinggi rendahnya tingkat self-esteem, extraversion, dan interpersonal communication. Sehingga terbentuk grup segmen unik yaitu, Social Butterfly, Confident Techies, dan Self-Contained Shoppers. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menguji perbedaan antara ketiga grup segmen tersebut atas shopping motives, preferensi store attribute yang mereka anggap penting, dan shopping enjoyment, sehingga pihak manajemen dapat memberikan treatment yang berbeda dalam hal kegiatan pemasarannya pada masing-masing grup segmen. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa terdapat beberapa dimensi yang paling mempengaruhi shopping enjoyment, dimensi tersebut ialah anticipated utilty (β=0,396), enhancement (β=0,170), dan price orientation (β=0,158) secara berturut-turut menjelaskan shopping enjoyment pada youth shoppers. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis K-Means Cluster, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, dan regresi berganda dengan Stepwise Method.
;The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method.
, The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method.
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015