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Treben, Maria
"Much sought-after personal advice on the use of medicinal herbs from Europe's most popular herbalist. Comprehensive and infomative, this time-honored herbal remedies have been shown to cure even some so-called "incureable" diseases. The book about herbs, which was first published in 1980, has become a phenomenal success. So far, the Publisher Ennsthaler Verlag has sold over nine million copies of the book which has become a classic among health guides and has been translated into 27 languages. It gives a detailed description of 31 herbs, ranging from agrimony to yarrow. The author explains how to prepare teas, tinctures, body pastes, baths and juices. These herbs are native plants, such as yarrow or ribworth that grow in meadows and woodlands, and are very robust. The enormous success of Maria Treben ist most likely based on the fact that she has restored an ancient knowledge that had already largely been forgotten."
Austria: Ennsthaler Steyr, 2009
615.321 TRE h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratri Wahyu Mulyani
"Usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh aparat penegak hukum belum berhasil memberantas peredaran jamu berbahan Kimia Obat (BKO). Salah satu penyebabnya adalah penindakan yang bersifat reaktif sporadis, membuka kesempatan pelanggar hukum untuk beradaptasi dan terus berinovasi dalam melaksanakan modus operandinya demi menghindari tekanan dari penegak hukum. Untuk mengatasi hal ini diperlukan kewaspadaan nasional terhadap ancaman peredaran jamu BKO sebagai dasar penyusunan dan pelaksanaan suatu sistem peringatan dini. Yaitu serangkaian teknologi, kebijakan dan prosedur yang disusun khusus untuk pemprediksi dan memitigasi dampak peredaran jamu BKO. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode collection and analysis dalam pengolahan data. Teknik triangulasi digunakan untuk memastikan validitas data baik primer maupun sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelibatan komponen intelijen negara dan partisipasi aktif masyarakat menjadi hal yang mutlak dibutuhkan demi keberhasilan sistem peringatan dini atau early warning terkait peredaran jamu BKO. Badan intelijen negara selaku coordinator dari seluruh intelijen yang ada di instansi negara wajib menjalankan fungsi sebagai komite intelijen pusat (kominpus). Dalam satu system yang dibangun seharusnya Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) seharusnya didapat kerjasama kontrol antar lembaga yaitu BPOM, BIN, Bea dan Cukai, Kepolisian dan masyarakat. Early warning system menghadirkan 4 komponen utama sistem peringatan dini yaitu pengetahuan resiko, layanan pemantauan dan peringatan, diseminasi dan komunikasi serta kemampuan respons. Saran untuk melakukan pemberantasan dan pencegahan peredaran jamu BKO adalah melakukan studi untuk menilai potensi kerugian negara akibat peredaran BKO. Hasil studi tersebut dijadikan dasar untuk membangun kewaspadaan nasional dan ditindak lanjuti dengan penyusunan sistem peringatan dini yang melibatkan berbagai instansi terkait dan dukungan masyarakat.

Efforts by law enforcement officers have not succeeded in eradicating the circulation of medicinal chemicals-contained herbal medicine or also known as Jamu Berbahan Kimia Obat (BKO). One of the causes is sporadic reactive action, which gives opportunities for law offenders to adapt and continue to innovate in carrying out their operational mode to avoid pressure from law enforcement. In order to overcome this issue, national awareness as an early warning system regarding the threat of BKO herbal medicine distribution is required. Such early warning system comprises a series of technologies, policies and procedures devised specifically for predicting and mitigating the impact of BKO herbal medicine circulation. This research uses the qualitative approach with collection and analysis method in data processing. Triangulation techniques are used to ensure the validity of both primary and secondary data. The results showed that the involvement of state intelligence components and the active participation of the community becomes absolutely necessary for the success of early warning system or early warning related to the circulation of BKO herbal medicine. National Intelligence Agencies (BIN) as the coordinator of all intelligences in state institutions must perform the function as central intelligence committee (Kominpus). The one-stop integrated system namely Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) should maintain cooperation between institutions such as BPOM, BIN, Customs and Excise, Police and society. Early warning system presents 4 main components, such as risk knowledge, monitoring and warning service, dissemination and communication, as well as response capability. As a suggestion, in eradicating and preventing the circulation of BKO herbal medicine, a study to assess the potential loss of the state due to the circulation of BKO herbal medicine should be conducted. The results of these studies serve as a basis for building national awareness and are followed up by the preparation of an early warning system involving various relevant agencies and community support."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian
"Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you."
London: Brockhamton Press, 1999
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian

Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak modal intelektual (intellectual capital) terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dari tahun 2014 hingga 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi dan membandingkan model Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) tradisional oleh Pulic (2004) dengan model Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) yang diusulkan oleh Nadeem et al. (2018). Studi ini mengkaji ukuran akuntansi (ROA, ROE, ATO) dan ukuran berbasis pasar (Tobin's Q) untuk menilai pengaruh modal intelektual. Dengan memanfaatkan data dari database Refinitiv dan laporan tahunan, analisis regresi berganda dilakukan pada sekitar 310 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal intelektual secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan, terutama di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi (High-IC). Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) secara konsisten menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan pada semua indikator kinerja keuangan untuk industri High-IC dalam kedua model VAIC dan A-VAIC. Namun, structural capital dan innovation capital juga menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi yang bervariasi di berbagai model dan jenis industri. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya mengelola dan memanfaatkan modal intelektual secara efisien untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang dampak berbeda dari komponen modal intelektual di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi versus rendah.

