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Mutiara Tri Sutriswo
"Lumpur merupakan produk sampingan utama yang dihasilkan dari proses pengolahan air limbah. Di Indonesia, seringkali lumpur yang dihasilkan belum terolah secara maksimal dan hanya berakhir di TPA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengolah lumpur aktif IPAL domestik (WAS) guna mengetahui potensi energi dari biogas yang dihasilkan melalui proses anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion (AD) merupakan teknologi pengolahan lumpur yang terbukti efektif untuk pemulihan sumberdaya dan konversi limbah menjadi energi. Eksperimen ini dilakukan menggunakan substrat lumpur IPAL Setiabudi dan inokulum digestat sampah makanan dengan rasio 1:1 (berdasarkan VS). Reaktor yang digunakan merupakan reaktor batch sederhana dan proses berlangsung selama lebih dari 20 hari. Pengujian karakterisasi dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah proses AD untuk parameter pH, COD, TS dan VS, rasio C/N, serta biogas (CH4 dan CO2). Dalam penelitian ini, biogas yang dihasilkan sebanyak 31 ± 2,43 mL CH4/gVS, dengan komposisi biogas yang diukur menggunakan gas chromatography menunjukkan konsentrasi metana sebesar 69,06 ± 1,4%. Sementara itu, nilai energi yang dihasilkan oleh lumpur IPAL tergolong rendah bila dibandingkan dengan gas alam, yaitu sebesar ±0,00224 kWh per m3. Meskipun demikian, hasil ini masih layak untuk diimplementasikan serta diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut menggunakan rasio S:I yang variatif, penggunaan ko-substrat hingga pre-treatment untuk meningkatkan potensi energi yang dimiliki oleh WAS.

Sludge is a major byproduct generated from the wastewater treatment process. In Indonesia, the sludge produced often remains inadequately treated and ends up in landfills. This study aims to treat domestic wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) activated sludge (WAS) to determine the energy potential of the biogas produced through the anaerobic digestion process. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a proven sludge treatment technology for resource recovery and waste-to-energy conversion. This experiment was conducted using sludge from Setiabudi WWTP and food waste digestate inoculum of ratio 1:1 (VS-based). The reactor used was a simple batch reactor and the process was carried out for over 20 days. Characterization tests were performed before and after the AD process for parameters such as pH, COD, TS and VS, C/N ratio, and biogas (CH4 and CO2). In this study, the biogas produced amounted to 31 ± 2.43 mL CH4/gVS, with the biogas composition measured using gas chromatography showing a methane concentration of 69.06 ± 1.4%. Meanwhile, the energy value generated by the WAS was relatively low compared to natural gas, at ±0.00224 kWh per m3. Despite that, these results are still feasible for implementation and further research is needed using varied S:I ratios, co-substrate and pretreatment methods to enhance the energy potential of WAS."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A continuous pilot scale the study has been conducted to investigate the effectiveness of anaerobic digestion of biological sludge. The sludge has a total solid content of 0.53 % - 1.1 %, pH of 7.20 to 7.32. Its organic content is about 97%, the research were conducted in two stages, which are acidification (performed in 3 m3 the continously stirred tank reactor/CSTR at pH of 5.5 to 6.0) and methanation (performed in 5 m3 the up flow anaerobic sludge blanket/UASB reactor at pH 6.5 to 7.0). The retention time (RT) was gradually shortened form 6 days to 1 day for acidification and from 8 days 2 days for methanation. The result showed that operating the CSTR at the RT of 1 day and the organic loading of 8.23 g volatile solid (VS)/m3. Day could produce biogas at an average value of 66.3 L/day, with an average methane content of 69.9%, methane rate of 0.17 L CH/g COD reduction or 19.06 L CH4/kg VS. Furthermore, methanation could reduce COD at an average value of 51.2%, resulting in the effluent average value of COD filtrate and COD total of 210.1 mg/L and 375.2 mg/L, respectively"
JS 4:2 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwica Wulandari
