"Nilai profesional adalah ciri penting dari profesi keperawatan dan sebagai acuan dalam berperilaku dan bertindak. Terdapat tujuh dari sepuluh mahasiswa profesi di Jawa Timur yang mengatakan sulit beradaptasi dengan program profesi diduga menjadi salah satu masalah dalam penerapan nilai profesional di lingkungan praktik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi gambaran nilai profesional mahasiswa profesi pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di daerah Jawa Timur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif menggunakan kuesioner NPVS3-I (Nurses Professional Values Scale-3: Indonesian Version) dengan teknik simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan 195 orang sebagai sampel mahasiswa profesi semester dua. Penelitian menghasilkan bahwa responden memiliki rerata usia 22,37 tahun, berjenis kelamin perempuan 82,6%, berpendidikan terakhir SMA/SMK/Ma sederajat 76,9%, dan berasal dari PTN di daerah Surabaya 55,9%. Mahasiswa profesi memiliki nilai profesional baik 56,4%, caring baik 58,5%, activism baik 52,3%, dan profesionalism baik sebanyak 54,4%. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah nilai profesional dan faktor-faktornya (caring, activism, dan profesionalism) dari mahasiswa profesi di perguruan tinggi negeri di daerah Jawa Timur cenderung baik utamanya pada jenis kelamin perempuan, pendidikan terakhir SMA/SMK/Ma sederajat, dan dari PTN di daerah Surabaya. Rekomendasi peneliti adalah perlu adanya pengembangan nilai profesional bukan hanya fokus dalam akademik, melainkan juga melalui pelatihan langsung di lahan praktik.
Professional values are an important characteristic of the nursing profession and as a reference in behavior and action. There are seven out of ten professional students in East Java who say it is difficult to adapt to the professional program is thought to be one of the problems in the application of professional values in the practice environment. This study aims to identify the description of professional values of professional students at state universities in East Java. The method used in this research was descriptive using the NPVS3-I (Nurses Professional Values Scale-3: Indonesian Version) questionnaire with simple random sampling technique. This study used 195 people as a sample of second semester professional students. The study found that the respondents had an average age of 22.37 years, 82.6% were female, 76.9% had a senior high school education, and 55.9% came from public universities in Surabaya. Professional students have good professional values 56.4%, good caring 58.5%, good activism 52.3%, and good professionalism as much as 54.4%. The conclusion in this study is that professional values and their factors (caring, activism, and professionalism) of professional students in public universities in East Java tend to be good, especially in female gender, the last education of SMA / SMK / MA equivalent, and from state universities in the Surabaya area. The researcher's recommendation is that there is a need to develop professional values not only in academics, but also through direct training in practice."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2024