This research investigates the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2023. It aims to validate and compare the traditional Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) model by Pulic (2004) with the Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) model proposed by Nadeem et al. (2018). The study examines both accounting measures (ROA, ROE, ATO) and market-based measures (Tobin's Q) to assess the influence of intellectual capital. Utilizing data from the Refinitiv database and annual reports, multiple regression analyses were conducted on approximately 310 data points. The results indicate that intellectual capital significantly affects financial performance, particularly in high intellectual capital (High-IC) industries. Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) consistently shows significant influence across all financial performance indicators for High-IC industries in both VAIC and A-VAIC models. However, structural capital and innovation capital display varying levels of significance across different models and industry types. The findings highlight the importance of managing and utilizing intellectual capital efficiently to enhance firm value. The study also provides insights into the differential impacts of intellectual capital components in high versus low intellectual capital industries.

;Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you., Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you.]"
London: Brockhamton Press, 1999
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Thomas, Ian

Penelitian ini menyelidiki dampak modal intelektual (intellectual capital) terhadap kinerja keuangan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dari tahun 2014 hingga 2023. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi dan membandingkan model Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) tradisional oleh Pulic (2004) dengan model Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) yang diusulkan oleh Nadeem et al. (2018). Studi ini mengkaji ukuran akuntansi (ROA, ROE, ATO) dan ukuran berbasis pasar (Tobin's Q) untuk menilai pengaruh modal intelektual. Dengan memanfaatkan data dari database Refinitiv dan laporan tahunan, analisis regresi berganda dilakukan pada sekitar 310 data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modal intelektual secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja keuangan, terutama di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi (High-IC). Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) secara konsisten menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan pada semua indikator kinerja keuangan untuk industri High-IC dalam kedua model VAIC dan A-VAIC. Namun, structural capital dan innovation capital juga menunjukkan tingkat signifikansi yang bervariasi di berbagai model dan jenis industri. Temuan ini menyoroti pentingnya mengelola dan memanfaatkan modal intelektual secara efisien untuk meningkatkan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini juga memberikan wawasan tentang dampak berbeda dari komponen modal intelektual di industri dengan modal intelektual tinggi versus rendah.

This research investigates the impact of intellectual capital on the financial performance of companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2023. It aims to validate and compare the traditional Value-Added Intellectual Capital (VAIC) model by Pulic (2004) with the Adjusted-VAIC (A-VAIC) model proposed by Nadeem et al. (2018). The study examines both accounting measures (ROA, ROE, ATO) and market-based measures (Tobin's Q) to assess the influence of intellectual capital. Utilizing data from the Refinitiv database and annual reports, multiple regression analyses were conducted on approximately 310 data points. The results indicate that intellectual capital significantly affects financial performance, particularly in high intellectual capital (High-IC) industries. Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) consistently shows significant influence across all financial performance indicators for High-IC industries in both VAIC and A-VAIC models. However, structural capital and innovation capital display varying levels of significance across different models and industry types. The findings highlight the importance of managing and utilizing intellectual capital efficiently to enhance firm value. The study also provides insights into the differential impacts of intellectual capital components in high versus low intellectual capital industries.

;Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you., Culpepper Limited was formed in 1927, the aim was to revive the taste for wholesome natural medicines, pure cosmetics, and the use of herbs in cooking', Today Culpepper is the largest herbal specialist in Great Britain and the only herbalist to grow its own herbs. The natural, medicinal and therapeutic properties of herbs and plants have been used by mankind since time began. These practical and interesting guides illustrated with colour drawings contain comprehensive explanatory lists of herbs and how they can benefit you.]"
London: Brockhamton Press, [;1999, 1999]
615.321 THO h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabe Gusmi Aprilla
"Pada tahun 2017 dan 2018, Puskesmas Kecamatan Cakung telah melakukan orientasi asuhan mandiri pemanfaatan TOGA dan akupresur kepada 77 orang kader dari 5 kelurahan yaitu Penggilingan, Pulo Gebang, Jatinegara, Ujung Menteng dan Cakung Barat. Dalam kurun waktu 3-6 bulan selesai orientasi, diharapkan kader membentuk kelompok asuhan mandiri. Namun baru terbentuk satu kelompok asuhan mandiri yaitu di Kelurahan Penggilingan, sehingga peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisa hubungan faktor demografi dan motivasi kader asuhan mandiri dengan partisipasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan mengisi kuisioner dan observasi dokumen. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif non eksperimen dengan desain cross sectional. Hasil penelitian diperoleh sebagian besar kader asuhan mandiri berstatus ibu rumah tangga, menikah, berusia > 46 tahun, berpendidikan menengah, pendapatan < UMP DKI dan lama kerja < 5 tahun. Sebagian besar motivasi rendah 39 orang (60%) dan sisanya motivasi tinggi 26 orang (40%) dan partisipasi rendah 33 orang (50,8%) dan sisanya partisipasi tinggi 32 orang (49,2%). Faktor lama kerja kader asuhan mandiri > 5 tahun dapat meningkatkan 4 kali partisipasi, sedangkan penghargaan meningkatkan 0,1 kali. Kesimpulan: lama kerja > 5 tahun dan penghargaan meningkatkan partisipasi kader asuhan mandiri. Saran: perlu bantuan bibit tanaman obat tradisional, pelatihan berjenjang dan berkala, pembinaan berkala, studi banding, penilaian kelompok asuhan mandiri dan family gathering untuk meningkatkan motivasi kader asuhan mandiri.