Industri pulp dan kertas merupakan industri dengan tingkat pencemaran yang tinggi terkait kuantitas limbah lumpur yang dihasilkan (0,1 m3/ton produk). Untuk stabilisasi limbah lumpur tersebut bersamaan dengan produksi biogas, metode yang dapat digunakan adalah metode digestasi anaerobik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti produksi biogas dari limbah lumpur kertas dengan pemeriksaan kandungan chemical oxygen demands (COD), padatan volatil, volatile fatty acid (VFA) selama proses digestasi anaerobik berlangsung dengan menggunakan dua reaktor anaerobik skala laboratorium dengan volume 15 L pada kondisi mesopilik (30°C). Reaktor pertama menggunakan lumpur kertas sebagai susbtrat tunggal sedangkan reaktor kedua menggunakan campuran kotoran sapi sebagai ko-substrat untuk mencapai nilai C/N yang optimum serta mengetahui pengaruh penambahan ko-susbtrat pada proses produksi biogas. Proses dilakukan pada kondisi batch dengan kandungan total padatan 20% untuk kedua reaktor. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan potensi produksi biogas dari proses digestasi anaerobik untuk lumpur kertas sebesar 31 ml biogas/ g VS selama 28 hari sedangkan campuran lumpur kertas dan kotoran sapi memperlihatkan hasil potensi produksi biogas 470 ml biogas/gVS selama 45 hari. Potensi gas metan dari limbah lumpur kertas sebesar 15 ml CH4/g VS dengan konsentrasi maksimum gas metan sebesar 58 % sedangkan untuk campuran limbah lumpur kertas dan kotoran sapi 380 ml CH4/g VS dengan konsentrasi gas metan maksimum sebesar 84% dan konsentrasi rata-rata gas metan selama proses adalah 50%. Konstanta hidrolisis proses digestasi anaerobik lumpur kertas dan campuran lumpur kotoran sapi adalah 0,18 dan 0,22.

Pulp and paper industry is one of the most polluted in the world because the large quantities of paper sludge (0,1 m3/ton product). Anaerobic digestion process is a potential succesful treatment to stabilize sludge in and produce biogas to be renewable energy. The aims of this study were to investigate the biogas production dan digestate potential of paper sludge based on biogas production while monitoring chemical oxygen (COD),volatile solids, volatile fatty acid (VFA) of sludge digestion. In pilot-scale experiments, paper sludge decomposed under meshophilic condition (30C). Anaerobic digestion monitoring process conducted using 2 lab-scale reactor ( 15 L) under mesophilic digestion. Paper Sludgee was used to feed first reactor (R1) meanwhile second reactor (R2) contains paper sludge and cow manure. Pilot test were performed in batch conditions with 20% total solid content of the input material. pH meter and termometer were installed in reactor for daily monitoring and impeller (80rpm) for continuous mixing. The results shown biogas production by anaerobic digestion process of paper sludge and cow manure higher (470 ml biogas/ gVS) for 28 days than paper sludge as single substrate (31 ml biogas/g VS for 45 days). Methane potential from paper sludge attained to 15 ml CH4/g VS and 380 ml CH4/g VS with maximum concentration 58% and 84%, meanwhile average methane concentration for both substrates reached to 50%. Hydrolysis constants (khyd) were higher for paper sludge than for either of the mixing of paper sludge and cow manure : 0,18 > 0,03. "
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Francine Ajeng Krisita
SIKIPAS dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan energi dan mengelola
sampah, tetapi gas metan yang dihasilkan belum sesuai perencanaan awal. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi penyebab belum terpenuhinya jumlah metan
yang direncanakan dan menganalisis pengaruh waktu tinggal lindi dan kualitas
feedstock terhadap produksi metan. Metode evaluasi menggunakan Kajian
Kelayakan 6 Komponen Teknis dan Non Teknis terkait AD. Lebih jauh, simulasi
skala lab dengan 3 variabel reaktor masing-masing menggunakan 5 hidrolisis dan
1 digester berkapasitas 2L dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi komponen teknis
berdasarkan cara kerja dan proses pada AD. Dari 6 komponen evaluasi terdapat 3
komponen yang bernilai negatif, yaitu ekonomi, institusional dan hukum. Hasil
simulasi menunjukkan kualitas feedstock berupa pH lindi >8, rasio C/N =7:1,
perbedaan suhu harian >10ºC dan COD 2.448 mg/L yang semuanya tidak
memenuhi syarat pembentukan metan. SIKIPAS belum menghasilkan gas metan
disebabkan tidak dijalankannya faktor teknis sesuai SOP dan belum optimalnya
pengelolaan komponen ekonomi, institusional dan hukum

SIKIPAS is built to meet energy needs and waste managing, but the
methane generation not yet appropriate the initial plans. The aim of this research
are to evaluate the cause of methane unfulfilled and to analyze the effect of
leachate retention time and feedstock quality to methane production. The
evaluation using Feasibility Study of 6 Components Technical and Non-Technical
Related to AD. Further, the laboratory scale simulation using 3 variable each in 5
hydrolysis and 1 digester tank (2L/tank) to evaluate technical component based on
AD working procedure and process. The findings is there is 3 evaluation
components are negative, ie economic, institutional and legal. The simulation
result show the feedstock quality form leachate pH>8, C/N ratio=7:1, daily
temperature differences >10 ºC and COD = 2.448 mg/L which were not eligible to
methane formation. SIKIPAS not yet produce methane due to unexecuted
technical factors according to SOP and yet optimal management of the economic,
istitutional and law components."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ukhtiy Afifah
"Pengelolaan limbah lumpur tinja yang sangat terbatas dapat ditingkatkan dengan memanfaatkannya menjadi biogas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan potensi biogas pada lumpur tinja dengan menambahkan sampah makanan dan sampah taman. Sistem yang digunakan berupa Anaerobic Co-digestion dengan variasi konsentrasi lumpur tinja, yaitu sebesar 25% dan 50% berdasarkan nilai Volatile Solids (VS). Inokulum yang digunakan adalah rumen sapi. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan reaktor batch skala lab berukuran 51 L dengan masa operasi selama 42 hari. Biogas yang dihasilkan pada konsentrasi lumpur tinja sebesar 25% adalah 0,30 m3CH4/kg VS dengan destruksi VS sebesar 71,93% dan COD sebesar 72,42%. Sedangkan, biogas yang dihasilkan pada konsentrasi lumpur tinja sebesar 50% adalah 0,56 m3CH4/kg VS dengan destruksi VS sebesar 92,43% dan COD sebesar 87,55%. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa potensi biogas pada konsentrasi lumpur tinja sebesar 50% lebih besar dibandingkan pada konsentrasi lumpur tinja sebesar 25%.

Faecal sludge management can be optimized by converting the sludge into biogas. The purpose of this study is to optimize the biogas potential of faecal sludge with food waste and garden waste. The system use Anaerobic Co-digestion with variation of 25% and 50% concentration of faecal sludge based on Volatile Solids (VS). Inoculum used was cow?s rumen. The study was operated using lab-scale batch reactor 51 L for 42 days. Biogas produced from 25% concentration of faecal sludge is 0,30 m3CH4/kg with 71,93% VS and 72,42% COD destruction. Meanwhile, 50% concentration of faecal sludge produced 0,56 m3CH4/kg VS biogas with 92,43% VS and 87,55% COD destruction. This study concludes that biogas potential from 50% concentration of faecal sludge is greater than 25% concentration of faecal sludge."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Irpan Sejati Tassakka
Dry Anaerobic Digestion (AD) dapat menjadi salah satu solusi pengolahan sampah organik Universitas Indonesia (UI) dengan menggunakan pengomposan yang masih kurang efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah
menentukan kesesuaian substrat campuran sampah organik dan feses sapi dengan perbandingan 9:1 (m/m) dan Organic Loading Rate (OLR) 8-14 kgVS/m3hari optimum dry AD untuk menghasilkan Volatile Solids Destruction (VSD) dan produksi metana tertinggi. Operasional reaktor menggunakan dry AD satu tahap berukuran 500 L dalam kondisi mesofilik selama 134 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa substrat sangat ideal diolah menggunakan dry AD dengan konsentrasi Total Solids (TS) sebesar 23,2-27,1%; konsentrasi Volatile Solids (VS) sebesar 89,7-94,9 %TS; rasio C/N sebesar 18,5-27,3; dan tingkat inhibitor yang rendah. OLR optimum pada penelitian ini adalah 10 kgVS/m3hari yang menghasilkan VSD sebesar 92,2% dapat menjadi solusi reduksi timbulan sampah organik sebesar 179 kg/hari. OLR 10 kgVS/m3hari memproduksi gas metana sebesar 127 LCH4/grVShari yang dapat dikonversi menjadi energi sebesar 14,0 kw/hari. Selain itu, OLR 10 kgVS/m3hari memiliki stabilitas reaktor yang paling stabil diantaranya suhu sebesar 28,7 oC; nilai pH sebesar 6,52; dan konsentrasi amonia sebesar 848 mg/l.