In 2017 and 2018, the Cakung Community Health Center has given self care orientation using the herbal garden and acupressure for 77 cadres from 5 sub-district namely Penggilingan, Pulo Gebang, Jatinegara, Ujung Menteng and West Cakung. Within 3-6 months of orientation, community health worker are expected to form self care groups. However, only one self care group was formed, namely in the Penggilingan sub-district, so the researchers were interested in analyzing the relationship between demographic factors and motivation of self care community health worker and their participation. This study uses primary data by filling out questionnaires and observing documents. The research design used a non-experimental quantitative approach with a cross sectional design. The results showed that most of them were housewives, married, > 46 years old, middle school education, income < minimum wage DKI and length of work < 5 years. Most of the low motivation 39 people (60%) and the remaining high motivation 26 people (40%) and low participation 33 people (50.8%) and the remaining high participation 32 people (49.2%). The length of work factor > 5 years increased participation 4 times, while the reward motivation increased 0.1 times. Conclusions : length of work and rewards for increasing participation. Suggestions : need for seed herbal plant, training, supervision, study tours, competitions the self care group and family gatherings to increase motivation for self care community health worker."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kane, Charles W.
Australia: Lincoln Town Press, 2009
615.321 KAN h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Duke, James A
"Presents alphabetically arranged profiles of more than 180 herbs used to treat diseases and ailments, describing their therapeutic uses, medicinal properties, effectiveness, prescription counterparts, dosage options, safety ratings, and precautions; also includes an index of herbs alphabetically arranged by the symptoms they treat"
New York: Rodale Reach, 2000
615.321 DUK g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Elsevier, 2005
615.321 RES
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dedi Junaedi
"Pemakaian obat herbal dimasyarakat diiringi dengan berkembangnya industri obat tradisional. Khusus untuk Industri Kecil Obat Tradisional (IKOT) setiap tahun pertumbuhannya semakin meningkat. IKOT turut berkontribusi sebesar 20% dari omset nasional produk herbal. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi oleh IKOT adalah ketersediaan bahan baku dan kualitas produksi yang belum terstandar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan bahan baku untuk produk IKOT dan kontribusi dari kualitas produk IKOT terhadap pemakaian produk herbal masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dan wawancara kepada 4 IKOT di kota Depok dan responden yang menggunakan produk herbal sebanyak 84 orang. Berdasarkan analisa hasil penelitian diperoleh Y = 0,549 X atau pemakaian produk = 0,549 kualitas produk. Artinya apabila kualitas produk ditingkatkan satu kali maka pemakaian produk akan meningkat 1/0,549 atau sekitar dua kali. Kualitas produk berkaitan secara bermakna dengan kualitas bahan baku herbal. Kontinuitas produksi di IKOT tergantung pada bahan baku yang berasal dari bukan hasil budidaya. Kemitraan dengan petani penyedia bahan baku melalui pola penanaman sistem Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). Pembinaan petani diarahkan pada cara budidaya, pengelolaan panen dan pasca panen serta cara penyimpanan bahan baku yang sesuai dengan Cara Pembuatan Obat Tradisional yang Baik (CPOTB). Kerjasama dengan pihak perguruan tinggi dalam hal pengujian bahan baku herbal harus dilakukan oleh IKOT agar kualitas bahan terstandar.

The use of herbs remedies in industrial growth accompanied by traditional medicine. Specifically for Small traditional medicine Industry (IKOT) increasing its growth each year. IKOT contribute 20% of the national turnover of herbs products. The main problems faced by IKOT is the availability of raw materials and production quality that has not been standardized. This research aims to analyze the availability of raw materials for the product and IKOT contributions from IKOT product quality to the use of herbs products community. The method used was a survey and interviews to 4 IKOT in Depok and respondents who use herbs products as much as 84 people. Based on an analysis of the research results obtained Y = 0.549 X or product usage = 0.549 product quality. It means that, when the quality of products improved once and then use the product to rise 1/0.549 or about twice. The quality of the product concerned significantly to the quality of raw herbs. Continuity of production at IKOT depending on the raw material comes from is not the result of cultivation. Partnership with farmers providing raw materials through a system of planting pattern of Good Agriculture Practice (GAP). The construction of the farmers directed at how the cultivation, harvest and post harvest management and storage of the raw materials according to the way of making a good traditional medicine (CPOTB). Cooperation with the College in terms of raw herbs material testing must be carried out by the quality of the ingredients, standardized so that the IKOT."
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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