Dry Anaerobic Digestion (AD) is one of solution to organic waste
processing in Universitas Indonesia (UI) by using composting that still less
efficient. The purpose of this study is to determine the suitability of the mix
substrate of organic waste and cow manure with a ratio of 9:1 (m/m) and Organic Loading Rate (OLR) of 8-14 kgVS/m3day optimum dry AD to produce highest Volatile Solids Destruction (VSD) and methane production. Operational reactor using single stage dry AD size of 500L in mesophilic condition for 134 days. The results showed that the ideal substrate processed using dry AD with Total Solids (TS) concentration of 23,2 to 27,1%; Volatile Solids (VS) concentration of 89,7 to 94,9% TS; C/N ratio of 18,5 to 27,3; and low level of inhibitor. OLR optimum in this study was 10 kgVS/m3day that produce VSD of 92,2% can be a solution of reducing organic waste amount of 179 kg/day. OLR 10 kgVS/m3day produce methane gas of 127 LCH4/grVSday can be converted into energy by 14,0 kw/day. In addition, OLR 10 kgVS/m3day had the highest stability reactor such as temperature of 28,7 °C; pH value by 6,52; and ammonia concentration of 848 mg/l."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dini Aryanti
Limbah lumpur yang dihasilkan dari Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Domestik dapat dimanfaatkan melalui pengomposan karena mengandung kandungan organik yang tinggi. Namun, kandungan logam berat pada limbah lumpur dapat menjadi penyebab utama timbulnya dampak negatif pada lingkungan dan kesehatan manusia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis perubahan parameter fisik-kimia, konsentrasi dan spesiasi kimia logam Cu dan Pb pada dua campuran kompos sebagai penilaian kelayakan kedua kompos untuk digunakan sebagai pupu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter suhu, pH, dan rasio C/N pada kedua kompos telah memenuhi kualitas kompos sesuai SNI 19-7030-2004. Konsentrasi logam Cu pada kompos 1 dan kompos 2 berturut-turut adalah 150 mg/kg dan 237 mg/kg, sedangkan konsentrasi logam Pb sebesar 224 mg/kg dan 183 mg/kg. Besar konsentrasi kedua logam pada kedua kompos menghasilkan faktor resiko ekologi yang masuk ke dalam kategori resiko rendah (Er < 40). Selain itu, proses pengomposan pada penelitian ini telah mengurangi efek toksisitas kedua logam. Pada akhir pengomposan, fraksi logam Cu pada kedua kompos dominan pada fraksi organic bound yaitu sebesar 63,50% untuk kompos 1 dan 56,20% untuk kompos 2. Sedangkan logam Pb dominan pada fraksi residual yaitu sebesar 62,10% pada kompos 1 dan 71,50% pada kompos 2. Kedua fraksi ini merupakan fraksi stabil sehingga keberadaan logam Cu dan Pb tidak memberikan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan jika kedua kompos diaplikasikan ke tanah.

Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.;Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil., Sewage sludge generated from Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) can be reused by composting because it contains a high organic content. However, the content of heavy metals in sewage sludge can be a major cause negative impacts on the environment and human health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the physical-chemical parameters, concentration and chemical speciation of Cu and Pb in two compost mixtures as an assessment of the feasibility of both composts to be used as fertilizer. The result showed that the parameters of temperature, pH, and C/N ratio in both compost met the standard quality of compost according to SNI 19-7030-2004. Concentration of Cu in compost 1 and compost 2 were 150 mg/kg and 237 mg/kg respectively, while the concentration of Pb were 224 mg/kg and 183 mg/kg respectively. The concentration of both metals in two composts resulted Ecological Risk factor (Er) that go into a low risk category (Er < 40). In addition, the composting process in this study reduced the toxicity effect of two metals. At the end of composting, fractions of Cu in two composts were dominant in organic bound fraction in amount of 63.50% for compost 1 and 56.20% for compost 2. While Pb were dominant in the residual fraction that is equal to 62.10% for compost 1 and 71.50% for compost 2. These fractions are the stable fracion so that the existence of Cu and Pb in two compost do not give negative impact to the environment if two composts will be applied to soil.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fauzy Ade Priyatna
"Permasalahan sampah organik dapat diselesaikan dengan beberapa metode misalnya menggunakan bantuan BSFL. Namun, residu dari proses tersebut masih memiliki potensi untuk diolah menggunakan anaerobic digestion. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi substrat residu BSFL dengan tambahan residu cair dan sampah organik menggunakan proses anaerobic digestion. Campuran substrat menghasilkan 4 opsi operasional yaitu opsi A1 (residu cair:residu BSFL=2:1), opsi B1 dan opsi B2 (sampah organik:residu cair:residu BSFL=0,6:2:1), serta opsi C2 (sampah organik:residu cair:residu BSFL=1:2:1). Analisis dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi dari opsi yang ada terhadap proses anaerobic digestion berdasarkan tingkat efisiensi reduksi TS, VSD, dan reduksi COD. Operasional penelitian dilakukan pada 2 jenis reaktor berukuran 1.000 L (reaktor 1) selama 68 hari dan 51 L (reaktor 2) selama 25 hari dalam kondisi mesofilik. Reaktor 1 digunakan terhadap operasional opsi A1 dan opsi B1, sedangkan reaktor 2 digunakan terhadap operasional opsi B2 dan opsi C2. Parameter yang diuji selama operasional anaerobic digestion adalah TS, VS, C, N, COD, SCOD, VFA, alkalinitas, dan produksi biogas. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa opsi A1 (p<0,05) memiliki potensi pengolahan anaerobic digestion paling optimal dengan efisiensi reduksi TS, VSD, dan reduksi COD sebesar 84,4%, 54,2%, dan 66,3%. Opsi A1 menghasilkan biogas sebesar 0,63-3,32 L/kgVS dengan produksi metana 0,18-0,48 L/kgVS.

The problem of organic waste can be solved by several methods such as using BSFL. However, the residue generated from BSFL processing has the potential to be treated by anaerobic digestion. This study is aimed to analyze the potential of BSFL residue as substrate with additional liquid resiude and organic waste for anaerobic digestion processing. The ratio of substrate consisted of 4 operational option, i.e. option A (liquid residue:BSFL residue=2:1), option B1 & option B2 (organic waste:liquid residue:BSFL residue=0,6:2:1), and option C2 (organic waste:liquid residue:BSFL residue=1:2:1). The analysis was conducted to determine the optimal ratio of the substrate for anaerobic digestion based on the efficiency of TS reduction, VSD, and COD reduction. This study was carried out with two reactors with the capacity of 1.000 L (reactor 1) for 68 days and 51 L (reactor 2) for 25 days, respectively in mesophilic conditions. Reactor 1 is used to the options A1 and B1. Reactor 2 is used to the options B2 and C2. The parameters observed in operational of anaerobic digestion process are TS, VS, C, N, COD, SCOD, VFA, alkalinity, dan biogas production. The results showed that option A1 (p<0,05) was the most optimum ratio for AD process with the efficiency of TS reduction, VSD, and COD reduction of 84,4%, 54,2%, and 66,3%, respectively. This ratio also produced biogas volume and methane concentration of 0,63-3,32 L/kgVS and 0,18-0,48 L/kgVS, respectively."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Romaita Ardzillah
"Minimnya informasi terkait waktu tinggal substrat di dalam digester untuk menghasilkan gas yang optimum menjadikan salah satu permasalahan dalam pengoperasian digester anaerobik, sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian terkait waktu tinggal. Penelitian terhadap waktu tinggal ini dilakukan dalam reaktor berukuran 51 L dengan sistem batch selama 40 hari dengan perbandingan substrat lumpur tinja:sampah makanan:sampah kebun adalah 1:1:1 dan dilakukan pengecekan karakteristik awal substrat setelah pencampuran.
Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa C/N substrat adalah 12,5 dengan TS sebesar 1,25%. Biogas maksimum yang dihasilkan terjadi pada waktu tinggal 40 hari yaitu sebanyak 127,13 L per kg VS dengan persentase metan sebesar 37,4% dan persentase penghilangan COD sebesar 73,5%. Namun, pada penelitian ini belum dapat menentukan waktu tinggal optimum dikarenakan belum adanya fluktuasi dari produksi gas.

The lack of information regarding the substrate residence time in the digester to produce optimum gas has affected to an appearance of certain problems in the operation of an anaerobic digester, so it is necessary to study related residence time. Research on the residence time in the reactor was done by measuring 51 L in a batch system for 40 days with a ratio of substrates, fecal sludge:food waste:garden waste is 1: 1: 1 and checking the initial characteristics of the substrate after mixing.
Based on the research, it showed that the C/N substrate is 12,5 with 1,25% TS. Biogas produced maximum occur at the time of stay of 40 days was as much as 127,13 per kg VS L with a percentage of 37,4% methane and COD removal percentage of 73,5%. However, this study have not been able to determine the optimum detention time fluctuations due to the lack of gas production.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rochani Nani Rahayu
Industri mempunyai pengaruh terhadap lingkungan, karena mengubah sumber alam menjadi produk baru, sekaligus menghasilkan limbah, yang apabila limbah tersebut dibiarkan dapat mencemari lingkungan.
Industri tahu merupakan industri kecil, yang jarang dilengkapi dengan unit pengolah limbah. Limbah cair yang dihasilkan oleh industri ini berjumlah cukup besar, dan berpotensi untuk mencemari lingkungan. Hal ini disebabkan karakteristik limbah mempunyai kadar tinggi, misalnya COD 4000 - 8000 mg/l, BOD 2000-4000 mg/1, padatan tersuspensi 500-2000 mg/l. Di samping itu, mempunyai pFi rendah, yaitu 3-5. Pada umumnya limbah cair ini langsung dibuang ke badan air penerima, misalnya empang, atau sungai, akibatnya kualitas badan air tersebut menurun.
Oleh sebab itu, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Salah satunya adalah melalui penelitian pengolahan limbah, guna memperoleh inbrmasi yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam upaya mengatasi masalah tersebut.
Penelitian yang telah dilakukan ialah mengenai pengolahan limbah cair pabrik tahu secara anaerob menggunakan reaktor UASB berbentuk tabung dengan masukan influen dari bawah, dan keluaran efluen dari bagian alas.
Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat efisiensi reaktor, melalui penganekaragaman waktu tinggal dalam reaktor (Hydraulic Retention Time =HRT), yaitu berturut 12, 6, dan 4 jam.
Efisiensi reaktor diamati melalui tingkat penurunan COD, padatan tersuspensi, padatan volatil, dan BOD. Selain itu diamati pula perilaku pH, suhu, dan alkalinitas selama proses. Kondisi operasi yang diberlakukan pada proses ini ialah pada pH 7-7,5; suhu kamar, dan alkalinitas 2000 - 3000 mg CaCO311.
Percobaan dilakukan di dalam reaktor UASB yang terbuat dari gelas, dengan ukuran volume 13,51 diameter 10 cm, dan tinggi 150 cm. Reaktor dilengkapi dengan pampa yang mempunyai head 6m guna memasukkan umpan ke dalamnya. Percobaan secara sinambung, sampai diperoleh keadaan stabil, yaitu tercapainya tingkat penyisihan COD yang relatif tetap.
Hasil dan kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah:
1. Pengamatan perilaku COD, pH, alkalinitas, padatan tersuspensi, dan padatan volatil, menunjukkan pola yang sama, yaitu bentuk logaritmik Y= k+abX, sedangkan perilaku suhu Y= a+bX.
2. Hasil yang dicapai pada pengolahan dengan HRT 12, 6, dan 4 jam berturutturut adalah penurunan COD = 60%, 51%, dan 30%; BOD = 59%, 48%, dan 29%; padatan tersuspensi = 30%, 29%, dan 26%; padatanvolatil = 50%, 46%, dan 28%; sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa efisiensi tertinggi dicapai pada pengolahan dengan HRT 12 jam, jadi semakin kecil HRT, efisiensi yang diperoleh semakin rendah.
3. Dan hasil efisiensi tersebut disimpulkan bahwa efluen yang diperoleh belum memenuhi syarat baku mutu limbah cair sesuai dengan SKGub.KDKI 5821 1995. Oleh karena itu, reaktor UASB yang diteliti tidak dapat digunakan sebagai unit tunggal pengolah limbah cair pabrik tahu, melainkan hams dilengkapi dengan unit pendukung seperti unit fsika kimia atau menggunakan reaktor UASB lebih dari satu.;Tofu Wastewater Treatment Using Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) ReactorIndustries influence our environment by converting natural resources, and at the same time creating wastes as its by product. These wastes when left without proper treatment may damage our environment.

This is because of the characteristic of' the waste stream that contain high COD level 4000-8000 mg/1,BOD level 2000-4000 mg/I, Suspended Solid 500- mg 1, as well as pH level 3-5. Frequently, this waste stream flow to receiving water without proper treatment, thus lowering water quality in our river. Control measures to overcome this problem is therefore necessary. One way to provide rim with good control measure is research in wastewater treatment technology.
This research is concerned with the treatment of wastewater from tofu industry in UASB reactor (column reactor in which the wastewater enters the reactor at the bottom and then flows in upward direction to the effluent). The overall aim is to investigate removal efficiency in various HRT (Hydraulic Retention Time), namely 12, 6, and 4 hours.
Removal efficiency is measured in terms of COD removal, Suspended Solid removal, Volatile Solid removal, and BOD removal. In addition, observation on the fluctuation of pH level, temperature, and alkalinity are also carried out during the process. Operating condition is set in pH level 7-7.5; normal room temperature; and alkalinity in the range of 2000-3000 mg CaCOil. Wastewater is taken from tofu factory in Kukusan Village (Depok). Paunch manure taken from Cakung Slaugther House is used as bacterial seed. UASB reactor used in this test is made of glass with 13.5 1 in volume, 10 cm in diameter, 150 cm in height. The handy pump with 6 m head are employed to feed the reactor. The reactor operates continuosly until it reaches steady state condition that characterized by constant COD removal.
The results are follow:
1. The behaviour of COD, pH, Alkalinity, Suspended Solid, and Volatil Solid can express as Y = k+abX. Temperature behaviour can express as Y = a+bX.
2. Removal efficiency for each HRT can reported as the following:
a. 12 hours retention time result in 60% COD , 59% BOD reduction, 30% Suspended Solid reduction, and 49% Volatil Solid reduction.
b. 6 hours retention time result in 51% COD reduction, 48% BOD reduction, 29% Suspended Solid reduction 46%, and Volatil Solid re
c. 4 hours retention time result in 30% COD reduction, 29%BOD reduction, 26% Suspended Solid reduction, and 28% Volatil Solid reduction. The highest removal efficiency reached by 12 hours HRT
3. From those result, it was concluded that the UASB effluent still above threshold
limit level indicated in SKGUB.KDKI NO:582/1995. For that reason additional physical and chemical treatment units are required, or using more than one reactor.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 1996
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